Example #1
def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True, module_name=None, context=None):
    """Populates the ir_translation table."""
    if verbose:
        _logger.info('loading translation file for language %s', lang)
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    db_name = cr.dbname
    registry = openerp.registry(db_name)
    lang_obj = registry.get('res.lang')
    trans_obj = registry.get('ir.translation')
    iso_lang = misc.get_iso_codes(lang)
        ids = lang_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('code','=', lang)])

        if not ids:
            # lets create the language with locale information
            lang_obj.load_lang(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, lang=lang, lang_name=lang_name)

        # Parse also the POT: it will possibly provide additional targets.
        # (Because the POT comments are correct on Launchpad but not the
        # PO comments due to a Launchpad limitation. See LP bug 933496.)
        pot_reader = []

        # now, the serious things: we read the language file
        if fileformat == 'csv':
            reader = csv.reader(fileobj, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
            # read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles)
            for row in reader:
                fields = row
        elif fileformat == 'po':
            reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
            fields = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments']

            # Make a reader for the POT file and be somewhat defensive for the
            # stable branch.
            if fileobj.name.endswith('.po'):
                    # Normally the path looks like /path/to/xxx/i18n/lang.po
                    # and we try to find the corresponding
                    # /path/to/xxx/i18n/xxx.pot file.
                    # (Sometimes we have 'i18n_extra' instead of just 'i18n')
                    addons_module_i18n, _ = os.path.split(fileobj.name)
                    addons_module, i18n_dir = os.path.split(addons_module_i18n)
                    addons, module = os.path.split(addons_module)
                    pot_handle = misc.file_open(os.path.join(
                        addons, module, i18n_dir, module + '.pot'))
                    pot_reader = TinyPoFile(pot_handle)

            _logger.info('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
            raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))

        # Read the POT references, and keep them indexed by source string.
        class Target(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.value = None
                self.targets = set()            # set of (type, name, res_id)
                self.comments = None

        pot_targets = defaultdict(Target)
        for type, name, res_id, src, _, comments in pot_reader:
            if type is not None:
                target = pot_targets[src]
                target.targets.add((type, name, res_id))
                target.comments = comments

        # read the rest of the file
        irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context=context)

        def process_row(row):
            """Process a single PO (or POT) entry."""
            # dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
            # {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
            #  'src': ..., 'value': ..., 'module':...}
            dic = dict.fromkeys(('type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value',
                                 'comments', 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module'))
            dic['lang'] = lang
            dic.update(zip(fields, row))

            # discard the target from the POT targets.
            src = dic['src']
            if src in pot_targets:
                target = pot_targets[src]
                target.value = dic['value']
                target.targets.discard((dic['type'], dic['name'], dic['res_id']))

            # This would skip terms that fail to specify a res_id
            res_id = dic['res_id']
            if not res_id:

            if isinstance(res_id, (int, long)) or \
                    (isinstance(res_id, basestring) and res_id.isdigit()):
                dic['res_id'] = int(res_id)
                dic['module'] = module_name
                # res_id is an xml id
                dic['res_id'] = None
                dic['imd_model'] = dic['name'].split(',')[0]
                if '.' in res_id:
                    dic['module'], dic['imd_name'] = res_id.split('.', 1)
                    dic['module'], dic['imd_name'] = False, res_id


        # First process the entries from the PO file (doing so also fills/removes
        # the entries from the POT file).
        for row in reader:

        # Then process the entries implied by the POT file (which is more
        # correct w.r.t. the targets) if some of them remain.
        pot_rows = []
        for src, target in pot_targets.iteritems():
            if target.value:
                for type, name, res_id in target.targets:
                    pot_rows.append((type, name, res_id, src, target.value, target.comments))
        for row in pot_rows:

        if verbose:
            _logger.info("translation file loaded succesfully")

    except IOError:
        filename = '[lang: %s][format: %s]' % (iso_lang or 'new', fileformat)
        _logger.exception("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)
Example #2
def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True, module_name=None, context=None):
    """Populates the ir_translation table."""
    if verbose:
        _logger.info('loading translation file for language %s', lang)
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    db_name = cr.dbname
    pool = pooler.get_pool(db_name)
    lang_obj = pool.get('res.lang')
    trans_obj = pool.get('ir.translation')
    iso_lang = misc.get_iso_codes(lang)
        ids = lang_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('code','=', lang)])

        if not ids:
            # lets create the language with locale information
            lang_obj.load_lang(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, lang=lang, lang_name=lang_name)

        # now, the serious things: we read the language file
        if fileformat == 'csv':
            reader = csv.reader(fileobj, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
            # read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles)
            for row in reader:
                f = row
        elif fileformat == 'po':
            reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
            f = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments']
            _logger.error('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
            raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))

        # read the rest of the file
        line = 1
        irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context=context)

        for row in reader:
            line += 1
            # skip empty rows and rows where the translation field (=last fiefd) is empty
            #if (not row) or (not row[-1]):
            #    continue

            # dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
            # {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
            #  'src': ..., 'value': ..., 'module':...}
            dic = dict.fromkeys(('name', 'res_id', 'src', 'type', 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module', 'value', 'comments'))
            dic['lang'] = lang
            for i, field in enumerate(f):
                dic[field] = row[i]

            # This would skip terms that fail to specify a res_id
            if not dic.get('res_id'):

            res_id = dic.pop('res_id')
            if res_id and isinstance(res_id, (int, long)) \
                or (isinstance(res_id, basestring) and res_id.isdigit()):
                    dic['res_id'] = int(res_id)
                    dic['module'] = module_name
                tmodel = dic['name'].split(',')[0]
                if '.' in res_id:
                    tmodule, tname = res_id.split('.', 1)
                    tmodule = False
                    tname = res_id
                dic['imd_model'] = tmodel
                dic['imd_name'] =  tname
                dic['module'] = tmodule
                dic['res_id'] = None


        if verbose:
            _logger.info("translation file loaded succesfully")
    except IOError:
        filename = '[lang: %s][format: %s]' % (iso_lang or 'new', fileformat)
        _logger.exception("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)
Example #3
def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True, module_name=None, context=None):
    """Populates the ir_translation table."""
    if verbose:
        _logger.info('loading translation file for language %s', lang)
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    db_name = cr.dbname
    pool = pooler.get_pool(db_name)
    lang_obj = pool.get('res.lang')
    trans_obj = pool.get('ir.translation')
    iso_lang = misc.get_iso_codes(lang)
        ids = lang_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('code','=', lang)])

        if not ids:
            # lets create the language with locale information
            lang_obj.load_lang(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, lang=lang, lang_name=lang_name)

        # Parse also the POT: it will possibly provide additional targets.
        # (Because the POT comments are correct on Launchpad but not the
        # PO comments due to a Launchpad limitation. See LP bug 933496.)
        pot_reader = []

        # now, the serious things: we read the language file
        if fileformat == 'csv':
            reader = csv.reader(fileobj, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
            # read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles)
            for row in reader:
                f = row
        elif fileformat == 'po':
            reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
            f = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments']

            # Make a reader for the POT file and be somewhat defensive for the
            # stable branch.
            if fileobj.name.endswith('.po'):
                    # Normally the path looks like /path/to/xxx/i18n/lang.po
                    # and we try to find the corresponding
                    # /path/to/xxx/i18n/xxx.pot file.
                    head, _ = os.path.split(fileobj.name)
                    head2, _ = os.path.split(head)
                    head3, tail3 = os.path.split(head2)
                    pot_handle = misc.file_open(os.path.join(head3, tail3, 'i18n', tail3 + '.pot'))
                    pot_reader = TinyPoFile(pot_handle)

            _logger.error('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
            raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))

        # Read the POT `reference` comments, and keep them indexed by source
        # string.
        pot_targets = {}
        for type, name, res_id, src, _, comments in pot_reader:
            if type is not None:
                pot_targets.setdefault(src, {'value': None, 'targets': []})
                pot_targets[src]['targets'].append((type, name, res_id))

        # read the rest of the file
        irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context=context)

        def process_row(row):
            """Process a single PO (or POT) entry."""
            # skip empty rows and rows where the translation field (=last fiefd) is empty
            #if (not row) or (not row[-1]):
            #    return

            # dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
            # {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
            #  'src': ..., 'value': ..., 'module':...}
            dic = dict.fromkeys(('name', 'res_id', 'src', 'type', 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module', 'value', 'comments'))
            dic['lang'] = lang
            for i, field in enumerate(f):
                dic[field] = row[i]

            # Get the `reference` comments from the POT.
            src = row[3]
            if pot_reader and src in pot_targets:
                pot_targets[src]['targets'] = filter(lambda x: x != row[:3], pot_targets[src]['targets'])
                pot_targets[src]['value'] = row[4]
                if not pot_targets[src]['targets']:
                    del pot_targets[src]

            # This would skip terms that fail to specify a res_id
            if not dic.get('res_id'):

            res_id = dic.pop('res_id')
            if res_id and isinstance(res_id, (int, long)) \
                or (isinstance(res_id, basestring) and res_id.isdigit()):
                    dic['res_id'] = int(res_id)
                    dic['module'] = module_name
                tmodel = dic['name'].split(',')[0]
                if '.' in res_id:
                    tmodule, tname = res_id.split('.', 1)
                    tmodule = False
                    tname = res_id
                dic['imd_model'] = tmodel
                dic['imd_name'] =  tname
                dic['module'] = tmodule
                dic['res_id'] = None


        # First process the entries from the PO file (doing so also fills/removes
        # the entries from the POT file).
        for row in reader:

        # Then process the entries implied by the POT file (which is more
        # correct w.r.t. the targets) if some of them remain.
        pot_rows = []
        for src in pot_targets:
            value = pot_targets[src]['value']
            for type, name, res_id in pot_targets[src]['targets']:
                pot_rows.append((type, name, res_id, src, value, comments))
        for row in pot_rows:

        if verbose:
            _logger.info("translation file loaded succesfully")
    except IOError:
        filename = '[lang: %s][format: %s]' % (iso_lang or 'new', fileformat)
        _logger.exception("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)
def trans_load_data(cr,
    """Populates the ir_translation table."""
    if verbose:
        _logger.info('loading translation file for language %s', lang)
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    db_name = cr.dbname
    pool = pooler.get_pool(db_name)
    lang_obj = pool.get('res.lang')
    trans_obj = pool.get('ir.translation')
    iso_lang = misc.get_iso_codes(lang)
        uid = 1
        ids = lang_obj.search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', lang)])

        if not ids:
            # lets create the language with locale information
            lang_obj.load_lang(cr, 1, lang=lang, lang_name=lang_name)

        # now, the serious things: we read the language file
        if fileformat == 'csv':
            reader = csv.reader(fileobj, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
            # read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles)
            for row in reader:
                f = row
        elif fileformat == 'po':
            reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
            f = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value']
            _logger.error('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
            raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))

        # read the rest of the file
        line = 1
        irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr, uid, context=context)

        for row in reader:
            line += 1
            # skip empty rows and rows where the translation field (=last fiefd) is empty
            #if (not row) or (not row[-1]):
            #    continue

            # dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
            # {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
            #  'src': ..., 'value': ...}
            dic = {'lang': lang}
            dic_module = False
            for i in range(len(f)):
                if f[i] in ('module', ):
                dic[f[i]] = row[i]

            # This would skip terms that fail to specify a res_id
            if not dic.get('res_id', False):

            res_id = dic.pop('res_id')
            if res_id and isinstance(res_id, (int, long)) \
                or (isinstance(res_id, basestring) and res_id.isdigit()):
                dic['res_id'] = int(res_id)
                    tmodel = dic['name'].split(',')[0]
                    if '.' in res_id:
                        tmodule, tname = res_id.split('.', 1)
                        tmodule = dic_module
                        tname = res_id
                    dic['imd_model'] = tmodel
                    dic['imd_module'] = tmodule
                    dic['imd_name'] = tname

                    dic['res_id'] = None
                except Exception:
                        "Could not decode resource for %s, please fix the po file.",
                    dic['res_id'] = None


        if verbose:
            _logger.info("translation file loaded succesfully")
    except IOError:
        filename = '[lang: %s][format: %s]' % (iso_lang or 'new', fileformat)
        _logger.exception("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)
Example #5
def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True, module_name=None, context=None):
    """Populates the ir_translation table."""
    if verbose:
        _logger.info('loading translation file for language %s', lang)
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    db_name = cr.dbname
    registry = openerp.registry(db_name)
    lang_obj = registry.get('res.lang')
    trans_obj = registry.get('ir.translation')
    iso_lang = misc.get_iso_codes(lang)
        ids = lang_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('code','=', lang)])

        if not ids:
            # lets create the language with locale information
            lang_obj.load_lang(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, lang=lang, lang_name=lang_name)

        # Parse also the POT: it will possibly provide additional targets.
        # (Because the POT comments are correct on Launchpad but not the
        # PO comments due to a Launchpad limitation. See LP bug 933496.)
        pot_reader = []

        # now, the serious things: we read the language file
        if fileformat == 'csv':
            reader = csv.reader(fileobj, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
            # read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles)
            for row in reader:
                f = row
        elif fileformat == 'po':
            reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
            f = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments']

            # Make a reader for the POT file and be somewhat defensive for the
            # stable branch.
            if fileobj.name.endswith('.po'):
                    # Normally the path looks like /path/to/xxx/i18n/lang.po
                    # and we try to find the corresponding
                    # /path/to/xxx/i18n/xxx.pot file.
                    head, _ = os.path.split(fileobj.name)
                    head2, _ = os.path.split(head)
                    head3, tail3 = os.path.split(head2)
                    pot_handle = misc.file_open(os.path.join(head3, tail3, 'i18n', tail3 + '.pot'))
                    pot_reader = TinyPoFile(pot_handle)

            _logger.error('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
            raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))

        # Read the POT `reference` comments, and keep them indexed by source
        # string.
        pot_targets = {}
        for type, name, res_id, src, _, comments in pot_reader:
            if type is not None:
                pot_targets.setdefault(src, {'value': None, 'targets': []})
                pot_targets[src]['targets'].append((type, name, res_id))

        # read the rest of the file
        irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context=context)

        def process_row(row):
            """Process a single PO (or POT) entry."""
            # skip empty rows and rows where the translation field (=last fiefd) is empty
            #if (not row) or (not row[-1]):
            #    return

            # dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
            # {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
            #  'src': ..., 'value': ..., 'module':...}
            dic = dict.fromkeys(('name', 'res_id', 'src', 'type', 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module', 'value', 'comments'))
            dic['lang'] = lang
            for i, field in enumerate(f):
                dic[field] = row[i]

            # Get the `reference` comments from the POT.
            src = row[3]
            if pot_reader and src in pot_targets:
                pot_targets[src]['targets'] = filter(lambda x: x != row[:3], pot_targets[src]['targets'])
                pot_targets[src]['value'] = row[4]
                if not pot_targets[src]['targets']:
                    del pot_targets[src]

            # This would skip terms that fail to specify a res_id
            if not dic.get('res_id'):

            res_id = dic.pop('res_id')
            if res_id and isinstance(res_id, (int, long)) \
                or (isinstance(res_id, basestring) and res_id.isdigit()):
                    dic['res_id'] = int(res_id)
                    dic['module'] = module_name
                tmodel = dic['name'].split(',')[0]
                if '.' in res_id:
                    tmodule, tname = res_id.split('.', 1)
                    tmodule = False
                    tname = res_id
                dic['imd_model'] = tmodel
                dic['imd_name'] =  tname
                dic['module'] = tmodule
                dic['res_id'] = None


        # First process the entries from the PO file (doing so also fills/removes
        # the entries from the POT file).
        for row in reader:

        # Then process the entries implied by the POT file (which is more
        # correct w.r.t. the targets) if some of them remain.
        pot_rows = []
        for src in pot_targets:
            value = pot_targets[src]['value']
            for type, name, res_id in pot_targets[src]['targets']:
                pot_rows.append((type, name, res_id, src, value, comments))
        for row in pot_rows:

        if verbose:
            _logger.info("translation file loaded succesfully")
    except IOError:
        filename = '[lang: %s][format: %s]' % (iso_lang or 'new', fileformat)
        _logger.exception("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)
Example #6
def trans_load_data(cr,
    """Populates the ir_translation table."""
    if verbose:
        _logger.info('loading translation file for language %s', lang)
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    db_name = cr.dbname
    registry = openerp.registry(db_name)
    lang_obj = registry.get('res.lang')
    trans_obj = registry.get('ir.translation')
    iso_lang = misc.get_iso_codes(lang)
        ids = lang_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('code', '=', lang)])

        if not ids:
            # lets create the language with locale information

        # Parse also the POT: it will possibly provide additional targets.
        # (Because the POT comments are correct on Launchpad but not the
        # PO comments due to a Launchpad limitation. See LP bug 933496.)
        pot_reader = []

        # now, the serious things: we read the language file
        if fileformat == 'csv':
            reader = csv.reader(fileobj, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
            # read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles)
            for row in reader:
                fields = row
        elif fileformat == 'po':
            reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
            fields = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments']

            # Make a reader for the POT file and be somewhat defensive for the
            # stable branch.
            if fileobj.name.endswith('.po'):
                    # Normally the path looks like /path/to/xxx/i18n/lang.po
                    # and we try to find the corresponding
                    # /path/to/xxx/i18n/xxx.pot file.
                    # (Sometimes we have 'i18n_extra' instead of just 'i18n')
                    addons_module_i18n, _ = os.path.split(fileobj.name)
                    addons_module, i18n_dir = os.path.split(addons_module_i18n)
                    addons, module = os.path.split(addons_module)
                    pot_handle = misc.file_open(
                        os.path.join(addons, module, i18n_dir,
                                     module + '.pot'))
                    pot_reader = TinyPoFile(pot_handle)

            _logger.info('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
            raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))

        # Read the POT references, and keep them indexed by source string.
        class Target(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.value = None
                self.targets = set()  # set of (type, name, res_id)
                self.comments = None

        pot_targets = defaultdict(Target)
        for type, name, res_id, src, _, comments in pot_reader:
            if type is not None:
                target = pot_targets[src]
                target.targets.add((type, name, res_id))
                target.comments = comments

        # read the rest of the file
        irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr,

        def process_row(row):
            """Process a single PO (or POT) entry."""
            # dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
            # {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
            #  'src': ..., 'value': ..., 'module':...}
            dic = dict.fromkeys(
                ('type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments',
                 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module'))
            dic['lang'] = lang
            dic.update(zip(fields, row))

            # discard the target from the POT targets.
            src = dic['src']
            if src in pot_targets:
                target = pot_targets[src]
                target.value = dic['value']
                    (dic['type'], dic['name'], dic['res_id']))

            # This would skip terms that fail to specify a res_id
            res_id = dic['res_id']
            if not res_id:

            if isinstance(res_id, (int, long)) or \
                    (isinstance(res_id, basestring) and res_id.isdigit()):
                dic['res_id'] = int(res_id)
                dic['module'] = module_name
                # res_id is an xml id
                dic['res_id'] = None
                dic['imd_model'] = dic['name'].split(',')[0]
                if '.' in res_id:
                    dic['module'], dic['imd_name'] = res_id.split('.', 1)
                    dic['module'], dic['imd_name'] = False, res_id


        # First process the entries from the PO file (doing so also fills/removes
        # the entries from the POT file).
        for row in reader:

        # Then process the entries implied by the POT file (which is more
        # correct w.r.t. the targets) if some of them remain.
        pot_rows = []
        for src, target in pot_targets.iteritems():
            if target.value:
                for type, name, res_id in target.targets:
                    pot_rows.append((type, name, res_id, src, target.value,
        for row in pot_rows:

        if verbose:
            _logger.info("translation file loaded succesfully")

    except IOError:
        filename = '[lang: %s][format: %s]' % (iso_lang or 'new', fileformat)
        _logger.exception("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)
Example #7
def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True, context=None):
    """Populates the ir_translation table. Fixing the res_ids so that they point
    correctly to ir_model_data is done in a separate step, using the
    'trans_update_res_ids' function below."""
    logger = logging.getLogger('i18n')
    if verbose:
        logger.info('loading translation file for language %s', lang)
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    db_name = cr.dbname
    pool = pooler.get_pool(db_name)
    lang_obj = pool.get('res.lang')
    trans_obj = pool.get('ir.translation')
    iso_lang = misc.get_iso_codes(lang)
        uid = 1
        ids = lang_obj.search(cr, uid, [('code','=', lang)])

        if not ids:
            # lets create the language with locale information
            lang_obj.load_lang(cr, 1, lang=lang, lang_name=lang_name)

        # now, the serious things: we read the language file
        if fileformat == 'csv':
            reader = csv.reader(fileobj, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
            # read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles)
            for row in reader:
                f = row
        elif fileformat == 'po':
            reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
            f = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value']
            logger.error('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
            raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))

        # read the rest of the file
        line = 1
        for row in reader:
            line += 1
            # skip empty rows and rows where the translation field (=last fiefd) is empty
            #if (not row) or (not row[-1]):
            #    continue

            # dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
            # {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
            #  'src': ..., 'value': ...}
            dic = {'lang': lang}
            for i in range(len(f)):
                if f[i] in ('module',):
                dic[f[i]] = row[i]

                dic['res_id'] = dic['res_id'] and int(dic['res_id']) or 0
                dic['module'] = False
                dic['xml_id'] = False
                split_id = dic['res_id'].split('.', 1)
                dic['module'] = split_id[0]
                dic['xml_id'] = split_id[1]
                dic['res_id'] = False

            args = [
                ('lang', '=', lang),
                ('type', '=', dic['type']),
                ('name', '=', dic['name']),
                ('src', '=', dic['src']),
            if dic['type'] == 'model':
                if dic['res_id'] is False:
                    args.append(('module', '=', dic['module']))
                    args.append(('xml_id', '=', dic['xml_id']))
                    args.append(('res_id', '=', dic['res_id']))
            ids = trans_obj.search(cr, uid, args)
            if ids:
                if context.get('overwrite') and dic['value']:
                    trans_obj.write(cr, uid, ids, {'value': dic['value']})
                trans_obj.create(cr, uid, dic)
        if verbose:
            logger.info("translation file loaded succesfully")
    except IOError:
        filename = '[lang: %s][format: %s]' % (iso_lang or 'new', fileformat)
        logger.exception("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)