CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE=CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE, FULL_DECAY_INFO_FILE=FULL_DECAY_INFO_FILE, MAX_XS_FILE=MAX_XS_FILE) PARAMS_DICT.update({sys.argv[0] + " argv": sys.argv[1:]}) save_parameters_as_json(sys.argv[-1], PARAMS_DICT) tprint("Stage 1: Data reading from", *sys.argv[1:], "complete!") else: tprint( f"Assuming that Stage 1 is complete. Reading {MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV} as sigma_df and {CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE} as decay_dict..." ) from misc_library import unserialize_dict sigma_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV), index_col=[0]) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE)) as j: decay_dict = json.load(j) decay_dict = unserialize_dict(decay_dict) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], MAX_XS_FILE)) as j: max_xs = MaxSigma(json.load(j)) ##################################### Calculate count info of about each reactions ##################### IRRADIATION_DURATION = 3600 # spread the irradiation power over the entire course of this length TRANSIT_DURATION = 86400 * 3 MEASUREMENT_DURATION = 3600 * 3 PRE_MEASUREMENT_POPULATION_FILE = "pre-measurement_population.json" POST_MEASUREMENT_POPULATION_FILE = "post-measurement_population.json" if __name__ == "__main__": from misc_library import BARN, MM_CM, get_apriori, decay_mat_exp_num_decays, decay_mat_exp_population_convolved, build_decay_chain_tree, linearize_decay_chain, EncoderOpenMC tprint("Stage 2: Calculating information about each reaction:")
PLOT_CONTR = False PLOT_MACRO = False PLOT_INDIVIDUAL_SPEC = False # if False: if __name__ == '__main__': """ with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], "parameters_used.json")) as J: PARAMS_DICT = json.load(J) # get the user-defined foil selection, and their thicknesses """ # reading data with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], "final_selection.json")) as j: selected_foils = json.load(j) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], "decay_radiation.json")) as j: decay_dict = unserialize_dict(json.load(j)) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], "decay_info.json")) as j: decay_info = unserialize_dict( json.load(j) ) # the decay counts given the stated starting and ending measurement times. with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], "post-measurement_population.json")) as j: post_measurement_population = json.load(j) abs_efficieny_curve = HPGe_efficiency_curve_generator() PARAMS_DICT = get_parameters_json(sys.argv[-1]) IRRADIATION_DURATION = PARAMS_DICT["IRRADIATION_DURATION"] b, c = IRRADIATION_DURATION + PARAMS_DICT[ "TRANSIT_DURATION"], IRRADIATION_DURATION + PARAMS_DICT[ "TRANSIT_DURATION"] + PARAMS_DICT["MEASUREMENT_DURATION"] APRIORI_FLUX, APRIORI_FLUENCE = get_apriori(sys.argv[-1], IRRADIATION_DURATION)
def run_(): from .read_data import * def tprint(*msg): print("\n[t=+{:2.2f}s]".format(time.time() - prog_start_time), *msg) prog_start_time = time.time() stage1_outputs_exist = all( os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], FULL_DECAY_INFO_FILE)), os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE)), os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV)), os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], MAX_XS_FILE))) if not stage1_outputs_exist: from misc_library import EncoderOpenMC, MT_to_nuc_num, load_endf_directories, FISSION_MTS, AMBIGUOUS_MT prog_start_time = time.time() assert os.path.exists(os.path.join( sys.argv[-1], 'gs.csv')), "Output directory must already have gs.csv" gs = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], 'gs.csv')).values if SORT_BY_REACTION_RATE: _msg = f"Output directory must already have integrated_apriori.csv in order to sort the {MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV} in descending order of expected-radionuclide-population later on." assert os.path.exists( os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], 'integrated_apriori.csv')), _msg apriori = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], 'integrated_apriori.csv'))['value'].values endf_file_list = load_endf_directories(sys.argv[1:-1]) print(f"Loaded {len(endf_file_list)} different material files,\n") # First compile the decay records tprint( "Stage 1: Compiling the decay information as decay_dict, and recording the excited-state to isomeric-state information:" ) decay_dict = OrderedDict() # dictionary of decay data isomeric_to_excited_state = OrderedDict( ) # a dictionary that translates all with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w_list: for file in tqdm(endf_file_list): name = str(["atomic_number"]).zfill( 3) + ATOMIC_SYMBOL[["atomic_number"]] + str(["mass_number"]) isomeric_name = name # make a copy if[ "isomeric_state"] > 0: # if it is not at the lowest isomeric state: add the _e behind it too. isomeric_name += "_m" + str(["isomeric_state"]) name += "_e" + str(["state"]) isomeric_to_excited_state[isomeric_name] = name[ 3:] # trim the excited state name if[ 'sublibrary'] == "Radioactive decay data": # applicable to materials with (mf, mt) = (8, 457) file section dec_f = Decay.from_endf(file) decay_dict[name] = extract_decay(dec_f) if w_list: print(w_list[0].filename + ", line {}, {}'s:".format( w_list[0].lineno, w_list[0].category.__name__)) for w in w_list: print(" " + str(w.message)) decay_dict = sort_and_trim_ordered_dict( decay_dict) # reorder it so that it conforms to the isomeric_to_excited_state = sort_and_trim_ordered_dict( isomeric_to_excited_state) tprint( "Renaming the decay products from isomeric state names to excited state names:" ) decay_dict = rename_branching_ratio(decay_dict, isomeric_to_excited_state) # Save said decay records with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], FULL_DECAY_INFO_FILE), 'w') as j: tprint("Saving the decay spectra as {} ...".format( FULL_DECAY_INFO_FILE)) json.dump(decay_dict, j, cls=EncoderOpenMC) # turn decay records into number of counts tprint("Condensing each decay spectrum...") for name, dec_file in tqdm(decay_dict.items()): condense_spectrum(dec_file) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE), 'w') as j: tprint("Saving the condensed decay information as {} ...".format( CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE)) json.dump(decay_dict, j, cls=EncoderOpenMC) # Then compile the Incident-neutron records tprint("Compiling the raw cross-section dictionary.") xs_dict = OrderedDict() for file in tqdm(endf_file_list): # mf10 = {} if['sublibrary'] == "Incident-neutron data": inc_f = IncidentNeutron.from_endf(file) nuc_sort_name = str(inc_f.atomic_number).zfill(3) + # get the higher-energy range values of xs as well if available. mf10_mt5 = MF10(file.section.get( (10, 5), None)) # default value = None if (10, 5 doesn't exist.) for (izap, isomeric_state), xs in mf10_mt5.items(): atomic_number, mass_number = divmod(izap, 1000) if atomic_number > 0 and mass_number > 0: # ignore the weird products that means nothing meaningful isomeric_name = ATOMIC_SYMBOL[atomic_number] + str( mass_number) if isomeric_state > 0: isomeric_name += "_m" + str(isomeric_state) e_name = isomeric_to_excited_state.get( isomeric_name, isomeric_name.split("_")[0] ) # return the ground state name if there is no corresponding excited state name for such isomer. long_name = nuc_sort_name + "-" + e_name + "-MT=5" xs_dict[long_name] = xs # get the normal reactions, found in mf=3 for mt, rx in inc_f.reactions.items(): if any([(mt in AMBIGUOUS_MT), (mt in FISSION_MTS), (301 <= mt <= 459)]): continue # skip the cases of AMBIGUOUS_MT, fission mt, and heating information. They don't give us useful information about radionuclides produced. append_name_list, xs_list = extract_xs(inc_f.atomic_number, inc_f.mass_number, rx, tabulated=True) # add each product into the dictionary one by one. for name, xs in zip(append_name_list, xs_list): xs_dict[nuc_sort_name + '-' + name] = xs # memory management print( "Deleting endf_file_list since it will no longer be used in this script, in an attempt to reduce memory usage" ) del endf_file_list gc.collect() # del decay_dict xs_dict = sort_and_trim_ordered_dict(xs_dict) tprint( "Collapsing the cross-section to the group structure specified by 'gs.csv' and then saving it as '{}' ..." .format(MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV)) sigma_df, max_xs = collapse_xs(xs_dict, gs) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], MAX_XS_FILE), "w") as j: json.dump(max_xs, j) del xs_dict gc.collect() if not SHOW_SEPARATE_MT_REACTION_RATES: sigma_df = merge_identical_parent_products(sigma_df) # Need to make merge_identical_parent_products to work with max_xs as well. if SORT_BY_REACTION_RATE: sigma_df = sigma_df.loc[ary(sigma_df.index)[np.argsort( sigma_df.values @ apriori)[::-1]]] print( f"Saving the cross-sections in the required group structure to file as '{MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV}'..." ) sigma_df.to_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV)) # saves the number of radionuclide produced per (neutron cm^-2) of fluence flash-irradiated in that given bin. # save parameters at the end. PARAMS_DICT = dict( HPGe_eff_file=HPGe_eff_file, gamma_E=gamma_E, FISSION_MTS=FISSION_MTS, AMBIGUOUS_MT=AMBIGUOUS_MT, SORT_BY_REACTION_RATE=SORT_BY_REACTION_RATE, SHOW_SEPARATE_MT_REACTION_RATES=SHOW_SEPARATE_MT_REACTION_RATES, CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE=CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE, FULL_DECAY_INFO_FILE=FULL_DECAY_INFO_FILE, MAX_XS_FILE=MAX_XS_FILE) PARAMS_DICT.update({sys.argv[0] + " argv": sys.argv[1:]}) save_parameters_as_json(sys.argv[-1], PARAMS_DICT) tprint("Stage 1: Data reading from", *sys.argv[1:], "complete!") else: tprint( f"Assuming that Stage 1 is complete. Reading {MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV} as sigma_df and {CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE} as decay_dict..." ) from misc_library import unserialize_dict sigma_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], MICROSCOPIC_XS_CSV), index_col=[0]) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE)) as j: decay_dict = json.load(j) decay_dict = unserialize_dict(decay_dict) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], MAX_XS_FILE)) as j: max_xs = MaxSigma(json.load(j)) from misc_library import BARN, MM_CM, get_apriori, decay_mat_exp_num_decays, decay_mat_exp_population_convolved, build_decay_chain_tree, linearize_decay_chain, EncoderOpenMC tprint("Stage 2: Calculating information about each reaction:") apriori_flux, apriori_fluence = get_apriori(sys.argv[-1], IRRADIATION_DURATION) # get the production rate for each reaction, and build that into a dataframe (which will be expanded upon) population = pd.DataFrame( { 'production of primary product per reactant atom': (sigma_df.values * BARN) @ apriori_fluence }, index=sigma_df.index) del sigma_df gc.collect( ) # sigma_df is now used and will not be called again; remove it from memory to reduce memory usage/ stop stuffing up RAM. # create containers to contain the calculated activities # detected_counts_per_primary_product = {} population_pre, population_post = defaultdict(dict), defaultdict( dict) # key = the name of the subchain total_counts, total_counts_post_meas, activity_pre, activity_post, cnt_rate_pre, cnt_rate_post = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} tprint( "Calculating the expected number of photopeak counts for each type of product created:" ) product_set = set([ parent_product_mt.split("-")[1] for parent_product_mt in population.index ]) PRE_MEASUREMENT = IRRADIATION_DURATION + TRANSIT_DURATION POST_MEASUREMENT = IRRADIATION_DURATION + TRANSIT_DURATION + MEASUREMENT_DURATION for product in tqdm(product_set): detected_counts_per_primary_product = [] for subchain in linearize_decay_chain( build_decay_chain_tree(product, decay_dict)): new_pathway = { "pathway": "-".join(subchain.names), "counts during measurement": decay_mat_exp_num_decays( subchain.branching_ratios, subchain.decay_constants, IRRADIATION_DURATION, PRE_MEASUREMENT, POST_MEASUREMENT) * subchain.countable_photons, "counts in 1 hr immediately after measurement": decay_mat_exp_num_decays( subchain.branching_ratios, subchain.decay_constants, IRRADIATION_DURATION, POST_MEASUREMENT, POST_MEASUREMENT + 3600) * subchain.countable_photons } population_pre[product][ new_pathway["pathway"]] = decay_mat_exp_population_convolved( subchain.branching_ratios, subchain.decay_constants, IRRADIATION_DURATION, PRE_MEASUREMENT) population_post[product][ new_pathway["pathway"]] = decay_mat_exp_population_convolved( subchain.branching_ratios, subchain.decay_constants, IRRADIATION_DURATION, POST_MEASUREMENT) new_pathway[ "decay rate pre-measurement"] = subchain.decay_constants[ -1] * population_pre[product][new_pathway["pathway"]] new_pathway[ "decay rate post-measurement"] = subchain.decay_constants[ -1] * population_post[product][new_pathway["pathway"]] new_pathway[ "count rate pre-measurement"] = subchain.countable_photons * new_pathway[ "decay rate pre-measurement"] new_pathway[ "count rate post-measurement"] = subchain.countable_photons * new_pathway[ "decay rate post-measurement"] detected_counts_per_primary_product.append(new_pathway) total_counts[product] = sum([ path["counts during measurement"] for path in detected_counts_per_primary_product ]) total_counts_post_meas[product] = sum([ path["counts in 1 hr immediately after measurement"] for path in detected_counts_per_primary_product ]) activity_pre[product] = sum([ path["decay rate pre-measurement"] for path in detected_counts_per_primary_product ]) activity_post[product] = sum([ path["decay rate post-measurement"] for path in detected_counts_per_primary_product ]) cnt_rate_pre[product] = sum([ path["count rate pre-measurement"] for path in detected_counts_per_primary_product ]) cnt_rate_post[product] = sum([ path["count rate post-measurement"] for path in detected_counts_per_primary_product ]) # clean out reactions that can't be detected. tprint( "Removing all reactions whose products is the same as the product (i.e. elastic scattering reactions):" ) population = population[ary([ parent_product_mt.split("-")[0] != parent_product_mt.split("-")[1] for parent_product_mt in population.index ])] # add the total counts of gamma photons detectable per primary product column tprint("Matching the reactions to their decay product count...") # add the final counts measured by detector PPP column rearranged_total_cnts = ary([ total_counts[parent_product_mt.split("-")[1]] for parent_product_mt in population.index ]) population['final counts measured by detector PPP'] = rearranged_total_cnts # sort by activity and remove all nans tprint( "Re-ordering the dataframe by the final counts measured by detector PPP and removing the entries with zero counts..." ) population.sort_values('final counts measured by detector PPP', inplace=True, ascending=False) population = population[population["final counts measured by detector PPP"] > 0.0] # keeping only those with positive counts. # save the population breakdown in total_counts tprint("Saving the population breakdowns as .json files...") all_significant_products = ordered_set([ parent_product_mt.split("-")[1] for parent_product_mt in population.index ]) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], PRE_MEASUREMENT_POPULATION_FILE), "w") as j: json.dump( { product: population_pre[product] for product in all_significant_products }, j, cls=EncoderOpenMC) # del population_pre; gc.collect() with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], POST_MEASUREMENT_POPULATION_FILE), "w") as j: json.dump( { product: population_post[product] for product in all_significant_products }, j, cls=EncoderOpenMC) # del population_post; gc.collect() # add the rest of the information rearranged_post_cnt_meas = ary([ total_counts_post_meas[parent_product_mt.split("-")[1]] for parent_product_mt in population.index ]) rearranged_activity_pre = ary([ activity_pre[parent_product_mt.split("-")[1]] for parent_product_mt in population.index ]) rearranged_activity_post = ary([ activity_post[parent_product_mt.split("-")[1]] for parent_product_mt in population.index ]) rearranged_cnt_rate_pre = ary([ cnt_rate_pre[parent_product_mt.split("-")[1]] for parent_product_mt in population.index ]) rearranged_cnt_rate_post = ary([ cnt_rate_post[parent_product_mt.split("-")[1]] for parent_product_mt in population.index ]) rearranged_max_xs = ary( [max_xs[parent_product_mt] for parent_product_mt in population.index]) population[ "counts accumulated in the 1 hour following the detection period PPP"] = rearranged_post_cnt_meas # column used to quickly extrapolate the post-measurement decay rate population["activity before measurement PPP"] = rearranged_activity_pre population["activity after measurement PPP"] = rearranged_activity_post population[ "detector count rate before measurement PPP"] = rearranged_cnt_rate_pre population[ "detector count rate after measurement PPP"] = rearranged_cnt_rate_post population["max microscopic cross-section"] = rearranged_max_xs tprint("Saving as 'counts.csv'...") try: population.to_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], 'counts.csv'), index_label='rname') except ZeroDivisionError: tprint( "Minor issue when trying to print the values which are too small. Plese wait for a couple more minutes..." ) not_uncertain_columns = [ "production of primary product per reactant atom", "max microscopic cross-section", ] for col in population.columns: if col not in not_uncertain_columns: # when trying to express uncertainties.core.Variable using the __str__ method, it will try to factorize it. # But if the GCD between the norminal value and uncertainty is rounded down to 1E-323 or smaller, it will lead to ZeroDivisionError. floating_point_problem = population[ col] < 12.5E-324 # therefore we set all small values # this method is harsher than it needs to because it forces items # with nominal value < 12.5E-324 but error > 12.5E-324 to be 0 as well, # even though they are perfectly expressible as strings without errors. population[col][floating_point_problem] = 0 population.to_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], 'counts.csv'), index_label='rname') save_parameters_as_json( sys.argv[-1], dict( IRRADIATION_DURATION=IRRADIATION_DURATION, TRANSIT_DURATION=TRANSIT_DURATION, MEASUREMENT_DURATION=MEASUREMENT_DURATION, # PRE_MEASUREMENT_POPULATION_FILE=PRE_MEASUREMENT_POPULATION_FILE, # POST_MEASUREMENT_POPULATION_FILE=POST_MEASUREMENT_POPULATION_FILE, )) tprint("Run complete. See results in 'counts.csv'.")
def run(): def tprint(*msg): print("\n[t=+{:2.2f}s]".format(time.time()-prog_start_time), *msg) from .get_reaction_rates import * # typical system/python stuff import sys, os, time, json from tqdm import tqdm # numerical packages from numpy import array as ary; import numpy as np from numpy import log as ln; from numpy import sqrt import pandas as pd # openmc/specialist packages import openmc import uncertainties from uncertainties.core import Variable #collections from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict # foilselector from misc_library import save_parameters_as_json, unserialize_dict from misc_library import BARN, MM_CM, get_apriori, decay_mat_exp_num_decays, Bateman_convolved_generator # main script prog_start_time = time.time() apriori_flux, apriori_fluence = get_apriori(sys.argv[-1], IRRADIATION_DURATION) with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], CONDENSED_DECAY_INFO_FILE), 'r') as f: decay_dict = json.load(f) decay_dict = unserialize_dict(decay_dict) sigma_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], 'response.csv'), index_col=[0]) count_contribution_per_primary_product, total_counts_per_primary_product = {}, {} tprint("Calculating the expected number of photopeak counts for each type of product created:") product_set = set([parent_product_mt.split("-")[1] for parent_product_mt in sigma_df.index]) for product in tqdm(product_set): count_contribution_per_primary_product[product] = [{ 'pathway': '-'.join(subchain.names), # (# of photons detected per nuclide n decayed) = (# of photons detected per decay of nuclide n) * lambda_n * \int(population)dT # 'counts':Bateman_num_decays_factorized(subchain.branching_ratios, subchain.decay_constants, 'counts':np.product(subchain.branching_ratios[1:])* decay_mat_exp_num_decays(subchain.decay_constants, IRRADIATION_DURATION, IRRADIATION_DURATION+TRANSIT_DURATION, IRRADIATION_DURATION+TRANSIT_DURATION+MEASUREMENT_DURATION )*subchain.countable_photons, } for subchain in linearize_decay_chain(build_decay_chain(product, decay_dict))] total_counts_per_primary_product[product] = sum([path["counts"] for path in count_contribution_per_primary_product[product]]) # get the production rate for each reaction population = pd.DataFrame({'production of primary product per reactant atom':(sigma_df.values*BARN) @ apriori_fluence}, index=sigma_df.index) # clean out reactions that can't be detected. tprint("Removing all reactions whose products is the same as the product (i.e. elastic scattering reactions):") population = population[ary([parent_product_mt.split("-")[0] != parent_product_mt.split("-")[1] for parent_product_mt in population.index])] # add the total counts of gamma photons detectable per primary product column tprint("Matching the reactions to their decay product count...") gamma_counts_at_measurement_per_reactant = ary([total_counts_per_primary_product[parent_product_mt.split("-")[1]] for parent_product_mt in sigma_df.index]) # add the final counts accumulated per reactant atom column population['final counts accumulated per reactant atom'] = gamma_counts_at_measurement_per_reactant * population['production of primary product per reactant atom'] # sort by activity and remove all nans tprint("Re-ordering the dataframe by the final counts accumulated per reactant atom and removing the entries with zero counts...") population.sort_values('final counts accumulated per reactant atom', inplace=True, ascending=False) population = population[gamma_counts_at_measurement_per_reactant>0.0] # keeping only those with positive counts. if GUESS_MATERIAL: from misc_library import extract_elem_from_string, pick_material, PHYSICAL_PROP_FILE, get_physical_property # read the physical property file to get the number densities. tprint(f"Reading ./{os.path.relpath(PHYSICAL_PROP_FILE)} to extract the physical parameters about various solids.") physical_prop = get_physical_property(PHYSICAL_PROP_FILE) # select the default materials and get its relevant parameters default_material, partial_number_density = [], [] tprint("Selecting the default material to be used:") for parent_product_mt in tqdm(population.index): parent = parent_product_mt.split('-')[0] if parent[len(extract_elem_from_string(parent)):]=='0': # take care of the species which are a MIXED natural composition of materials, e.g. Gd0 parent = parent[:-1] if ENRICH_TO_100_PERCENT: # allowing enrichment means 100% of that element being made of the specified isotope only parent = extract_elem_from_string(parent) if parent not in physical_prop.columns: # if there isn't a parent material default_material.append('Missing (N/A)') partial_number_density.append(0.0) continue material_info = pick_material(parent, physical_prop) default_material.append(" ("+material_info['Formula']+")") partial_number_density.append(material_info['Number density-cm-3'] * material_info[parent]) # material_info[parent] chooses the fraction of atoms which is made of . population["default material"] = default_material population["partial number density (cm^-3)"] = partial_number_density population["gamma counts per volume of foil (cm^-3)"] = population["final counts accumulated per reactant atom"] * population["partial number density (cm^-3)"] population["gamma counts per unit thickness of foil (mm^-1)"] = population["gamma counts per volume of foil (cm^-3)"] * MAX_AREA * MM_CM# assuming the area = Foil Area tprint("Re-ordering the dataframe according to the counts per volume...") population.sort_values("gamma counts per volume of foil (cm^-3)", inplace=True, ascending=False) # sort again, this time according to the required volume tprint("Saving as 'counts.csv'...") try: population.to_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], 'counts.csv'), index_label='rname') except ZeroDivisionError: tprint("Minor issue when trying to print the values which are too small. Plese wait for a couple more minutes...") uncertain_columns = ["final counts accumulated per reactant atom"] if GUESS_MATERIAL: uncertain_columns+= ["gamma counts per volume of foil (cm^-3)", "gamma counts per unit thickness of foil (mm^-1)"] for col in uncertain_columns: less_than_mask = population[col]<12.5E-324 # when trying to express uncertainties.core.Variable using the __str__ method, it will try to factorize it. # But if the GCD (between the norminal value and its counterpart) is rounded down to 1E-323 or smaller, it will lead to ZeroDivisionError. population[col][less_than_mask] = uncertainties.core.Variable(0.0, 0.0) population.to_csv(os.path.join(sys.argv[-1], 'counts.csv'), index_label='rname') # save parameters at the end. save_parameters_as_json(sys.argv[-1], dict( IRRADIATION_DURATION=IRRADIATION_DURATION, TRANSIT_DURATION=TRANSIT_DURATION, MEASUREMENT_DURATION=MEASUREMENT_DURATION, MAX_AREA=MAX_AREA, ENRICH_TO_100_PERCENT=ENRICH_TO_100_PERCENT, ) ) tprint("Run complete. See results in 'counts.csv'.")