def load_objs(objects): if isinstance(objects, PurePath): objects = str(objects) # Load objects # TODO: Read in chunks, parallelize, recombine and write'Reading in objects...') # objs = gpd.read_file(objects) objs = read_vec(objects)'Objects found: {:,}'.format(len(objs))) return objs
def __init__(self, objects_path, value_fields=None): if isinstance(objects_path, gpd.GeoDataFrame): self.objects = copy.deepcopy(objects_path) self.objects_path = None else: self.objects_path = objects_path self.objects = read_vec(objects_path)'Loaded {:,} objects.'.format(len(self.objects))) # Field names self.nebs_fld = 'neighbors' self._area_fld = 'area' self.pseudo_area_fld = 'pseudo_area' self.compact_fld = 'compactness' self.class_fld = 'class' # Merge column names self.mc_fld = 'merge_candidates' self.mp_fld = 'merge_path' # Inits to True, marked False if merged, or considered and unmergeable self.m_fld = 'mergeable' self.m_seed_fld = 'merge_seed' self.m_ct_fld = 'merge_count' self.continue_iter = 'continue_iter' self.mergeable_ids = None # List of (field_name, summary_stat) to be recalculated after merging self.value_fields = self._parse_value_fields(value_fields) # List of boolean fields holding result of apply a rule self.rule_fields = [] # Properties calculated on demand self._num_objs = None self._fields = list(self.objects.columns) self._object_stats = None self._area = None # Neighbor value fields self.nv_fields = list() self.objects[self.nebs_fld] = np.NaN # Rules self._rule_fld_name = 'in_field' # field name in rule dictionaries # TODO: check for unique index, create if not # Name index if unnamed if not = 'index' if not self.objects.index.is_unique: logger.warning('Non-unique index not supported.')
def get_footprint_dems(footprint_path, filepath=get_filepath_field(), dem_name='DEM_NAME', dem_path_fld='dem_path', dem_exist_fld='dem_exist', location=None, use_terrranova=False): """Load Footprint - Check for existence of DEMs""" logger.debug('Footprint type: {}'.format(type(footprint_path))) if isinstance(footprint_path, list): # List of paths fp = pd.DataFrame({dem_path_fld: footprint_path}) else: if isinstance(footprint_path, str): if os.path.splitext(footprint_path) == '.txt': # Paths in text file with open(footprint_path, 'r') as src: content = src.readlines() fp = pd.DataFrame({dem_path_fld: content}) else: # Load footprint'Loading DEM footprint...') # fp = gpd.read_file(footprint_path) fp = read_vec(footprint_path) # Vector file of footprints with path field elif isinstance(footprint_path, gpd.GeoDataFrame): fp = footprint_path if location is None: fp[dem_path_fld] = fp.apply(lambda x: get_dem_path(x[filepath], x[dem_name]), axis=1) else: fp[dem_path_fld] = fp[location] if platform.system() == 'Windows': fp[dem_path_fld] = fp[dem_path_fld].apply(lambda x: mnt2v(x)) if use_terranova: fp[dem_path_fld] = fp[dem_path_fld].apply(lambda x: x.replace(r"pgc\data\elev", r"pgc\terrnva_data\elev")) num_fps = len(fp)'Records found: {:,}'.format(num_fps))'Verifying DEMs existence at location indicated...') fp[dem_exist_fld] = fp.apply(lambda x: os.path.exists(x[dem_path_fld]), axis=1) dem_paths = list(fp[fp[dem_exist_fld] == True][dem_path_fld]) num_exist_fps = len(fp) if num_exist_fps != num_fps: logger.warning('Filepaths could not be found for {} records, skipping...'.format(num_fps - num_exist_fps)) return dem_paths
def mask_objs(objs, mask_on, out_mask_img=None, out_mask_vec=None): if out_mask_img is None: out_mask_img = r'/vsimem/temp_mask.tif' if out_mask_vec is None: out_mask_vec = r'/vsimem/temp_mask.shp' # Write mask vector (and raster if desired)'Creating mask from raster: {}'.format(mask_on)) Raster(mask_on).WriteMaskVector(out_vec=out_mask_vec, out_mask_img=out_mask_img) # mask = gpd.read_file(out_mask_vec) mask = read_vec(out_mask_vec) not_mask = mask[mask.iloc[:, 0] != '1'] # Select only objects in valid areas of mask'Removing objects in masked areas...') # TODO: use centroids for faster cleanup - Begin # objs_centroids = copy.deepcopy(objs).set_geometry(objs.geometry.centroid) # use centroids for faster cleanup - End keep_objs = gpd.overlay(objs, not_mask)'Objects kept: {:,}'.format(len(keep_objs))) return keep_objs
def calc_zonal_stats(shp, rasters, names=None, stats=['min', 'max', 'mean', 'count', 'median'], area=True, compactness=False, roundness=False, out_path=None): """ Calculate zonal statistics on the given vector file for each raster provided. Parameters ---------- shp : os.path.abspath Vector file to compute zonal statistics for the features in. out_path : os.path.abspath Path to write vector file with computed stats. Default is to add '_stats' suffix before file extension. rasters : list or os.path.abspath List of rasters to compute zonal statistics for. Or path to .txt file of raster paths (one per line) or path to .json file of name: {path: /path/to/raster.tif, stats: ['mean']}. names : list List of names to use as prefixes for created stats. Order is order of rasters. stats : list, optional List of statistics to calculate. The default is None. area : bool True to also compute area of each feature in units of projection. compactness : bool True to also compute compactness of each object roundness : bool True to also compute roundess of each object Returns ------- out_path. """ # Load data if isinstance(shp, gpd.GeoDataFrame): seg = shp else:'Reading in segments from: {}...'.format(shp)) seg = read_vec(shp)'Segments found: {:,}'.format(len(seg))) # Determine rasters input type # TODO: Fix logic here, what if a bad path is passed? if len(rasters) == 1: if os.path.exists(rasters[0]):'Reading raster file...') ext = os.path.splitext(rasters[0])[1] if ext == '.txt': # Assume text file of raster paths, read into list'Reading rasters from text file: ' '{}'.format(rasters[0])) with open(rasters[0], 'r') as src: content = src.readlines() rasters = [c.strip() for c in content] rasters, names = zip(*(r.split("~") for r in rasters))'Located rasters:'.format('\n'.join(rasters))) for r, n in zip(rasters, names):'{}: {}'.format(n, r)) # Create list of lists of stats passed, one for each raster stats = [stats for i in range(len(rasters))] elif ext == '.json':'Reading rasters from json file:' ' {}'.format(rasters[0])) rasters, names, stats, bands = load_stats_dict(rasters[0]) else: # Raster paths directly passed stats = [stats for i in range(len(rasters))] elif isinstance(rasters, dict): rasters, names, stats, bands = load_stats_dict(rasters) # Confirm all rasters exist before starting for r in rasters: if not os.path.exists(r): logger.error('Raster does not exist: {}'.format(r)) logger.error('FileNotFoundError') # Iterate rasters and compute stats for each for r, n, s, bs in zip(rasters, names, stats, bands): if bs is None: # Split custom stat functions from built-in options accepted_stats = [ 'min', 'max', 'median', 'sum', 'std', 'mean', 'unique', 'range', 'majority' ] stats_acc = [ k for k in s if k in accepted_stats or k.startswith('percentile_') ] # Assume any key not in accepted_stats is a name:custom_fxn custom_stats = [k for k in stats if k not in accepted_stats] custom_stats_dict = {} # for cs in custom_stats: # custom_stats[cs] = custom_stat_fxn(cs) seg = compute_stats(gdf=seg, raster=r, name=n, stats=stats_acc) else: # Compute stats for each band for b in bs: stats_dict = {x: '{}b{}_{}'.format(n, b, x) for x in s} seg = compute_stats(gdf=seg, raster=r, stats=stats_dict, renamer=stats_dict, band=b) # Area recording if area: seg['area_zs'] = seg.geometry.area # Compactness: Polsby-Popper Score -- 1 = circle if compactness: seg = apply_compactness(seg) if roundness: seg = apply_roundness(seg) # Write segments with stats to new shapefile if not out_path: out_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(shp), '{}_stats.shp'.format(os.path.basename(shp).split('.')[0])) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path))'Writing segments with statistics to: {}'.format(out_path)) # driver = auto_detect_ogr_driver(out_path, name_only=True) # seg.to_file(out_path, driver=driver) write_gdf(seg, out_path) return out_path
def classify_rts(sub_objects_path, super_objects_path, headwall_candidates_out=None, headwall_candidates_centroid_out=None, rts_predis_out=None, rts_candidates_out=None, aoi_path=None, headwall_candidates_in=None, aoi=None):'Classifying RTS...') #%% RULESET # Headwall Rules'Setting up headwall candidate rules...') # Ruggedness r_ruggedness = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=rug_mean,, threshold=0.2, out_field=True) # Surface Area Ratio r_saratio = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=sa_rat_mean,, threshold=1.01, out_field=True) # Slope (min) r_slope_min = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=slope_mean,, threshold=8, out_field=True) # Slope (max) r_slope_max = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=slope_mean,, threshold=25, out_field=True) # NDVI r_ndvi = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=ndvi_mean,, threshold=0, out_field=True) # MED r_med = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=med_mean,, threshold=0, out_field=True) # Curvature (high) r_curve = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=cur_mean,, threshold=2.5, out_field=True) # Difference in DEMs r_delev = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=delev_mean,, threshold=-0.5, out_field=True) # All simple threshold rules r_simple_thresholds = [ r_ruggedness, r_saratio, r_slope_min, r_slope_max, r_ndvi, r_med, r_curve, r_delev ] # Adjacency rules # Adjacent Curvature r_adj_high_curv = create_rule(rule_type=adj_or_is_rule, in_field=cur_mean,, threshold=30, out_field=True) r_adj_low_curv = create_rule( rule_type=adj_or_is_rule, in_field=cur_mean,, threshold=-15, # -30 out_field=True) # Adjacent MED r_adj_low_med = create_rule(rule_type=adj_or_is_rule, in_field=med_mean,, threshold=-0.2, out_field=True) # Adjacent or is high edge # r_adh_high_edge = create_rule(rule_type=adj_or_is_rule, # in_field=edge_mean, #, # threshold=0.18, # out_field=True) # All adjacent rules r_adj_rules = [r_adj_low_curv, r_adj_high_curv, r_adj_low_med] #%% RTS Rules'Setting up RTS candidate rules...') r_rts_ndvi = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=ndvi_mean,, threshold=0, out_field=True) r_rts_med = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=med_mean,, threshold=0.1, out_field=True) r_rts_slope_low = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=slope_mean,, threshold=3, out_field=True) r_rts_slope_high = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=slope_mean,, threshold=20, out_field=True) r_rts_delev = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=delev_mean,, threshold=-0.5, out_field=True) r_rts_conhw = create_rule(rule_type=threshold_rule, in_field=contains_hw, op=operator.eq, threshold=True, out_field=True) r_rts_simple_thresholds = [ r_rts_ndvi, r_rts_med, r_rts_slope_low, r_rts_slope_high, r_rts_delev, r_rts_conhw ] #%% HEADWALL CANDIDATES'Classifying headwall candidate objects...') #%% Load candidate headwall objects if not headwall_candidates_in:'Loading headwall candidate objects...') if aoi_path: # aoi = gpd.read_file(aoi_path) aoi = read_vec(aoi_path)'Subsetting objects to AOI...') gdf = select_in_aoi(read_vec(sub_objects_path), aoi, centroid=True) hwc = ImageObjects(objects_path=gdf, value_fields=value_fields) else: hwc = ImageObjects(objects_path=sub_objects_path, value_fields=value_fields) #%% Classify headwalls'Determining headwall candidates...') hwc.classify_objects(hw_candidate, threshold_rules=r_simple_thresholds, adj_rules=r_adj_rules)'Headwall candidates found: {:,}'.format( len(hwc.objects[hwc.objects[hwc.class_fld] == hw_candidate]))) #%% Write headwall candidates'Writing headwall candidates...') hwc.write_objects(headwall_candidates_out, to_str_cols=to_str_cols, overwrite=True) # if headwall_candidates_centroid_out: # hwc_centroid = ImageObjects( # copy.deepcopy( # hwc.objects.set_geometry(hwc.objects.geometry.centroid))) # hwc_centroid.write_objects(headwall_candidates_centroid_out, # overwrite=True) else: hwc = ImageObjects(objects_path=headwall_candidates_in, value_fields=value_fields) #%% RETROGRESSIVE THAW SLUMPS #%% Load super objects'Loading RTS candidate objects...') so = ImageObjects(super_objects_path, value_fields=value_fields)'Determining RTS candidates...') #%% Find objects that contain headwalls of a higher elevation than # themselves so.objects[contains_hw_gtr] = so.objects.apply( lambda x: overlay_any_objects(x.geometry, hwc.objects[hwc.objects[hwc.class_fld] == hw_candidate], predicate='contains', threshold=x[elev_mean], other_value_field=elev_mean,, axis=1) so.objects[contains_hw] = so.objects.apply(lambda x: overlay_any_objects( x.geometry, hwc.objects[hwc.objects[hwc.class_fld] == hw_candidate], predicate='contains', ), axis=1) so.objects[contains_hw_cent] = so.objects.apply( lambda x: overlay_any_objects(x.geometry, hwc.objects[hwc.objects[hwc.class_fld] == hw_candidate], predicate='contains', others_centroid=True), axis=1) so.objects[contains_hw_gtr] = so.objects.apply( lambda x: overlay_any_objects(x.geometry, hwc.objects[hwc.objects[hwc.class_fld] == hw_candidate], predicate='contains', threshold=x[elev_mean], other_value_field=elev_mean,, others_centroid=True), axis=1) #%% Classify so.classify_objects(class_name=rts_candidate, threshold_rules=r_rts_simple_thresholds) # # Add bool field for RTS candidate or not # so.objects[rts_cand_bool] = np.where(so.objects[so.class_fld] == rts_candidate, # 1, # 0)'RTS candidates found: {}'.format( len(so.objects[so.objects[so.class_fld] == rts_candidate]))) if rts_predis_out: # Write classified objects before growing so.write_objects(rts_predis_out, to_str_cols=to_str_cols, overwrite=True) #%% Dissolve touching candidates rts_dissolved = dissolve_touching( so.objects[so.objects[so.class_fld] == rts_candidate]) so.objects = pd.concat( [so.objects[so.objects[so.class_fld] != rts_candidate], rts_dissolved]) #%% Write RTS candidates'Writing RTS candidates...') so.write_objects(rts_candidates_out, to_str_cols=to_str_cols, overwrite=True) return rts_candidates_out
def main( dem, dem_prev, project_dir, config, aoi=None, image=None, pansh_img=None, skip_steps=None, ): # Convert to path objects if image is not None: image = Path(image) dem = Path(dem) dem_prev = Path(dem_prev) # %% Get configuration settings config = get_config(config_file=config) # Project config settings project_config = config['project'] EPSG = project_config['EPSG'] if aoi is None: aoi = Path(project_config['AOI']) else: aoi = Path(aoi) fill_nodata = project_config['fill_nodata'] # Headwall and RTS config settings hw_config = config['headwall'] rts_config = config['rts'] grow_config = config['grow'] # Preprocessing pansh_config = config['pansharpen'] BITDEPTH = pansh_config['t'] STRETCH = pansh_config['c'] dem_deriv_config = config[DEM_DERIV] med_config = dem_deriv_config[MED] curv_config = dem_deriv_config[CURV] img_deriv_config = config[IMG_DERIV] edge_config = img_deriv_config[EDGE_EX] # %% Build project directory structure'Creating project directory structure...') project_dir = Path(project_dir) if not project_dir.exists():'Creating project parent directory: ' '{}'.format(project_dir)) os.makedirs(project_dir) SCRATCH_DIR = project_dir / 'scratch' IMG_DIR = project_dir / 'img' PANSH_DIR = project_dir / 'pansh' NDVI_DIR = project_dir / 'ndvi' DEM_DIR = project_dir / 'dem' DEM_PREV_DIR = project_dir / dem_prev_k DEM_DERIV_DIR = DEM_DIR / 'deriv' SEG_DIR = project_dir / 'seg' # HW_DIR = SEG_DIR / 'headwall' HW_SEG_GPKG = SEG_DIR / 'headwall.gpkg' # RTS_DIR = SEG_DIR / 'rts' RTS_SEG_GPKG = SEG_DIR / 'rts.gpkg' # GROW_DIR = SEG_DIR / 'grow' GROW_SEG_GPKG = SEG_DIR / 'grow.gpkg' # CLASS_DIR = project_dir / 'classified' CLASS_GPKG = project_dir / 'classified.gpkg' for d in [ SCRATCH_DIR, IMG_DIR, PANSH_DIR, NDVI_DIR, DEM_DIR, DEM_PREV_DIR, DEM_DERIV_DIR, SEG_DIR, # HW_DIR, RTS_DIR, GROW_DIR, CLASS_DIR ]: if not d.exists(): os.makedirs(d) out_vec_fmt = project_config[out_vec_fmt_k] # %% Imagery Preprocessing'\n\n***PREPROCESSING***') # Pansharpen if pansh_img is None: if pan not in skip_steps:'Pansharpening: {}'.format( pansh_cmd = '{} {} {} -p {} -d {} -t {} -c {} ' \ '--skip-dem-overlap-check'.format(PANSH_PY, image, PANSH_DIR, EPSG, dem, BITDEPTH, STRETCH) run_subprocess(pansh_cmd) # Determine output name pansh_img = PANSH_DIR / '{}_{}{}{}_pansh.tif'.format( image.stem, bitdepth_lut[BITDEPTH], STRETCH, EPSG) else: pansh_img = Path(pansh_img) # NDVI if ndvi not in skip_steps:'Creating NDVI from: {}'.format( ndvi_cmd = '{} {}'.format(NDVI_PY, pansh_img, NDVI_DIR) run_subprocess(ndvi_cmd) # Determine NDVI name ndvi_img = NDVI_DIR / '{}_ndvi.tif'.format(pansh_img.stem) # ndvi_img = NDVI_DIR / '{}_ndvi.tif'.format(image.stem) # %% Clip to AOI # Organize inputs inputs = { img_k: pansh_img, ndvi_k: ndvi_img, dem_k: dem, dem_prev_k: dem_prev, } if aoi:'Clipping inputs to AOI: {}'.format(aoi)) for k, r in tqdm(inputs.items()): # out_path = r.parent / '{}{}{}'.format(r.stem, clip_sfx, # r.suffix) out_path = project_dir / k / '{}{}{}'.format( r.stem, clip_sfx, r.suffix) if clip_step not in skip_steps: logger.debug('Clipping input {} to AOI: {}'.format( k, clip_rasters(str(aoi), str(r), out_path=str(out_path), out_suffix='', skip_srs_check=True) inputs[k] = out_path if fill_nodata:'Filling internal NoData gaps in sources...') for k, r in tqdm(inputs.items()): # Only fill image no data if k in [img_k, ndvi_k]: filled = inputs[k].parent / '{}_filled{}'.format( inputs[k].stem, inputs[k].suffix) if fill_step not in skip_steps: fill_internal_nodata(inputs[k], filled, str(aoi)) inputs[k] = filled # %% EdgeExtraction edge_config[img_k] = inputs[img_k] edge_config[out_dir] = IMG_DIR edge = otb_ee.create_outname(**edge_config) if edge_extraction not in skip_steps:'Creating EdgeExtraction') otb_ee.otb_edge_extraction(**edge_config) inputs[edge_k] = edge # %% DEM Derivatives if dem_deriv not in skip_steps: # DEM Diff'Creating DEM Difference...')'DEM1: {}'.format(inputs[dem_k]))'DEM2: {}'.format(inputs[dem_prev_k])) diff = DEM_DERIV_DIR / 'dem_diff.tif' difference_dems(str(inputs[dem_k]), str(inputs[dem_prev_k]), out_dem=str(diff)) # Slope'Creating slope...') slope = DEM_DERIV_DIR / '{}_slope{}'.format(dem.stem, dem.suffix) gdal_dem_derivative(str(inputs[dem_k]), str(slope), 'slope') # Ruggedness'Creating ruggedness index...') ruggedness = DEM_DERIV_DIR / '{}_rugged{}'.format(dem.stem, dem.suffix) gdal_dem_derivative(str(inputs[dem_k]), str(ruggedness), 'TRI') # MED'Creating Maximum Elevation Deviation...') med = wbt_med(str(inputs[dem_k]), out_dir=str(DEM_DERIV_DIR), **med_config) # Curvature'Creating profile curvature...') curvature = wbt_curvature(str(inputs[dem_k]), out_dir=str(DEM_DERIV_DIR), **curv_config) # Surface Area Ratio'Creating Surface Area Ratio...') sar = wbt_sar(str(inputs[dem_k]), out_dir=str(DEM_DERIV_DIR)) inputs[med_k] = med inputs[curv_k] = curvature inputs[slope_k] = slope inputs[rugged_k] = ruggedness inputs[diff_k] = diff inputs[sar_k] = sar # %% SEGMENTATION PREPROCESSING - Segment, calculate zonal statistics # %% # HEADWALL'\n\n***HEADWALL***') # Segmentation hw_config[seg][params][img_k] = inputs[img_k] # hw_config[seg][params][out_dir] = HW_DIR hw_seg_out = hw_config[seg][params][out_seg] = str(HW_SEG_GPKG / 'headwall_seg') if hw_config[seg][alg] == grm:'Segmenting subobjects (headwalls)...') if hw_seg not in skip_steps: hw_objects = otb_grm.otb_grm(drop_smaller=0.5, **hw_config[seg][params]) else: hw_objects = otb_grm.create_outname(**hw_config[seg][params], name_only=True) logger.debug('Using provided headwall segmentation: ' '{}'.format( Path(hw_config[seg][params][out_seg]).relative_to( project_dir))) # %% Cleanup # Create path to write cleaned objects to # hw_objects = Path(hw_objects) # cleaned_objects_out = str(hw_objects.parent / '{}{}{}'.format( # hw_objects.stem, clean_sfx, hw_objects.suffix)) cleaned_objects_out = hw_seg_out + '_cleaned' if hw_clean not in skip_steps: if hw_config[cleanup][cleanup]:'Cleaning up subobjects...') cleanup_params = hw_config[cleanup][params] cleanup_params[mask_on] = str(inputs[dem_k]) # hw_objects = Path(hw_objects) hw_objects = cleanup_objects(input_objects=hw_seg_out, out_objects=cleaned_objects_out, **cleanup_params) else: logger.debug('Using provided cleaned headwall objects' '{}: '.format( Path(cleaned_objects_out).relative_to(project_dir))) # hw_objects = cleaned_objects_out # %% Zonal Stats'Calculating zonal statistics on headwall objects...') # hw_objects_path = Path(hw_objects) # hw_zs_out_path = '{}_zs{}'.format( # hw_objects_path.parent / hw_objects_path.stem, hw_objects_path.suffix) hw_zs_out = cleaned_objects_out + '_zs' if hw_zs not in skip_steps: # Calculate zonal stats zonal_stats_inputs = { k: { 'path': v, 'stats': hw_config[zonal_stats][zs_stats] } for k, v in inputs.items() if k in hw_config[zonal_stats][zs_rasters] } if bands_k in hw_config[zonal_stats].keys(): zonal_stats_inputs[img_k][bands_k] = hw_config[zonal_stats][ bands_k] hw_objects = calc_zonal_stats(shp=cleaned_objects_out, rasters=zonal_stats_inputs, out_path=hw_zs_out) else: logger.debug('Using provided headwall objects with zonal stats: ' '{}'.format(Path(hw_zs_out).relative_to(project_dir))) # hw_objects = hw_zs_out # %% # RTS'\n\n***RTS***') # Naming rts_config[seg][params][img_k] = inputs[img_k] # rts_config[seg][params][out_dir] = RTS_DIR rts_seg_out = rts_config[seg][params][out_seg] = str(RTS_SEG_GPKG / 'rts_seg') # Segmentation if rts_config[seg][alg] == grm:'Segmenting superobjects (RTS)...') if rts_seg not in skip_steps: rts_objects = otb_grm.otb_grm(drop_smaller=0.5, **rts_config[seg][params]) else: # rts_objects = otb_grm.create_outname(**rts_config[seg][params], # name_only=True) logger.debug('Using provided RTS seg: ' '{}'.format( Path(rts_config[seg][params] [out_seg]).relative_to(project_dir))) # rts_objects = Path(rts_objects) # %% Cleanup # cleaned_objects_out = str(rts_objects.parent / '{}_cln{}'.format( # rts_objects.stem, rts_objects.suffix)) cleaned_objects_out = rts_seg_out + '_cleaned' if rts_clean not in skip_steps: if rts_config[cleanup][cleanup]:'Cleaning up objects...') cleanup_params = rts_config[cleanup][params] cleanup_params[mask_on] = str(inputs[dem_k]) # rts_objects = Path(rts_objects) rts_objects = cleanup_objects(input_objects=rts_seg_out, out_objects=cleaned_objects_out, **cleanup_params) else: logger.debug('Using provided cleaned RTS objects: ' '{}'.format( Path(cleaned_objects_out).relative_to(project_dir))) # rts_objects = cleaned_objects_out # %% Zonal Stats'Calculating zonal statistics on super objects...') # rts_objects_path = Path(rts_objects) # rts_zs_out_path = '{}_zs{}'.format(rts_objects_path.parent / # rts_objects_path.stem, # rts_objects_path.suffix) rts_zs_out = cleaned_objects_out + '_zs' if rts_zs not in skip_steps: # Calculate zonal_stats zonal_stats_inputs = { k: { 'path': v, 'stats': rts_config[zonal_stats][zs_stats] } for k, v in inputs.items() if k in rts_config[zonal_stats][zs_rasters] } rts_objects = calc_zonal_stats(shp=cleaned_objects_out, rasters=zonal_stats_inputs, out_path=rts_zs_out) else: logger.debug('Using provided RTS zonal stats objects: ' '{}'.format(Path(rts_zs_out).relative_to(project_dir))) # rts_objects = rts_zs_out_path # %% CLASSIFICATION if hw_config[classification_k][hw_class_out_k]: # hw_class_out = CLASS_DIR / '{}{}'.format(hw_class_out_k, out_vec_fmt) hw_class_out = CLASS_GPKG / 'headwalls' if hw_config[classification_k][hw_class_out_cent_k]: # hw_class_out_centroid = CLASS_DIR / '{}_cent{}'.format(hw_class_out_k, # out_vec_fmt) hw_class_out_centroid = CLASS_GPKG / 'headwall_centers' # Pass path to classified headwall objects if using previously classified if hw_class in skip_steps: hw_candidates_in = hw_class_out else: hw_candidates_in = None if rts_config[classification_k][rts_predis_out_k]: # rts_predis_out = CLASS_DIR / '{}{}'.format(rts_predis_out_k, out_vec_fmt) rts_predis_out = CLASS_GPKG / 'rts_predissolve' if rts_config[classification_k][rts_class_out_k]: # rts_class_out = CLASS_DIR / '{}{}'.format(rts_class_out_k, out_vec_fmt) rts_class_out = CLASS_GPKG / 'rts_candidates' if rts_class not in skip_steps:'Classifying RTS...') rts_objects = classify_rts( sub_objects_path=hw_zs_out, super_objects_path=rts_zs_out, headwall_candidates_out=hw_class_out, headwall_candidates_centroid_out=hw_class_out_centroid, rts_predis_out=rts_predis_out, rts_candidates_out=rts_class_out, aoi_path=None, headwall_candidates_in=hw_candidates_in, aoi=aoi) else: logger.debug('Using provided classified RTS objects: ' '{}'.format(Path(rts_class_out).relative_to(project_dir))) rts_objects = rts_class_out #%% GROW OBJECTS'\n\n***GROWING***')'Creating grow subobjects..') # Segment AOI into simple grow grow_config[seg][params][img_k] = inputs[img_k] # grow_config[seg][params][out_dir] = GROW_DIR grow_seg_out = grow_config[seg][params][out_seg] = str(GROW_SEG_GPKG / 'grow') if grow_seg not in skip_steps: grow = otb_grm.otb_grm(drop_smaller=0.5, **grow_config[seg][params]) else: grow = otb_grm.create_outname(**grow_config[seg][params], name_only=True) logger.debug('Using provided grow objects: ' '{}'.format(Path(grow).relative_to(project_dir))) # Cleanup # grow = Path(grow) # cleaned_grow = str(grow.parent / '{}_cln{}'.format(grow.stem, grow.suffix)) cleaned_grow_out = grow_config[seg][params][out_seg] + '_cleaned' if grow_clean not in skip_steps: if grow_config[cleanup][cleanup]:'Cleaning up objects...') cleanup_params = grow_config[cleanup][params] cleanup_params[mask_on] = str(inputs[dem_k]) cleaned_grow = cleanup_objects(input_objects=grow_seg_out, out_objects=cleaned_grow_out, **cleanup_params) grow_zs_out = cleaned_grow_out + '_zs' if grow_zs not in skip_steps:'Merging RTS candidates into grow objects...') # Load small objects logger.debug(cleaned_grow_out) # so = gpd.read_file(cleaned_grow_out) so = read_vec(cleaned_grow_out) # Burn rts in, including class name logger.debug(rts_objects) # r = gpd.read_file(rts_objects) r = read_vec(rts_objects) r = r[r[class_fld] == rts_candidate][[class_fld,]] # Erase subobjects under RTS candidates diff = gpd.overlay(so, r, how='difference') # Merge RTS candidates back in merged = pd.concat([diff, r]) # merged_out = SEG_DIR / GROW_DIR / 'merged.shp' merged_out = GROW_SEG_GPKG / 'merged' write_gdf(merged, merged_out) # Zonal Stats zonal_stats_inputs = { k: { 'path': v, 'stats': grow_config[zonal_stats][zs_stats] } for k, v in inputs.items() if k in grow_config[zonal_stats][zs_rasters] }'Calculating zonal statistics on grow objects...') logger.debug('Computing zonal statistics on: ' '{}'.format(zonal_stats_inputs.keys())) grow = calc_zonal_stats(shp=merged_out, rasters=zonal_stats_inputs, out_path=str(grow_zs_out)) # Do growing'Growing RTS objects into subobjects...') # Grow from rts # grow_objects = ImageObjects(grow_zs_out_path, # value_fields=zonal_stats_inputs) # # TODO: Remove after converting to use gpkg. This is just because of the # # shapefile field size limit # grow_objects.objects.rename(columns={'ruggedness': 'ruggedness_mean'}, # inplace=True) # # rts_objects = ImageObjects(rts_objects) # grown = grow_rts_candidates(rts_objects, grow_objects) grown, grow_candidates = grow_rts_simple(grow_zs_out) grow_candidates_out = CLASS_GPKG / 'grow_candidates' #'Writing grow objects to file: {}'.format(CLASS_DIR / 'grow_candidates.shp'))'Writing grow objects to file: {}'.format(grow_candidates_out)) write_gdf(grow_candidates.objects, grow_candidates_out) # n ='%Y%b%d_%H%M%S').lower() # rts_classified = CLASS_DIR / 'RTS.shp' rts_classified = CLASS_GPKG / 'RTS''Writing classfied RTS features: {}'.format(rts_classified)) write_gdf(grown, rts_classified)'Done')
def clip_rasters(shp_p, rasters, out_path=None, out_dir=None, out_suffix='_clip', out_prj_shp=None, raster_ext=None, move_meta=False, in_mem=False, skip_srs_check=False, overwrite=False): """ Take a list of rasters and warps (clips) them to the shapefile feature bounding box. rasters : LIST or STR List of rasters to clip, or if STR, path to single raster. out_prj_shp : os.path.abspath Path to create the projected shapefile if necessary to match raster prj """ # TODO: Fix permission error if out_prj_shp not supplied -- create in-mem # OGR? # TODO: Add support for other vector formats -- create read_vec()?? # Use in memory directory if specified if out_dir is None: in_mem = True if in_mem: out_dir = r'/vsimem' # Check that spatial references match, if not reproject (assumes all rasters have same projection) # TODO: support different extension (slow to check all of them in the loop below) # Check if list of rasters provided or if single raster if isinstance(rasters, list): check_raster = rasters[0] else: check_raster = rasters rasters = [rasters] if not skip_srs_check: logger.debug('Checking spatial reference match:\n{}\n{}'.format(shp_p, check_raster)) sr_match = check_sr(shp_p, check_raster) if not sr_match: logger.debug('Spatial references do not match. Reprojecting to AOI...') if not out_prj_shp: out_prj_shp = shp_p.replace('.shp', '_prj.shp') shp_p = ogr_reproject(shp_p, to_sr=get_raster_sr(check_raster), output_shp=out_prj_shp) # shp = gpd.read_file(shp_p) _shp_driver, shp_layer = detect_ogr_driver(shp_p) shp = read_vec(shp_p) if len(shp) > 1: logger.debug('Dissolving clipping shape with multiple features...') shp['dissolve'] = 1 shp = shp.dissolve(by='dissolve') shp_p = r'/vsimem/clip_shp_dissolve.shp' shp.to_file(shp_p) # Do the 'warping' / clipping warped = [] for raster_p in rasters: # TODO: Handle this with platform.sys and pathlib.Path objects raster_p = raster_p.replace(r'\\', os.sep) raster_p = raster_p.replace(r'/', os.sep) # Create out_path if not provided if not out_path: if not out_dir: logger.debug('NO OUT_DIR') # Create outpath raster_out_name = '{}{}.tif'.format( os.path.basename(raster_p).split('.')[0], out_suffix) raster_out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, raster_out_name) else: raster_out_path = out_path # Clip to shape'Clipping:\n{}\n\t---> ' '{}'.format(os.path.basename(raster_p), raster_out_path)) if os.path.exists(raster_out_path) and not overwrite: logger.warning('Outpath exists, skipping: ' '{}'.format(raster_out_path)) pass else: raster_ds = gdal.Open(raster_p, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) x_res = raster_ds.GetGeoTransform()[1] y_res = raster_ds.GetGeoTransform()[5] if shp_layer is not None: warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions(cutlineDSName=Path(shp_p).parent, cutlineLayer=shp_layer, cropToCutline=True, targetAlignedPixels=True, xRes=x_res, yRes=y_res) else: warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions(cutlineDSName=shp_p, cropToCutline=True, targetAlignedPixels=True, xRes=x_res, yRes=y_res) gdal.Warp(raster_out_path, raster_ds, options=warp_options) # Close the raster raster_ds = None logger.debug('Clipped raster created at {}'.format(raster_out_path)) # Add clipped raster path to list of clipped rasters to return warped.append(raster_out_path) # Move meta-data files if specified if move_meta: logger.debug('Moving metadata files to clip destination...') move_meta_files(raster_p, out_dir, raster_ext=raster_ext) # Remove projected shp if in_mem is True: remove_shp(out_prj_shp) # If only one raster provided, just return the single path as str if len(warped) == 1: warped = warped[0] return warped