def email(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): mail = mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart("") style = kwargs.get("style", "§§style§§") content = " ".join(args) subject = kwargs.get("subject", "") to = kwargs.get("to") if to is None: return ReturnMessage( "you have to specify an adress with \"to=ADRESSGOESHERE\"") with open("email_template.html", "r") as f: template = html = mime.text.MIMEText( template.replace("§§content§§", content).replace("§§style§§", style), "html") mail.attach(html) mail["From"] = "*****@*****.**" mail["To"] = to mail["Subject"] = subject if emailserver is not None: emailserver.send_message(mail) return ReturnMessage( "e-mail was sent sucessfully [or however sucessfully is written]") else: print(mail.as_string()) return ReturnMessage("not logged in e-mail is deactivated")
def weather(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): if sense is None: return "No sensehat detected on the server" temp_cel = sense.temp temp_fahr = temp_cel * 1.8 + 32 temp_kel = temp_cel + 273.15 humidity = sense.humidity press_hpa = sense.pressure press_pa = press_hpa * 100 press_atm = press_hpa / 1013 press_bar = press_hpa / 1000 press_hg = press_pa / 40635.936 lower_args = list(map(lambda arg: arg.lower(), args)) txt = "Weather Report\n--------------\n\n" if "si" in lower_args: txt += "Temperature:\n {kel:7.3f} K\n\n".format(kel=temp_kel) txt += "Pressure:\n {pa:9.3f} Pa".format(pa=press_pa) return txt if "murrica" in lower_args or "imp" in lower_args: txt += "Temperature:\n {far:7.3f} {d}F\n\n".format(d=chr(176), far=temp_fahr) txt += "Humidity:\n {perc:7.3}%\n\n".format(perc=humidity) txt += "Pressure:\n {hg:9.3f} ftHg\n\n".format(hg=press_hg) return txt txt += "Temperature:\n {cel:7.3f} {d}C;\n {far:7.3f} {d}F;\n {kel:7.3f} K\n\n".format( d=chr(176), cel=temp_cel, far=temp_fahr, kel=temp_kel) txt += "Humidity:\n {perc:7.3}%\n\n".format(perc=humidity) txt += "Pressure:\n {pa:9.3f} Pa;\n {bar:9.3f} bar;\n {atm:9.3f} atm\n\n".format( pa=press_pa, bar=press_bar, atm=press_atm) return ReturnMessage(txt)
def add_quick_response(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): filename = "{0}/server_specifics/{1}.json".format(DIR, raw_message.server) if "->" not in args: return ReturnMessage("Invalid Syntax") trigger = " ".join(args[:args.index("->")]) response = " ".join(args[args.index("->") + 1:]) with open(filename, "r") as f: current_file = load(f) # Open seperatly under write mode to delete everything first f = open(filename, "w") current_file["auto_responses"][trigger] = response dump(current_file, f, indent=2) f.close()
def spam(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): txt = "spam" times = 3 if len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], int): times = int(args[0]) if len(args) > 1: if isinstance(args[0], int): times = int(args[0]) txt = " ".join(args[1:]) else: txt = " ".join(args) return ReturnMessage("\n".join([txt] * min(times, SPAM_MAX)) + ("\nOk, I'm bored now" if times > SPAM_MAX else ""))
def msg(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): #author_text = "Message from: {} \n".format( message_text = "Content: {} \n".format(" ".join(args)) length = max(len(message_text), 18) - 1 em = discord.Embed(title="+++Incomming Transmission+++\n" + "+" * length + "\n", em.description = message_text url = if url == "": url = em.set_author(name="-Signed, " +, icon_url=url) em.set_footer(text="+++Transmission ends+++") return ReturnMessage(em)
def swear(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): victim = "" for member in raw_message.server.members: if in args or member.nick in args: victim += member.mention try: args.remove( except ValueError: args.remove(member.nick) if "everyone" in args: victim += "@everyone" args.remove("everyone") if victim == "": victim = if len(args) > 1: return victim + choice(SWEARLIST) return ReturnMessage(victim + " " + " ".join(args[1:]))
def bot_math(act_client, rawmessage, args, kwargs): nums = [float(x) for x in args[1:]] operator = args[0] # Multy-Argument functions if len(nums) > 2: if operator == "+": return ReturnMessage(" + ".join(args[1:]) + " = " + str(sum(nums))) if operator == "*": prod = 1 for num in nums: prod *= num return ReturnMessage(" * ".join(args[1:]) + " = " + str(prod)) # Two-Argument functions elif len(nums) == 2: a, b = nums[0], nums[1] if operator == "+": return ReturnMessage("{0} + {1} = {2:8.5f}".format(a, b, a + b)) if operator == "*": return ReturnMessage("{0} * {1} = {2:8.5f}".format(a, b, a * b)) if operator == "-": return ReturnMessage("{0} - {1} = {2:>8.5f}".format(a, b, a - b)) if operator == "/": return ReturnMessage("{0} / {1} = {2:>8.5f}".format(a, b, a / b)) if operator == "power": return ReturnMessage("{0}^{1} = {2:>8.5f}".format(a, b, pow(a, b))) if operator == "root": return ReturnMessage("{0}root{1} = {2:>8.5f}".format( a, b, pow(a, 1 / b))) if operator == "log": return ReturnMessage("log*{0}* {1} = {2:>8.5f}".format( a, b, log(b, a))) # One argument functions elif len(nums) == 1: a = nums[0] if operator == "sqrt": return ReturnMessage("sqrt({0}) = {1:>8.5f}".format(a, sqrt(a))) if operator == "inv": return ReturnMessage("{0}^-1 = {1:>8.5f}".format(a, 1 / a)) # trigonometry if operator == "sin": return ReturnMessage("sin({0}rad) = {1:>8.5f}".format(a, sin(a))) if operator == "cos": return ReturnMessage("cos({0}rad) = {1:>8.5f}".format(a, cos(a))) if operator == "tan": return ReturnMessage("tan({0}rad) = {1:>8.5f}".format(a, tan(a))) if operator == "asin": return ReturnMessage("arcsin({0}) = {1:>8.5f}rad".format( a, asin(a))) if operator == "acos": return ReturnMessage("arccos({0}) = {1}rad".format(a, acos(a))) if operator == "atan": return ReturnMessage("arctan({0}) = {1}rad".format(a, atan(a))) # deg if operator == "sinD": return ReturnMessage("sin({0}°) = {1:>8.5f}".format( a, sin(radians(a)))) if operator == "cosD": return ReturnMessage("cos({0}°) = {1:>8.5f}".format( a, cos(radians(a)))) if operator == "tanD": return ReturnMessage("tan({0}°) = {1:>8.5f}".format( a, tan(radians(a)))) if operator == "asinD": return ReturnMessage("arcsin({0}) = {1:>8.5f}".format( a, degrees(asin(a)))) if operator == "acosD": return ReturnMessage("arccos({0}) = {1}°".format( a, degrees(acos(a)))) if operator == "atanD": return ReturnMessage("arctan({0}) = {1}°".format( a, degrees(atan(a)))) # Zero-Argument functions else: if operator == "e": return ReturnMessage("e = 2.71828182846") if operator == "pi": return ReturnMessage("pi = 3.1415926535") return "Command {0} does not exist in the 'math' library".format( " ".join(args))
def server_client_stats(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): txt = "Email: " + "None\n" if is None else if sense is not None: txt += "Server Temperature: {cel:7.3f}{d}C".format(cel=sense.temp, d=chr(176)) return ReturnMessage(txt)
def help(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): return ReturnMessage(":thinking:")
def shutup(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): return ReturnMessage("---")
def wiki(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): return ReturnMessage("" + " ".join(args))
def cards_against_humanity(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): global current_cah_game author_ment = if re.match( r"^%?cah (play \d{1,3}|choose \d|host (rando)?|join|close host|finish|stats|random)\s*$", raw_message.content) is None: pass if args[0] not in ("host", "random") and current_cah_game is None: return ReturnMessage("No game initialized") if len(args) >= 2: command = args[0] if command == "play": if any([re.match(r"^\d$", x) is None for x in args[1:]]): return ReturnMessage( "All arguments must be positive integers between 0 and 9") if current_cah_game.game_stat != 1: return ReturnMessage("You cannot play now") if len(args) - 1 != current_cah_game.cards_needed: return ReturnMessage( "You have to play exactly {} cards".format( current_cah_game.cards_needed)) if current_cah_game.tsar.discord_implement == return ReturnMessage("The tsar cannot play") message_queue.add_msg( ReturnMessage( current_cah_game.lay_card(, [int(x) for x in args[1:]]))) if current_cah_game.all_played: em = discord.Embed(title="The Cards are laid out", colour=0x000000) em.description = em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) message_queue.add_msg(ReturnMessage(em)) cards_em = discord.Embed(title="White Cards", colour=0x000000) cards_em.description = current_cah_game.get_player( cards_em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) return ReturnMessage(cards_em, if command == "choose": if current_cah_game.tsar.discord_implement != return ReturnMessage("Only the tsar can choose") if current_cah_game.game_stat != 2: return ReturnMessage("You cannot choose now") try: player_chosen = int(args[1]) except ValueError: return ReturnMessage(author_ment + "player must be an integer") if player_chosen >= current_cah_game.player_num - 1: return ReturnMessage(author_ment + "player must be a number between 0 and {}" .format(current_cah_game.player_num - 2)) return ReturnMessage(current_cah_game.choose(player_chosen)) # Choose a player if command == "host": # Create a new game current_cah_game = Game("cah_lib.json", rando=("rando" in args)) current_cah_game.join( em = discord.Embed(title="New c-a-h game", colour=0x000000) em.description = "{} just created a new \"Cards against Humanity\" game".format( em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) return ReturnMessage(em) elif len(args) == 1: command = args[0] if command == "host": # Create a new game current_cah_game = Game("cah_lib.json") current_cah_game.join( em = discord.Embed(title="New c-a-h game", colour=0x000000) em.description = "{} just created a new \"Cards against Humanity\" game".format( em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) return ReturnMessage(em) if command == "join": if current_cah_game.game_stat != 0: return ReturnMessage("You cannot join now") current_cah_game.join( em = discord.Embed(title="User Joined", colour=0x20ff1d) em.description = author_ment + " just joined ..." em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) # Join a game return ReturnMessage(em) if command == "leave": current_cah_game.leave( em = discord.Embed(title="User Left", colour=0xa305d5) em.description = author_ment + " just left ..." em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) return ReturnMessage(em) if command == "close_host": if current_cah_game.game_stat != 0: return ReturnMessage("Host already closed") if current_cah_game.tsar.discord_implement != return ReturnMessage("You cannot close the host") message_queue.add_msg( ReturnMessage(current_cah_game.close_joining())) em = discord.Embed(title="Game Start", colour=0x000000) em.description = "Nobody can join now anymore" em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) # Close the joining for player in current_cah_game.player_list: cards_em = discord.Embed(title="White Cards", colour=0x000000) cards_em.description = player.get_cards() cards_em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) message_queue.add_msg( ReturnMessage(cards_em, player.discord_implement)) return ReturnMessage(em) if command == "finish": em = discord.Embed(title="Game statistics", colour=0xff1c1d) em.description = current_cah_game.stats() em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) message_queue.add_msg(ReturnMessage(em)) current_cah_game = None em = discord.Embed(title="Game Finished", colour=0xff1c1d) em.description = "The game has just been finished" em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) # Finish the game return ReturnMessage(em) if command == "stats": em = discord.Embed(title="Game statistics", colour=0x000000) em.description = current_cah_game.stats() em.set_author(name="CaH", icon_url=CAH_IMAGE_URL) return ReturnMessage(em) if command == "random": if current_cah_game is None: current_cah_game = Game("cah_lib.json") if == 6988 or == 7507: return ReturnMessage("F**k you {mention}:\n{card}".format( mention=author_ment, card=current_cah_game.random())) return ReturnMessage(current_cah_game.random())
def my_permissions(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): return ReturnMessage("\n".join([ perm[0] if perm[1] else "" for perm in ]))
def _print(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): if == "The Bechet" or == "USB Umberto": return ReturnMessage("You are not allowed to print!") return ReturnMessage(" ".join(args))
def approves(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): em = discord.Embed(title="{} approves :ok_hand:".format(, colour=0xffff00) return ReturnMessage(em)
def test_message(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): return ReturnMessage("args = {}:\n\nkwargs = {}".format( "\n".join(args), "\n".join([key + " : " + value for key, value in kwargs.items()])))
def _not_a_command(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): return ReturnMessage( "\"{mes}\" is not a valid command".format(mes=raw_message.content))
def infinite_loop(act_client, raw_message, args, kwargs): return ReturnMessage("%!inf_blink")