Example #1
# Test: OpenMP parallelization

import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> openmp/CO-C2v/R')

sym = 'C2v'
nthreads = [1, 2, 4, 8]

for nth in nthreads:
    dirac_inp = "TRA.inp"
    dirac_mol = "CO-C2v.mol"
    execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_inp +
            " --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT\"")
    execute("mv MRCONEE MRCONEE-" + sym)
    execute("mv MDCINT MDCINT-" + sym)
    t1_scf = Filter("Total SCF energy = ", -112.820480227130517, 1e-7)
    t1_mp2c = Filter("MP2 correlation energy = ", -0.290892396007590, 1e-7)
    t1_mp2 = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ", -113.111372623138109, 1e-7)
    t1_ccsd = Filter("CCSD correlation energy = ", -0.298117912056231, 1e-7)
    Test('%s - %d threads' % (sym, nth),
         "input-%s-%s" % (sym, str(nth)),
         filters=[t1_scf, t1_mp2, t1_mp2c, t1_ccsd]).run()
    execute("rm -rf MRCONEE* MDCINT*")
    execute("rm -rf HINT VINT*")
Example #2
import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> CO molecule exc energies (1h1p) with imaginary shifts')

# all symmetries to be tested
symmetries = ['C1', 'Cs', 'C2', 'C2v', 'Cinfv']

for sym in symmetries:
	dirac_inp = "TRA.inp"
	dirac_mol = "CO-%s.mol" % (sym)
	execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_inp + " --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT\"")

	t1_scf  = Filter("Total SCF energy = ",       -112.820480227130517, 1e-7)
	t1_mp2c = Filter("MP2 correlation energy = ",   -0.290892396007590, 1e-7)
	t1_mp2  = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ",       -113.111372623138109, 1e-7)
	t1_mp2  = Filter("CCSD correlation energy = ",  -0.298117912056231, 1e-7)

	ee2 = Filter("@    2", 0.2338425936, 1e-7)
	ee3 = Filter("@    3", 0.2338427622, 1e-7)
	ee4 = Filter("@    4", 0.2340738270, 1e-7)
	ee5 = Filter("@    5", 0.2343060898, 1e-7)
	ee6 = Filter("@    6", 0.3074679705, 1e-7)
	ee7 = Filter("@    7", 0.3074718331, 1e-7)
	ee60= Filter("@   60", 1.0037554050, 1e-7)
	ee61= Filter("@   61", 1.0829364322, 1e-7)
	ee62= Filter("@   62", 1.0829364663, 1e-7)
Example #3
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute

print '>>> sector(0,1)/Hg+/SOREP'

# all symmetries to be tested
symmetries = ['C1', 'C2', 'Cs', 'C2v', 'Ci', 'C2h', 'D2', 'D2h']

for sym in symmetries:
    if sym == 'C1' or sym == 'C2' or sym == 'Cs' or sym == 'C2v' or sym == 'D2':
        dirac_inp = "TRA.inp"
        dirac_inp = 'TRAi.inp'
    dirac_mol = "Hg-%s.mol" % (sym)
    execute("pam --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_inp + " --mol=" +
            dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT\"")
    execute("mv MRCONEE MRCONEE-" + sym)
    execute("mv MDCINT MDCINT-" + sym)
    t1_scf = Filter("Total SCF energy = ", -152.230646138773693, 1e-7)
    t1_mp2c = Filter("MP2 correlation energy = ", -0.148339079147, 1e-7)
    t1_mp2 = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ", -152.378985217920, 1e-7)
    t1_ccsd = Filter("CCSD correlation energy = ", -0.153561572006815, 1e-7)
    t1_e1 = Filter("@    1", -0.6518859983, 1e-7)
    t1_e2 = Filter("@    2", -0.4268435202, 1e-7)
    t1_e3 = Filter("@    3", -0.3884627843, 1e-7)
         "input-%s" % (sym),
         filters=[t1_scf, t1_mp2, t1_mp2c, t1_ccsd, t1_e1, t1_e2,
    execute("rm -rf MRCONEE* MDCINT*")
    execute("rm -rf HINT VINT* modelvectors* HEFF")
Example #4
import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> sector(1h1p)/N2/nonrel')

# all symmetries to be tested
symmetries = ['C1', 'Cs', 'Cinfv', 'Dinfh']

for sym in symmetries:
	dirac_inp = 'TRA.inp'
	dirac_mol = "N2-%s.mol" % (sym)
	execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_inp + " --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT MDPROP\"")
	t1_e2  = Filter("@    2", 0.2847991452, 1e-7)
	t1_e3  = Filter("@    3", 0.2970409016, 1e-7)
	t1_e4  = Filter("@    4", 0.3352715553, 1e-7)
	t1_e5  = Filter("@    5", 0.3457793799, 1e-7)
	t1_e6  = Filter("@    6", 0.3714861226, 1e-7)
	t1_e7  = Filter("@    7", 0.3790725681, 1e-7)
	t1_e8  = Filter("@    8", 0.3966063834, 1e-7)
	t1_e9  = Filter("@    9", 0.4202318050, 1e-7)
	t1_e10 = Filter("@   10", 0.5148711303, 1e-7)
	t1_e11 = Filter("@   11", 0.6227912851, 1e-7)
	Test(sym, "input", filters=[t1_e2,t1_e3,t1_e4,t1_e5,t1_e6,t1_e7,t1_e8,t1_e9,t1_e10,t1_e11]).run(options="--no-clean")
	execute("mv input-1h1p.test.out expt_N2_%s_1h1p.out" % (sym))
	execute("rm -rf MRCONEE* MDCINT* MDPROP*")
	execute("rm -rf scratch")
	execute("rm -rf HINT VINT* modelvectors* HEFF")
Example #5
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

# non-relativistic

print('>>> sector(1,1)/LiF/nonrel')

# all symmetries to be tested
symmetries = ['C1', 'Cinfv']

for sym in symmetries:
    dirac_inp = 'TRA_NR.inp'
    dirac_mol = "LiF-%s.mol" % (sym)
    execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_inp +
            " --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT MDPROP\"")
    execute("expt.x --no-clean input-0h0p > expt_LiF_%s_NR_0h0p.out" % (sym))
    t1_scf = Filter("Total SCF energy = ", -106.964946434870, 1e-7)
    t1_cc_tot = Filter("Total CCSD energy = ", -107.194656109696, 1e-7)
    t1_ccsd = Filter("CCSD correlation energy = ", -0.229709674826, 1e-7)
    t1_e2 = Filter("@    2", 0.2298230870, 1e-7)
    t1_e3 = Filter("@    3", 0.2299751759, 1e-7)
    t1_e4 = Filter("@    4", 0.2448229001, 1e-7)
    t1_e5 = Filter("@    5", 0.2463911062, 1e-7)
         filters=[t1_scf, t1_cc_tot, t1_ccsd, t1_e2, t1_e3, t1_e4,
    execute("mv input-1h1p.test.out expt_LiF_%s_NR_1h1p.out" % (sym))
    execute("mv scratch/HEFF HEFF_NR_%s" % (sym))
    execute("rm -rf MRCONEE* MDCINT* MDPROP*")
Example #6
import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> efield/LiNa/relativistic(4c-DC)')

symmetries = ['C1', 'C2', 'Cs', 'C2v']

for sym in symmetries:
    dirac_scf = "scf.inp"
    dirac_tra = "TRA.inp"
    dirac_mol = "LiNa-%s.mol" % (sym)
    execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_scf +
            " --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --outcmo")
    execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_tra +
            " --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --incmo --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT\"")
    execute("mv MRCONEE MRCONEE-%s" % (sym))
    execute("mv MDCINT MDCINT-%s" % (sym))
    t1_scf = Filter("SCF reference energy = ", -169.073977054460, 1e-8)
    t1_mp2c = Filter("MP2 correlation energy = ", -0.039137634196386, 1e-8)
    t1_mp2 = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ", -169.113114688656, 1e-8)
    t1_ccsd = Filter("CCSD correlation energy = ", -0.058503275496498, 1e-8)
    Test("%s" % (sym),
         "input-%s" % (sym),
         filters=[t1_scf, t1_mp2, t1_mp2c, t1_ccsd]).run()
    execute("rm -rf MRCONEE* MDCINT* DFCOEF")
    execute("rm -rf HINT VINT*")
Example #7
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Test: H2O+ ion / cc-pVTZ / non-relativistic Hamiltonian / sector (1h,0p)
# FSCC scheme: H2O -> H2O+

import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> sector(1,0)/H2O->H2O+/cc-pVTZ/nonrel')

dirac_mol = "H2O-C2v.mol"
dirac_inp = "TRA.inp"
execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_inp + " --mol=" +
        dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT\"")

t1_scf = Filter("Total SCF energy = ", -76.057114619775, 1e-7)
t1_mp2c = Filter("MP2 correlation energy = ", -0.275116992297, 1e-7)
t1_mp2 = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ", -76.332231612072, 1e-7)
t1_ccsd = Filter("CCSD correlation energy = ", -0.280866129199, 1e-7)
t1_e1 = Filter("@    1", 0.4557505780, 1e-7)
t1_e2 = Filter("@    2", 0.5376795920, 1e-7)
t1_e3 = Filter("@    3", 0.6919460871, 1e-7)
t1_e4 = Filter("@    4", 1.2211489399, 1e-7)
Test("H2O -> H2O+",
     filters=[t1_scf, t1_mp2, t1_mp2c, t1_ccsd, t1_e1, t1_e2, t1_e3,
execute("rm -rf MRCONEE MDCINT")
execute("rm -rf HINT VINT* modelvectors* HEFF")
Example #8
# Test: N2 molecule / cc-pVDZ / non-relativistic Hamiltonian / FS-CCSDT(1h1p)
# The Cinfv point group is employed.
# This test is borrowed from M. Musial, R. J. Bartlett, 
# J. Chem. Phys. 121, 1670 (2004); doi: 10.1063/1.1765096.

import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> ccsdt 1h1p / N2 molecule excitations / Non-rel')

execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=TRA --mol=N2 --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT MDPROP\"")

t_scf         = Filter("Total SCF energy = ",              -108.95453941355765  , 1e-8)
t_scf_ref     = Filter("SCF reference energy = ",          -108.954539413558, 1e-8)
t_mp2         = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ",              -109.259826827630, 1e-8)
t_ccsdt_corr  = Filter("CCSDT correlation energy = ",        -0.320348289208, 1e-8)
t_ccsdt       = Filter("Total CCSDT energy = ",            -109.274887702766, 1e-8)
t_e2          = Filter("@    2", 0.2906764563, 1e-8)
t_e3          = Filter("@    3", 0.2995912335, 1e-8)
t_e4          = Filter("@    4", 0.3382594556, 1e-8)
t_e5          = Filter("@    5", 0.3535514212, 1e-8)
t_e6          = Filter("@    6", 0.3682194407, 1e-8)
t_e7          = Filter("@    7", 0.3795176318, 1e-8)
t_e8          = Filter("@    8", 0.3940401922, 1e-8)
t_e9          = Filter("@    9", 0.4197055451, 1e-8)
t_e10         = Filter("@   10", 0.5065655757, 1e-8)
Example #9
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> ccsdt_0h2p/C/DC')

# all symmetries to be tested
#symmetries = ['C1', 'Cs', 'C2v', 'Cinfv']
symmetries = ['Cinfv']

for sym in symmetries:
	dirac_inp = "TRA.inp"
	dirac_mol = "C-%s.mol" % (sym)
	# external electric field F=0.1 is added at the integral
	# transformation step (see TRA.inp)
	execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=TRA --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT MDPROP\"")
	t_scf         = Filter("Total SCF energy = ",              -36.423980694324, 1e-8)
	t_scf_ref     = Filter("SCF reference energy = ",          -36.423980694324, 1e-8)
	t_mp2         = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ",              -36.474422551054, 1e-8)
	t_ccsdt_corr  = Filter("CCSDT correlation energy = ",       -0.079842226731, 1e-8)
	t_ccsdt       = Filter("Total CCSDT energy = ",            -36.503822921054, 1e-8)
	t_e1          = Filter("@    1", -1.3027424379, 1e-8)
	t_e2          = Filter("@    2", -1.3026583880, 1e-8)
	t_e3          = Filter("@    3", -1.3024915838, 1e-8)
	t_e4          = Filter("@    4", -1.2536383035, 1e-8)
	t_e5          = Filter("@    5", -1.2005053045, 1e-8)

	Test(sym, "input", filters=[t_scf,t_scf_ref,t_mp2,t_ccsdt_corr,t_ccsdt,t_e1,t_e2,t_e3,t_e4,t_e5]).run()
	execute("cp input.test.out input-%s.test.out" % (sym))
Example #10
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Test: CO / cc-pvdz / Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian / CCSDT-3 / ext elec field = 0.01 au

import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> ccsdt-3/CO/DC/F=0.01')

# external electric field F=0.01 is added at the integral
# transformation step (see TRA.inp)
execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=SCF --mol=CO-Cinfv --outcmo")
execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=TRA --mol=CO-Cinfv --incmo --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT\"")

t_scf         = Filter("Total SCF energy = ",             -112.820480227131, 1e-8)
t_scf_ref     = Filter("SCF reference energy = ",         -112.819539718659, 1e-8)
t_mp2         = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ",             -113.112174768284, 1e-8)
t_ccsdt3_corr = Filter("CCSDT-3 correlation energy = ",     -0.311325279213, 1e-8)
t_ccsdt3      = Filter("Total CCSDT-3 energy = ",         -113.130864997872, 1e-8)
Test("Cinfv", "input", filters=[t_scf,t_scf_ref,t_mp2,t_ccsdt3_corr,t_ccsdt3]).run()

execute("rm -rf DFCOEF MRCONEE* MDCINT* scratch")
execute("rm -rf HINT VINT* modelvectors* HEFF")

Example #11
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Test: high-spin openshell CC calculation (sector 0h0p)

import sys
import os

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> highspin/O2 triplet')

dirac_inp = "TRA.inp"
dirac_mol = "O2.mol"
execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_inp + " --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT\"")

t1_scf_read   = Filter("Total SCF energy = ",       -149.686661451845, 1e-7)
t1_scf_recalc = Filter("SCF reference energy = ",   -149.718144633814, 1e-7)
t1_mp2_corr   = Filter("MP2 correlation energy = ",   -0.383061310628, 1e-7)
t1_mp2_total  = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ",       -150.101205944442, 1e-7)
t1_ccsd_corr  = Filter("CCSD correlation energy = ",  -0.366958682628, 1e-7)
t1_ccsd_total = Filter("Total CCSD energy = ",      -150.085103316442, 1e-7)
Test('O2 high spin CCSD (triplet)', "input", filters=[t1_scf_read,t1_mp2_total,t1_mp2_corr,t1_ccsd_corr,t1_ccsd_total,t1_scf_recalc]).run()

# cleanup
execute("rm -rf HINT VINT*")
execute("rm -rf MRCONEE* MDCINT* scratch")

Example #12
from minitest import Test, Filter, execute, DIRAC_PATH

print('>>> sector(1,1)/Ne/nonrel')

# all symmetries to be tested
symmetries = [
    'C1', 'C2', 'Cs', 'C2v', 'Ci', 'C2h', 'D2', 'D2h', 'Cinfv', 'Dinfh'

for sym in symmetries:
    if sym == 'C1' or sym == 'C2' or sym == 'Cs' or sym == 'C2v' or sym == 'D2' or sym == 'Cinfv':
        dirac_inp = "TRA.inp"
        dirac_inp = 'TRAi.inp'
    dirac_mol = "Ne-%s.mol" % (sym)
    execute(DIRAC_PATH + " --nobackup --noarch --inp=" + dirac_inp +
            " --mol=" + dirac_mol + " --get=\"MRCONEE MDCINT\"")
    t1_scf = Filter("Total SCF energy = ", -128.52777688911166, 1e-7)
    t1_mp2c = Filter("MP2 correlation energy = ", -0.270756916860, 1e-7)
    t1_mp2 = Filter("Total MP2 energy = ", -128.798533805971, 1e-7)
    t1_ccsd = Filter("CCSD correlation energy = ", -0.271995247737, 1e-7)
    t1_e1 = Filter("@    1", 0.0000000000, 1e-7)
    t1_e2 = Filter("@    2", 0.6046595005, 1e-7)
    t1_e3 = Filter("@    3", 0.6107148345, 1e-7)
    t1_e4 = Filter("@    4", 0.6674738228, 1e-7)
    t1_e5 = Filter("@    5", 0.6770335172, 1e-7)
    t1_e6 = Filter("@    6", 0.6801407839, 1e-7)
    t1_e7 = Filter("@    7", 0.6815529646, 1e-7)
    t1_e8 = Filter("@    8", 0.6815831430, 1e-7)
    t1_e9 = Filter("@    9", 0.6938805723, 1e-7)