Example #1
def _do_split(p_room, p_split_dir, p_config):
    Internal implementation of _split_room in the specified direction.
    room_dims = p_room.dims
    if p_split_dir == split_types.vertical:
        span = room_dims.w
        span = room_dims.h

    split_point = _pick_split_point(span, p_config)
    if split_point == -1:
        return None

    topleft = p_room.topleft
    dims = p_room.dims
    first_room = room()  #left or top
    second_room = room()  #bottom or right
    first_room.topleft = point(topleft.x, topleft.y)
    #remaining properties depend on split direction
    if p_split_dir == split_types.vertical:
        first_room.dims = dimensions(split_point, dims.h)
        second_room.topleft = point(topleft.x + split_point, topleft.y)
        second_room.dims = dimensions(dims.w - split_point, dims.h)
        first_room.dims = dimensions(dims.w, split_point)
        second_room.topleft = point(topleft.x, topleft.y + split_point)
        second_room.dims = dimensions(dims.w, dims.h - split_point)

    return (first_room, second_room)
Example #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.topleft = point()
        self.dims = dimensions()

        self.offset_left = 0  #offsets from "field" size (determine actual room size)
        self.offset_right = 0
        self.offset_top = 0
        self.offset_bottom = 0

        self.contents = room_contents()
Example #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.dims = dimensions()
     self.min_span = 4  #minimum width/height for any room (after deducting offsets)
     self.min_offset = 1  #minimum offset for each side
     self.corridor_min_width = 1
     self.corridor_max_width = 4  #min/max width for corridors
     self.max_depth = 3  #maximum amount of "splits" in the dungeon tree (higher = more, smaller rooms)
     self.early_stop_chance = 0.1  #chance to stop splitting before reaching max depth.
     self.early_stop_factor = 2  #factor for early_stop_chance - multiplied with early_stop_chance every level beyond the first
     #i.e. with a factor of 2 and a chance of 0.1, level 2 has a stop chance of 0.1 * 2 * 2 = 0.4.
     self.max_attempts = 50  #maximum number of attempts to generate a valid dungeon before quitting
Example #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.dims = dimensions()
     self.type = element_type.other
     self.xp_value = 0
     self.name = "NONAME"
Example #5
 def __init__(self):
     self.topleft = point()
     self.dims = dimensions()
Example #6
    leafs = p_dungeon.leafs()
    for leaf in leafs:
        _add_offset_single(leaf.val, p_config)

class map:
    def __init__(self, p_dims):
        self.dungeon = bintree()
        root_room = room()
        root_room.dims = p_dims
        self.dungeon.val = root_room
        self.corridors = []

    def gen_corridors(self):

    def generate_tree(self, p_config):
        _gen_tree_impl(self.dungeon, p_config)
        _add_offsets(self.dungeon, p_config)

    def generate(self, p_config):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mymap = map(dimensions(50, 50))

    renderer = render()
    renderer.render_to_file(mymap, "test.png")