def quote_ident(ident): if isinstance(ident, str): return enquote_column_name(ident) elif hasattr(ident, "__iter__"): return ".".join('"{}"'.format(part) for part in ident) elif isinstance(ident, Sql): return ident.render() else: raise Exception("invalid identifier '{}'".format(ident))
def retrieve_aggregated(conn, datasource, granularity, entitytype, column_identifiers, interval, group_by, subquery_filter=None, relation_table_name=None): """ Return aggregated data :param conn: psycopg2 database connection :param datasource: datasource object :param granularity: granularity in seconds :param entitytype: entitytype object :param column_identifiers: e.g. SUM(trend1), MAX(trend2) :param interval: (start, end) tuple with non-naive timestamps :param group_by: list of columns to GROUP BY :param subquery_filter: optional subquery for additional filtering by JOINing on field 'id' = entity_id :param relation_table_name: optional relation table name for converting entity ids to related ones """ start, end = interval with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: source_table_names = get_table_names_v4(cursor, [datasource], granularity, entitytype, start, end) def get_trend_names(column_identifier): if isinstance(column_identifier, Sql): return [ for a in column_identifier.args] else: trend_names_part = re.match(".*\(([\w, ]+)\)", column_identifier).group(1) return map(str.strip, trend_names_part.split(",")) trend_names = set(chain(*map(get_trend_names, column_identifiers))) #Deal with 'samples' column if column_exists(conn, SCHEMA, source_table_names[-1], "samples"): select_samples_part = "SUM(samples)" select_samples_column = "samples," else: select_samples_part = "COUNT(*)" select_samples_column = "" args = {"start": start, "end": end} select_parts = [] for source_table_name in source_table_names: join_parts = [] return_id_field = "entity_id" if subquery_filter: join_parts.append( "JOIN ({0}) AS filter ON = \"{1}\".{2}.entity_id".format( subquery_filter, SCHEMA, enquote_column_name(source_table_name))) if relation_table_name: return_id_field = "r.target_id AS entity_id" join_parts.append( "JOIN relation.\"{0}\" r ON r.source_id = \"{1}\".entity_id".format( relation_table_name, source_table_name)) select_parts.append( "SELECT {0}, %(end)s, {1} {2} FROM \"{3}\".\"{4}\" {5}" " WHERE timestamp > %(start)s AND timestamp <= %(end)s".format( return_id_field, select_samples_column, ",".join(map(enquote_column_name, trend_names)), SCHEMA, source_table_name, " ".join(join_parts))) query = ("SELECT entity_id, %(end)s, {0}, {1} FROM( {2} ) " "AS sources GROUP BY {3}").format( select_samples_part, ",".join(map(quote_ident, column_identifiers)), " UNION ALL ".join(select_parts), ",".join(map(enquote_column_name, group_by))) all_rows = [] with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: try: cursor.execute(query, args) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: logging.debug(cursor.mogrify(query, args)) conn.rollback() # TODO: Check error code else: all_rows = cursor.fetchall() return all_rows