Example #1
    def get(
        sort: str = "date",
        dates: bool = True,
        output: Union[str, None] = None,
    ) -> str:
        Exposed function for getting data on our Facebook friends.

        @param sort: the column we want to sort by.
        Can be either of {date|name}. Default is `dates`.
        @param dates: boolean flag on do we want the dates column.
        Default is `True`.
        @param output: where do we want to write the return value,
        can be any of: {csv|json|/some/path.{json|csv}}.
        @return: either the data formatted as csv or json,
        or a success message about where was the data saved.
        data = self.data
        if sort == "name":
            data = data.sort_values(by="name")
        if not dates:
            data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

        return utils.df_to_file(output, data)
Example #2
    def get(
        kind: str = "private",
        channels: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
        cols: List[str] = None,
        output: str = "csv",

        @param kind: one of private or group,
        depending on which messaging do you want to analyze.
        @param channels: channel names you want to filter for.
        @param cols: column names you want to include in the output.
        @param output: where do we want to write the return value,
        can be any of: {csv|json|/some/path.{json|csv}}.
        @return: either the data formatted as csv or json,
        or a success message about where was the data saved.
        data = getattr(self, kind)
        filtered_channels = (data.keys() if channels is None else
                             list(set(data.keys()) & set(channels)))
        if not filtered_channels:
            return (f"Could not filter for these channels: {channels}. "
                    f"Please double-check the channel names.")
        res = utils.stack_dfs(
            *[data.get(channel).data for channel in filtered_channels])
        filtered_cols = (list(res.columns) if cols is None else
                         [col for col in cols if col in res.columns])
        if not filtered_cols:
            return (f"Could not filter for these columns: {cols}. "
                    f"Please double-check the column names. Hint: if cols "
                    f"is None, all columns will be returned. ")

        return utils.df_to_file(output, res[filtered_cols])
Example #3
    def test_df_to_file(self, sample_df):
        path = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/test.csv"

        res = utils.df_to_file(path, sample_df)
        assert res == f"Data was written to {path}"

        path = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/test.json"
        res = utils.df_to_file(path, sample_df)
        assert res == f"Data was written to {path}"

        path = "csv"
        res = utils.df_to_file(path, sample_df)
        assert isinstance(res, str)

        path = "json"
        res = utils.df_to_file(path, sample_df)
        assert isinstance(res, str)
        assert isinstance(json.loads(res), dict)

        res = utils.df_to_file("/home/whatever/a/gibberish", sample_df)
        assert res == "Directory does not exist: `/home/whatever/a`"
Example #4
    def get(self, output: Union[str, None] = None) -> str:
        Exposed function for getting data on people.

        @param output: where do we want to write the return value,
        an be any of: {csv|json|/some/path.{json|csv}}.
        @return: either the data formatted as csv or json,
        or a success message about where was the data saved.
        name = [person.name for person in self.data.values()]
        friend = [person.friend for person in self.data.values()]
        message_dir = [person.thread_path for person in self.data.values()]
        media_dir = [person.media_dir for person in self.data.values()]

        df = pd.DataFrame({
            "name": name,
            "friend": friend,
            "message_dir": message_dir,
            "media_dir": media_dir,

        return utils.df_to_file(output, df)
Example #5
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs: Any):
     res = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if not len(res):
     return utils.df_to_file(kwargs.get("output"), res)