Example #1
def load_param_into_net(net, parameter_dict):
    Loads parameters into network.

        net (Cell): Cell network.
        parameter_dict (dict): Parameter dict.

        TypeError: Argument is not a Cell, or parameter_dict is not a Parameter dict.
    if not isinstance(net, nn.Cell):
        logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
        msg = ("Argument net should be a Cell, but got {}.".format(type(net)))
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if not isinstance(parameter_dict, dict):
        logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
        msg = ("Argument parameter_dict should be a dict, but got {}.".format(
        raise TypeError(msg)

    logger.info("Execute load parameter into net process.")
    param_not_load = []
    for _, param in net.parameters_and_names():
        if param.name in parameter_dict:
            new_param = parameter_dict[param.name]
            if not isinstance(new_param, Parameter):
                logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
                msg = (
                    "Argument parameter_dict element should be a Parameter, but got {}."
                raise TypeError(msg)
            _update_param(param, new_param)

    if param_not_load:
        _load_dismatch_prefix_params(net, parameter_dict, param_not_load)

    logger.debug("Params not matched(in net but not in parameter_dict):")
    for param_name in param_not_load:
        logger.debug("%s", param_name)

        "Load parameter into net finish, {} parameters has not been loaded.".
Example #2
def _fill_image_summary(tag: str,
    Package the image summary.

        tag (str): Summary tag describe.
        np_value (Type): Summary data type.
        summary_image (Tensor): The tensor of summary.
        input_format (str): Data sort order index. Default: 'NCHW'.

        Summary, return image summary content.
    logger.debug(f"Set({tag}) the image summary value")
    if np_value.ndim != 4 or np_value.shape[1] not in (1, 3):
            f"The value is not Image, tag = {tag}, ndim = {np_value.ndim}, shape={np_value.shape}"
        return False

    if np_value.ndim != len(input_format):
            f"The tensor with dim({np_value.ndim}) can't convert the format({input_format}) because dim not same"
        return False

    # convert the tensor format
    tensor = _convert_image_format(np_value, input_format)

    # convert the tensor dtype
    # Do not assume that user passes in values in [0, 255], use data type to detect
    scale_factor = 1
    if tensor.dtype == np.uint8:
        scale_factor = 1
    elif np.max(tensor) <= 1 and np.min(tensor) >= 0:
        scale_factor = 255
    tensor = tensor.astype(np.float32)
    tensor = (tensor * scale_factor).astype(np.uint8)

    # create the image summary
    height, width, channel, image_string = _make_image(tensor)
    summary_image.height = height
    summary_image.width = width
    summary_image.colorspace = channel
    summary_image.encoded_image = image_string
    return True
Example #3
 def _updata(param):
     if param in replace:
         return replace[param]
     layout = None
     set_sliced = False
     if auto_parallel_mode:
         set_sliced = True
         if param.name not in self.parameter_layout_dict:
             logger.debug("Layout dict does not contain the key %s.",
             layout = self.parameter_layout_dict[param.name]
     new_p = param.init_data(layout, set_sliced=set_sliced)
     replace[param] = new_p
     return new_p
Example #4
    def record(self, step, train_network=None, plugin_filter=None):
        Record the summary.

            step (int): Represents training step number.
            train_network (Cell): The network to call the callback.
            plugin_filter (Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]): The filter function, \
                which is used to filter out plugins from being written by returning False.

            bool, whether the record process is successful or not.

            >>> with SummaryRecord(log_dir="./summary_dir", file_prefix="xxx_", file_suffix="_yyy") as summary_record:
            >>>     summary_record.record(step=2)
        logger.debug("SummaryRecord step is %r.", step)
        if self._closed:
            logger.error("The record writer is closed.")
            return False
        if not isinstance(step, int) or isinstance(step, bool):
            raise ValueError("`step` should be int")
        # Set the current summary of train step
        if self.network is not None and not self.has_graph:
            graph_proto = self.network.get_func_graph_proto()
            if graph_proto is None and train_network is not None:
                graph_proto = train_network.get_func_graph_proto()
            if graph_proto is None:
                logger.error("Failed to get proto for graph")
                self._event_writer.write({'graph': [{'step': step, 'value': graph_proto}]})
                self.has_graph = True
                if not _summary_tensor_cache:
                    return True

        if self._mode == 'train':

        if not plugin_filter:
            filtered = {}
            for plugin, datalist in self._consume_data_pool(step).items():
                if plugin_filter(plugin):
                    filtered[plugin] = datalist
        return True
Example #5
def _parse_tag_format(tag: str):
    Parse the tag.

        tag (str): Format: xxx[:Scalar] xxx[:Image] xxx[:Tensor].

        Tuple, (SummaryType, summary_tag).

    summary_type = SummaryType.INVALID
    summary_tag = tag
    if tag is None:
        logger.error("The tag is None")
        return summary_type, summary_tag

    # search the slice
    slice_begin = FORMAT_BEGIN_SLICE
    slice_end = FORMAT_END_SLICE
    index = tag.rfind(slice_begin)
    if index is -1:
        logger.error("The tag(%s) have not the key slice.", tag)
        return summary_type, summary_tag

    # slice the tag
    summary_tag = tag[:index]

    # check the slice end
    if tag[-1:] != slice_end:
        logger.error("The tag(%s) end format is error", tag)
        return summary_type, summary_tag

    # check the type
    type_str = tag[index + 2:-1]
    logger.debug("The summary_tag is = %r", summary_tag)
    logger.debug("The type_str value is = %r", type_str)
    if type_str == FORMAT_SCALAR_STR:
        summary_type = SummaryType.SCALAR
    elif type_str == FORMAT_TENSOR_STR:
        summary_type = SummaryType.TENSOR
    elif type_str == FORMAT_IMAGE_STR:
        summary_type = SummaryType.IMAGE
        logger.error("The tag(%s) type is invalid.", tag)
        summary_type = SummaryType.INVALID

    return summary_type, summary_tag
Example #6
 def get_namespace_symbol(self, var: str):
     """Get symbol type and namespace and symbol."""
     if var in self.closure_namespace:
         logger.debug("in closure_namespace")
         return self.closure_namespace, var
     if var in self.global_namespace:
         logger.debug("in global_namespace")
         value = self.global_namespace[var]
         if isinstance(
                 value, type(abs)
         ) and self.global_namespace[var] not in convert_object_map:
             error_info = f"The builtin function '{var}' is not supported in graph mode."
             return None, var, error_info
         return self.global_namespace, var
     error_info = f"The name '{var}' is not defined."
     return None, var, error_info
Example #7
def load_param_into_net(net, parameter_dict):
    Loads parameters into network.

        net (Cell): Cell network.
        parameter_dict (dict): Parameter dict.

        TypeError: Argument is not a Cell, or parameter_dict is not a Parameter dict.
    if not isinstance(net, nn.Cell):
        logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
        msg = ("Argument net should be a Cell, but got {}.".format(type(net)))
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if not isinstance(parameter_dict, dict):
        logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
        msg = ("Argument parameter_dict should be a dict, but got {}.".format(type(parameter_dict)))
        raise TypeError(msg)

    logger.info("Execute parameter into net process.")
    param_name_net_not_have = []
    for name in parameter_dict:
        b_par_dict_have_par_of_net = False
        for _, param in net.parameters_and_names():
            if name == param.name:
                b_par_dict_have_par_of_net = True
                # layerwise parallel parameter data loaded from checkpoint file,
                # was a complete(merged) data, need to be splited
                if param.layerwise_parallel:
                    new_param = parameter_dict[param.name]
                    _load_tensor_for_layerwise(new_param, param)
        if not b_par_dict_have_par_of_net:

    param_name_param_dict_not_have = []
    for _, param in net.parameters_and_names():
        if param.name in parameter_dict:
            new_param = parameter_dict[param.name]

            if not isinstance(new_param, Parameter):
                logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
                msg = ("Argument parameter_dict element should be a Parameter, but got {}.".format(type(new_param)))
                raise TypeError(msg)
            _update_param(param, new_param)

    logger.debug("Params not matched(in net but not in parameter_dict):")
    for paramname in param_name_param_dict_not_have:
        logger.debug("%s", paramname)
    logger.debug("Params not matched(in parameter_dict but not in net):")
    for paramname in param_name_net_not_have:
        logger.debug("%s", paramname)
    logger.info("Load parameter into net process finish.")
Example #8
def package_summary_event(data_id, step):
    Package the summary to event protobuffer.

        data_id (Number): Summary data id.
        step (Number): The recode step index.

        Summary, the summary event.
    data_list = get_summary_data(data_id)
    if data_list is None:
        logger.error("The step(%r) does not have record data.", step)
    # create the event of summary
    summary_event = Event()
    summary = summary_event.summary

    for value in data_list:
        tag = value["name"]
        data = value["data"]
        summary_type = value["type"]

        # get the summary type and parse the tag
        if summary_type is SummaryType.SCALAR:
            logger.debug("Now process Scalar summary, tag = %r", tag)
            summary_value = summary.value.add()
            summary_value.tag = tag
            summary_value.scalar_value = _get_scalar_summary(tag, data)
        elif summary_type is SummaryType.TENSOR:
            logger.debug("Now process Tensor summary, tag = %r", tag)
            summary_value = summary.value.add()
            summary_value.tag = tag
            summary_tensor = summary_value.tensor
            _get_tensor_summary(tag, data, summary_tensor)
        elif summary_type is SummaryType.IMAGE:
            logger.debug("Now process Image summary, tag = %r", tag)
            summary_value = summary.value.add()
            summary_value.tag = tag
            summary_image = summary_value.image
            _get_image_summary(tag, data, summary_image,
        elif summary_type is SummaryType.HISTOGRAM:
            logger.debug("Now process Histogram summary, tag = %r", tag)
            summary_value = summary.value.add()
            summary_value.tag = tag
            summary_histogram = summary_value.histogram
            _fill_histogram_summary(tag, data, summary_histogram)
            # The data is invalid ,jump the data
            logger.error("Summary type is error, tag = %r", tag)

    summary_event.wall_time = time.time()
    summary_event.step = int(step)
    return summary_event
Example #9
def package_summary_event(data_list, step):
    Package the summary to event protobuffer.

        data_id (Number): Summary data id.
        step (Number): The recode step index.

        Summary, the summary event.
    # create the event of summary
    summary_event = Event()
    summary = summary_event.summary
    summary_event.wall_time = time.time()
    summary_event.step = int(step)

    for value in data_list:
        summary_type = value["_type"]
        data = value["data"]
        tag = value["name"]

        logger.debug("Now process %r summary, tag = %r", summary_type, tag)

        summary_value = summary.value.add()
        summary_value.tag = tag
        # get the summary type and parse the tag
        if summary_type == 'Scalar':
            if not _fill_scalar_summary(tag, data, summary_value):
                del summary.value[-1]
        elif summary_type == 'Tensor':
            _fill_tensor_summary(tag, data, summary_value.tensor)
        elif summary_type == 'Image':
            if not _fill_image_summary(tag, data, summary_value.image,
                del summary.value[-1]
        elif summary_type == 'Histogram':
            _fill_histogram_summary(tag, data, summary_value.histogram)
            # The data is invalid ,jump the data
            logger.error("Summary type(%r) is error, tag = %r", summary_type,
            del summary.value[-1]

    return summary_event
Example #10
 def parse(self):
     """Parse the function or method."""
     logger.debug("fn = %r", self.fn)
     tree = None
     if isinstance(self.fn, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
         original_src = inspect.getsource(self.fn)
         hexstr = hashlib.sha256(original_src.encode()).hexdigest()
         tree = Parser.ast_cache.get(hexstr)
         if not tree:
             src = dedent(original_src)
             self.col_offset = \
                 len(original_src.split('\n')[0]) - len(src.split('\n')[0])
             logger.debug("get source = %s", src)
             tree = asttokens.ASTTokens(src, parse=True).tree
             Parser.ast_cache[hexstr] = tree
         logger.error("Fn type is invalid")
     return tree
Example #11
def get_object_key(obj):
    """Return the function key: module + name."""
    obj_key = ""
    if hasattr(obj, "__name__"):
        if hasattr(obj, "cell_init_args"):
            obj_key = "%s_ID" % (str(obj.__class__.__name__) + str(obj.__name__) + obj.cell_init_args)
        obj_id = "%s_ID%d" % (str(obj.__class__.__name__) + str(obj.__name__), id(obj))
        if hasattr(obj, "cell_init_args"):
            obj_key = "%s_ID" % (str(obj.__class__.__name__) + obj.cell_init_args)
        obj_id = "%s_ID%d" % (str(obj.__class__.__name__), id(obj))
    logger.debug("obj_key %s obj_id = %s", obj_key, obj_id)

    # method has same id of different instance
    if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType):
        method_instance = obj.__self__
        instance_id = "%s_ID%d" % (str(method_instance.__class__.__name__), id(method_instance))
        obj_id = instance_id + obj_id + str(obj.__hash__())
    return obj_id, obj_key
Example #12
    def record(self, step, train_network=None):
        Record the summary.

            step (int): Represents training step number.
            train_network (Cell): The network that called the callback.

            bool, whether the record process is successful or not.

            >>> with SummaryRecord(log_dir="./summary_dir", file_prefix="xxx_", file_suffix="_yyy") as summary_record:
            >>>     summary_record.record(step=2)
        logger.debug("SummaryRecord step is %r.", step)
        if self._closed:
            logger.error("The record writer is closed.")
            return False
        if not isinstance(step, int) or isinstance(step, bool):
            raise ValueError("`step` should be int")
        # Set the current summary of train step
        if self.network is not None and not self.has_graph:
            graph_proto = self.network.get_func_graph_proto()
            if graph_proto is None and train_network is not None:
                graph_proto = train_network.get_func_graph_proto()
            if graph_proto is None:
                logger.error("Failed to get proto for graph")
                    {'graph': [{
                        'step': step,
                        'value': graph_proto
                self.has_graph = True
                if not _summary_tensor_cache:
                    return True

        if self._mode == 'train':

        return True
Example #13
def _make_directory(path: str):
    """Make directory."""
    if path is None or not isinstance(path, str) or path.strip() == "":
        logger.error("The path(%r) is invalid type.", path)
        raise TypeError("Input path is invaild type")

    path = os.path.realpath(path)
    logger.debug("The abs path is %r", path)

    if os.path.exists(path):
        real_path = path
        logger.debug("The directory(%s) doesn't exist, will create it", path)
            os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
            real_path = path
        except PermissionError as e:
            logger.error("No write permission on the directory(%r), error = %r", path, e)
            raise TypeError("No write permission on the directory.")
    return real_path
Example #14
def _fill_histogram_summary(tag: str, np_value: np.ndarray, summary) -> None:
    Package the histogram summary.

        tag (str): Summary tag describe.
        np_value (np.ndarray): Summary data.
        summary (summary_pb2.Summary.Histogram): Summary histogram data.
    logger.debug("Set(%r) the histogram summary value", tag)
    # Default bucket for tensor with no valid data.
    ma_value = np.ma.masked_invalid(np_value)
    total, valid = np_value.size, ma_value.count()
    invalids = []
    for isfn in np.isnan, np.isposinf, np.isneginf:
        if total - valid > sum(invalids):
            count = np.count_nonzero(isfn(np_value))

    summary.count = total
    summary.nan_count, summary.pos_inf_count, summary.neg_inf_count = invalids
    if not valid:
            'There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=%d, shape=%d)',
            total, np_value.shape)
        # summary.{min, max, sum} are 0s by default, no need to explicitly set
        summary.min = ma_value.min()
        summary.max = ma_value.max()
        summary.sum = ma_value.sum()
        bins = _calc_histogram_bins(valid)
        range_ = summary.min, summary.max
        hists, edges = np.histogram(np_value, bins=bins, range=range_)

        for hist, edge1, edge2 in zip(hists, edges, edges[1:]):
            bucket = summary.buckets.add()
            bucket.width = edge2 - edge1
            bucket.count = hist
            bucket.left = edge1
Example #15
    def expand_expr_statement(self, node):
        Process the expr statement and expand it.

            tuple, (True, expr.value, x)/(False, None, None).
        if isinstance(node, ast.Expr) and hasattr(node, "value"):
            expr_value = node.value
            if isinstance(expr_value, ast.Call):
                func = expr_value.func
                if isinstance(func, ast.Attribute) and \
                        hasattr(func, "attr") and \
                        hasattr(func, "value"):
                    method = func.attr
                    target = func.value
                    if method in parse_expr_statement_white_list:
                        logger.debug("Expand expr, target:%s, method:%s", target, method)
                        return True, expr_value, target
                return True, expr_value
        return False, None, None
Example #16
def test_cifar10():
    dataset parameter
    logger.info("Test dataset parameter")
    data_dir_10 = "../data/dataset/testCifar10Data"
    num_repeat = 2
    batch_size = 32
    limit_dataset = 100
    # apply dataset operations
    data1 = ds.Cifar10Dataset(data_dir_10, num_samples=limit_dataset)
    data1 = data1.repeat(num_repeat)
    data1 = data1.batch(batch_size, True)
    num_epoch = 5
    # iter1 will always assume there is a next epoch and never shutdown.
    iter1 = data1.create_tuple_iterator()
    epoch_count = 0
    sample_count = 0
    for _ in range(num_epoch):
        row_count = 0
        for _ in iter1:
            # in this example, each dictionary has keys "image" and "label"
            row_count += 1
        assert row_count == int(limit_dataset * num_repeat / batch_size)
        logger.debug("row_count: ", row_count)
        epoch_count += 1
        sample_count += row_count
    assert epoch_count == num_epoch
    logger.debug("total epochs: ", epoch_count)
    assert sample_count == int(
        limit_dataset * num_repeat / batch_size) * num_epoch
    logger.debug("total sample: ", sample_count)
Example #17
def _convert_function_arguments(fn, *args):
    Process the fn default parameters.

        fn (Function): The function to be parsed.
        args (tuple): The parameters of the function.
    arguments_dict = OrderedDict()
    parse_method = None
    if isinstance(fn, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
        parse_method = fn.__name__
        index = 0
        for value in args:
            arguments_dict[f'arg{index}'] = value
            index = index + 1
        logger.debug("fn(%r) full parameters dict is: %r", fn, arguments_dict)
        converted = True
        logger.warning("Find error: fn isn't function or method")
        converted = False
    return converted, arguments_dict, parse_method
Example #18
    def load_parameter_slice(self, params):
        Replace parameters with sliced tensors by parallel strategies.

        Please refer to the usage in source code of `mindspore.common._Executor.compile`.

            params (dict): The parameters dictionary used for init data graph.
        if params is None:
            for key in self.parameters_dict():
                tensor = self.parameters_dict()[key].data
                if key not in self.parameter_layout_dict:
                    logger.info("layout dict does not contain the key %s", key)
                if self.parameters_dict()[key].sliced:
                    logger.debug("Param %s is already sliced.", key)
                layout = self.parameter_layout_dict[key]
                new_tensor = _load_tensor_by_layout(tensor, layout)
                self.parameters_dict()[key].sliced = True
        elif isinstance(params, OrderedDict):
            for key in params:
                tensor = params[key].data
                if key not in self.parameter_layout_dict:
                    logger.info("layout dict does not contain the key %s", key)
                if params[key].sliced:
                    logger.debug("Param %s is already sliced.", key)
                layout = self.parameter_layout_dict[key]
                new_tensor = _load_tensor_by_layout(tensor, layout)
                params[key].sliced = True
            raise TypeError(
                'Parameters need OrderedDict type, but got {}'.format(
Example #19
def _load_dismatch_prefix_params(net, parameter_dict, param_not_load):
    """When some net parameter did not load, try to continue load."""
    prefix_name = ""
    longest_name = param_not_load[0]
    while prefix_name != longest_name and param_not_load:
        logger.debug("Count: {} parameters has not been loaded, try to load continue.".format(len(param_not_load)))
        longest_name = sorted(param_not_load, key=len, reverse=True)[0]
        prefix_name = longest_name
        for net_param_name in param_not_load:
            for dict_name in parameter_dict:
                if dict_name.endswith(net_param_name):
                    tmp_name = dict_name[:-len(net_param_name)]
                    prefix_name = prefix_name if len(prefix_name) < len(tmp_name) else tmp_name

        if prefix_name != longest_name:
            logger.info("Remove parameter prefix name: {}, continue to load.".format(prefix_name))
            for _, param in net.parameters_and_names():
                new_param_name = prefix_name + param.name
                if param.name in param_not_load and new_param_name in parameter_dict:
                    new_param = parameter_dict[new_param_name]
                    _update_param(param, new_param)
Example #20
def _get_image_summary(tag: str, np_value, summary_image, input_format='NCHW'):
    Package the image summary.

        tag (str): Summary tag describe.
        np_value (Type): Summary data type.
        summary_image (Tensor): The tensor of summary.
        input_format (str): Data sort order index. Default: 'NCHW'.

        Summary, return image summary content.
    logger.debug("Set(%r) the image summary value", tag)
    if np_value.ndim != 4:
        logger.error("The value is not Image, tag = %r, Value = %r", tag,

    # convert the tensor format
    tensor = _convert_image_format(np_value, input_format)

    # convert the tensor dtype
    # Do not assume that user passes in values in [0, 255], use data type to detect
    scale_factor = 1
    if tensor.dtype == np.uint8:
        scale_factor = 1
    elif np.max(tensor) <= 1 and np.min(tensor) >= 0:
        scale_factor = 255
    tensor = tensor.astype(np.float32)
    tensor = (tensor * scale_factor).astype(np.uint8)

    # create the image summary
    height, width, channel, image_string = _make_image(tensor)
    summary_image.height = height
    summary_image.width = width
    summary_image.colorspace = channel
    summary_image.encoded_image = image_string
    return summary_image
Example #21
def _fill_scalar_summary(tag: str, np_value, summary):
    Package the scalar summary.

        tag (str): Summary tag describe.
        np_value (Object): Scalary object.

        Summary, return scalar summary content.
    logger.debug(f"Set({tag}) the scalar summary value")
    if np_value.size == 1:
        # is scalar
        summary.scalar_value = np_value.item()
        return True
    if np_value.size > 1:
            f"The tensor is not a single scalar, tag = {tag}, ndim = {np_value.ndim}, shape = {np_value.shape}")
        summary.scalar_value = next(np_value.flat).item()
        return True
    logger.error(f"There no values inside tensor, tag = {tag}, size = {np_value.size}")
    return False
Example #22
def make_directory(path: str):
    """Make directory."""
    if path is None or not isinstance(path, str) or path.strip() == "":
        logger.error("The path(%r) is invalid type.", path)
        raise TypeError("Input path is invalid type")

    # convert the relative paths
    path = os.path.realpath(path)
    logger.debug("The abs path is %r", path)

    # check the path is exist and write permissions?
    if os.path.exists(path):
        real_path = path
        # All exceptions need to be caught because create directory maybe have some limit(permissions)
        logger.debug("The directory(%s) doesn't exist, will create it", path)
            os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
            real_path = path
        except PermissionError as e:
            logger.error("No write permission on the directory(%r), error = %r", path, e)
            raise TypeError("No write permission on the directory.")
    return real_path
    def send_res(self, res, keep_format=True):
        Send result to remote

            keep_format: True or False
        logger.debug(f"[OUT] {str(res)}")
        if keep_format:
            res_str = str(res).replace('\n', '[LF]').replace('\r', '[CR]').replace(' ', '[SP]')
            res_str = str(res).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace(' ', '')
        tag = '[~]' # The same as client kTAG

        # Not write by print(tag + res_str, flush=True) any more
            self.fout.write(tag + res_str + "\n")
        except BrokenPipeError as err:
            logger.info(f"[TRACE] Write {str(err)}")
Example #24
def _make_directory(path):
    """Make directory."""
    real_path = None
    if path is None or not isinstance(path, str) or path.strip() == "":
        raise ValueError(f"Input path `{path}` is invalid type")

    # convert the relative paths
    path = os.path.realpath(path)
    logger.debug("The absolute path is %r", path)

    # check whether the path is already existed and has written permissions
    if os.path.exists(path):
        real_path = path
        # All exceptions need to be caught because create directory maybe have some limit(permissions)
        logger.debug("The directory(%s) doesn't exist, will create it", path)
            real_path = path
        except PermissionError as e:
            logger.error(f"No write permission on the directory `{path}, error = {e}")
            raise ValueError(f"No write permission on the directory `{path}`.")
    return real_path
Example #25
def resolve_symbol(namespace, symbol):
    Resolve a symbol.

        Can't get function when use closure function. So save the fn on namespace.

        namespace (Object): Symbol's namespace.
        symbol (str): Need resolve symbol.

        Object, resolve result of symbol.
    # All exceptions need to be caught in this function
        resolve_ = namespace[symbol]

        # list and dict is not hashable ,it can not be key for the map, just return the result
        if isinstance(resolve_, (list, dict)):
            return resolve_

        # dataclass may not be hashable
        if getattr(resolve_, "__hash__") is None:
            return resolve_

        # If need trope the obj
        if resolve_ in convert_object_map:
            resolve_ = convert_object_map.get(resolve_)
            logger.debug("convert resolve = %r", resolve_)
            if resolve_ == NO_IMPLEMENT:
                raise NotImplementedError("not implemented for ", str(symbol))
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, NotImplementedError):
            raise e
        resolve_ = None
        logger.debug("resolve exception occurred, value = %r", e)
        logger.debug("resolve type is invalid, namespace = %s, symbol = %s",
                     namespace.__str__(), symbol)
    if isinstance(resolve_, _MindSporeFunction):
        logger.debug("resolve class _MindSporeFunction, resolve fn instead.")
        resolve_ = resolve_.fn
    return resolve_
Example #26
    def init_timeline(self, all_reduce_info, framework_info, aicpu_info,
                      min_cycle_counter, source_path):
        Init timeline metadata, adding all collected info.

            all_reduce_info (list[list]): The metadata of AllReduce operator.
            framework_info (dict): The framework metadata.
            aicpu_info (dict): The metadata of AI CPU operator.
            min_cycle_counter (float): The minimum cycle counter of the timeline.
        if min_cycle_counter == float('inf'):
            min_cycle_counter = 0

        logger.info('Initiating timeline...')
        timeline_list = self._load_timeline_data()
        cpu_timeline_generator = CpuTimelineGenerator(self._profiling_dir,
        cpu_timeline_list = cpu_timeline_generator.get_timeline_data()
        if cpu_timeline_list:
            self._clock_synchronize_to_host(timeline_list, source_path)
        timeline_list.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[2]))
        self._timeline_summary['op_exe_times'] = len(timeline_list)

        # Add AllReduce info to timeline temp list and sort by start time.
        if all_reduce_info:
                'AllReduce info found. Start adding info into timeline...')
            timeline_list.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[2]))

        # Add AI CPU data into timeline temp list and sort by start time.
        aicpu_data = aicpu_info.get('info')
        if aicpu_data:
            timeline_list.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[2]))
            self._timeline_summary['op_exe_times'] += aicpu_info.get(
                'op_exe_times', 0)
            self._timeline_summary['num_of_streams'] += aicpu_info.get(
                'num_of_streams', 0)
            self._timeline_summary['num_of_ops'] += aicpu_info.get(
                'num_of_ops', 0)
            self._timeline_summary['total_time'] += aicpu_info.get(
                'total_time', 0)

        # Init a dict for counting the num of streams.
        stream_count_dict = {}
        for timeline in timeline_list:
            self._parse_timeline_data(timeline, min_cycle_counter)
            # Updating the collection of streams.
            if len(timeline) == 4:
                self._update_num_of_streams(timeline, stream_count_dict)

        # Get framework metadata.
        framework_obj_list = framework_info.get('object')
        # The length of list is the number of operators.
        self._timeline_summary['num_of_ops'] += len(framework_obj_list)
        logger.info('Finished adding info into timeline...')

        # Update timeline summary info
        self._timeline_summary['num_of_streams'] += len(
Example #27
    def compile(self,
        Compiles graph.

            obj (Function/Cell): The function or cell instance need compile.
            args (tuple): Function or cell input arguments.
            phase (str): The name of compile phase. Default: 'predict'.
            params (OrderedDict): The parameters dictionary used for init data graph. Default: None.
            do_convert (bool): When set to True, convert ME graph to GE graph after compiling graph.

            Str, the full phase of the cell.
            Bool, if the graph has been compiled before, return False, else return True.
        args_names, args_list = _generate_pip_args(obj, *args)
        dic = dict(zip(args_names, args_list))
        key = generate_key(phase, dic)
        self.phase_prefix = str(key[1])
        if phase == 'export':
            phase = phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time)
            phase = self.phase_prefix + phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time)
        enable_debug_runtime = context.get_context("enable_debug_runtime")
        enable_ge = context.get_context("enable_ge")

        use_vm = not enable_ge or (enable_debug_runtime
                                   and context.get_context("mode")
                                   == context.PYNATIVE_MODE)

        if phase in self.compile_cache.keys():
            logger.debug("%r graph has existed.", phase)
            return phase, False

        result = self._executor.compile(obj, args_list, phase, use_vm)
        self.compile_cache[phase] = phase
        if not result:
            raise RuntimeError("Executor compile failed.")
        graph = self._executor.get_func_graph(phase)

        if graph is None:
            logger.error("%r graph compile failed.", phase)
        if not do_convert:
            return phase, True
        if not enable_debug_runtime or enable_ge:
            if _get_parallel_mode() in ["auto_parallel", "semi_auto_parallel"]:
                obj.parameter_layout_dict = self._executor.get_parameter_layout(

        # the following GE init process is not needed when use vm or ms backend
        if enable_ge:
            # decide whether to sink based on whether the inputs is virtual or not
            if args_list and isinstance(args_list[0],
                                        Tensor) and args_list[0].virtual_flag:

            self._build_data_graph(obj, params, phase)

            if "export" not in phase:
                init_phase = "init_subgraph" + "." + str(obj.create_time)
                _exec_init_graph(obj, init_phase)
        elif not enable_ge and "export" in phase:
            self._build_data_graph(obj, params, phase)

        return phase, True
Example #28
def _fill_histogram_summary(tag: str, np_value: np.array,
                            summary_histogram) -> None:
    Package the histogram summary.

        tag (str): Summary tag describe.
        np_value (np.array): Summary data.
        summary_histogram (summary_pb2.Summary.Histogram): Summary histogram data.
    logger.debug("Set(%r) the histogram summary value", tag)
    # Default bucket for tensor with no valid data.
    default_bucket_left = -0.5
    default_bucket_width = 1.0

    if np_value.size == 0:
        bucket = summary_histogram.buckets.add()
        bucket.left = default_bucket_left
        bucket.width = default_bucket_width
        bucket.count = 0

        summary_histogram.nan_count = 0
        summary_histogram.pos_inf_count = 0
        summary_histogram.neg_inf_count = 0

        summary_histogram.max = 0
        summary_histogram.min = 0
        summary_histogram.sum = 0

        summary_histogram.count = 0


    summary_histogram.nan_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(np_value))
    summary_histogram.pos_inf_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isposinf(np_value))
    summary_histogram.neg_inf_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isneginf(np_value))
    summary_histogram.count = np_value.size

    masked_value = np.ma.masked_invalid(np_value)
    tensor_max = masked_value.max()
    tensor_min = masked_value.min()
    tensor_sum = masked_value.sum()

    # No valid value in tensor.
    if tensor_max is np.ma.masked:
        bucket = summary_histogram.buckets.add()
        bucket.left = default_bucket_left
        bucket.width = default_bucket_width
        bucket.count = 0

        summary_histogram.max = np.nan
        summary_histogram.min = np.nan
        summary_histogram.sum = 0


    bin_number = _calc_histogram_bins(masked_value.count())
    counts, edges = np.histogram(np_value,
                                 range=(tensor_min, tensor_max))

    for ind, count in enumerate(counts):
        bucket = summary_histogram.buckets.add()
        bucket.left = edges[ind]
        bucket.width = edges[ind + 1] - edges[ind]
        bucket.count = count

    summary_histogram.max = tensor_max
    summary_histogram.min = tensor_min
    summary_histogram.sum = tensor_sum
Example #29
def load_param_into_net(net, parameter_dict, strict_load=False):
    Loads parameters into network.

        net (Cell): Cell network.
        parameter_dict (dict): Parameter dictionary.
        strict_load (bool): Whether to strict load the parameter into net. If False, it will load parameter
                           in the param_dict into net with the same suffix. Default: False

        TypeError: Argument is not a Cell, or parameter_dict is not a Parameter dictionary.

        >>> net = Net()
        >>> ckpt_file_name = "./checkpoint/LeNet5-1_32.ckpt"
        >>> param_dict = load_checkpoint(ckpt_file_name, filter_prefix="conv1")
        >>> param_not_load = load_param_into_net(net, param_dict)
        >>> print(param_not_load)
    if not isinstance(net, nn.Cell):
        logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
        msg = ("Argument net should be a Cell, but got {}.".format(type(net)))
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if not isinstance(parameter_dict, dict):
        logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
        msg = ("Argument parameter_dict should be a dict, but got {}.".format(
        raise TypeError(msg)

    strict_load = Validator.check_bool(strict_load)
    logger.info("Execute the process of loading parameters into net.")
    param_not_load = []
    for _, param in net.parameters_and_names():
        if param.name in parameter_dict:
            new_param = parameter_dict[param.name]
            if not isinstance(new_param, Parameter):
                logger.error("Failed to combine the net and the parameters.")
                msg = (
                    "Argument parameter_dict element should be a Parameter, but got {}."
                raise TypeError(msg)
            _update_param(param, new_param)

    if param_not_load and not strict_load:
        _load_dismatch_prefix_params(net, parameter_dict, param_not_load)

    logger.debug("Params not matched(in net but not in parameter_dict):")
    for param_name in param_not_load:
        logger.debug("%s", param_name)

    logger.info("Loading parameters into net is finished.")
    if param_not_load:
        logger.warning("{} parameters in the net are not loaded.".format(
    return param_not_load
Example #30
    def compile(self,
        Compiles graph.

            obj (Function/Cell): The function or cell instance need compile.
            args (tuple): Function or cell input arguments.
            phase (str): The name of compile phase. Default: 'predict'.
            do_convert (bool): When set to True, convert ME graph to GE graph after compiling graph.
            auto_parallel_mode: When set to True, use auto parallel mode to compile graph.

            Str, the full phase of the cell.
            Bool, if the graph has been compiled before, return False, else return True.
        from mindspore import nn
        from mindspore.ops.composite import GradOperation

        class InputsToAttrCell(nn.Cell):
            """The cell that converts non-tensor inputs to attr."""
            def __init__(self, net, args_names, non_tensor_inputs):
                super(InputsToAttrCell, self).__init__()
                self.net = net
                self.args_names = args_names
                self.non_tensor_inputs = non_tensor_inputs
                self.inputs_to_attr = True

            def construct(self, *tensor_inputs):
                real_inputs = ()
                index = 0
                for i in args_names:
                    if i in self.non_tensor_inputs.keys():
                        real_inputs += (self.non_tensor_inputs[i], )
                        real_inputs += (tensor_inputs[index], )
                        index += 1
                return self.net(*real_inputs)

        args_names, args_list = _generate_pip_args(obj, *args)
        if not hasattr(obj, "inputs_to_attr"):
            dic = dict(zip(args_names, args_list))
            key = generate_key(phase, dic)
            obj.phase_prefix = str(key[1])
            if 'export' in phase:
                phase = phase + '.' + obj.phase_prefix + '.' + str(
                phase = obj.phase_prefix + phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time)

            if phase in self.compile_cache.keys():
                logger.debug("%r graph has existed.", phase)
                return phase, False

        if getattr(obj, "support_non_tensor_inputs", None):
            for i in obj.__dict__.values():
                if isinstance(i, GradOperation):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Not support set 'support_non_tensor_inputs' to the 'True' for grad net, "
                        "only support forward net.")
            attrs = {}
            inputs = []
            for key, value in dic.items():
                if not isinstance(value, (Tensor, MetaTensor)):
                    attrs[key] = value
            if attrs:
                inputs_to_attr_cell = InputsToAttrCell(obj, args_names, attrs)
                return self.compile(inputs_to_attr_cell, *inputs, phase=phase)


        is_sink_mode = args and isinstance(args[0],
                                           Tensor) and args[0].virtual_flag
        if auto_parallel_mode and _need_to_full(
        ) and not is_sink_mode and obj.auto_parallel_compile_and_run():
            args_full = _to_full_tensor(args, _get_device_num(),
            _, args_list = _generate_pip_args(obj, *args_full)

        enable_debug_runtime = context.get_context("enable_debug_runtime")
        enable_ge = context.get_context("enable_ge")
        use_vm = not enable_ge or (enable_debug_runtime
                                   and context.get_context("mode")
                                   == context.PYNATIVE_MODE)
        result = self._executor.compile(obj, args_list, phase, use_vm)
        self.compile_cache[phase] = phase
        if not result:
            raise RuntimeError("Executor compile failed.")
        graph = self._executor.get_func_graph(phase)

        if graph is None:
            logger.error("%r graph compile failed.", phase)
        if not do_convert:
            return phase, True

        if auto_parallel_mode:
            obj.parameter_layout_dict = self._executor.get_parameter_layout(
        replace = obj.init_parameters_data(
        if not enable_debug_runtime or enable_ge:
            if auto_parallel_mode:

        self._updata_param_node_default_input(phase, replace)

        # set parallel inputs in sink mode
        if auto_parallel_mode and is_sink_mode:

        # the following GE init process is not needed when use vm or ms backend
        if enable_ge:
            self._build_data_graph(obj, phase)

            if "export" not in phase:
                init_phase = "init_subgraph" + "." + str(obj.create_time)
                _exec_init_graph(obj, init_phase)
        elif not enable_ge and "export" in phase:
            self._build_data_graph(obj, phase)
        elif BROADCAST_PHASE not in phase and _get_parameter_broadcast():
            auto_split_param_names = []
            if auto_parallel_mode:
                auto_split_param_names = self._get_auto_split_param_names(

            broadcast_params_dict = obj.parameters_broadcast_dict()
            if auto_split_param_names and broadcast_params_dict:
                broadcast_params_dict = OrderedDict()
                for param_name, param in obj.parameters_broadcast_dict().items(
                    if param_name not in auto_split_param_names:
                        broadcast_params_dict[param_name] = param
            broadcast_phase = "_broadcast_subgraph"
            self._build_broadcast_graph(broadcast_params_dict, broadcast_phase)

        return phase, True