Example #1
 def construct(self, x, hx):
     if self.batch_first:
         x = self.transpose(x, (1, 0, 2))
     h, c = hx
     if self.is_ascend:
         _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(x), "x",
                            [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name)
         _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(h), "h",
                            [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name)
         _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(c), "c",
                            [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name)
         x = self.cast(x, mstype.float16)
         h = self.cast(h, mstype.float16)
         c = self.cast(c, mstype.float16)
         if self.bidirectional:
             x, h, c = self._stacked_bi_dynamic_rnn(x, h, c, self.w_list,
             x, h, c = self._stacked_dynamic_rnn(x, h, c, self.w_list,
         x, h, c, _, _ = self.lstm(x, h, c, self.weight)
     if self.batch_first:
         x = self.transpose(x, (1, 0, 2))
     return x, (h, c)
Example #2
    def bprop(x, z, out, dout):
        if mean_flag:
            if F.issubclass_(F.typeof(dout), mstype.tensor):
                if do_mirror:
                    z = F.depend(z, F.assign_add(z, dout))
                    real_grad = all_reduce(z)
                    dx = real_grad
                    dx = dout
                float_one = F.scalar_cast(1.0, F.dtype(dx))
                num = F.scalar_cast(dev_num, F.dtype(dx))
                dx = mul(dx,
                         cast(F.scalar_to_array(float_one / num), F.dtype(dx)))
                dx = zeros_like(
                    x)  # The grad accumulation do not support row tensor now
            if F.issubclass_(F.typeof(dout), mstype.tensor):
                if do_mirror:
                    z = F.depend(z, F.assign_add(z, dout))
                    real_grad = all_reduce(z)
                    dx = real_grad
                    dx = dout
                dx = zeros_like(
                    x)  # The grad accumulation do not support row tensor now

        return (dx, zeros_like(z))
Example #3
def _tensors_allreduce_ps(degree, mean, allgather, allreduce, allreduce_filter,
                          grad, ps_parameter):
    Apply allreduce on gradient.

        degree (int): The mean coefficient.
        mean (bool): When mean is true, the mean coefficient (degree) would apply on gradients.
        allgather (Primitive): The communication operator for sparse gradients.
        allreduce (Primitive): The communication operator for gradients.
        allreduce_filter (bool): When it is true, allreduce would apply.
        grad (Tensor): The gradient tensor before operation.
        ps_parameter (bool): Use parameter server or not.

        Tensor, the gradient tensor after operation.
    if ps_parameter:
        return grad

    if allreduce_filter:
        grad = allreduce(grad)
        if mean:
            degree = F.scalar_cast(degree, F.dtype(grad))
            cast_op = P.Cast()
            mul_op = P.Mul()
            grad = mul_op(
                grad, cast_op(F.scalar_to_array(1.0 / degree), F.dtype(grad)))
        return grad
    return grad
Example #4
    def construct(self, img1, img2):
        _check_input_4d(F.shape(img1), "img1", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_4d(F.shape(img2), "img2", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(img1), 'img1', mstype.number_type,
        P.SameTypeShape()(img1, img2)
        dtype_max_val = _get_dtype_max(F.dtype(img1))
        max_val = F.scalar_cast(self.max_val, F.dtype(img1))
        max_val = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(max_val, dtype_max_val)
        img1 = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(img1, dtype_max_val)
        img2 = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(img2, dtype_max_val)

        c1 = (self.k1 * max_val)**2
        c2 = (self.k2 * max_val)**2

        sim = ()
        mcs = ()

        for i in range(self.level):
            sim, cs = _compute_multi_channel_loss(c1, c2, img1, img2,
            mcs += (self.relu(cs), )
            img1, img2 = _downsample(img1, img2, self.avg_pool)

        mcs = mcs[0:-1:1]
        mcs_and_ssim = self.pack(mcs + (self.relu(sim), ))
        mcs_and_ssim = self.pow(mcs_and_ssim, self.weight_tensor)
        ms_ssim = self.prod(mcs_and_ssim, -1)
        loss = self.reduce_mean(ms_ssim, -1)

        return loss
Example #5
def TensorDot(x1, x2, axes):
    Computation of Tensor contraction on arbitrary axes between tensors `a` and `b`.

    Contraction allows for the summation of products of elements of `a` and `b` on specified axes.
    The same number of axes must be specified for both x1 and x2, and values must be within range
    of number of dims of both `a` and `b`.

    Selected dims in both inputs must also match.

    axes = 0 leads to outer product, and axes = 1 leads to normal matrix multiplication.
    axes = 1 is the same as axes = ((0,),(1,) where length of input shape is 2 for both `a` and `b`
    axes = 2 is the same as axes = ((0,1),(1,2)) where length of input shape is 3 for both `a` and `b`

        - **x1** (Tensor) - First tensor in TensorDot op with datatype float16 or float32
        - **x2** (Tensor) - Second tensor in TensorDot op with datatype float16 or float32
        - **axes** (Union[int, tuple(int), tuple(tuple(int)), list(list(int))]) - Single value or
          tuple/list of length 2 with dimensions specified for `a` and `b` each. If single value `N` passed,
          automatically picks up first N dims from `a` input shape and last N dims from `b` input shape.

        Tensor, the shape of the output tensor is :math:`(N + M)`. Where :math:`N` and :math:`M` are the free axes not
        contracted in both inputs

        >>> input_x1 = Tensor(np.ones(shape=[1, 2, 3]), mindspore.float32)
        >>> input_x2 = Tensor(np.ones(shape=[3, 1, 2]), mindspore.float32)
        >>> output = C.TensorDot(input_x1, input_x2, ((0,1),(1,2)))
        >>> print(output)
    shape_op = P.Shape()
    reshape_op = P.Reshape()
    transpose_op = P.Transpose()
    matmul_op = P.MatMul(False, False)
    # input validity checks
    x1_shape = shape_op(x1)
    x2_shape = shape_op(x2)
    x1_type = F.dtype(x1)
    x2_type = F.dtype(x2)
    axes = _check_axes(axes)
    _typecheck_input(x1_type, x2_type)
    # input compability check & axes format update
    axes = _validate_input(x1_shape, x2_shape, axes)
    x1_reshape_fwd, x1_transpose_fwd, x1_ret = _calc_new_shape(
        x1_shape, axes, 0)
    x2_reshape_fwd, x2_transpose_fwd, x2_ret = _calc_new_shape(
        x2_shape, axes, 1)
    output_shape = x1_ret + x2_ret  # combine free axes from both inputs
    # run TensorDot op
    x1_transposed = transpose_op(x1, x1_transpose_fwd)
    x2_transposed = transpose_op(x2, x2_transpose_fwd)
    x1_reshaped = reshape_op(x1_transposed, x1_reshape_fwd)
    x2_reshaped = reshape_op(x2_transposed, x2_reshape_fwd)
    mul_result = matmul_op(x1_reshaped, x2_reshaped)
    final_result = reshape_op(mul_result, output_shape)
    return final_result
Example #6
def _tensors_allreduce_with_sparse_ps(degree, mean, allgather, allreduce,
                                      allreduce_filter, grad, ps_parameter):
    Apply allgather on gradient instead of allreduce for sparse feature.
    Allgather is a communication operation used for distributed deep learning.

        degree (int): The mean coefficient.
        mean (bool): When mean is true, the mean coefficient (degree) would apply on gradients.
        allgather (Primitive): The communication operator for sparse gradients.
        allreduce (Primitive): The communication operator for gradients.
        allreduce_filter (bool): When it is true, allgather would apply.
        grad (tuple): The indices, gradient tensor and tensor_shape before operation.
        ps_parameter (bool): Use parameter server or not.

        RowTensor, the gradient after operation.
    if ps_parameter:
        return grad

    if allreduce_filter:
        indices = allgather(grad.indices)
        dout = allgather(grad.values)
        if mean:
            degree = F.scalar_cast(degree, F.dtype(grad.values))
            cast_op = P.Cast()
            mul_op = P.Mul()
            dout = mul_op(
                dout, cast_op(F.scalar_to_array(1.0 / degree), F.dtype(dout)))
        grad = RowTensor(indices, dout, grad.dense_shape)
    return grad
Example #7
    def _attn(self, query, key, value, attention_mask):
        Get the weighted score along the seq_length

            query: the query matrix
            key: the key matrix
            value: the value matrix
            attention_mask: the attention mask matrix with shape (batch_size, 1, seq_length, seq_length)

            weighted_values: Tensor, the weighted sum scores
        if not self.scale:
            query = query / F.cast(self.coeff, F.dtype(query))
            key = key / F.cast(self.coeff, F.dtype(key))

        score = self.batch_matmul(query, key)
        if self.scale:
            score = score / P.Cast()(self.scale_factor, P.DType()(score))

        ori_dtype = P.DType()(score)
        score = P.Cast()(score, mstype.float32)
        multiplu_out = P.Sub()(P.Cast()(F.tuple_to_array((1.0,)), P.DType()(score)),
                               P.Cast()(attention_mask, P.DType()(score)))

        adder = P.Mul()(multiplu_out, self.multiply_data)
        attention_scores = adder + score

        attention_scores = P.Cast()(attention_scores, ori_dtype)
        attention_probs = Softmax()(attention_scores)

        attention_probs = self.prob_dropout(attention_probs)
        weighted_values = self.batch_matmul(attention_probs, value)
        return weighted_values
Example #8
def _tensors_allreduce_with_sparse(degree, mean, allgather, allreduce_filter,
                                   grad, allreduce):
    Apply allgather on gradient instead of allreduce for sparse feature.
    Allgather is a communication operation used for distributed deep learning.

        degree (int): The mean coefficient.
        mean (bool): When mean is true, the mean coefficient (degree) would apply on gradients.
        allgather (Primitive): The communication operator for sparse gradients.
        allreduce_filter (bool): When it is true, allgather would apply.
        grad (IndexedSlices): The gradient before operation.
        allreduce (Primitive): The communication operator for gradients.

        IndexedSlices, the gradient after operation.
    if allreduce_filter:
        indices = allgather(grad.indices())
        dout = allgather(grad.values())
        if mean:
            degree = F.scalar_cast(degree, F.dtype(grad.values()))
            cast_op = P.Cast()
            mul_op = P.Mul()
            dout = mul_op(
                dout, cast_op(F.scalar_to_array(1.0 / degree), F.dtype(dout)))
        grad = IndexedSlices(indices, dout, grad.dense_shape())
    return grad
Example #9
def _update_run_op(beta1, beta2, eps, lr, weight_decay, param, m, v, gradient,
                   decay_flag, optim_filter):
    Update parameters.

        beta1 (Tensor): The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimations. Should be in range (0.0, 1.0).
        beta2 (Tensor): The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimations. Should be in range (0.0, 1.0).
        eps (Tensor): Term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability. Should be greater than 0.
        lr (Tensor): Learning rate.
        weight_decay (Number): Weight decay. Should be equal to or greater than 0.
        param (Tensor): Parameters.
        m (Tensor): m value of parameters.
        v (Tensor): v value of parameters.
        gradient (Tensor): Gradient of parameters.
        decay_flag (bool): Applies weight decay or not.
        optim_filter (bool): Applies parameter update or not.

        Tensor, the new value of v after updating.
    if optim_filter:
        op_mul = P.Mul()
        op_square = P.Square()
        op_sqrt = P.Sqrt()
        op_cast = P.Cast()
        op_reshape = P.Reshape()
        op_shape = P.Shape()

        param_fp32 = op_cast(param, mstype.float32)
        m_fp32 = op_cast(m, mstype.float32)
        v_fp32 = op_cast(v, mstype.float32)
        gradient_fp32 = op_cast(gradient, mstype.float32)

        next_m = op_mul(beta1, m_fp32) + op_mul(
                (1.0, )), mstype.float32) - beta1, gradient_fp32)

        next_v = op_mul(beta2, v_fp32) + op_mul(
                (1.0, )), mstype.float32) - beta2, op_square(gradient_fp32))

        update = next_m / (eps + op_sqrt(next_v))
        if decay_flag:
            update = op_mul(weight_decay, param_fp32) + update

        update_with_lr = op_mul(lr, update)
        next_param = param_fp32 - op_reshape(update_with_lr,

        next_param = F.depend(
            next_param, F.assign(param, op_cast(next_param, F.dtype(param))))
        next_param = F.depend(next_param,
                              F.assign(m, op_cast(next_m, F.dtype(m))))
        next_param = F.depend(next_param,
                              F.assign(v, op_cast(next_v, F.dtype(v))))

        return op_cast(next_param, F.dtype(param))
    return gradient
Example #10
    def construct(self, input_indices, input_values, field_ids):

        _check_input_2d(F.shape(input_indices), "input_indices", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_2d(F.shape(input_values), "input_values", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_2d(F.shape(field_ids), "field_ids", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(input_indices), "input_indices", [mstype.int32, mstype.int64], self.cls_name)
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(input_values), "input_values", [mstype.float32], self.cls_name)
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(field_ids), "field_ids", [mstype.int32], self.cls_name)

        batch_size = self.shape(input_indices)[0]
        num_segments = batch_size * self.field_size
        bias = Range(0, num_segments, self.field_size)()
        bias = self.reshape(bias, (batch_size, -1))
        field_ids = self.bias_add(field_ids, bias)

        if self.target == "CPU":
            out = self.embeddinglookup(self.embedding_table, input_indices, 0)
            if self.forward_unique:
                shp = self.shape(input_indices) + (self.embedding_size,)
                indices_flatten = self.reshape(input_indices, (-1,))
                unique_id, unique_idx = self.unique(indices_flatten)
                weight_unique = self.gatherv2(self.embedding_table, unique_id, 0)
                weight_flatten = self.gather_revert(weight_unique, unique_idx, 0)
                out = self.reshape(weight_flatten, shp)
                out = self.gatherv2(self.embedding_table, input_indices, 0)
        if self.max_norm is not None:
            axis = _make_axis_range(F.rank(input_indices), F.rank(out))
            clip_by_norm = ClipByNorm(axis)
            out = clip_by_norm(out, self.max_norm)

        weights = self.reshape(input_values, (batch_size, self.shape(input_indices)[1], 1))
        embedding = self.mul(weights, out)

        if self.operator == 'MAX':
            # Fill the padding value to -inf, so the padded value will not influence the results
            negative_inf_mask = self.cast(self.equal(weights, 0), mstype.float32)
            inf_mask = self.inf_mask_mul(negative_inf_mask, self.negative_inf_value)
            embedding = self.inf_add(embedding, inf_mask)
            embedding = self.reshape(embedding, (-1, self.embedding_size))
            field_ids = self.reshape(field_ids, (-1,))

        merged_vectors = self.merge_op(embedding, field_ids, num_segments)

        if self.operator == 'MAX':
            value_count = self.count_op(self.abs(self.reshape(input_values, (-1,))), field_ids, num_segments)
            value_zeros = self.cast(self.max_no_equal(value_count, 0.0), mstype.float32)
            count = self.expand(value_zeros, -1)
            merged_vectors = self.max_mask_mul(merged_vectors, count)

        if self.operator == 'MEAN':
            value_count = self.count_op(self.abs(input_values), field_ids, num_segments)
            value_count = self.expand(value_count, -1)
            merged_vectors = self.div_no_nan(merged_vectors, value_count)

        merged_vectors = self.reshape(merged_vectors, (batch_size, self.field_size, -1))
        return merged_vectors
Example #11
    def bprop(x, out, dout):
        if mean_flag:
            dx = all_reduce(dout)
            float_one = F.scalar_cast(1.0, F.dtype(dx))
            num = F.scalar_cast(dev_num, F.dtype(dx))
            dx = mul(dx, cast(F.scalar_to_array(float_one / num), F.dtype(dx)))
            dx = all_reduce(dout)

        return (dx, )
Example #12
    def construct(self, img1, img2):
        _check_input_4d(F.shape(img1), "img1", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_4d(F.shape(img2), "img2", self.cls_name)
        P.SameTypeShape()(img1, img2)
        dtype_max_val = _get_dtype_max(F.dtype(img1))
        max_val = F.scalar_cast(self.max_val, F.dtype(img1))
        max_val = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(max_val, dtype_max_val)
        img1 = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(img1, dtype_max_val)
        img2 = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(img2, dtype_max_val)

        mse = P.ReduceMean()(F.square(img1 - img2), (-3, -2, -1))
        psnr = 10 * P.Log()(F.square(max_val) / mse) / F.scalar_log(10.0)

        return psnr
Example #13
def dot(x1, x2):
    Computation a dot product between samples in two tensors.

        - **x1** (Tensor) - First tensor in Dot op with datatype float16 or float32
        - **x2** (Tensor) - Second tensor in Dot op with datatype float16 or float32

        Tensor, dot product of x1 and x2.

        TypeError: If type of x1 and x2 are not the same.
        TypeError: If dtype of x1 or x2 is not float16 or float32.
        ValueError: If rank of x1 or x2 less than 2.

    Supported Platforms:
        ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``

        >>> input_x1 = Tensor(np.ones(shape=[2, 3]), mindspore.float32)
        >>> input_x2 = Tensor(np.ones(shape=[1, 3, 2]), mindspore.float32)
        >>> output = C.dot(input_x1, input_x2)
        >>> print(output)
        [[[3. 3.]]
         [[3. 3.]]]
    shape_op = P.Shape()
    reshape_op = P.Reshape()
    transpose_op = P.Transpose()
    matmul_op = P.MatMul(False, False)
    x1_shape = shape_op(x1)
    x2_shape = shape_op(x2)
    x1_type = F.dtype(x1)
    x2_type = F.dtype(x2)
    _typecheck_input_dot(x1_type, x2_type)
    _check_invalid_input(x1_shape, x2_shape)

    if len(x1_shape) > 2 or len(x2_shape) > 2:
        x2_shape_transpose = _get_transpose_shape(x2_shape)
        x2_transpose = transpose_op(x2, x2_shape_transpose)
        x1_reshape = reshape_op(x1, (-1, x1_shape[-1]))
        x2_reshape = reshape_op(x2_transpose, (x2_shape[-2], -1))
        mul_result = matmul_op(x1_reshape, x2_reshape)
        return reshape_op(mul_result,
                          x1_shape[:-1] + x2_shape[:-2] + x2_shape[-1:])
    return matmul_op(x1, x2)
Example #14
    def construct(self, img1, img2):
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(img1), "img1", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name)
        _check_input_filter_size(F.shape(img1), "img1", self.filter_size, self.cls_name)
        P.SameTypeShape()(img1, img2)
        dtype_max_val = _get_dtype_max(F.dtype(img1))
        max_val = F.scalar_cast(self.max_val, F.dtype(img1))
        max_val = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(max_val, dtype_max_val)
        img1 = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(img1, dtype_max_val)
        img2 = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(img2, dtype_max_val)

        c1 = (self.k1 * max_val) ** 2
        c2 = (self.k2 * max_val) ** 2

        ssim_ave_channel, _ = _compute_multi_channel_loss(c1, c2, img1, img2, self.conv, self.concat, self.reduce_mean)
        loss = self.reduce_mean(ssim_ave_channel, -1)

        return loss
Example #15
def _tensor_apply_decay_with_sparse(weight_decay, if_apply, weight, gradient):
    """Get grad with weight_decay."""
    if if_apply:
        indices = gradient.indices
        values = op_add((op_gather(weight, indices, 0) * F.cast(weight_decay, F.dtype(weight)), gradient.values))
        shape = gradient.dense_shape
        return RowTensor(indices, values, shape)
    return gradient
def _tensors_allreduce_mean(mul, degree, allreduce, parameters):
    Apply allreduce on parameters.

        mul(Primitive): The mul operator for parameters.
        degree (int): The mean coefficient.
        allreduce (Primitive): The communication operator for parameters.
        parameters (Tensor): The parameters before operation.

        Tensor, the parameters after operation.
    degree = F.scalar_cast(degree, F.dtype(parameters))
    parameters = allreduce(parameters)
    cast_op = P.Cast()
    return mul(parameters,
               cast_op(F.scalar_to_array(1.0 / degree), F.dtype(parameters)))
Example #17
def sequence_mask(lengths, maxlen=None):
    Returns a mask tensor representing the first N positions of each cell.

    If lengths has shape [d_1, d_2, ..., d_n], then the resulting tensor mask has type dtype and shape
    [d_1, d_2, ..., d_n, maxlen], with mask[i_1, i_2, ..., i_n, j] = (j < lengths[i_1, i_2, ..., i_n])

        - **lengths** (Tensor) - Tensor to calculate the mask for. All values in this tensor should be
          less than or equal to `maxlen`. Values greater than `maxlen` will be treated as `maxlen`.
          Must be type int32 or int64.

        - **maxlen** (int) - size of the last dimension of returned tensor. Must be positive and same
          type as elements in `lengths`.

        One mask tensor of shape lengths.shape + (maxlen,).

    Supported Platforms:

        >>> x = Tensor(np.array([[1, 3], [2, 0]]))
        >>> output = C.sequence_mask(x, 3)
        >>> print(output)
        [[[True, False, False],
          [True, True, True]],
         [[True, True, False],
          [False, False, False]]]

    argmax_op = P.ArgMaxWithValue()
    reshape_op = P.Reshape()
    range_op = P.Range()
    expand_op = P.ExpandDims()
    cast_op = P.Cast()
    shape_op = P.Shape()
    to_tensor_op = P.ScalarToArray()

                                 [mstype.int64, mstype.int32], 'lengths')

    if maxlen is None:
        flatten_data = reshape_op(lengths, (-1, ))
        flatten_data = cast_op(flatten_data, mstype.float32)
        _, value = argmax_op(flatten_data)
        maxlen = cast_op(value, mstype.int32)
        maxlen = _check_positive_int(maxlen, "maxlen", "sequence_mask")
        maxlen = to_tensor_op(maxlen)

    range_vector = range_op(to_tensor_op(0), maxlen, to_tensor_op(1))
    mask = expand_op(lengths, -1)
    result = range_vector < mask
    return result
Example #18
def _tensors_allreduce_mean(mul, degree, allreduce_filter, grad):
    Apply mean and allreduce on gradient. Allreduce is a communication operation used for distributed deep learning.

        mul (Primitive): Div operation.
        degree (int): The mean coefficient.
        allreduce_filter (bool): When it is true, allreduce would apply.
        grad (Tensor): The gradient tensor before operation.

        Tensor, the gradient tensor after operation.
    if allreduce_filter:
        degree = F.scalar_cast(degree, F.dtype(grad))
        grad = _all_reduce(grad)
        cast_op = P.Cast()
        return mul(grad, cast_op(F.scalar_to_array(1.0/degree), F.dtype(grad)))
    return grad
Example #19
def _tensors_get_datatype(grad):
    Acquire gradient datatype.

        grad (Tensor): The gradient tensor before operation.

        mstype, the datatype of gradient.
    return F.dtype(grad)
Example #20
def _tensors_get_datatype_with_sparse(grad):
    Acquire gradient datatype.

        grad (RowTensor): The gradient before operation.

        mstype, the datatype of gradient.
    return F.dtype(grad.values)
def _tensors_get_datatype(parameters):
    Acquire parameters datatype.

        parameters (Tensor): The parameters before operation.

        mstype, the datatype of parameters.
    return F.dtype(parameters)
Example #22
def _clip_grad(clip_type, clip_value, grad):
    dt = F.dtype(grad)
    if clip_type == 0:
        new_grad = C.clip_by_value(
            grad, F.cast(F.tuple_to_array((-clip_value, )), dt),
            F.cast(F.tuple_to_array((clip_value, )), dt))
        new_grad = nn.ClipByNorm()(grad,
                                   F.cast(F.tuple_to_array((clip_value, )),
    return new_grad
Example #23
    def construct(self, x1, x2, y):
        F.same_type_shape(x1, x2)
        _check_reduced_shape_valid(F.shape(x1), F.shape(y), (1,), self.cls_name)
        # if target > 0, 1-cosine(x1, x2)
        # else, max(0, cosine(x1, x2)-margin)
        np_eps = const_utils.get_np_eps(F.dtype(x1))
        eps = F.cast(np_eps, F.dtype(x1))
        prod_sum = self.reduce_sum(x1 * x2, (1,))
        square1 = self.reduce_sum(F.square(x1), (1,)) + eps
        square2 = self.reduce_sum(F.square(x2), (1,)) + eps
        denom = F.sqrt(square1 * square2)
        cosine = prod_sum / denom

        pos_value = 1.0 - cosine
        neg_value = self.maximum(cosine - self.margin, 0.0)
        zeros = F.zeros_like(cosine)
        pos_part = F.select(y == 1, pos_value, zeros)
        neg_part = F.select(y == -1, neg_value, zeros)
        output_unreduced = pos_part + neg_part

        return self.get_loss(output_unreduced)
Example #24
    def bprop(x, out, dout):
        if mean_flag:
            if F.issubclass_(F.typeof(dout), mstype.tensor):
                dx = all_reduce(dout)
                float_one = F.scalar_cast(1.0, F.dtype(dx))
                num = F.scalar_cast(dev_num, F.dtype(dx))
                dx = mul(dx,
                         cast(F.scalar_to_array(float_one / num), F.dtype(dx)))
                indices = all_gather(dout.indices)
                grad = all_gather(dout.values)
                float_one = F.scalar_cast(1.0, F.dtype(grad))
                num = F.scalar_cast(dev_num, F.dtype(grad))
                grad = mul(
                    cast(F.scalar_to_array(float_one / num), F.dtype(grad)))
                dx = RowTensor(indices, grad, dout.dense_shape)
            if F.issubclass_(F.typeof(dout), mstype.tensor):
                dx = all_reduce(dout)
                indices = all_gather(dout.indices)
                grad = all_gather(dout.values)
                dx = RowTensor(indices, grad, dout.dense_shape)

        return (dx, )
Example #25
    def bprop(x, out, dout):
        if F.issubclass_(F.typeof(dout), mstype.tensor):
            if F.issubclass_(F.dtype(dout), mstype.bool_) or F.issubclass_(F.dtype(dout), mstype.int32) \
                                     or F.issubclass_(F.dtype(dout), mstype.int16):
                return (dout,)
            dx = op(dout, cast(F.scalar_to_array(divisor), dtype(dout)))
            return (dx,)

        if F.issubclass_(F.typeof(dout), mstype.tuple_):
            dx = ()
            input_nums = F.tuple_len(dout)
            for i in range(input_nums):
                ele_grad = op(dout[i], cast(F.scalar_to_array(divisor), dtype(dout[i])))
                dx = dx + (ele_grad,)
            return (dx,)

        dx = []
        input_nums = F.list_len(dout)
        for i in range(input_nums):
            ele_grad = op(dout[i], cast(F.scalar_to_array(divisor), dtype(dout[i])))
        return (dx,)
Example #26
def _tensors_allreduce_mean_with_sparse(mul, degree, allreduce_filter, grad):
    Apply mean and allgather on gradient instead of allreduce for sparse feature.
    Allgather is a communication operation used for distributed deep learning.

        mul (Primitive): Div operation.
        degree (int): The mean coefficient.
        allreduce_filter (bool): When it is true, allgather would apply.
        grad (Tuple): The indices, gradient tensor and tensor_shape before operation.

        Tuple, include indices, the gradient tensor and tensor_shape after operation.
    if allreduce_filter:
        indices = _all_gather(grad[0])
        degree = F.scalar_cast(degree, F.dtype(grad[1]))
        dout = _all_gather(grad[1])
        cast_op = P.Cast()
        dout = mul(dout, cast_op(F.scalar_to_array(1.0 / degree), F.dtype(dout)))
        grad = (indices, dout, grad[2])
    return grad
Example #27
def repeat_elements(x, rep, axis=0):
    Repeat elements of a tensor along an axis, like np.repeat.

        x (Tensor): The tensor to repeat values for. Must be of type: float16,
            float32, int8, uint8, int16, int32, or int64.
        rep (int): The number of times to repeat, must be positive, required.
        axis (int): The axis along which to repeat, default 0.

        One tensor with values repeated along the specified axis. If x has shape
        (s1, s2, ..., sn) and axis is i, the output will have shape (s1, s2, ...,
        si * rep, ..., sn). The output type will be the same as the type of `x`.

    Supported Platforms:
        ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``

        >>> x = Tensor(np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]), mindspore.int32)
        >>> output = C.repeat_elements(x, rep = 2, axis = 0)
        >>> print(output)
        [[0 1 2]
         [0 1 2]
         [3 4 5]
         [3 4 5]]
    const_utils.check_type_valid(F.dtype(x), mstype.number_type, 'input x')
    rep = _check_positive_int(rep, "rep", "repeat_elements")
    axis = _check_is_int(axis, "axis", "repeat_elements")

    shape_op = P.Shape()
    rank_op = P.Rank()
    tile_op = P.Tile()
    expand_dims_op = P.ExpandDims()
    reshape_op = P.Reshape()

    x_rank = rank_op(x)
    axis = _check_axis_range(axis, x_rank, "axis", "repeat_elements")

    expand_axis = axis + 1
    x_expand = expand_dims_op(x, expand_axis)
    rep_dims = _cal_repeat_dims(x_rank, rep, expand_axis)
    x_expand = tile_op(x_expand, rep_dims)
    x_shape = shape_op(x)
    x_reshape = _cal_reshape(x_shape, rep, axis)
    x_rep = reshape_op(x_expand, x_reshape)

    return x_rep
Example #28
 def construct(self, x):
     tensor_dtype = F.dtype(x)
     _check_input_dtype("input x", tensor_dtype, [mstype.float16, mstype.float32], self.cls_name)
     if tensor_dtype == mstype.float16:
         x = self.cast(x, mstype.float32)
     mean = self.reduce_mean(x, self.axis)
     variance = self.reduce_mean(self.square_diff(x, F.stop_gradient(mean)), self.axis)
     if not self.keep_dims:
         mean = self.squeeze(mean)
         variance = self.squeeze(variance)
     if tensor_dtype == mstype.float16:
         mean = self.cast(mean, mstype.float16)
         variance = self.cast(variance, mstype.float16)
         return mean, variance
     return mean, variance
Example #29
def _tensors_allreduce(degree, mean, allgather, allreduce, allreduce_filter,
    Apply allreduce on gradient.

        degree (int): The mean coefficient.
        mean (bool): When mean is true, the mean coefficient (degree) would apply on gradients.
        allgather (Primitive): The communication operator for sparse gradients.
        allreduce (Primitive): The communication operator for gradients.
        allreduce_filter (bool): When it is true, allreduce would apply.
        grad (Tensor): The gradient tensor before operation.

        Tensor, the gradient tensor after operation.
    if allreduce_filter:
        grad = allreduce(grad)
        if mean:
            degree = F.scalar_cast(degree, F.dtype(grad))
            grad = F.tensor_mul(
                grad, F.cast(F.scalar_to_array(1.0 / degree), F.dtype(grad)))
        return grad
    return grad
Example #30
    def construct(self, img1, img2):
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(img1), "img1",
                           [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name)
        _check_input_filter_size(F.shape(img1), "img1", self.filter_size,
        P.SameTypeShape()(img1, img2)
        max_val = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(self.max_val, self.max_val)
        img1 = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(img1, self.max_val)
        img2 = _convert_img_dtype_to_float32(img2, self.max_val)

        kernel = self._fspecial_gauss(self.filter_size, self.filter_sigma)
        kernel = P.Tile()(kernel, (1, P.Shape()(img1)[1], 1, 1))

        mean_ssim = self._calculate_mean_ssim(img1, img2, kernel, max_val,
                                              self.k1, self.k2)

        return mean_ssim