Example #1
    num_segments_per_speaker = 10
    num_data = 100
    num_length = 100
    num_dim = 512
    features = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, num_dim], name="features")
    labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name="labels")
    embeddings = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, num_dim], name="embeddings")

    import numpy as np
    features_val = np.random.rand(num_data, num_length, num_dim).astype(np.float32)
    features_val[2, :, :] = 1e-8 * features_val[2, :, :]
    features_val[3, :, :] = 100 * features_val[3, :, :]
    labels_val = np.random.randint(0, num_labels, size=(num_data,)).astype(np.int32)

    from misc.utils import ParamsPlain
    params = ParamsPlain()
    params.dict["weight_l2_regularizer"] = 1e-5
    params.dict["batchnorm_momentum"] = 0.99
    params.dict["pooling_type"] = "statistics_pooling"
    params.dict["last_layer_linear"] = False
    params.dict["output_weight_l2_regularizer"] = 1e-4
    params.dict["network_relu_type"] = "prelu"

    # If the norm (s) is too large, after applying the margin, the softmax value would be extremely small
    params.dict["asoftmax_lambda_min"] = 10
    params.dict["asoftmax_lambda_base"] = 1000
    params.dict["asoftmax_lambda_gamma"] = 1
    params.dict["asoftmax_lambda_power"] = 4

    params.dict["amsoftmax_lambda_min"] = 10
    params.dict["amsoftmax_lambda_base"] = 1000
Example #2
    #                                                                          linguistic_features: linguistic_features_val})
    #     key = endpoints_val["att_key"]
    #     value = endpoints_val["att_value"]
    #     query = endpoints_val["att_query"]
    #     from model.test_utils import compute_attention
    #     att_np, penalty_loss_np = compute_attention(value, key, query, params)
    #     assert np.allclose(np.sum(att_val), np.sum(att_np))
    #     assert np.allclose(penalty_loss_val, penalty_loss_np)
    #     assert not np.any(np.isnan(grads_val)), "Gradient should not be nan"
    #     assert not np.any(np.isnan(grads_penalty_val)), "Gradient should not be nan"

    # Self-attention
    params = ParamsPlain()
    params.dict["self_att_key_input"] = "key"
    params.dict["self_att_key_num_nodes"] = []
    params.dict["self_att_value_num_nodes"] = []
    params.dict["self_att_num_heads"] = 10
    params.dict["self_att_penalty_term"] = 1
    params.dict["weight_l2_regularizer"] = 1e-2
    params.dict["batchnorm_momentum"] = 0.99

    endpoints["key"] = features
    self_att = self_attention(features,
    penalty_loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.get_collection("PENALTY"))
Example #3
    #     att_output = endpoints_val["att_output_before_nonlinear"]
    #     from model.test_utils import compute_self_attention
    #     self_att_np, penalty_loss_np = compute_self_attention(value, key, query, params)
    #     assert not np.any(np.isnan(grads_val)), "Gradient should not be nan"
    #     assert not np.any(np.isnan(grads_penalty_val)), "Gradient should not be nan"
    #     assert np.allclose(penalty_loss_val, penalty_loss_np)
    #     for i in range(att_output.shape[0]):
    #         for j in range(att_output.shape[1]):
    #             if np.abs((att_output[i, j] - self_att_np[i ,j]) / (att_output[i, j]+1e-16)) > 1e-4:
    #                 print("%d %d %.10f %.10f" % (i, j, att_output[i, j], self_att_np[i, j]))
    #     assert np.allclose(att_output, self_att_np, rtol=1e-3)

    # Self-attention (key transform)
    params = ParamsPlain()
    params.dict["vlad_num_centers"] = 10
    params.dict["vlad_num_ghosts"] = 2
    params.dict["vlad_key_input"] = "key"
    params.dict["vlad_key_num_nodes"] = [512]
    params.dict["vlad_value_input"] = "value"
    params.dict["vlad_value_num_nodes"] = []
    params.dict["vlad_final_l2_norm"] = True

    params.dict["weight_l2_regularizer"] = 1e-2
    params.dict["batchnorm_momentum"] = 0.99

    vlad = ghost_vlad(None, None, endpoints, params, is_training=True)
    grads = tf.gradients(vlad, endpoints["value"])
    with tf.Session() as sess:
Example #4
    return stat_pooling

if __name__ == "__main__":
    num_labels = 10
    num_data = 100
    num_length = 1000
    num_dim = 1500
    features = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, num_dim], name="features")
    feat_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name="feat_length")
    from collections import OrderedDict
    endpoints = OrderedDict()
    from misc.utils import ParamsPlain

    # Self-attention
    params = ParamsPlain()

    stat_pooling = statistics_pooling_v2(features, feat_length, endpoints, params, True)

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        import numpy as np
        features_val = np.random.rand(num_data, num_length, num_dim).astype(np.float32)
        features_val[0, :, :] = 0
        length_val = np.random.randint(100, 1001, size=(num_data))
        stat_pooling_tf = sess.run(stat_pooling, feed_dict={features: features_val,
                                                            feat_length: length_val})

        def compute_stat_pooling(features, length):
            num_data, l, dim = features.shape
            assert num_data == length.shape[0]