def calc_dest_timestamp(dest_granularity, source_timestamp): # Hack for whole hour timestamps offset = timedelta(0, 1) plugin = get_plugin("trend") most_recent = plugin.get_most_recent_timestamp(source_timestamp - offset, dest_granularity) return plugin.get_next_timestamp(most_recent, dest_granularity)
def source_table_names(self, cursor, timestamp): """ Return source table names based on source items and timestamp """ views = get_views(cursor) source_datasource_ids = [ for trendstore in self.source_trendstores] def view_matches_trendstore(view, trendstore): return == \ and == \ and == matching_views = [view for view in views if any(view_matches_trendstore(view, trendstore) for trendstore in self.source_trendstores)] table_names = [trendstore.make_table_name(timestamp) for trendstore in self.source_trendstores] plugin = get_plugin("trend") for view in matching_views: for source in view.sources: table_name = plugin.get_table_name(source.datasource, source.granularity,, timestamp) table_names.append(table_name) return table_names
def file_name(ts): """ Return file name for output """ plugin = get_plugin("trend") most_recent_ts = plugin.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, 86400) _ts = plugin.get_previous_timestamp(most_recent_ts, 86400) return "cell_downtime_history_{0:%Y%m%d}_23hr.csv".format(_ts)
def test_create_granularity(): plugin = get_plugin("trend") instance = plugin(None, api_version=4) granularity = instance.create_granularity(3600) eq_(, "3600")
def test_create_v4_instance(conn): """ A V4 API should be returned when specifying api_version 4. """ plugin = get_plugin("trend") instance = plugin(conn, api_version=4) eq_(instance.api_version(), 4)
def test_create_default_instance(conn): """ By default, a V3 API should be returned. """ plugin = get_plugin("trend") instance = plugin(conn) eq_(instance.api_version(), 3)
def get_timestamps(ts): timestamps = [] granularity =86400 plugin = get_plugin("trend") _ts = plugin.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity) for i in range(28): timestamps.append(_ts) _ts = plugin.get_previous_timestamp(_ts, granularity) return timestamps
def fields(conn, ts): granularity = 86400 plugin = get_plugin("trend") timestamps = get_timestamps(ts) return ["SITE_NR", "CONTROLLER", "NETWERK", "PLACE", "ADDRESS", "CI", "Dagen met Downtime"] + list(chain(*[ ("{0:%Y%m%d}_man".format(plugin.get_previous_timestamp(ts, granularity)), "{0:%Y%m%d}_auto".format(plugin.get_previous_timestamp(ts, granularity)), "{0:%Y%m%d}_total".format(plugin.get_previous_timestamp(ts, granularity))) for ts in timestamps]))
def test_create_datapackage(): plugin = get_plugin("trend") instance = plugin(None, api_version=4) granularity = instance.create_granularity(3600) timestamp = pytz.utc.localize( trend_names = ["a", "b", "c"] rows = [(123, [1, 2, 3])] datapackage = instance.DataPackage(granularity, timestamp, trend_names, rows) assert datapackage is not None
def test_get_trendstore(conn): plugin = get_plugin("trend") instance = plugin(conn, api_version=4) granularity = create_granularity("900") with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: datasource = name_to_datasource(cursor, "test-src") entitytype = name_to_entitytype(cursor, "test-type") instance.TrendStore(datasource, entitytype, granularity, 86400, "table").create(cursor) trendstore = instance.get_trendstore(datasource, entitytype, granularity) assert_not_equal(trendstore, None)
def records(conn, ts): granularity = 86400 plugin = get_plugin("trend") most_recent_ts = plugin.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity) previous_ts = plugin.get_previous_timestamp(most_recent_ts, granularity) query = ( ' SELECT' " substring( from '[[:alpha:]]+') tech," ' config_cell.controller, config_cell.site_nr,, config_cell.state,' " (ref.timestamp[2] - interval '1 hour')::date," ' ref.downtime_man[2], ref.downtime_auto[2], ref.downtime[2], ref.samples[2],' " (ref.timestamp[1] - interval '1 hour')::date," ' ref.downtime_man[1], ref.downtime_auto[1], ref.downtime[1], ref.samples[1],' ', config_site.address' ' FROM (' ' SELECT' ' entity_id,' ' array_agg(timestamp ORDER BY timestamp) AS timestamp,' ' array_agg(samples ORDER BY timestamp) samples,' ' array_agg(downtime_man ORDER BY timestamp) downtime_man,' ' array_agg(downtime_auto ORDER BY timestamp) downtime_auto,' ' array_agg(downtime ORDER BY timestamp) downtime' ' FROM trend."transform-availability_Cell_day"' ' WHERE timestamp IN (%s, %s)' ' GROUP BY entity_id' ' ) AS ref' ' INNER JOIN directory.entity cell ON = ref.entity_id' ' INNER JOIN attribute."configuration_Cell" config_cell ON config_cell.entity_id =' ' INNER JOIN attribute."configuration_Site" config_site ON config_site.site_nr = config_cell.site_nr' ' WHERE ref.downtime[2] > 86300 AND ref.downtime[1] < 86300' " AND config_cell.state = 'ID'" ' ORDER BY tech, config_cell.site_nr,' ) with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (most_recent_ts, previous_ts)) return cursor.fetchall()
def get_trend_data(conn, datasource, entitytype, subquery_filter, timestamps): """ Return dict of trend_data specified by subquery_filter, timestamp and number_of_days """ trends = ["downtime_man", "downtime_auto", "downtime"] (start,end) = (timestamps[-1], timestamps[0]) plugin = get_plugin("trend")(conn) rows = plugin.retrieve([datasource], 86400, entitytype, trends, None, start, end, subquery_filter=subquery_filter) trend_data = {} emptyrecord = [(None,) * len(trends)] * len(timestamps) for row in rows: trend_data.setdefault(row[0], emptyrecord[:])[timestamps.index(row[1])] = row[2:] return trend_data
def store_txn(conn, transformation, transformed_rows): """ Stores transformed data in destination as specified in function_set """ timestamp = transformation.dest_timestamp.astimezone(transformation.function_set.dest_trendstore.datasource.tzinfo) with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: column_names = transformation.function_set.get_dest_columns(cursor) rows = [(row[0], ([],) + row[2:]) for row in transformed_rows if row[0]] plugin = get_plugin("trend")(conn, api_version=4) datapackage = plugin.DataPackage(transformation.function_set.dest_trendstore.granularity, transformation.dest_timestamp, column_names, rows) return plugin.store_txn(transformation.function_set.dest_trendstore, datapackage)
def get_records(conn, datasource, ts): plugin = get_plugin("trend") granularity = 86400 with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: most_recent_ts = plugin.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity) entitytype = get_entitytype(conn, "Cell") # Only cells with downtime >= (previous day in seconds - 1 hour) subquery_filter = ( "SELECT entity_id AS id " "FROM trend.\"transform-availability_Cell_day\" " "WHERE timestamp = '{0}' " "AND downtime >= EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp - (timestamp - interval '1 day - 1 hour')) ".format(most_recent_ts)) #Deals with DST! timestamps = get_timestamps(ts) trend_data = get_trend_data( conn, datasource, entitytype, subquery_filter, timestamps) cell_info = get_cell_info(conn, subquery_filter) #For sorting ref = [(int(v[1]), int(v[0]), k) for k,v in cell_info.iteritems()] ref.sort() _records = [] for id in (r[2] for r in ref): (cellid, sitenr, controller, place, address, generation) = cell_info.get(id) downtime_man, downtime_auto, downtime, = zip(*trend_data.get(id)) #sneaky HACK to deal with possible empty 'address' field if address is None: address = "" #replace() is nasty HACK for MS Excel line = [sitenr, controller, generation, place, address.replace(",", " - "), cellid, len([v for v in downtime if v])] line += [str(v) if not (v is None) else "" for v in [_v for _v in chain(*zip(downtime_man, downtime_auto, downtime))]] _records.append(line) return _records
def test_create_view(conn): testset_small = TestSet1Small() with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: testset_small.load(cursor) datasource = name_to_datasource(cursor, "view-test") trendstore = TrendStore.get(cursor, datasource, testset_small.entitytype, testset_small.granularity) if not trendstore: trendstore = TrendStore(datasource, testset_small.entitytype, testset_small.granularity, partition_size=86400, type="view").create(cursor) view_sql = ( "SELECT " "999 AS entity_id, " "'2013-08-26 13:00:00+02:00'::timestamp with time zone AS timestamp, " '10 AS "CntrA"') view = View(trendstore, view_sql).define(cursor).create(cursor) conn.commit() plugin = get_plugin("trend") instance_v4 = plugin(conn, api_version=4) start = testset_small.datasource.tzinfo.localize(datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 26, 13, 0, 0)) end = start result = instance_v4.retrieve(trendstore, ["CntrA"], None, start, end) eq_(len(result), 1)
def test_retrieve_from_v4_trendstore(conn): plugin = get_plugin("trend") data = TestData() plugin_obj = plugin(conn, api_version=3) with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: clear_database(cursor) data.load(cursor) start = data.timestamp_1 end = data.timestamp_1 entity = data.entities[1] entities = [] column_names = [ "CellID", "CCR", "CCRatts", "Drops"] datasources = [data.datasource_a] entitytype = data.entitytype granularity = 900 r = plugin_obj.retrieve(datasources, granularity, entitytype, column_names, entities, start, end) eq_(len(r), 1) first_result = head(r) entity_id, timestamp, c1, c2, c3, c4 = first_result eq_(entity_id, eq_(c4, 18)
def test_load_plugin(): plugin = get_plugin("trend") assert_not_equal(plugin, None)
def retrieve(conn, function_set, timestamp): """ Retrieve specific transformed data """ with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: map_to_function_call = partial(function_call_from_mapping, cursor) column_expressions = map(map_to_function_call, function_set.mapping_signature) plugin = get_plugin("trend")(conn, api_version=4) result_rows = [] max_modified = None if function_set.group_by: end = timestamp start = function_set.dest_trendstore.granularity.decr(timestamp) interval = (start, end) modified_column = Call("max", Column("modified")) columns = [modified_column] + column_expressions trendstore = function_set.source_trendstores[0] fetchall = partial(plugin.retrieve_aggregated, trendstore, columns, interval, function_set.group_by, subquery_filter=None, relation_table_name=function_set.relation_table) for row in fetchall(): r = row[:3] + row[4:] result_rows.append(r) modified = row[3] if max_modified is None: max_modified = modified else: max_modified = max(max_modified, modified) else: table_names = get_table_names(function_set.source_trendstores, timestamp, timestamp) tables = map(Table, table_names) modified_columns = [Column(table, "modified") for table in tables] modified_column = Call("greatest", *modified_columns) columns = [modified_column] + column_expressions fetchall = partial(plugin.retrieve, function_set.source_trendstores, columns, None, timestamp, timestamp, subquery_filter=None, relation_table_name=function_set.relation_table) for row in fetchall(): modified = row[2] if modified: r = row[:2] + row[3:] result_rows.append(r) if max_modified is None: max_modified = modified else: max_modified = max(max_modified, modified) return max_modified, result_rows
def test_get_plugin(): plugin = get_plugin("attribute") eq_('create', plugin.__name__)
def test_unsupported_api_version(conn): plugin = get_plugin("trend") plugin(conn, api_version=42)
def test_create_v4_instance(conn): plugin = get_plugin("trend") v3_instance = plugin(conn, api_version=4) eq_(v3_instance.api_version(), 4)
def test_load_plugin(conn): plugin = get_plugin("attribute")(conn) assert not plugin is None
def test_most_recent_timestamp(): """ Test `get_most_recent_timestamp` static method of trend plugin """ plugin_v3 = get_plugin("trend") tz = pytz.timezone("Europe/Amsterdam") ts = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 8, 2, 42, 0)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 8, 2, 0, 0)) granularity = 3600 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity), most_recent_timestamp) ts = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 8, 2, 42, 0)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 8, 2, 0, 0)) granularity = 3600 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity), most_recent_timestamp) ts = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 29, 0, 0, 0)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 29, 0, 0, 0)) granularity = 604800 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity), most_recent_timestamp) ts = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 28, 23, 59, 59)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 22, 0, 0, 0)) granularity = 604800 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity), most_recent_timestamp) ts = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 8, 0, 0, 0)) - timedelta(0, 1) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0)) granularity = 604800 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity), most_recent_timestamp) ts = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 9, 2, 30, 0)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 9, 0, 0, 0)) granularity = 86400 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity), most_recent_timestamp) ts = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 29, 0, 0, 0)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 29, 0, 0, 0)) for granularity in [900, 3600, 86400, 604800]: assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity), most_recent_timestamp) ts = pytz.utc.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 9, 0, 14, 0)) loc_ts = ts.astimezone(tz) timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 9, 2, 0, 0)) granularity = 86400 assert_false(timestamp <= plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(loc_ts, granularity)) ts = pytz.utc.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 9, 9, 14, 0)) loc_ts = ts.astimezone(tz) timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 9, 11, 0, 0)) granularity = 3600 assert_true(timestamp <= plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(loc_ts, granularity)) # DST switch on oct 28th ts = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 28, 17, 42, 0)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 28, 0, 0, 0)) granularity = 86400 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts, granularity), most_recent_timestamp) ts_utc = pytz.utc.localize(datetime(2013, 2, 25, 23, 0, 0)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2013, 2, 26, 0, 0, 0)) granularity = 86400 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts_utc, granularity, minerva_tz=tz), most_recent_timestamp) # DST switch on oct 28th ts_utc = pytz.utc.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 28, 16, 42, 0)) most_recent_timestamp = tz.localize(datetime(2012, 10, 28, 0, 0, 0)) granularity = 86400 assert_equal(plugin_v3.get_most_recent_timestamp(ts_utc, granularity, minerva_tz=tz), most_recent_timestamp)