Example #1
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template file into inps.excludeDate"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    iDict = vars(inps)
    print('read options from template file: ' +
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    # Read template option
    prefix = 'mintpy.velocity.'
    keyList = [i for i in list(iDict.keys()) if prefix + i in template.keys()]
    for key in keyList:
        value = template[prefix + key]
        if key in ['bootstrap']:
            iDict[key] = value
        if value:
            if key in ['startDate', 'endDate']:
                iDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value)
            elif key in ['excludeDate']:
                value = value.replace('[', '').replace(']',
                                                       '').replace(',', ' ')
                iDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value.split())
            elif key in ['bootstrapCount']:
                iDict[key] = int(value)

    key = 'mintpy.compute.maxMemory'
    if key in template.keys() and template[key]:
        inps.maxMemory = float(template[key])

    return inps
Example #2
def select_pairs_star(date_list, m_date=None, pbase_list=[], date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select Star-like network/interferograms/pairs, it's a single master network, similar to PS approach.
        m_date : master date, choose it based on the following cretiria:
                 1) near the center in temporal and spatial baseline
                 2) prefer winter season than summer season for less temporal decorrelation
        Ferretti, A., C. Prati, and F. Rocca (2001), Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry, IEEE TGRS, 39(1), 8-20.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)

    # Select master date if not existed
    if not m_date:
        m_date = select_master_date(date8_list, pbase_list)
        print(('auto select master date: '+m_date))

    # Check input master date
    m_date8 = ptime.yyyymmdd(m_date)
    if m_date8 not in date8_list:
        print('Input master date is not existed in date list!')
        print(('Input master date: '+str(m_date8)))
        print(('Input date list: '+str(date8_list)))
        m_date8 = None

    # Generate star/ps network
    m_idx = date8_list.index(m_date8)
    date12_idx_list = [sorted([m_idx, s_idx]) for s_idx in range(len(date8_list))
                       if s_idx is not m_idx]
    date12_list = [date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]]
                   for idx in date12_idx_list]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #3
def select_pairs_star(date_list, m_date=None, pbase_list=[], date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select Star-like network/interferograms/pairs, it's a single master network, similar to PS approach.
        m_date : master date, choose it based on the following cretiria:
                 1) near the center in temporal and spatial baseline
                 2) prefer winter season than summer season for less temporal decorrelation
        Ferretti, A., C. Prati, and F. Rocca (2001), Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry, IEEE TGRS, 39(1), 8-20.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)

    # Select master date if not existed
    if not m_date:
        m_date = select_master_date(date8_list, pbase_list)
        print(('auto select master date: '+m_date))

    # Check input master date
    m_date8 = ptime.yyyymmdd(m_date)
    if m_date8 not in date8_list:
        print('Input master date is not existed in date list!')
        print(('Input master date: '+str(m_date8)))
        print(('Input date list: '+str(date8_list)))
        m_date8 = None

    # Generate star/ps network
    m_idx = date8_list.index(m_date8)
    date12_idx_list = [sorted([m_idx, s_idx]) for s_idx in range(len(date8_list))
                       if s_idx is not m_idx]
    date12_list = [date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]]
                   for idx in date12_idx_list]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #4
def read_exclude_date(inps, dateListAll):
    # Merge ex_date/startDate/endDate into ex_date
    yy_list_all = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(dateListAll)
    exDateList = []

    # ex_date
    exDateList += ptime.read_date_list(list(inps.excludeDate),
    if exDateList:
        print('exclude date:' + str(exDateList))

    # startDate
    if inps.startDate:
        print('start date: ' + inps.startDate)
        yy_min = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.startDate))
        for i in range(len(dateListAll)):
            date = dateListAll[i]
            if yy_list_all[i] < yy_min and date not in exDateList:
                print('  remove date: ' + date)

    # endDate
    if inps.endDate:
        print('end date: ' + inps.endDate)
        yy_max = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.endDate))
        for i in range(len(dateListAll)):
            date = dateListAll[i]
            if yy_list_all[i] > yy_max and date not in exDateList:
                print('  remove date: ' + date)
    exDateList = sorted(list(set(exDateList)))
    return exDateList
Example #5
def read_exclude_date(inps, date_list_all):
    inps.excludeDate = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.excludeDate)
    if not inps.excludeDate:
        inps.excludeDate = []
        log('input exclude dates: {}'.format(inps.excludeDate))

    if inps.startDate:
        log('input start date: ' + inps.startDate)
        inps.excludeDate += [
            i for i in date_list_all
            if float(i) < float(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.startDate))
        inps.excludeDate = sorted(inps.excludeDate)

    if inps.endDate:
        log('input end   date: ' + inps.endDate)
        inps.excludeDate += [
            i for i in date_list_all
            if float(i) > float(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.endDate))
        inps.excludeDate = sorted(inps.excludeDate)

    if inps.excludeDate:
        log('exclude    dates: ({})\n{}'.format(len(inps.excludeDate),
    return inps.excludeDate
Example #6
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    print('read options from template file: '+os.path.basename(template_file))
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    # Update inps if key existed in template file
    prefix = 'mintpy.network.'
    keyList = [i for i in list(inpsDict.keys()) if prefix+i in template.keys()]
    for key in keyList:
        value = template[prefix+key]
        if key in ['coherenceBased', 'areaRatioBased', 'keepMinSpanTree']:
            inpsDict[key] = value
        elif value:
            if key in ['minCoherence', 'minAreaRatio', 'tempBaseMax', 'perpBaseMax']:
                inpsDict[key] = float(value)
            elif key in ['connNumMax']:
                inpsDict[key] = int(value)
            elif key in ['maskFile', 'referenceFile']:
                inpsDict[key] = value
            elif key == 'aoiYX':
                tmp = [i.replace('[','').replace(']','').strip() for i in value.split(',')]
                sub_y = sorted([int(i.strip()) for i in tmp[0].split(':')])
                sub_x = sorted([int(i.strip()) for i in tmp[1].split(':')])
                inps.aoi_pix_box = (sub_x[0], sub_y[0], sub_x[1], sub_y[1])
            elif key == 'aoiLALO':
                tmp = [i.replace('[','').replace(']','').strip() for i in value.split(',')]
                sub_lat = sorted([float(i.strip()) for i in tmp[0].split(':')])
                sub_lon = sorted([float(i.strip()) for i in tmp[1].split(':')])
                inps.aoi_geo_box = (sub_lon[0], sub_lat[1], sub_lon[1], sub_lat[0])
                # Check lookup file
                if not inps.lookupFile:
                    print('Warning: no lookup table file found! Can not use '+key+' option without it.')
                    print('skip this option.')
                    inps.aoi_pix_box = None
            elif key in ['startDate', 'endDate']:
                inpsDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value)
            elif key == 'excludeDate':
                value = value.replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(',', ' ')
                inpsDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value.split())
            elif key == 'excludeIfgIndex':
                value = value.replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(',', ' ')
                inpsDict[key] += value.split()
                inpsDict[key] = read_input_index_list(inpsDict[key], stackFile=inps.file)

    # Turn reset on if 1) no input options found to drop ifgram AND 2) there is template input
    if all(not i for i in [inps.referenceFile, inps.tempBaseMax, inps.perpBaseMax, inps.connNumMax,
                           inps.excludeIfgIndex, inps.excludeDate, inps.coherenceBased, inps.areaRatioBased,
                           inps.startDate, inps.endDate, inps.reset, inps.manual]):
        print('No input option found to remove interferogram')
        print('Keep all interferograms by enable --reset option')
        inps.reset = True
    return inps
Example #7
def read_inps2date_time(inps):
    """Read dates and time info from input arguments.
    Related options: --file OR --date-list, --hour

    Parameters: inps      - Namespace for the input arguments
    Returns:    date_list - list of str, dates in YYYYMMDD format
                hour      - str, hour in 2-digit with zero padding

    # if --file is specified
    if inps.dis_file:
        # 1) ignore --date-list and --hour
        for key in ['date_list', 'hour']:
            if vars(inps)[key] is not None:
                vars(inps)[key] = None
                msg = 'input "{:<10}" is ignored'.format(key)
                msg += ', use info from file {} instead'.format(inps.dis_file)

        # 2) read dates/time from time-series file
        print('read dates/time info from file: {}'.format(inps.dis_file))
        atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.dis_file)
        if atr['FILE_TYPE'] == 'timeseries':
            ts_obj = timeseries(inps.dis_file)
            inps.date_list = ts_obj.dateList
            inps.date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(atr['DATE12'].split('-'))
        inps.hour = closest_weather_model_hour(atr['CENTER_LINE_UTC'],

    # read dates if --date-list is text file
    if len(inps.date_list) == 1 and os.path.isfile(inps.date_list[0]):
        date_file = inps.date_list[0]
        if date_file.startswith('SAFE_'):
                'read date list and hour info from Sentinel-1 SAFE filenames: {}'
            inps.date_list, inps.hour = safe2date_time(date_file,
            print('read date list from text file: {}'.format(date_file))
            inps.date_list = np.loadtxt(date_file, dtype=bytes,
                                        usecols=(0, )).astype(str).tolist()
            inps.date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.date_list)

    # at east 2 dates are required (for meaningful calculation)
    if len(inps.date_list) < 2:
        raise AttributeError('input number of dates < 2!')

    # print time info
    if inps.hour is None:
        raise AttributeError('time info (--hour) not found!')
    print('time of cloest available product: {}:00 UTC'.format(inps.hour))

    return inps.date_list, inps.hour
Example #8
def read_template2inps(template_file, inps=None):
    """Read input template options into Namespace inps"""
    if not inps:
        inps = cmd_line_parse()
    inpsDict = vars(inps)
    print('read options from template file: '+os.path.basename(template_file))
    template = readfile.read_template(inps.template_file)
    template = ut.check_template_auto_value(template)

    # Update inps if key existed in template file
    prefix = 'mintpy.network.'
    keyList = [i for i in list(inpsDict.keys()) if prefix+i in template.keys()]
    for key in keyList:
        value = template[prefix+key]
        if key in ['coherenceBased', 'keepMinSpanTree']:
            inpsDict[key] = value
        elif value:
            if key in ['minCoherence', 'tempBaseMax', 'perpBaseMax']:
                inpsDict[key] = float(value)
            elif key in ['connNumMax']:
                inpsDict[key] = int(value)
            elif key in ['maskFile', 'referenceFile']:
                inpsDict[key] = value
            elif key == 'aoiYX':
                tmp = [i.strip() for i in value.split(',')]
                sub_y = sorted([int(i.strip()) for i in tmp[0].split(':')])
                sub_x = sorted([int(i.strip()) for i in tmp[1].split(':')])
                inps.aoi_pix_box = (sub_x[0], sub_y[0], sub_x[1], sub_y[1])
            elif key == 'aoiLALO':
                tmp = [i.strip() for i in value.split(',')]
                sub_lat = sorted([float(i.strip()) for i in tmp[0].split(':')])
                sub_lon = sorted([float(i.strip()) for i in tmp[1].split(':')])
                inps.aoi_geo_box = (sub_lon[0], sub_lat[1], sub_lon[1], sub_lat[0])
                # Check lookup file
                if not inps.lookupFile:
                    print('Warning: no lookup table file found! Can not use '+key+' option without it.')
                    print('skip this option.')
                    inps.aoi_pix_box = None
            elif key in ['startDate', 'endDate']:
                inpsDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value)
            elif key == 'excludeDate':
                inpsDict[key] = ptime.yyyymmdd(value.replace(',', ' ').split())
            elif key == 'excludeIfgIndex':
                inpsDict[key] += value.replace(',', ' ').split()
                inps.excludeIfgIndex = read_input_index_list(inps.excludeIfgIndex, stackFile=inps.file)

    # Turn reset on if 1) no input options found to drop ifgram AND 2) there is template input
    if all(not i for i in [inps.referenceFile, inps.tempBaseMax, inps.perpBaseMax, inps.connNumMax,
                           inps.excludeIfgIndex, inps.excludeDate, inps.coherenceBased,
                           inps.startDate, inps.endDate, inps.reset, inps.manual]):
        print('No input option found to remove interferogram')
        print('Keep all interferograms by enable --reset option')
        inps.reset = True
    return inps
Example #9
def threshold_coherence_based_mst(date12_list, coh_list):
    """Return a minimum spanning tree of network based on the coherence inverse.
        date12_list - list of string in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        coh_list    - list of float, average coherence for each interferogram
        mst_date12_list - list of string in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format, for MST network of interferograms 
    # coh_list --> coh_mat --> weight_mat
    coh_mat = coherence_matrix(date12_list, coh_list)
    mask = ~np.isnan(coh_mat)
    wei_mat = np.zeros(coh_mat.shape)
    wei_mat[:] = np.inf
    wei_mat[mask] = 1/coh_mat[mask]

    # MST path based on weight matrix
    wei_mat_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(wei_mat)
    mst_mat_csr = sparse.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(wei_mat_csr)

    # Get date6_list
    date12_list = ptime.yymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
    s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))))

    # Convert MST index matrix into date12 list
    [s_idx_list, m_idx_list] = [date_idx_array.tolist()
                                for date_idx_array in sparse.find(mst_mat_csr)[0:2]]
    mst_date12_list = []
    for i in range(len(m_idx_list)):
        idx = sorted([m_idx_list[i], s_idx_list[i]])
        date12 = date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]]
    return mst_date12_list
Example #10
def select_pairs_delaunay(date_list, pbase_list, norm=True, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select Pairs using Delaunay Triangulation based on temporal/perpendicular baselines
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline
        norm       : normalize temporal baseline to perpendicular baseline
    Key points
        1. Define a ratio between perpendicular and temporal baseline axis units (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS).
        2. Pairs with too large perpendicular / temporal baseline or Doppler centroid difference should be removed
           after this, using a threshold, to avoid strong decorrelations (Zebker and Villasenor, 1992, TGRS).
        Pepe, A., and R. Lanari (2006), On the extension of the minimum cost flow algorithm for phase unwrapping
        of multitemporal differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 44(9), 2374-2383.
        Zebker, H. A., and J. Villasenor (1992), Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes, IEEE TGRS, 30(5), 950-959.
    # Get temporal baseline in days
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]

    # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
    if norm:
        temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list)-min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list)-min(tbase_list))
        tbase_list = [tbase*temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list]

    # Generate Delaunay Triangulation
    date12_idx_list = Triangulation(tbase_list, pbase_list).edges.tolist()
    date12_idx_list = [sorted(idx) for idx in sorted(date12_idx_list)]

    # Convert index into date12
    date12_list = [date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]]
                   for idx in date12_idx_list]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #11
def threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, btemp_max, keep_seasonal=True, btemp_min=0.0):
    """Remove pairs/interferograms out of min/max/seasonal temporal baseline limits
        date12_list : list of string for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        btemp_max   : float, maximum temporal baseline
        btemp_min   : float, minimum temporal baseline
        keep_seasonal : keep interferograms with seasonal temporal baseline
        date12_list_out : list of string for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        date12_list = threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, 200)
        date12_list = threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, 200, False)
    if not date12_list:
        return []
    # Get date list and tbase list
    m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
    s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates))))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]

    # Threshold
    date12_list_out = []
    for date12 in date12_list:
        date1, date2 = date12.split('-')
        idx1 = date6_list.index(date1)
        idx2 = date6_list.index(date2)
        tbase = int(abs(tbase_list[idx1] - tbase_list[idx2]))
        if btemp_min <= tbase <= btemp_max:
        elif keep_seasonal and tbase/30 in [11, 12]:
    return date12_list_out
Example #12
def select_master_date(date_list, pbase_list=[]):
    """Select super master date based on input temporal and/or perpendicular baseline info.
    Return master date in YYYYMMDD format.
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    if not pbase_list:
        # Choose date in the middle
        m_date8 = date8_list[int(len(date8_list) / 2)]
        # Get temporal baseline list
        tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]
        # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
        temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list) - min(pbase_list)) / (
            max(tbase_list) - min(tbase_list))
        tbase_list = [tbase * temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list]
        # Get distance matrix
        ttMat1, ttMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(tbase_list),
        ppMat1, ppMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(pbase_list),
        ttMat = np.abs(ttMat1 - ttMat2)  # temporal distance matrix
        ppMat = np.abs(ppMat1 - ppMat2)  # spatial distance matrix
        # 2D distance matrix in temp/perp domain
        disMat = np.sqrt(np.square(ttMat) + np.square(ppMat))

        # Choose date minimize the total distance of temp/perp baseline
        disMean = np.mean(disMat, 0)
        m_idx = np.argmin(disMean)
        m_date8 = date8_list[m_idx]
    return m_date8
Example #13
def threshold_doppler_overlap(date12_list,
    """Remove pairs/interoferogram with doppler overlap larger than critical value
        date12_list : list of string, for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        date_list   : list of string, for date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format, optional
        dop_list    : list of list of 3 float, for centroid Doppler frequency
        bandwidth_az    : float, bandwidth in azimuth direction
        dop_overlap_min : float, minimum overlap of azimuth Doppler frequency
        date12_list : list of string, for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
    if not date12_list:
        return []
    # Get date6_list
    if not date_list:
        m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
        s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
        date_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates))))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)

    # Threshold
    date12_list_out = []
    for date12 in date12_list:
        date1, date2 = date12.split('-')
        idx1 = date6_list.index(date1)
        idx2 = date6_list.index(date2)
        dop_overlap = calculate_doppler_overlap(dop_list[idx1], dop_list[idx2],
        if dop_overlap >= dop_overlap_min:
    return date12_list_out
Example #14
def select_master_date(date_list, pbase_list=[]):
    """Select super master date based on input temporal and/or perpendicular baseline info.
    Return master date in YYYYMMDD format.
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    if not pbase_list:
        # Choose date in the middle
        m_date8 = date8_list[int(len(date8_list)/2)]
        # Get temporal baseline list
        tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]
        # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
        temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list)-min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list)-min(tbase_list))
        tbase_list = [tbase*temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list]
        # Get distance matrix
        ttMat1, ttMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(tbase_list),
        ppMat1, ppMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(pbase_list),
        ttMat = np.abs(ttMat1 - ttMat2)  # temporal distance matrix
        ppMat = np.abs(ppMat1 - ppMat2)  # spatial distance matrix
        # 2D distance matrix in temp/perp domain
        disMat = np.sqrt(np.square(ttMat) + np.square(ppMat))

        # Choose date minimize the total distance of temp/perp baseline
        disMean = np.mean(disMat, 0)
        m_idx = np.argmin(disMean)
        m_date8 = date8_list[m_idx]
    return m_date8
Example #15
def exclude_dates():
    global inps, dateList

    if inps.ex_date_list:
        input_ex_date = list(inps.ex_date_list)
        inps.ex_date_list = []

        if input_ex_date:
            for ex_date in input_ex_date:

                if os.path.isfile(ex_date):
                    ex_date = ptime.read_date_list(ex_date)
                    ex_date = [ptime.yyyymmdd(ex_date)]

                inps.ex_date_list += list(
                    set(ex_date) - set(inps.ex_date_list))

            # delete dates not existed in input file
            inps.ex_date_list = sorted(
            inps.ex_dates = ptime.date_list2vector(inps.ex_date_list)[0]
            inps.ex_idx_list = sorted(
                [dateList.index(i) for i in inps.ex_date_list])
            print(('exclude date:' + str(inps.ex_date_list)))
Example #16
def correct_single_ifgram(dis_file, tropo_file, cor_dis_file):
    print('correcting relative delay for input interferogram')

    print('read phase from {}'.format(dis_file))
    data, atr = readfile.read(dis_file, datasetName='phase')
    date1, date2 = ptime.yyyymmdd(atr['DATE12'].split('-'))
    ref_y, ref_x = int(atr['REF_Y']), int(atr['REF_X'])

    print('calc tropospheric delay for {}-{} from {}'.format(date1, date2, tropo_file))
    tropo  = readfile.read(tropo_file, datasetName=date2)[0]
    tropo -= readfile.read(tropo_file, datasetName=date1)[0]
    tropo *= -4. * np.pi / float(atr['WAVELENGTH'])

    # apply the correction and re-referencing
    data -= tropo
    data -= data[ref_y, ref_x]

    print('read magnitude from {}'.format(dis_file))
    mag = readfile.read(dis_file, datasetName='magnitude')[0]

    print('write corrected data to {}'.format(cor_dis_file))
    ds_dict = {'magnitude': mag, 'phase': data}
    writefile.write(ds_dict, cor_dis_file, atr)

    return cor_dis_file
Example #17
def select_pairs_sequential(date_list, num_connection=2, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select Pairs in a Sequential way:
        For each acquisition, find its num_connection nearest acquisitions in the past time.
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        Fattahi, H., and F. Amelung (2013), DEM Error Correction in InSAR Time Series, IEEE TGRS, 51(7), 4249-4259.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    date_idx_list = list(range(len(date6_list)))

    # Get pairs index list
    date12_idx_list = []
    for date_idx in date_idx_list:
        for i in range(num_connection):
            if date_idx-i-1 >= 0:
                date12_idx_list.append([date_idx-i-1, date_idx])
    date12_idx_list = [sorted(idx) for idx in sorted(date12_idx_list)]

    # Convert index into date12
    date12_list = [date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]]
                   for idx in date12_idx_list]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #18
def read_ref_date(inps):
    # check input reference date
    if not inps.refDate:
        print('No reference date input, skip this step.')
        return None
    # string in digit
    elif inps.refDate.isdigit():
        if os.path.isfile(inps.refDate):
            print('read reference date from file: ' + inps.refDate)
            if inps.refDate.endswith('.h5'):
                # HDF5 file
                atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.refDate)
                inps.refDate = atr['REF_DATE']
                # txt file
                inps.refDate = ptime.read_date_txt(inps.refDate)[0]
            print('input file {} does not exist, skip this step'.format(inps.refDate))
            return None
    inps.refDate = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.refDate)
    print('input reference date: {}'.format(inps.refDate))

    # check available dates
    date_list = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file[0]).get_date_list()
    if inps.refDate not in date_list:
        msg = 'input reference date: {} is not found.'.format(inps.refDate)
        msg += '\nAll available dates:\n{}'.format(date_list)
        raise Exception(msg)
    return inps.refDate
Example #19
def select_pairs_delaunay(date_list, pbase_list, norm=True, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select Pairs using Delaunay Triangulation based on temporal/perpendicular baselines
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline
        norm       : normalize temporal baseline to perpendicular baseline
    Key points
        1. Define a ratio between perpendicular and temporal baseline axis units (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS).
        2. Pairs with too large perpendicular / temporal baseline or Doppler centroid difference should be removed
           after this, using a threshold, to avoid strong decorrelations (Zebker and Villasenor, 1992, TGRS).
        Pepe, A., and R. Lanari (2006), On the extension of the minimum cost flow algorithm for phase unwrapping
        of multitemporal differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 44(9), 2374-2383.
        Zebker, H. A., and J. Villasenor (1992), Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes, IEEE TGRS, 30(5), 950-959.
    # Get temporal baseline in days
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]

    # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
    if norm:
        temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list)-min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list)-min(tbase_list))
        tbase_list = [tbase*temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list]

    # Generate Delaunay Triangulation
    date12_idx_list = Triangulation(tbase_list, pbase_list).edges.tolist()
    date12_idx_list = [sorted(idx) for idx in sorted(date12_idx_list)]

    # Convert index into date12
    date12_list = [date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]]
                   for idx in date12_idx_list]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #20
def threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, btemp_max, keep_seasonal=True, btemp_min=0.0):
    """Remove pairs/interferograms out of min/max/seasonal temporal baseline limits
        date12_list : list of string for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        btemp_max   : float, maximum temporal baseline
        btemp_min   : float, minimum temporal baseline
        keep_seasonal : keep interferograms with seasonal temporal baseline
        date12_list_out : list of string for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        date12_list = threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, 200)
        date12_list = threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, 200, False)
    if not date12_list:
        return []
    # Get date list and tbase list
    m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
    s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates))))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]

    # Threshold
    date12_list_out = []
    for date12 in date12_list:
        date1, date2 = date12.split('-')
        idx1 = date6_list.index(date1)
        idx2 = date6_list.index(date2)
        tbase = int(abs(tbase_list[idx1] - tbase_list[idx2]))
        if btemp_min <= tbase <= btemp_max:
        elif keep_seasonal and tbase/30 in [11, 12]:
    return date12_list_out
Example #21
def select_pairs_sequential(date_list,
    """Select Pairs in a Sequential way:
        For each acquisition, find its num_connection nearest acquisitions in the past time.
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        Fattahi, H., and F. Amelung (2013), DEM Error Correction in InSAR Time Series, IEEE TGRS, 51(7), 4249-4259.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    date_idx_list = list(range(len(date6_list)))

    # Get pairs index list
    date12_idx_list = []
    for date_idx in date_idx_list:
        for i in range(num_connection):
            if date_idx - i - 1 >= 0:
                date12_idx_list.append([date_idx - i - 1, date_idx])
    date12_idx_list = [sorted(idx) for idx in sorted(date12_idx_list)]

    # Convert index into date12
    date12_list = [
        date6_list[idx[0]] + '-' + date6_list[idx[1]]
        for idx in date12_idx_list
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #22
def threshold_coherence_based_mst(date12_list, coh_list):
    """Return a minimum spanning tree of network based on the coherence inverse.
        date12_list - list of string in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        coh_list    - list of float, average coherence for each interferogram
        mst_date12_list - list of string in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format, for MST network of interferograms 
    # coh_list --> coh_mat --> weight_mat
    coh_mat = coherence_matrix(date12_list, coh_list)
    mask = ~np.isnan(coh_mat)
    wei_mat = np.zeros(coh_mat.shape)
    wei_mat[:] = np.inf
    wei_mat[mask] = 1/coh_mat[mask]

    # MST path based on weight matrix
    wei_mat_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(wei_mat)
    mst_mat_csr = sparse.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(wei_mat_csr)

    # Get date6_list
    date12_list = ptime.yymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
    s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))))

    # Convert MST index matrix into date12 list
    [s_idx_list, m_idx_list] = [date_idx_array.tolist()
                                for date_idx_array in sparse.find(mst_mat_csr)[0:2]]
    mst_date12_list = []
    for i in range(len(m_idx_list)):
        idx = sorted([m_idx_list[i], s_idx_list[i]])
        date12 = date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]]
    return mst_date12_list
Example #23
def safe2date_time(safe_file, tropo_model):
    """generate date_list and hour from safe_list"""
    def seconds_UTC(seconds):
        """generate second list"""
        if isinstance(seconds, list):
            secondsOut = []
            for second in seconds:
            print('\nUn-recognized CENTER_LINE_UTC input!')
            return None

        return secondsOut

    date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(
        np.loadtxt(safe_file, dtype=bytes, converters={
            0: define_date
    second_list = seconds_UTC(
        np.loadtxt(safe_file, dtype=bytes, converters={
            0: define_second

    # change second into hour
    hour_list = [
        closest_weather_model_hour(float(second), tropo_model)
        for second in second_list
    hour = ut.most_common(hour_list)

    return date_list, hour
Example #24
def read_HDFEOS(inps):
    """read displacement from HDFEOS"""
    print('read displacement, incidence and azimuth information')
    # read metadata
    HDFEOS_file = inps.input_HDFEOS[0]
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(HDFEOS_file)

    if inps.date == None:
        date1 = atr['START_DATE']
        date2 = atr['END_DATE']
        # date1 and date2
        if '_' in "".join(inps.date):
            date1, date2 = ptime.yyyymmdd("".join(inps.date).split('_'))
            date1 = atr['START_DATE']
            date2 = ptime.yyyymmdd("".join(inps.date))
    # read angle infomation
    azimuth = readfile.read(HDFEOS_file, datasetName='/HDFEOS/GRIDS/timeseries/geometry/azimuthAngle')[0]
    incidence = readfile.read(HDFEOS_file, datasetName='/HDFEOS/GRIDS/timeseries/geometry/incidenceAngle')[0]
    if inps.velocity:
        vel_file = 'velocity.h5'

        iargs = [HDFEOS_file, '--start-date', date1, '--end-date', date2, '-o', vel_file, '--update']
        print('\ntimeseries2velocity.py', ' '.join(iargs))

        data = readfile.read(vel_file, datasetName='velocity')[0]
        # read / prepare data
        slice_list = readfile.get_slice_list(HDFEOS_file)
        # read/prepare data
        dname = 'displacement'
        slice_name1 = view.search_dataset_input(slice_list, '{}-{}'.format(dname, date1))[0][0]
        slice_name2 = view.search_dataset_input(slice_list, '{}-{}'.format(dname, date2))[0][1]
        data = readfile.read("".join(inps.input_HDFEOS), datasetName=slice_name2)[0]
        data -= readfile.read("".join(inps.input_HDFEOS), datasetName=slice_name1)[0]
    print("mask file")
    maskfile = readfile.read(HDFEOS_file, datasetName='/HDFEOS/GRIDS/timeseries/quality/mask')[0]
    data[maskfile == 0] = np.nan
    azimuth[maskfile == 0] = np.nan
    incidence[maskfile == 0] = np.nan
    return date1, date2, data, atr, incidence, azimuth
Example #25
def skip_files_with_inconsistent_size(dsPathDict,
    """Skip files by removing the file path from the input dsPathDict."""
    atr_list = [readfile.read_attribute(fname) for fname in dsPathDict[dsName]]
    length_list = [int(atr['LENGTH']) for atr in atr_list]
    width_list = [int(atr['WIDTH']) for atr in atr_list]

    # Check size requirements
    drop_inconsistent_files = False
    if any(len(set(size_list)) > 1 for size_list in [length_list, width_list]):
        if pix_box is None:
            drop_inconsistent_files = True
            # if input subset is within the min file sizes: do NOT drop
            max_box_width, max_box_length = pix_box[2:4]
            if max_box_length > min(length_list) or max_box_width > min(
                drop_inconsistent_files = True

    # update dsPathDict
    if drop_inconsistent_files:
        common_length = ut.most_common(length_list)
        common_width = ut.most_common(width_list)

        # print out warning message
        msg = '\n' + '*' * 80
        msg += '\nWARNING: NOT all input unwrapped interferograms have the same row/column number!'
        msg += '\nThe most common size is: ({}, {})'.format(
            common_length, common_width)
        msg += '\n' + '-' * 30
        msg += '\nThe following dates have different size:'

        dsNames = list(dsPathDict.keys())
        date12_list = [atr['DATE12'] for atr in atr_list]
        num_drop = 0
        for i in range(len(date12_list)):
            if length_list[i] != common_length or width_list[i] != common_width:
                date12 = date12_list[i]
                dates = ptime.yyyymmdd(date12.split('-'))
                # update file list for all datasets
                for dsName in dsNames:
                    fnames = [
                        i for i in dsPathDict[dsName]
                        if all(d[2:8] in i for d in dates)
                    if len(fnames) > 0:
                msg += '\n\t{}\t({}, {})'.format(date12, length_list[i],
                num_drop += 1

        msg += '\n' + '-' * 30
        msg += '\nSkip loading the above interferograms ({}).'.format(num_drop)
        msg += '\nContinue to load the rest interferograms ({}).'.format(
            len(date12_list) - num_drop)
        msg += '\n' + '*' * 80 + '\n'
    return dsPathDict
Example #26
def safe_list2date_list(inps):
    if os.path.isfile(inps.safe_list[0]):
        print('read date list from text file: {}'.format(inps.safe_list[0]))
        date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(np.loadtxt(inps.safe_list[0],dtype=bytes,converters={0:define_date}).astype(str).tolist())
        second_list = seconds_UTC(np.loadtxt(inps.safe_list[0],dtype=bytes,converters={0:define_second}).astype(str).tolist())
    return date_list, second_list
Example #27
def correct_local_oscilator_drift(fname, rg_dist_file=None, out_file=None):
    print('correct Local Oscilator Drift for Envisat using an empirical model (Marinkovic and Larsen, 2013)')
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(fname)

    # Check Sensor Type
    platform = atr['PLATFORM']
    print('platform: '+platform)
    if not platform.lower() in ['env', 'envisat']:
        print('No need to correct LOD for '+platform)

    # output file name
    if not out_file:
        out_file = '{}_LODcor{}'.format(os.path.splitext(fname)[0], os.path.splitext(fname)[1])

    # Get LOD ramp rate from empirical model
    if not rg_dist_file:
        print('calculate range distance from file metadata')
        rg_dist = get_relative_range_distance(atr)
        print('read range distance from file: %s' % (rg_dist_file))
        rg_dist = readfile.read(rg_dist_file, datasetName='slantRangeDistance', print_msg=False)[0]
        rg_dist -= rg_dist[int(atr['REF_Y']), int(atr['REF_X'])]
    ramp_rate = np.array(rg_dist * 3.87e-7, np.float32)

    # Correct LOD Ramp for Input fname
    range2phase = -4*np.pi / float(atr['WAVELENGTH'])
    k = atr['FILE_TYPE']
    if k == 'timeseries':
        # read
        obj = timeseries(fname)
        data = obj.read()

        # correct LOD
        diff_year = np.array(obj.yearList)
        diff_year -= diff_year[obj.refIndex]
        for i in range(data.shape[0]):
            data[i, :, :] -= ramp_rate * diff_year[i]

        # write
        obj_out = timeseries(out_file)
        obj_out.write2hdf5(data, refFile=fname)

    elif k in ['.unw']:
        data, atr = readfile.read(fname)

        dates = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(ptime.yyyymmdd(atr['DATE12'].split('-')))
        dt = dates[1] - dates[0]
        data -= ramp_rate * range2phase * dt

        writefile.write(data, out_file=out_file, metadata=atr)
        print('No need to correct for LOD for %s file' % (k))
    return out_file
Example #28
def prepare_stack(inputDir,
    print('preparing RSC file for ', filePattern)
    if processor in ['tops', 'stripmap']:
        isce_files = sorted(
            glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(inputDir), '*',
    elif processor == 'alosStack':
        isce_files = sorted(
            glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(inputDir), filePattern)))
        raise ValueError(
            'Un-recognized ISCE stack processor: {}'.format(processor))

    if len(isce_files) == 0:
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            'no file found in pattern: {}'.format(filePattern))

    # write .rsc file for each interferogram file
    num_file = len(isce_files)
    prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=num_file)
    for i in range(num_file):
        # prepare metadata for current file
        isce_file = isce_files[i]
        if processor in ['tops', 'stripmap']:
            dates = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(isce_file)).split(
                '_')  # to modify to YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS
        elif processor == 'alosStack':
            dates = os.path.basename(
                    '-')  # to modify to YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS
            dates = ptime.yyyymmdd(dates)
            raise ValueError(
                'Un-recognized ISCE stack processor: {}'.format(processor))

        ifg_metadata = readfile.read_attribute(isce_file, metafile_ext='.xml')
        ifg_metadata = add_ifgram_metadata(ifg_metadata, dates, baseline_dict)

        # write .rsc file
        rsc_file = isce_file + '.rsc'
        prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix='{}_{}'.format(dates[0], dates[1]))
Example #29
def read_baseline_file(baselineFile, exDateList=[]):
    """Read bl_list.txt without dates listed in exDateList
    # Date  Bperp    dop0/PRF  dop1/PRF   dop2/PRF      PRF    slcDir
    070106     0.0   0.03      0.0000000  0.00000000000 2155.2 /scratch/KyushuT422F650AlosA/SLC/070106/
    070709  2631.9   0.07      0.0000000  0.00000000000 2155.2 /scratch/KyushuT422F650AlosA/SLC/070709/
    070824  2787.3   0.07      0.0000000  0.00000000000 2155.2 /scratch/KyushuT422F650AlosA/SLC/070824/

        date8List, perpBaseList, dopList, prfList, slcDirList = read_baseline_file(baselineFile)
        date8List, perpBaseList, dopList, prfList, slcDirList = read_baseline_file(baselineFile,['080520','100726'])
        date8List, perpBaseList = read_baseline_file(baselineFile)[0:2]
    exDateList = ptime.yymmdd(exDateList)
    if not exDateList:
        exDateList = []

    # Read baseline file into lines
    fb = open(baselineFile)
    lines = []
    for line in fb:
        l = str.replace(line, '\n', '').strip()

    # Read each line and put the values into arrays
    date6List = []
    perpBaseList = []
    dopplerList = []
    slcDirList = []
    for line in lines:
        c = line.split()    # splits on white space
        date = c[0]
        if not date in exDateList:
                dop = np.array([float(c[2]), float(c[3]), float(c[4])])
                prf = float(c[5])
                dop *= prf

    date8List = ptime.yyyymmdd(date6List)
    return date8List, perpBaseList, dopplerList, slcDirList
Example #30
def read_baseline_file(baselineFile, exDateList=[]):
    """Read bl_list.txt without dates listed in exDateList
    # Date  Bperp    dop0/PRF  dop1/PRF   dop2/PRF      PRF    slcDir
    070106     0.0   0.03      0.0000000  0.00000000000 2155.2 /scratch/KyushuT422F650AlosA/SLC/070106/
    070709  2631.9   0.07      0.0000000  0.00000000000 2155.2 /scratch/KyushuT422F650AlosA/SLC/070709/
    070824  2787.3   0.07      0.0000000  0.00000000000 2155.2 /scratch/KyushuT422F650AlosA/SLC/070824/

        date8List, perpBaseList, dopList, prfList, slcDirList = read_baseline_file(baselineFile)
        date8List, perpBaseList, dopList, prfList, slcDirList = read_baseline_file(baselineFile,['080520','100726'])
        date8List, perpBaseList = read_baseline_file(baselineFile)[0:2]
    exDateList = ptime.yymmdd(exDateList)
    if not exDateList:
        exDateList = []

    # Read baseline file into lines
    fb = open(baselineFile)
    lines = []
    for line in fb:
        l = str.replace(line, '\n', '').strip()

    # Read each line and put the values into arrays
    date6List = []
    perpBaseList = []
    dopplerList = []
    slcDirList = []
    for line in lines:
        c = line.split()  # splits on white space
        date = c[0]
        if date not in exDateList:
                dop = np.array([float(c[2]), float(c[3]), float(c[4])])
                prf = float(c[5])
                dop *= prf

    date8List = ptime.yyyymmdd(date6List)
    return date8List, perpBaseList, dopplerList, slcDirList
Example #31
def select_pairs_all(date_list, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select All Possible Pairs/Interferograms
    Input : date_list   - list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
    Output: date12_list - list date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        Berardino, P., G. Fornaro, R. Lanari, and E. Sansosti (2002), A new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring
        based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 40(11), 2375-2383.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    date12_list = list(itertools.combinations(date6_list, 2))
    date12_list = [date12[0]+'-'+date12[1] for date12 in date12_list]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #32
def read_exclude_date(inps, dateListAll):
    # Merge ex_date/startDate/endDate into ex_date
    yy_list_all = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(dateListAll)
    exDateList = []
    # 1. template_file
    if inps.template_file:
        print('read option from template file: ' + inps.template_file)
        inps = read_template2inps(inps.template_file, inps)

    # 2. ex_date
    exDateList += ptime.read_date_list(list(inps.excludeDate),
    if exDateList:
        print('exclude date:' + str(exDateList))

    # 3. startDate
    if inps.startDate:
        print('start date: ' + inps.startDate)
        yy_min = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.startDate))
        for i in range(len(dateListAll)):
            date = dateListAll[i]
            if yy_list_all[i] < yy_min and date not in exDateList:
                print('  remove date: ' + date)

    # 4. endDate
    if inps.endDate:
        print('end date: ' + inps.endDate)
        yy_max = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.endDate))
        for i in range(len(dateListAll)):
            date = dateListAll[i]
            if yy_list_all[i] > yy_max and date not in exDateList:
                print('  remove date: ' + date)
    exDateList = list(set(exDateList))
    return exDateList
Example #33
def select_pairs_all(date_list, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select All Possible Pairs/Interferograms
    Input : date_list   - list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
    Output: date12_list - list date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        Berardino, P., G. Fornaro, R. Lanari, and E. Sansosti (2002), A new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring
        based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 40(11), 2375-2383.
    date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    date12_list = list(itertools.combinations(date6_list, 2))
    date12_list = [date12[0] + '-' + date12[1] for date12 in date12_list]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #34
def correct_single_ifgram(dis_file, tropo_file, cor_dis_file):
    print('correcting relative delay for input interferogram')

    print('read data from {}'.format(dis_file))
    data, atr = readfile.read(dis_file, datasetName='phase')
    date1, date2 = ptime.yyyymmdd(atr['DATE12'].split('-'))

    print('calc tropospheric delay for {}-{} from {}'.format(date1, date2, tropo_file))
    tropo = readfile.read(tropo_file, datasetName=date2)[0]
    tropo -= readfile.read(tropo_file, datasetName=date1)[0]
    tropo *= -4. * np.pi / float(atr['WAVELENGTH'])

    print('write corrected data to {}'.format(cor_dis_file))
    writefile.write(data-tropo, cor_dis_file, atr)
    return cor_dis_file
Example #35
def select_master_interferogram(date12_list,
    """Select reference interferogram based on input temp/perp baseline info
    If master_date is specified, select its closest slave_date, which is newer than master_date;
        otherwise, choose the closest pair among all pairs as master interferogram.
        master_date12   = pnet.select_master_ifgram(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list)
        '080211-080326' = pnet.select_master_ifgram(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list, m_date='080211')
    pbase_array = np.array(pbase_list, dtype='float64')
    # Get temporal baseline
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    tbase_array = np.array(ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0],
    # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
    temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_array) - min(pbase_array)) / (
        max(tbase_array) - min(tbase_array))
    tbase_array *= temp2perp_scale

    # Calculate sqrt of temp/perp baseline for input pairs
    idx1 = np.array(
        [date6_list.index(date12.split('-')[0]) for date12 in date12_list])
    idx2 = np.array(
        [date6_list.index(date12.split('-')[1]) for date12 in date12_list])
    base_distance = np.sqrt((tbase_array[idx2] - tbase_array[idx1])**2 +
                            (pbase_array[idx2] - pbase_array[idx1])**2)

    # Get master interferogram index
    if not m_date:
        # Choose pair with shortest temp/perp baseline
        m_date12_idx = np.argmin(base_distance)
        m_date = ptime.yymmdd(m_date)
        # Choose pair contains m_date with shortest temp/perp baseline
        m_date12_idx_array = np.array([
            date12_list.index(date12) for date12 in date12_list
            if m_date + '-' in date12
        min_base_distance = np.min(base_distance[m_date12_idx_array])
        m_date12_idx = np.where(base_distance == min_base_distance)[0][0]

    m_date12 = date12_list[m_date12_idx]
    return m_date12
Example #36
def date12_list2index(date12_list, date_list=[]):
    """Convert list of date12 string into list of index"""
    # Get dateList from date12List
    if not date_list:
        m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
        s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
        date_list = list(set(m_dates + s_dates))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)))

    # Get pair index
    pairs_idx = []
    for date12 in date12_list:
        dates = date12.split('-')
        pair_idx = [date6_list.index(dates[0]), date6_list.index(dates[1])]

    return pairs_idx
Example #37
def date12_list2index(date12_list, date_list=[]):
    """Convert list of date12 string into list of index"""
    # Get dateList from date12List
    if not date_list:
        m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
        s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
        date_list = list(set(m_dates + s_dates))
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)))

    # Get pair index
    pairs_idx = []
    for date12 in date12_list:
        dates = date12.split('-')
        pair_idx = [date6_list.index(dates[0]), date6_list.index(dates[1])]

    return pairs_idx
Example #38
def select_pairs_mst(date_list, pbase_list, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select Pairs using Minimum Spanning Tree technique
        Connection Cost is calculated using the baseline distance in perp and scaled temporal baseline (Pepe and Lanari,
        2006, TGRS) plane.
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline
        Pepe, A., and R. Lanari (2006), On the extension of the minimum cost flow algorithm for phase unwrapping
        of multitemporal differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 44(9), 2374-2383.
        Perissin D., Wang T. (2012), Repeat-pass SAR interferometry with partially coherent targets. IEEE TGRS. 271-280
    # Get temporal baseline in days
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]
    # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
    temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list) - min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list) -
    tbase_list = [tbase * temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list]

    # Get weight matrix
    ttMat1, ttMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(tbase_list), np.array(tbase_list))
    ppMat1, ppMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(pbase_list), np.array(pbase_list))
    ttMat = np.abs(ttMat1 - ttMat2)  # temporal distance matrix
    ppMat = np.abs(ppMat1 - ppMat2)  # spatial distance matrix

    # 2D distance matrix in temp/perp domain
    weightMat = np.sqrt(np.square(ttMat) + np.square(ppMat))
    weightMat = sparse.csr_matrix(weightMat)  # compress sparse row matrix

    # MST path based on weight matrix
    mstMat = sparse.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(weightMat)

    # Convert MST index matrix into date12 list
    [s_idx_list, m_idx_list] = [
        date_idx_array.tolist() for date_idx_array in sparse.find(mstMat)[0:2]
    date12_list = []
    for i in range(len(m_idx_list)):
        idx = sorted([m_idx_list[i], s_idx_list[i]])
        date12 = date6_list[idx[0]] + '-' + date6_list[idx[1]]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #39
def read_inps2date_time(inps):
    """Read dates and time info from input arguments.
    Related options: --file OR --date-list, --hour

    Parameters: inps      - Namespace for the input arguments
    Returns:    date_list - list of str, dates in YYYYMMDD format
                hour      - str, hour in 2-digit with zero padding

    # if --file is specified
    if inps.timeseries_file:
        # 1) ignore --date-list and --hour
        for key in ['date_list', 'hour']:
            if vars(inps)[key] is not None:
                vars(inps)[key] = None
                msg = 'input "{:<10}" is ignored'.format(key)
                msg += ', use info from file {} instead'.format(

        # 2) read dates/time from time-series file
        print('read dates/time info from file: {}'.format(
        ts_obj = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file)
        inps.date_list = ts_obj.dateList
        inps.hour = closest_weather_model_hour(
            ts_obj.metadata['CENTER_LINE_UTC'], grib_source=inps.tropo_model)

    # read dates if --date-list is text file
    if len(inps.date_list) == 1 and os.path.isfile(inps.date_list[0]):
        print('read date list from text file: {}'.format(inps.date_list[0]))
        inps.date_list = np.loadtxt(inps.date_list[0],
                                    usecols=(0, )).astype(str).tolist()
        inps.date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.date_list)

    # at east 2 dates are required (for meaningful calculation)
    if len(inps.date_list) < 2:
        raise SystemExit('ERROR: input date list < 2')

    # print time info
    print('time of cloest available product: {}:00 UTC'.format(inps.hour))

    return inps.date_list, inps.hour
Example #40
def read_ref_date(inps):
    if not inps.refDate:
        print('No reference date input, skip this step.')
        return inps.timeseries_file

    elif os.path.isfile(inps.refDate):
        print('read reference date from file: ' + inps.refDate)
        inps.refDate = ptime.read_date_txt(inps.refDate)[0]
    inps.refDate = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.refDate)
    print('input reference date: {}'.format(inps.refDate))

    # check input reference date
    date_list = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file[0]).get_date_list()
    if inps.refDate not in date_list:
        msg = 'input reference date: {} is not found.'.format(inps.refDate)
        msg += '\nAll available dates:\n{}'.format(date_list)
        raise Exception(msg)
    return inps.refDate
Example #41
def read_ref_date(inps):
    if not inps.refDate:
        print('No reference date input, skip this step.')
        return inps.timeseries_file

    elif os.path.isfile(inps.refDate):
        print('read reference date from file: ' + inps.refDate)
        inps.refDate = ptime.read_date_txt(inps.refDate)[0]
    inps.refDate = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.refDate)
    print('input reference date: {}'.format(inps.refDate))

    # check input reference date
    date_list = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file[0]).get_date_list()
    if inps.refDate not in date_list:
        msg = 'input reference date: {} is not found.'.format(inps.refDate)
        msg += '\nAll available dates:\n{}'.format(date_list)
        raise Exception(msg)
    return inps.refDate
Example #42
def select_pairs_mst(date_list, pbase_list, date12_format='YYMMDD-YYMMDD'):
    """Select Pairs using Minimum Spanning Tree technique
        Connection Cost is calculated using the baseline distance in perp and scaled temporal baseline (Pepe and Lanari,
        2006, TGRS) plane.
        date_list  : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format
        pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline
        Pepe, A., and R. Lanari (2006), On the extension of the minimum cost flow algorithm for phase unwrapping
        of multitemporal differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 44(9), 2374-2383.
        Perissin D., Wang T. (2012), Repeat-pass SAR interferometry with partially coherent targets. IEEE TGRS. 271-280
    # Get temporal baseline in days
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0]
    # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
    temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list)-min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list)-min(tbase_list))
    tbase_list = [tbase*temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list]

    # Get weight matrix
    ttMat1, ttMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(tbase_list), np.array(tbase_list))
    ppMat1, ppMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(pbase_list), np.array(pbase_list))
    ttMat = np.abs(ttMat1 - ttMat2)  # temporal distance matrix
    ppMat = np.abs(ppMat1 - ppMat2)  # spatial distance matrix

    # 2D distance matrix in temp/perp domain
    weightMat = np.sqrt(np.square(ttMat) + np.square(ppMat))
    weightMat = sparse.csr_matrix(weightMat)  # compress sparse row matrix

    # MST path based on weight matrix
    mstMat = sparse.csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(weightMat)

    # Convert MST index matrix into date12 list
    [s_idx_list, m_idx_list] = [date_idx_array.tolist()
                                for date_idx_array in sparse.find(mstMat)[0:2]]
    date12_list = []
    for i in range(len(m_idx_list)):
        idx = sorted([m_idx_list[i], s_idx_list[i]])
        date12 = date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]]
    if date12_format == 'YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD':
        date12_list = ptime.yyyymmdd_date12(date12_list)
    return date12_list
Example #43
def exclude_dates():
    global inps, dateList

    if inps.ex_date_list:
        input_ex_date = list(inps.ex_date_list)
        inps.ex_date_list = []

        if input_ex_date:
            for ex_date in input_ex_date:

                if os.path.isfile(ex_date):
                    ex_date = ptime.read_date_list(ex_date)
                    ex_date = [ptime.yyyymmdd(ex_date)]

                inps.ex_date_list += list(set(ex_date) - set(inps.ex_date_list))

            # delete dates not existed in input file
            inps.ex_date_list = sorted(list(set(inps.ex_date_list).intersection(dateList)))
            inps.ex_dates = ptime.date_list2vector(inps.ex_date_list)[0]
            inps.ex_idx_list = sorted([dateList.index(i) for i in inps.ex_date_list])
            print(('exclude date:' + str(inps.ex_date_list)))
Example #44
def threshold_doppler_overlap(date12_list, date_list, dop_list, bandwidth_az, dop_overlap_min=0.15):
    """Remove pairs/interoferogram with doppler overlap larger than critical value
        date12_list : list of string, for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        date_list   : list of string, for date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format, optional
        dop_list    : list of list of 3 float, for centroid Doppler frequency
        bandwidth_az    : float, bandwidth in azimuth direction
        dop_overlap_min : float, minimum overlap of azimuth Doppler frequency
        date12_list : list of string, for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
    if not date12_list:
        return []
    # Get date6_list
    if not date_list:
        m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
        s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
        date_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates))))
        if not len(date_list) == len(pbase_list):
            print('ERROR: number of existing dates is not equal to number of perp baseline!')
            print('date list is needed for threshold filtering!')
            print('skip filtering.')
            return date12_list
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)

    # Threshold
    date12_list_out = []
    for date12 in date12_list:
        date1, date2 = date12.split('-')
        idx1 = date6_list.index(date1)
        idx2 = date6_list.index(date2)
        dop_overlap = calculate_doppler_overlap(dop_list[idx1],
        if dop_overlap >= dop_overlap_min:
    return date12_list_out
Example #45
def threshold_perp_baseline(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list, pbase_max, pbase_min=0.0):
    """Remove pairs/interoferogram out of [pbase_min, pbase_max]
        date12_list : list of string for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        date_list   : list of string for date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format, optional
        pbase_list  : list of float for perpendicular spatial baseline
        pbase_max   : float, maximum perpendicular baseline
        pbase_min   : float, minimum perpendicular baseline
        date12_list_out : list of string for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format
        date12_list = threshold_perp_baseline(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list, 500)
    if not date12_list:
        return []
    # Get date6_list
    if not date_list:
        m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list]
        s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list]
        date_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates))))
        if not len(date_list) == len(pbase_list):
            print('ERROR: number of existing dates is not equal to number of perp baseline!')
            print('date list is needed for threshold filtering!')
            print('skip filtering.')
            return date12_list
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list)

    # Threshold
    date12_list_out = []
    for date12 in date12_list:
        date1, date2 = date12.split('-')
        idx1 = date6_list.index(date1)
        idx2 = date6_list.index(date2)
        pbase = abs(pbase_list[idx1] - pbase_list[idx2])
        if pbase_min <= pbase <= pbase_max:
    return date12_list_out
Example #46
def select_master_interferogram(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list, m_date=None):
    """Select reference interferogram based on input temp/perp baseline info
    If master_date is specified, select its closest slave_date, which is newer than master_date;
        otherwise, choose the closest pair among all pairs as master interferogram.
        master_date12   = pnet.select_master_ifgram(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list)
        '080211-080326' = pnet.select_master_ifgram(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list, m_date='080211')
    pbase_array = np.array(pbase_list, dtype='float64')
    # Get temporal baseline
    date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list)
    date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list)
    tbase_array = np.array(ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0], dtype='float64')
    # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS)
    temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_array)-min(pbase_array)) / (max(tbase_array)-min(tbase_array))
    tbase_array *= temp2perp_scale

    # Calculate sqrt of temp/perp baseline for input pairs
    idx1 = np.array([date6_list.index(date12.split('-')[0]) for date12 in date12_list])
    idx2 = np.array([date6_list.index(date12.split('-')[1]) for date12 in date12_list])
    base_distance = np.sqrt((tbase_array[idx2] - tbase_array[idx1])**2 +
                            (pbase_array[idx2] - pbase_array[idx1])**2)

    # Get master interferogram index
    if not m_date:
        # Choose pair with shortest temp/perp baseline
        m_date12_idx = np.argmin(base_distance)
        m_date = ptime.yymmdd(m_date)
        # Choose pair contains m_date with shortest temp/perp baseline
        m_date12_idx_array = np.array([date12_list.index(date12) for date12 in date12_list
                                       if m_date+'-' in date12])
        min_base_distance = np.min(base_distance[m_date12_idx_array])
        m_date12_idx = np.where(base_distance == min_base_distance)[0][0]

    m_date12 = date12_list[m_date12_idx]
    return m_date12
Example #47
def main(iargs=None):
    inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs)

    atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.velocity_file)
    length = int(atr['LENGTH'])
    width = int(atr['WIDTH'])

    # Check subset input
    if inps.subset_y:
        inps.subset_y = sorted(inps.subset_y)
        print('subset in y/azimuth direction: '+str(inps.subset_y))
        inps.subset_y = [0, length]

    if inps.subset_x:
        inps.subset_x = sorted(inps.subset_x)
        print('subset in x/range direction: '+str(inps.subset_x))
        inps.subset_x = [0, width]
    y0, y1 = inps.subset_y
    x0, x1 = inps.subset_x

    # Read velocity/rate
    velocity = readfile.read(inps.velocity_file)[0]
    print('read velocity file: '+inps.velocity_file)

    k = 'interferograms'
    h5 = h5py.File(inps.ifgram_file, 'r')
    ifgram_list = sorted(h5[k].keys())
    ifgram_num = len(ifgram_list)
    date12_list = ptime.list_ifgram2date12(ifgram_list)
    print('number of interferograms: '+str(ifgram_num))

    # Select interferograms with unwrapping error
    if inps.percentage > 0.0:
        mask = readfile.read(inps.mask_file, datasetName='mask')[0]
        print('read mask for pixels with unwrapping error from file: '+inps.mask_file)

        unw_err_ifgram_num = int(np.rint(inps.percentage*ifgram_num))
        unw_err_ifgram_idx = random.sample(list(range(ifgram_num)), unw_err_ifgram_num)
        unw_err_ifgram_list = [ifgram_list[i] for i in unw_err_ifgram_idx]
        unw_err_date12_list = [date12_list[i] for i in unw_err_ifgram_idx]
        print('randomly choose the following %d interferograms with unwrapping error' % unw_err_ifgram_num)

        unit_unw_err = 2.0*np.pi*mask
        unw_err_ifgram_list = []

    # Generate simulated interferograms
    m_dates = ptime.yyyymmdd([i.split('_')[0] for i in date12_list])
    s_dates = ptime.yyyymmdd([i.split('_')[1] for i in date12_list])
    range2phase = -4.0*np.pi/float(atr['WAVELENGTH'])

    print('writing simulated interferograms file: '+inps.outfile)
    h5out = h5py.File(inps.outfile, 'w')
    group = h5out.create_group('interferograms')
    for i in range(ifgram_num):
        ifgram = ifgram_list[i]
        # Get temporal baseline in years
        t1 = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(m_dates[i], "%Y%m%d")[0:5])
        t2 = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(s_dates[i], "%Y%m%d")[0:5])
        dt = (t2-t1)
        dt = float(dt.days)/365.25

        # Simuated interferograms with unwrap error
        unw = velocity*dt*range2phase
        if ifgram in unw_err_ifgram_list:
            rand_int = random.sample(list(range(1, 10)), 1)[0]
            unw += rand_int * unit_unw_err
            print(ifgram+'  - add unwrapping error of %d*2*pi' % rand_int)

        gg = group.create_group(ifgram)
        dset = gg.create_dataset(ifgram, data=unw[y0:y1, x0:x1])

        for key, value in h5[k][ifgram].attrs.items():
            gg.attrs[key] = value
        if ifgram in unw_err_ifgram_list:
            gg.attrs['unwrap_error'] = 'yes'
            gg.attrs['unwrap_error'] = 'no'
        gg.attrs['LENGTH'] = y1-y0
        gg.attrs['WIDTH'] = x1-x0
    return inps.outfile
Example #48
def read_data(inps):
    # metadata
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.file)
    range2phase = -4 * np.pi / float(atr['WAVELENGTH'])

    # change reference pixel
    if inps.ref_yx:
        atr['REF_Y'] = inps.ref_yx[0]
        atr['REF_X'] = inps.ref_yx[1]
        print('change reference point to y/x: {}'.format(inps.ref_yx))

    # various file types
    print('read {} from file {}'.format(inps.dset, inps.file))
    k = atr['FILE_TYPE']
    if k == 'velocity':
        # read/prepare data
        data = readfile.read(inps.file)[0] * range2phase
        print("converting velocity to an interferogram with one year temporal baseline")
        if inps.ref_yx:
            data -= data[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]]

        # metadata
        atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.unw'
        atr['UNIT'] = 'radian'

        # output filename
        if not inps.outfile:
            inps.outfile = '{}{}'.format(os.path.splitext(inps.file)[0], atr['FILE_TYPE'])

    elif k == 'timeseries':
        # date1 and date2
        if '_' in inps.dset:
            date1, date2 = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.dset.split('_'))
            date1 = atr['REF_DATE']
            date2 = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.dset)

        # read/prepare data
        data = readfile.read(inps.file, datasetName=date2)[0]
        data -= readfile.read(inps.file, datasetName=date1)[0]
        print('converting range to phase')
        data *= range2phase
        if inps.ref_yx:
            data -= data[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]]

        # metadata
        atr['DATE'] = date1[2:8]
        atr['DATE12'] = '{}-{}'.format(date1[2:8], date2[2:8])
        atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.unw'
        atr['UNIT'] = 'radian'

        # output filename
        if not inps.outfile:
            inps.outfile = '{}_{}.unw'.format(date1, date2)
            if inps.file.startswith('geo_'):
                inps.outfile = 'geo_'+inps.outfile

    elif k == 'HDFEOS':
        dname = inps.dset.split('-')[0]

        # date1 and date2
        if dname == 'displacement':
            if '-' in inps.dset:
                suffix = inps.dset.split('-')[1]
                if '_' in suffix:
                    date1, date2 = ptime.yyyymmdd(suffix.split('_'))
                    date1 = atr['REF_DATE']
                    date2 = ptime.yyyymmdd(suffix)
                raise ValueError("No '-' in input dataset! It is required for {}".format(dname))
            date_list = HDFEOS(inps.file).get_date_list()
            date1 = date_list[0]
            date2 = date_list[-1]
        date12 = '{}_{}'.format(date1, date2)

        # read / prepare data
        slice_list = readfile.get_slice_list(inps.file)
        if 'displacement' in inps.dset:
            # read/prepare data
            slice_name1 = view.check_dataset_input(slice_list, '{}-{}'.format(dname, date1))[0][0]
            slice_name2 = view.check_dataset_input(slice_list, '{}-{}'.format(dname, date2))[0][0]
            data = readfile.read(inps.file, datasetName=slice_name1)[0]
            data -= readfile.read(inps.file, datasetName=slice_name2)[0]
            print('converting range to phase')
            data *= range2phase
            if inps.ref_yx:
                data -= data[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]]
            slice_name = view.check_dataset_input(slice_list, inps.dset)[0][0]
            data = readfile.read(inps.file, datasetName=slice_name)[0]

        # metadata
        atr['DATE'] = date1[2:8]
        atr['DATE12'] = '{}-{}'.format(date1[2:8], date2[2:8])
        if dname == 'displacement':
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.unw'
            atr['UNIT'] = 'radian'
        elif 'coherence' in dname.lower():
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.cor'
            atr['UNIT'] = '1'
        elif dname == 'height':
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.dem'
            atr['DATA_TYPE'] = 'int16'
            raise ValueError('unrecognized input dataset type: {}'.format(inps.dset))

        # output filename
        if not inps.outfile:
            inps.outfile = '{}{}'.format(date12, atr['FILE_TYPE'])

    elif k == 'ifgramStack':
        dname, date12 = inps.dset.split('-')
        date1, date2 = date12.split('_')

        # read / prepare data
        data = readfile.read(inps.file, datasetName=inps.dset)[0]
        if dname.startswith('unwrapPhase'):
            if 'REF_X' in atr.keys():
                data -= data[int(atr['REF_Y']), int(atr['REF_X'])]
                print('consider reference pixel in y/x: ({}, {})'.format(atr['REF_Y'], atr['REF_X']))
                print('No REF_Y/X found.')

        # metadata
        atr['DATE'] = date1[2:8]
        atr['DATE12'] = '{}-{}'.format(date1[2:8], date2[2:8])
        if dname.startswith('unwrapPhase'):
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.unw'
            atr['UNIT'] = 'radian'
        elif dname == 'coherence':
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.cor'
            atr['UNIT'] = '1'
        elif dname == 'wrapPhase':
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.int'
            atr['UNIT'] = 'radian'
            raise ValueError('unrecognized dataset type: {}'.format(inps.dset))

        # output filename
        if not inps.outfile:
            inps.outfile = '{}{}'.format(date12, atr['FILE_TYPE'])
            if inps.file.startswith('geo_'):
                inps.outfile = 'geo_'+inps.outfile

        # read data
        data = readfile.read(inps.file, datasetName=inps.dset)[0]

        # metadata
        if 'coherence' in k.lower():
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.cor'

        elif k in ['mask']:
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.msk'
            atr['DATA_TYPE'] = 'byte'

        elif k in ['geometry'] and inps.dset == 'height':
            if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys():
                atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.dem'
                atr['DATA_TYPE'] = 'int16'
                atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.hgt'
            atr['UNIT'] = 'm'
            atr['FILE_TYPE'] = '.unw'

        # output filename
        if not inps.outfile:
            inps.outfile = '{}{}'.format(os.path.splitext(inps.file)[0], atr['FILE_TYPE'])

    atr['PROCESSOR'] = 'roipac'
    return data, atr, inps.outfile
Example #49
def check_inputs(inps):
    parser = create_parser()

    # output directories/files
    atr = dict()
    mintpy_dir = None
    if inps.timeseries_file:
        atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file)
        mintpy_dir = os.path.dirname(inps.timeseries_file)
        if not inps.outfile:
            fbase = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseries_file)[0]
            inps.outfile = '{}_{}.h5'.format(fbase, inps.trop_model)
    elif inps.geom_file:
        atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.geom_file)
        mintpy_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inps.geom_file), '..')
        mintpy_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())

    # trop_file
    inps.trop_file = os.path.join(mintpy_dir, 'inputs/{}.h5'.format(inps.trop_model))
    print('output tropospheric delay file: {}'.format(inps.trop_file))

    # hour
    if not inps.hour:
        if 'CENTER_LINE_UTC' in atr.keys():
            inps.hour = ptime.closest_weather_product_time(atr['CENTER_LINE_UTC'], inps.trop_model)
            raise Exception('no input for hour')
    print('time of cloest available product: {}:00 UTC'.format(inps.hour))

    # date list
    if inps.timeseries_file:
        print('read date list from timeseries file: {}'.format(inps.timeseries_file))
        ts_obj = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file)
        inps.date_list = ts_obj.dateList
    elif len(inps.date_list) == 1:
        if os.path.isfile(inps.date_list[0]):
            print('read date list from text file: {}'.format(inps.date_list[0]))
            inps.date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(np.loadtxt(inps.date_list[0],
            raise Exception('ERROR: input date list < 2')

    # Grib data directory
    inps.grib_dir = os.path.join(inps.weather_dir, inps.trop_model)
    if not os.path.isdir(inps.grib_dir):
        print('making directory: '+inps.grib_dir)

    # Date list to grib file list
    inps.grib_file_list = date_list2grib_file(inps.date_list,

    if 'REF_Y' in atr.keys():
        inps.ref_yx = [int(atr['REF_Y']), int(atr['REF_X'])]
        print('reference pixel: {}'.format(inps.ref_yx))

    # Coordinate system: geocoded or not
    inps.geocoded = False
    if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys():
        inps.geocoded = True
    print('geocoded: {}'.format(inps.geocoded))

    # Prepare DEM, inc_angle, lat/lon file for PyAPS to read
    if inps.geom_file:
        geom_atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.geom_file)
        print('converting DEM/incAngle for PyAPS to read')
        # DEM
        data = readfile.read(inps.geom_file, datasetName='height', print_msg=False)[0]
        inps.dem_file = 'pyapsDem.hgt'
        writefile.write(data, inps.dem_file, metadata=geom_atr)

        # inc_angle
        inps.inc_angle = readfile.read(inps.geom_file, datasetName='incidenceAngle', print_msg=False)[0]
        inps.inc_angle_file = 'pyapsIncAngle.flt'
        writefile.write(inps.inc_angle, inps.inc_angle_file, metadata=geom_atr)

        # latitude
            data = readfile.read(inps.geom_file, datasetName='latitude', print_msg=False)[0]
            print('converting lat for PyAPS to read')
            inps.lat_file = 'pyapsLat.flt'
            writefile.write(data, inps.lat_file, metadata=geom_atr)
            inps.lat_file = None

        # longitude
            data = readfile.read(inps.geom_file, datasetName='longitude', print_msg=False)[0]
            print('converting lon for PyAPS to read')
            inps.lon_file = 'pyapsLon.flt'
            writefile.write(data, inps.lon_file, metadata=geom_atr)
            inps.lon_file = None
    return inps, atr
Example #50
def read_inps_dict2ifgram_stack_dict_object(inpsDict):
    """Read input arguments into dict of ifgramStackDict object"""
    # inpsDict --> dsPathDict
    print('searching interferometric pairs info')
    print('input data files:')
    maxDigit = max([len(i) for i in list(datasetName2templateKey.keys())])
    dsPathDict = {}
    dsNumDict = {}
    for dsName in [i for i in ifgramDatasetNames
                   if i in datasetName2templateKey.keys()]:
        key = datasetName2templateKey[dsName]
        if key in inpsDict.keys():
            files = sorted(glob.glob(str(inpsDict[key])))
            if len(files) > 0:
                dsPathDict[dsName] = files
                dsNumDict[dsName] = len(files)
                print('{:<{width}}: {path}'.format(dsName,

    # Check 1: required dataset
    dsName0 = 'unwrapPhase'
    if dsName0 not in dsPathDict.keys():
        print('WARNING: No reqired {} data files found!'.format(dsName0))
        return None

    # Check 2: number of files for all dataset types
    for key, value in dsNumDict.items():
        print('number of {:<{width}}: {num}'.format(key, width=maxDigit, num=value))

    dsNumList = list(dsNumDict.values())
    if any(i != dsNumList[0] for i in dsNumList):
        msg = 'WARNING: NOT all types of dataset have the same number of files.'
        msg += ' -> skip interferograms with missing files and continue.'
        #raise Exception(msg)

    # Check 3: data dimension for all files

    # dsPathDict --> pairsDict --> stackObj
    dsNameList = list(dsPathDict.keys())
    pairsDict = {}
    for dsPath in dsPathDict[dsName0]:
        dates = ptime.yyyymmdd(readfile.read_attribute(dsPath)['DATE12'].split('-'))

        # A dictionary of data files for a given pair.
        # One pair may have several types of dataset.
        # example ifgramPathDict = {'unwrapPhase': /pathToFile/filt.unw, 'iono':/PathToFile/iono.bil}
        # All path of data file must contain the master and slave date, either in file name or folder name.

        ifgramPathDict = {}
        for i in range(len(dsNameList)):
            dsName = dsNameList[i]
            dsPath1 = dsPathDict[dsName][0]
            if all(d[2:8] in dsPath1 for d in dates):
                ifgramPathDict[dsName] = dsPath1
                dsPath2 = [i for i in dsPathDict[dsName]
                           if all(d[2:8] in i for d in dates)]
                if len(dsPath2) > 0:
                    ifgramPathDict[dsName] = dsPath2[0]
                    print('WARNING: {} file missing for pair {}'.format(dsName, dates))
        ifgramObj = ifgramDict(dates=tuple(dates),
        pairsDict[tuple(dates)] = ifgramObj

    if len(pairsDict) > 0:
        stackObj = ifgramStackDict(pairsDict=pairsDict)
        stackObj = None
    return stackObj
Example #51
def read_inps_dict2geometry_dict_object(inpsDict):

    # eliminate dsName by processor
    if inpsDict['processor'] in ['isce', 'doris']:
    elif inpsDict['processor'] in ['roipac', 'gamma']:
        print('Un-recognized InSAR processor: {}'.format(inpsDict['processor']))

    # inpsDict --> dsPathDict
    print('searching geometry files info')
    print('input data files:')
    maxDigit = max([len(i) for i in list(datasetName2templateKey.keys())])
    dsPathDict = {}
    for dsName in [i for i in geometryDatasetNames
                   if i in datasetName2templateKey.keys()]:
        key = datasetName2templateKey[dsName]
        if key in inpsDict.keys():
            files = sorted(glob.glob(str(inpsDict[key])))
            if len(files) > 0:
                if dsName == 'bperp':
                    bperpDict = {}
                    for file in files:
                        date = ptime.yyyymmdd(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(file)))
                        bperpDict[date] = file
                    dsPathDict[dsName] = bperpDict
                    print('{:<{width}}: {path}'.format(dsName,
                    print('number of bperp files: {}'.format(len(list(bperpDict.keys()))))
                    dsPathDict[dsName] = files[0]
                    print('{:<{width}}: {path}'.format(dsName,

    # Check required dataset
    dsName0 = geometryDatasetNames[0]
    if dsName0 not in dsPathDict.keys():
        print('WARNING: No reqired {} data files found!'.format(dsName0))

    # metadata
    ifgramRadarMetadata = None
    ifgramKey = datasetName2templateKey['unwrapPhase']
    if ifgramKey in inpsDict.keys():
        ifgramFiles = glob.glob(str(inpsDict[ifgramKey]))
        if len(ifgramFiles) > 0:
            atr = readfile.read_attribute(ifgramFiles[0])
            if 'Y_FIRST' not in atr.keys():
                ifgramRadarMetadata = atr.copy()

    # dsPathDict --> dsGeoPathDict + dsRadarPathDict
    dsNameList = list(dsPathDict.keys())
    dsGeoPathDict = {}
    dsRadarPathDict = {}
    for dsName in dsNameList:
        if dsName == 'bperp':
            atr = readfile.read_attribute(next(iter(dsPathDict[dsName].values())))
            atr = readfile.read_attribute(dsPathDict[dsName])
        if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys():
            dsGeoPathDict[dsName] = dsPathDict[dsName]
            dsRadarPathDict[dsName] = dsPathDict[dsName]

    geomRadarObj = None
    geomGeoObj = None
    if len(dsRadarPathDict) > 0:
        geomRadarObj = geometryDict(processor=inpsDict['processor'],
    if len(dsGeoPathDict) > 0:
        geomGeoObj = geometryDict(processor=inpsDict['processor'],
    return geomRadarObj, geomGeoObj
Example #52
def check_inputs(inps):
    parser = create_parser()

    # output directories/files
    atr = dict()
    mintpy_dir = None
    if inps.timeseries_file:
        atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file)
        mintpy_dir = os.path.dirname(inps.timeseries_file)
        if not inps.outfile:
            fbase = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseries_file)[0]
            inps.outfile = '{}_{}.h5'.format(fbase, inps.trop_model)
    elif inps.geom_file:
        atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.geom_file)
        mintpy_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inps.geom_file), '..')
        mintpy_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())

    # trop_file
    inps.trop_file = os.path.join(mintpy_dir, 'inputs/{}.h5'.format(inps.trop_model))
    print('output tropospheric delay file: {}'.format(inps.trop_file))

    # hour
    if not inps.hour:
        if 'CENTER_LINE_UTC' in atr.keys():
            inps.hour = closest_weather_model_hour(atr['CENTER_LINE_UTC'], inps.trop_model)
            raise Exception('no input for hour')
    print('time of cloest available product: {}:00 UTC'.format(inps.hour))

    # date list
    if inps.timeseries_file:
        print('read date list from timeseries file: {}'.format(inps.timeseries_file))
        ts_obj = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file)
        inps.date_list = ts_obj.dateList
    elif len(inps.date_list) == 1:
        if os.path.isfile(inps.date_list[0]):
            print('read date list from text file: {}'.format(inps.date_list[0]))
            inps.date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(np.loadtxt(inps.date_list[0],
            raise Exception('ERROR: input date list < 2')

    # Grib data directory
    inps.grib_dir = os.path.join(inps.weather_dir, inps.trop_model)
    if not os.path.isdir(inps.grib_dir):
        print('making directory: '+inps.grib_dir)

    # area extent for ERA5 grib data download
    inps.snwe = get_snwe(atr)

    # Date list to grib file list
    inps.grib_file_list = date_list2grib_file(date_list=inps.date_list,

    if 'REF_Y' in atr.keys():
        inps.ref_yx = [int(atr['REF_Y']), int(atr['REF_X'])]
        print('reference pixel: {}'.format(inps.ref_yx))
    return inps, atr
Example #53
def main(argv):
    inps = cmdLineParse()
    if inps.timeseries_file:
        k = atr['FILE_TYPE']
        if 'ref_y' not in list(atr.keys()) and inps.ref_yx:
            print('No reference info found in input file, use input ref_yx: '+str(inps.ref_yx))
            atr['ref_y'] = inps.ref_yx[0]
            atr['ref_x'] = inps.ref_yx[1]

    #****reading incidence angle file***/
    if os.path.isfile(inps.inc_angle):
        inps.inc_angle=readfile.read(inps.inc_angle, datasetName='incidenceAngle')[0]
        inps.inps.inc_angle = float(inps.inc_angle)
        print('incidence angle: '+str(inps.inc_angle))

    #****look up file****/
    if inps.lookup_file:
        inps.lookup_file = ut.get_file_list([inps.lookup_file])[0] #'geomap_32rlks_tight.trans'

    delay_source = 'GACOS'
    # Get weather directory
    if not inps.GACOS_dir:
        if inps.timeseries_file:
            inps.GACOS_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inps.timeseries_file))+'/../WEATHER/GACOS'
        elif inps.lookup_file:
            inps.GACOS_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inps.lookup_file))+'/../WEATHER/GACOS'
            inps.GACOS_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
    print('Store weather data into directory: '+inps.GACOS_dir)
    #source_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('timeseries_file'))+'/Agung/GACOS/data';print source_dir
    #os.makedirs(GACOS_dir)  -----------------------------------------------add part to copy/download weather data------#
    #----get date list-----#
    if not inps.date_list_file:
        print('read date list info from: '+inps.timeseries_file)
        if 'timeseries' in list(h5.keys()):
        elif k in ['interferograms','coherence','wrapped']:
            ifgram_list = sorted(h5[k].keys())
            date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.timeseries_file)
            m_dates = [i.split('-')[0] for i in date12_list]
            s_dates = [i.split('-')[1] for i in date12_list]
            date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(sorted(list(set(m_dates + s_dates))))
            raise ValueError('Un-support input file type:'+k)
        date_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(np.loadtxt(inps.date_list_file, dtype=str, usecols=(0,)).tolist())
        print('read date list info from: '+inps.date_list_file)

    #****cheacking availability of delays****/
    print('checking availability of delays')
    for d in date_list:
        if   delay_source == 'GACOS':  delay_file = inps.GACOS_dir+'/'+d+'.ztd';
    delay_file_existed = ut.get_file_list(delay_file_list)

    if len(delay_file_existed)==len(date_list):
        print('no missing files')
        print('no. of date files found:', len(delay_file_existed));
        print('no. of dates:', len(date_list))

    #*****Calculating delays***/
    print('calculating delays')

    #initialise delay files
    trop_ts=np.zeros((date_num, length, width), np.float32)

    #reading wrf files for each epoch and getting delay
    for i in range(date_num):
        print('calculating delay for date',date)
        trop_ts[i] =get_delay(delay_file,atr,inps.lookup_file,cinc)  

    print('Delays Calculated')
    # Convert relative phase delay on reference date
    try:    ref_date = atr['ref_date']
    except: ref_date = date_list[0]
    print('convert to relative phase delay with reference date: '+ref_date)
    ref_idx = date_list.index(ref_date)
    trop_ts -= np.tile(trop_ts[ref_idx,:,:], (date_num, 1, 1))

    ## Write tropospheric delay to HDF5
    tropFile = 'GACOSdelays'+'.h5'
    print('writing >>> %s' % (tropFile))
    h5trop = h5py.File(tropFile, 'w')
    group_trop = h5trop.create_group('timeseries')
    print('number of acquisitions: '+str(date_num))
    prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num)
    for i in range(date_num):
        date = date_list[i]
        group_trop.create_dataset(date, data=trop_ts[i], compression='gzip')
        prog_bar.update(i+1, suffix=date)

    # Write Attributes
    for key,value in atr.items():
        group_trop.attrs[key] = value

    ## Write corrected Time series to HDF5
    if k == 'timeseries':
        if not inps.out_file:
            inps.out_file = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseries_file)[0]+'_'+'GACOS'+'.h5'
        print('writing trop corrected timeseries file %s' % (inps.out_file))
        h5ts = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file, 'r')
        h5tsCor = h5py.File(inps.out_file, 'w')
        group_tsCor = h5tsCor.create_group('timeseries')
        print('number of acquisitions: '+str(date_num))
        prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num)
        for i in range(date_num):
            date = date_list[i];print(date)
            ts = h5ts['timeseries'].get(date)[:]
            group_tsCor.create_dataset(date, data=ts-trop_ts[i], compression='gzip')
            prog_bar.update(i+1, suffix=date)
        # Write Attributes
        for key,value in atr.items():
            group_tsCor.attrs[key] = value
        print('delays written to %s' % (inps.out_file))

    return inps.out_file