Example #1
        # Create a new ovsdb namespace
        self.switches = []
        name = 'ovsdb%d' % cls.ovsdbCount
        kwargs.update( inNamespace=True )
        kwargs.setdefault( 'privateDirs', self.privateDirs )
        super( OVSDB, self ).__init__( name, **kwargs )
        ovsdb = cnet.addHost( name, cls=self.self, **kwargs )
        link = cnet.addLink( ovsdb, cnet.switches[ 0 ] )
        cnet.switches[ 0 ].attach( link.intf2 )
        ovsdb.setDefaultRoute( 'via %s' % self.nat.intfs[ 0 ].IP() )

# Install cleanup callback
Cleanup.addCleanupCallback( OVSDB.cleanUpOVS )

class OVSSwitchNS( OVSSwitch ):
    "OVS Switch in shared OVSNS namespace"

    isSetup = False

    def batchStartup( cls, switches ):
        result = []
        for ovsdb, switchGroup in groupby( switches, attrgetter( 'ovsdb') ):
            switchGroup = list( switchGroup )
            info( '(%s)' % ovsdb )
            result += OVSSwitch.batchStartup( switchGroup, run=ovsdb.cmd )
        return result
Example #2
from mininet.clean import cleanup, killprocs, Cleanup
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import info, setLogLevel
from mininet.net import Containernet
from mininet.node import Controller
from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer
from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler
from pyftpdlib.servers import MultiprocessFTPServer

from container.kali import Kali
from controller import PoxController

from typing import List, Tuple

# Add a cleanup command to mininet.clean to clean pox controller
Cleanup.addCleanupCallback(lambda: killprocs(PoxController.pox_comand))

class Scenario(object):
    Base scenario class.
    Performs the functions to run and document a scenario.
    Should be extended by any other implemented scenarios, all public methods are extensible.
    Extension classes should have the class name `Import` as per the `start` file.
    # These attributes allow for the filtering/ordering of scenarios when presenting them to students
    name = "Base Scenario"
    """Scenario name. Used in the produced documentation"""
    enabled = False
    """If the scenario should be shown to users."""
    weight = -1