Example #1
def node_betweeness_centrality(X):
    based on networkx function: betweenness_centrality
    XX = np.zeros((X.shape[0], np.sqrt(X.shape[1])))
    for i, value in enumerate(X):
        adj_mat = value.reshape((np.sqrt(len(value)), -1))
        adj_mat = (adj_mat - np.min(adj_mat)) / (np.max(adj_mat) - np.min(adj_mat))
        adj_mat = 1 - adj_mat

#        th = np.mean(adj_mat) - 0.1
#        adj_mat = np.where(adj_mat < th, adj_mat, 0.)

        percent, th, adj_mat, triu = percentage_removed(adj_mat, 0.6) #34
        print("percent = {0}, threshold position = {1}, threshold = {2}\n".format(percent, th, triu[th]))

        g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mat)
        print "Graph Nodes = {0}, Graph Edges = {1} ".format(g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges())
        print "\nEdge kept ratio, {0}".format(float(g.number_of_edges())/((g.number_of_nodes()*(g.number_of_nodes()-1))/2))

        deg_cent = nx.betweenness_centrality(g)
#        deg_cent = nx.betweenness_centrality(g)*1000

        node_cent = np.zeros(g.number_of_nodes())

        for k in deg_cent:
            node_cent[k] = deg_cent[k]
#        node_cent = deg_cent.values()
        XX[i] = node_cent
        print "graph {0} => mean {1}, min {2}, max {3}".format(i, np.mean(XX[i]), np.min(XX[i]), np.max(XX[i]))
#    XX = XX*100
    XX = StandardScaler().fit_transform(XX.T).T

    return XX
Example #2
def node_closeness_centrality(X):
    based on networkx function: closeness_centrality
    XX = np.zeros((X.shape[0], np.sqrt(X.shape[1])))
    for i, value in enumerate(X):
        adj_mat = value.reshape((np.sqrt(len(value)), -1))
        adj_mat = (adj_mat - np.min(adj_mat)) / (np.max(adj_mat) - np.min(adj_mat))
        adj_mat = 1 - adj_mat

#        th = np.mean(adj_mat) - 0.23
#        adj_mat = np.where(adj_mat < th, adj_mat, 0.)

        percent, th, adj_mat, triu = percentage_removed(adj_mat, 0.27) # in this context the percentage
        print("percent = {0}, threshold position = {1}, threshold = {2}\n".format(percent, th, triu[th]))

        g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mat)
        print "Graph Nodes = {0}, Graph Edges = {1} ".format(g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges())
        print "\nEdge kept ratio, {0}".format(float(g.number_of_edges())/((g.number_of_nodes()*(g.number_of_nodes()-1))/2))

        deg_cent = nx.closeness_centrality(g, normalized=True)
        node_cent = np.zeros(g.number_of_nodes())

        for k in deg_cent:
            node_cent[k] = deg_cent[k]
        XX[i] = node_cent
        print "graph {0} => mean {1}, min {2}, max {3}".format(i, np.mean(XX[i]), np.min(XX[i]), np.max(XX[i]))

    return XX
Example #3
def node_centrality(X):
    based on networkx function: degree_centrality
    #    graph_position = np.arange(0, 192, 48)
    #    pos_counter = 0
    XX = np.zeros((X.shape[0], np.sqrt(X.shape[1])))
    for i, value in enumerate(X):
        adj_mat = value.reshape(
            (np.sqrt(len(value)), -1))  # reshape to 254x254
        adj_mat = (adj_mat - np.min(adj_mat)) / (np.max(adj_mat) -
        adj_mat = 1 - adj_mat

        thres = None
        percent, th, adj_mat, triu = percentage_removed(
            adj_mat, 0.9945, thres, "node_centrality")  #0.98945
        print("percent = {0}, threshold position = {1}, threshold = {2}\n".
              format(percent, th, triu[th]))
        #        th = np.mean(adj_mat)
        #        th = np.mean(adj_mat) + 0.22 #22
        #        adj_mat = np.where(adj_mat > th, 1., 0.) # binary adjacency matrix

        g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mat)
        print "Graph Nodes = {0}, Graph Edges = {1} ".format(
            g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges())
        print "Edge kept ratio, {0}".format(
            float(g.number_of_edges()) / ((g.number_of_nodes() *
                                           (g.number_of_nodes() - 1)) / 2))

        #        graph plotting
        #        if (pos_counter > 3): pos_counter = 0
        #        nfigs = False
        #        from_graph = 4
        #        to_graph = 8
        #        graph_plot(g, i, graph_position[pos_counter], from_graph, to_graph, nfigs, \
        #                   subplot = True)
        #        pos_counter += 1

        deg_cent = nx.degree_centrality(g)
        node_cent = np.zeros(g.number_of_nodes())

        for k in deg_cent:
            node_cent[k] = deg_cent[k]
        XX[i] = node_cent
        print "graph {0} => mean {1}, min {2}, max {3}\n".format(
            i, np.mean(XX[i]), np.min(XX[i]), np.max(XX[i]))

    return XX
Example #4
def node_betweeness_centrality(X):
    based on networkx function: betweenness_centrality
    XX = np.zeros((X.shape[0], np.sqrt(X.shape[1])))
    for i, value in enumerate(X):
        adj_mat = value.reshape((np.sqrt(len(value)), -1))
        adj_mat = (adj_mat - np.min(adj_mat)) / (np.max(adj_mat) -
        adj_mat = 1 - adj_mat

        #        th = np.mean(adj_mat) - 0.1
        #        adj_mat = np.where(adj_mat < th, adj_mat, 0.)

        percent, th, adj_mat, triu = percentage_removed(adj_mat, 0.6)  #34
        print("percent = {0}, threshold position = {1}, threshold = {2}\n".
              format(percent, th, triu[th]))

        g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mat)
        print "Graph Nodes = {0}, Graph Edges = {1} ".format(
            g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges())
        print "\nEdge kept ratio, {0}".format(
            float(g.number_of_edges()) / ((g.number_of_nodes() *
                                           (g.number_of_nodes() - 1)) / 2))

        deg_cent = nx.betweenness_centrality(g)
        #        deg_cent = nx.betweenness_centrality(g)*1000

        node_cent = np.zeros(g.number_of_nodes())

        for k in deg_cent:
            node_cent[k] = deg_cent[k]
#        node_cent = deg_cent.values()
        XX[i] = node_cent
        print "graph {0} => mean {1}, min {2}, max {3}".format(
            i, np.mean(XX[i]), np.min(XX[i]), np.max(XX[i]))

#    XX = XX*100
    XX = StandardScaler().fit_transform(XX.T).T

    return XX
Example #5
def node_centrality(X):
    based on networkx function: degree_centrality
#    graph_position = np.arange(0, 192, 48)
#    pos_counter = 0
    XX = np.zeros((X.shape[0], np.sqrt(X.shape[1])))
    for i, value in enumerate(X):
        adj_mat = value.reshape((np.sqrt(len(value)), -1)) # reshape to 254x254
        adj_mat = (adj_mat - np.min(adj_mat)) / (np.max(adj_mat) - np.min(adj_mat))
        adj_mat = 1 - adj_mat

        thres = None
        percent, th, adj_mat, triu = percentage_removed(adj_mat, 0.9945, thres, "node_centrality") #0.98945
        print("percent = {0}, threshold position = {1}, threshold = {2}\n".format(percent, th, triu[th]))
#        th = np.mean(adj_mat)
#        th = np.mean(adj_mat) + 0.22 #22
#        adj_mat = np.where(adj_mat > th, 1., 0.) # binary adjacency matrix

        g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mat)
        print "Graph Nodes = {0}, Graph Edges = {1} ".format(g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges())
        print "Edge kept ratio, {0}".format(float(g.number_of_edges())/((g.number_of_nodes()*(g.number_of_nodes()-1))/2))

#        graph plotting
#        if (pos_counter > 3): pos_counter = 0
#        nfigs = False
#        from_graph = 4
#        to_graph = 8
#        graph_plot(g, i, graph_position[pos_counter], from_graph, to_graph, nfigs, \
#                   subplot = True)
#        pos_counter += 1

        deg_cent = nx.degree_centrality(g)
        node_cent = np.zeros(g.number_of_nodes())

        for k in deg_cent:
            node_cent[k] = deg_cent[k]
        XX[i] = node_cent
        print "graph {0} => mean {1}, min {2}, max {3}\n".format(i, np.mean(XX[i]), np.min(XX[i]), np.max(XX[i]))

    return XX
Example #6
def node_closeness_centrality(X):
    based on networkx function: closeness_centrality
    XX = np.zeros((X.shape[0], np.sqrt(X.shape[1])))
    for i, value in enumerate(X):
        adj_mat = value.reshape((np.sqrt(len(value)), -1))
        adj_mat = (adj_mat - np.min(adj_mat)) / (np.max(adj_mat) -
        adj_mat = 1 - adj_mat

        #        th = np.mean(adj_mat) - 0.23
        #        adj_mat = np.where(adj_mat < th, adj_mat, 0.)

        percent, th, adj_mat, triu = percentage_removed(
            adj_mat, 0.27)  # in this context the percentage
        print("percent = {0}, threshold position = {1}, threshold = {2}\n".
              format(percent, th, triu[th]))

        g = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mat)
        print "Graph Nodes = {0}, Graph Edges = {1} ".format(
            g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges())
        print "\nEdge kept ratio, {0}".format(
            float(g.number_of_edges()) / ((g.number_of_nodes() *
                                           (g.number_of_nodes() - 1)) / 2))

        deg_cent = nx.closeness_centrality(g, normalized=True)
        node_cent = np.zeros(g.number_of_nodes())

        for k in deg_cent:
            node_cent[k] = deg_cent[k]
        XX[i] = node_cent
        print "graph {0} => mean {1}, min {2}, max {3}".format(
            i, np.mean(XX[i]), np.min(XX[i]), np.max(XX[i]))

    return XX