Example #1
def countpix(input_raster, value=1, blk_rows=0):
    """Count the number of pixels having a specific value.

    Count the number of pixels (and the corresponding area in ha) having a
    specific value.

    :param input_raster: Input raster file.
    :param value: Target value.
    :param blk_rows: if > 0, number of lines per block.

    :return: A dictionary with the number of pixels having the
    specified value (npix) and the total area (area, in ha).


    # Read raster
    rasterR = gdal.Open(input_raster)
    rasterB = rasterR.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Make blocks
    blockinfo = makeblock(input_raster, blk_rows=blk_rows)
    nblock = blockinfo[0]
    nblock_x = blockinfo[1]
    x = blockinfo[3]
    y = blockinfo[4]
    nx = blockinfo[5]
    ny = blockinfo[6]
    print("Divide region in " + str(nblock) + " blocks")

    # Number of pixels with a given value
    print("Compute the number of pixels with value=" + str(value))
    npix = 0

    # Loop on blocks of data
    for b in range(nblock):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nblock, b + 1)
        # Position in 1D-arrays
        px = b % nblock_x
        py = b / nblock_x
        # Read the data
        rasterA = rasterB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        # Identify pixels (x/y coordinates) which are deforested
        pix = np.nonzero(rasterA == value)
        npix += len(pix[0])

    # Compute area
    print("Compute the corresponding area in ha")
    gt = rasterR.GetGeoTransform()
    pix_area = gt[1] * (-gt[5])
    area = pix_area * npix / 10000

    # Results
    return ({'npix': npix, 'area': area})
Example #2
def emissions(input_stocks="data/AGB.tif",
    """Predict the carbon emissions associated to future deforestation.

    This function predicts the carbon emissions associated to future
    deforestation. Computation are done by block and can be performed
    on large geographical areas.

    :param input_stocks: path to raster of biomass or carbon stocks (in Mg/ha).
    :param input_forest: path to forest-cover change raster (0=deforestation).
    :param coefficient: coefficient to convert stocks in MgC/ha (can be 1).
    :param blk_rows: if > 0, number of rows for computation by block.
    :return: emissions of carbon in MgC.


    # Landscape variables from forest raster
    forestR = gdal.Open(input_forest)
    gt = forestR.GetGeoTransform()
    ncol = forestR.RasterXSize
    nrow = forestR.RasterYSize
    Xmin = gt[0]
    Xmax = gt[0] + gt[1] * ncol
    Ymin = gt[3] + gt[5] * nrow
    Ymax = gt[3]

    # Make vrt
    print("Make virtual raster")
    raster_list = [input_forest, input_stocks]
    input_var = " ".join(raster_list)
    dirname = os.path.dirname(input_forest)
    output_vrt = os.path.join(dirname, "var.vrt")
    param = [
        "gdalbuildvrt", "-overwrite", "-separate", "-resolution user", "-te",
        str(Ymax), "-tr",
        str(-gt[5]), output_vrt, input_var
    cmd_gdalbuildvrt = " ".join(param)

    # Load vrt file
    stack = gdal.Open(output_vrt)

    # # NoData value for stocks
    # stocksB = stack.GetRasterBand(2)
    # stocksND = stocksB.GetNoDataValue()

    # Make blocks
    blockinfo = makeblock(output_vrt, blk_rows=blk_rows)
    nblock = blockinfo[0]
    nblock_x = blockinfo[1]
    x = blockinfo[3]
    y = blockinfo[4]
    nx = blockinfo[5]
    ny = blockinfo[6]
    print("Divide region in " + str(nblock) + " blocks")

    # Computation by block
    # Total sum
    sum_Stocks = 0
    # Message
    print("Compute carbon emissions by block")
    # Loop on blocks of data
    for b in range(nblock):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nblock, b + 1)
        # Position in 1D-arrays
        px = b % nblock_x
        py = b / nblock_x
        # Data for one block of the stack (shape = (nband,nrow,ncol))
        data = stack.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        data_Stocks = data[1]
        # data_Stocks[data_Stocks == StocksND] = 0
        # Previous line doesn't work because StocksND
        # differs from NoData value in ReadAsArray
        data_Stocks[data_Stocks < 0] = 0
        data_Forest = data[0]
        # Sum of emitted stocks
        sum_Stocks = sum_Stocks + np.sum(data_Stocks[data_Forest == 0])
    # Pixel area (in ha)
    Area = gt[1] * (-gt[5]) / 10000
    # Carbon emissions in Mg
    Carbon = sum_Stocks * coefficient * Area
    Carbon = np.int(np.rint(Carbon))

    # Return carbon emissions
    return (Carbon)
Example #3
def deforest(input_raster,
    """Function to map the future forest-cover change.

    This function computes the future forest cover map based on (i) a
    raster of probability of deforestation (rescaled from 1 to 65535),
    and (ii) a surface (in hectares) to be deforested.

    :param input_raster: raster of probability of deforestation (1 to 65535
    with 0 as nodata value).
    :param hectares: number of hectares to deforest.
    :param output_file: name of the raster file for forest cover map.
    :param blk_rows: if > 0, number of rows for block (else 256x256).
    :param figsize: figure size in inches.
    :param dpi: resolution for output image.

    :return: a tuple of statistics (hectares, frequence,
    threshold, error).


    # Load raster and band
    probR = gdal.Open(input_raster)
    probB = probR.GetRasterBand(1)
    gt = probR.GetGeoTransform()
    proj = probR.GetProjection()
    ncol = probR.RasterXSize
    nrow = probR.RasterYSize

    # Number of pixels to deforest
    surface_pixel = -gt[1] * gt[5]
    ndefor = np.around((hectares * 10000) / surface_pixel).astype(np.int)

    # Make blocks
    blockinfo = makeblock(input_raster, blk_rows=blk_rows)
    nblock = blockinfo[0]
    nblock_x = blockinfo[1]
    x = blockinfo[3]
    y = blockinfo[4]
    nx = blockinfo[5]
    ny = blockinfo[6]
    print("Divide region in " + str(nblock) + " blocks")

    # Compute the total number of forest pixels
    print("Compute the total number of forest pixels")
    nfp = 0
    # Loop on blocks of data
    for b in range(nblock):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nblock, b + 1)
        # Position in 1D-arrays
        px = b % nblock_x
        py = b / nblock_x
        # Data for one block
        data = probB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        forpix = np.nonzero(data != 0)
        nfp += len(forpix[0])

    # Compute the histogram of values
    # print("Compute the histogram of values")
    # nvalues = 65635
    # counts = np.zeros(nvalues, dtype=np.float)
    # Loop on blocks of data
    # for b in range(nblock):
    # Progress bar
    #     progress_bar(nblock, b+1)
    # Position in 1D-arrays
    #     px = b % nblock_x
    #     py = b / nblock_x
    # Data for one block
    #     data = probB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
    #     flat_data = data.flatten()
    #     flat_data_nonzero = flat_data[flat_data != 0]
    #     for i in flat_data_nonzero:
    #         counts[i-1] += 1.0/nfp

    # Compute the histogram of values
    nvalues = 65635
    counts = probB.GetHistogram(0.5, 65535.5, nvalues, 0, 0)

    # If deforestation < forest
    if (ndefor < nfp):

        # Identify threshold
        print("Identify threshold")
        quant = ndefor / (nfp * 1.0)
        cS = 0.0
        cumSum = np.zeros(nvalues, dtype=np.float)
        go_on = True
        for i in np.arange(nvalues - 1, -1, -1):
            cS += counts[i] / (nfp * 1.0)
            cumSum[i] = cS
            if (cS >= quant) & (go_on is True):
                go_on = False
                index = i
                threshold = index + 1

        # Minimize error
        print("Minimize error on deforested hectares")
        diff_inf = ndefor - cumSum[index + 1] * nfp
        diff_sup = cumSum[index] * nfp - ndefor
        if diff_sup >= diff_inf:
            index = index + 1
            threshold = index + 1

    # If deforestation > forest (everything is deforested)
        index = 0
        threshold = 1

    # Raster of predictions
    print("Create a raster file on disk for forest-cover change")
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
    fccR = driver.Create(output_file, ncol, nrow, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte,
                         ["COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES"])
    fccB = fccR.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Write raster of future fcc
    print("Write raster of future forest-cover change")
    ndc = 0
    # Loop on blocks of data
    for b in range(nblock):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nblock, b + 1)
        # Position in 1D-arrays
        px = b % nblock_x
        py = b / nblock_x
        # Data for one block
        prob_data = probB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        # Number of pixels that are really deforested
        deforpix = np.nonzero(prob_data >= threshold)
        ndc += len(deforpix[0])
        # Forest-cover change
        for_data = np.ones(shape=prob_data.shape, dtype=np.int8)
        for_data = for_data * 255  # nodata
        for_data[prob_data != 0] = 1
        for_data[deforpix] = 0
        fccB.WriteArray(for_data, x[px], y[py])

    # Compute statistics
    print("Compute statistics")
    fccB.FlushCache()  # Write cache data to disk

    # Build overviews
    print("Build overview")
    fccR.BuildOverviews("nearest", [4, 8, 16, 32])

    # Dereference driver
    fccB = None
    del (fccR)

    # Estimates of error on deforested hectares
    error = (ndc * surface_pixel / 10000.0) - hectares

    # Return results
    stats = (counts, threshold, error, hectares)
    return (stats)
Example #4
def predict(model, var_dir="data",
    """Predict the spatial probability of deforestation from a model.

    This function predicts the spatial probability of deforestation
    from a model_binomial_iCAR model. Computation are done by block and
    can be performed on large geographical areas.

    :param model: model_binomial_iCAR model to predict from.
    :param var_dir: directory with rasters (.tif) of explicative variables.
    :param input_cell_raster: path to raster of rho values for spatial cells.
    :param input_forest_raster: path to forest raster (1 for forest).
    :param output_file: name of the raster file to output the probability map.
    :param blk_rows: if > 0, number of rows for computation by block.


    # Mask on forest
    fmaskR = gdal.Open(input_forest_raster)
    fmaskB = fmaskR.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Landscape variables from forest raster
    gt = fmaskR.GetGeoTransform()
    ncol = fmaskR.RasterXSize
    nrow = fmaskR.RasterYSize
    Xmin = gt[0]
    Xmax = gt[0] + gt[1] * ncol
    Ymin = gt[3] + gt[5] * nrow
    Ymax = gt[3]

    # Raster list
    var_tif = var_dir + "/*.tif"
    raster_list = glob(var_tif)
    raster_list.sort()  # Sort names
    raster_names = []
    for i in range(len(raster_list)):
        fname = os.path.basename(raster_list[i])
        index_dot = fname.index(".")

    # Make vrt with gdalbuildvrt
    print("Make virtual raster with variables as raster bands")
    input_var = " ".join(raster_list)
    output_vrt = var_dir + "/var.vrt"
    param = ["gdalbuildvrt", "-overwrite", "-separate",
             "-resolution user",
             "-te", str(Xmin), str(Ymin), str(Xmax), str(Ymax),
             "-tr", str(gt[1]), str(-gt[5]),
             output_vrt, input_var]
    cmd_gdalbuildvrt = " ".join(param)

    # Load vrt file
    stack = gdal.Open(output_vrt)
    nband = stack.RasterCount
    proj = stack.GetProjection()

    # List of nodata values
    bandND = np.zeros(nband)
    for k in range(nband):
        band = stack.GetRasterBand(k + 1)
        bandND[k] = band.GetNoDataValue()
        if (bandND[k] is None) or (bandND[k] is np.nan):
            print("NoData value is not specified for input raster file %d" % k)
    bandND = bandND.astype(np.float32)

    # Make blocks
    blockinfo = makeblock(output_vrt, blk_rows=blk_rows)
    nblock = blockinfo[0]
    nblock_x = blockinfo[1]
    x = blockinfo[3]
    y = blockinfo[4]
    nx = blockinfo[5]
    ny = blockinfo[6]
    print("Divide region in " + str(nblock) + " blocks")

    # Raster of predictions
    print("Create a raster file on disk for projections")
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
    Pdrv = driver.Create(output_file, ncol, nrow, 1,
                         ["COMPRESS=LZW", "PREDICTOR=2", "BIGTIFF=YES"])
    Pband = Pdrv.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Predict by block
    # Message
    print("Predict deforestation probability by block")
    # Loop on blocks of data
    for b in range(nblock):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nblock, b + 1)
        # Position in 1D-arrays
        px = b % nblock_x
        py = b / nblock_x
        # Number of pixels
        npix = nx[px] * ny[py]
        # Data for one block of the stack (shape = (nband,nrow,ncol))
        data = stack.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        # Replace ND values with -9999
        for i in range(nband):
            data[i][np.nonzero(data[i] == bandND[i])] = -9999
        # Forest mask
        fmaskA = fmaskB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        fmaskA = fmaskA.astype(np.float32)  # From uint to float
        fmaskA[np.nonzero(fmaskA != 1)] = -9999
        fmaskA = fmaskA[np.newaxis, :, :]
        # Concatenate forest mask with stack
        data = np.concatenate((data, fmaskA), axis=0)
        # Transpose and reshape to 2D array
        data = data.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        data = data.reshape(npix, nband + 1)
        # Observations without NA
        w = np.nonzero(~(data == -9999).any(axis=1))
        # Remove observations with NA
        data = data[w]
        # Transform into a pandas DataFrame
        df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        df.columns = raster_names
        # Add fake "cell" column
        df["cell"] = 0
        # Predict with binomial iCAR model
        pred = np.zeros(npix)  # Initialize with nodata value (0)
        if len(w[0]) > 0:
            # Get predictions into an array
            p = predict_binomial_iCAR(model,
                                      rhos=data[:, -2])
            # Rescale and return to pred
            pred[w] = rescale(p)
        # Assign prediction to raster
        pred = pred.reshape(ny[py], nx[px])
        Pband.WriteArray(pred, x[px], y[py])

    # Compute statistics
    print("Compute statistics")
    Pband.FlushCache()  # Write cache data to disk

    # Build overviews
    print("Build overviews")
    Pdrv.BuildOverviews("nearest", [4, 8, 16, 32])

    # Dereference driver
    Pband = None
Example #5
def sample(nsamp=10000,
    """Sample points and extract raster values.

    This function (i) randomly draw spatial points in deforested and
    forested areas and (ii) extract environmental variable values for
    each spatial point.

    :param nsamp: number of random spatial points.
    :param seed: seed for random number generator.
    :param csize: spatial cell size in km.
    :param var_dir: directory with raster data.
    :param input_forest_raster: name of the forest raster file (1=forest, \
    0=deforested) in the var_dir directory
    :param output_file: path to file to save sample points.
    :param blk_rows: if > 0, number of lines per block.
    :return: a pandas DataFrame, each row being one observation.


    # Set random seed

    # =============================================
    # Sampling pixels
    # =============================================

    print("Sample 2x" + str(nsamp) + " pixels (deforested vs. forest)")

    # Read defor raster
    forest_raster_file = os.path.join(var_dir, input_forest_raster)
    forestR = gdal.Open(forest_raster_file)
    forestB = forestR.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Make blocks
    blockinfo = makeblock(forest_raster_file, blk_rows=blk_rows)
    nblock = blockinfo[0]
    nblock_x = blockinfo[1]
    x = blockinfo[3]
    y = blockinfo[4]
    nx = blockinfo[5]
    ny = blockinfo[6]
    print("Divide region in " + str(nblock) + " blocks")

    # Number of defor/forest pixels by block
    print("Compute number of deforested and forest pixels per block")
    ndc = 0
    ndc_block = np.zeros(nblock, dtype=np.int)
    nfc = 0
    nfc_block = np.zeros(nblock, dtype=np.int)

    # Loop on blocks of data
    for b in range(nblock):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nblock, b + 1)
        # Position in 1D-arrays
        px = b % nblock_x
        py = b / nblock_x
        # Read the data
        forest = forestB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        # Identify pixels (x/y coordinates) which are deforested
        deforpix = np.nonzero(forest == 0)
        ndc_block[b] = len(deforpix[0])  # Number of defor pixels
        ndc += len(deforpix[0])
        # Identify pixels (x/y coordinates) which are forest
        forpix = np.nonzero(forest == 1)
        nfc_block[b] = len(forpix[0])  # Number of forest pixels
        nfc += len(forpix[0])

    # Proba of drawing a block
    print("Draw blocks at random")
    proba_block_d = ndc_block.astype(np.float) / ndc
    proba_block_f = nfc_block.astype(np.float) / nfc
    # Draw block number nsamp times
    block_draw_d = np.random.choice(range(nblock),
    block_draw_f = np.random.choice(range(nblock),
    # Number of times the block is drawn
    nblock_draw_d = np.zeros(nblock, dtype=np.int)
    nblock_draw_f = np.zeros(nblock, dtype=np.int)
    for s in range(nsamp):
        nblock_draw_d[block_draw_d[s]] += 1
        nblock_draw_f[block_draw_f[s]] += 1

    # Draw defor/forest pixels in blocks
    print("Draw pixels at random in blocks")
    # Object to store coordinates of selected pixels
    deforselect = np.empty(shape=(0, 2), dtype=np.int)
    forselect = np.empty(shape=(0, 2), dtype=np.int)
    # Loop on blocks of data
    for b in range(nblock):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nblock, b + 1)
        # nbdraw
        nbdraw_d = nblock_draw_d[b]
        nbdraw_f = nblock_draw_f[b]
        # Position in 1D-arrays
        px = b % nblock_x
        py = b / nblock_x
        # Read the data
        forest = forestB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        # Identify pixels (x/y coordinates) which are deforested
        # !! Values returned in row-major, C-style order (y/x) !!
        deforpix = np.nonzero(forest == 0)
        deforpix = np.transpose((x[px] + deforpix[1], y[py] + deforpix[0]))
        ndc_block = len(deforpix)
        # Identify pixels (x/y coordinates) which are forested
        forpix = np.nonzero(forest == 1)
        forpix = np.transpose((x[px] + forpix[1], y[py] + forpix[0]))
        nfc_block = len(forpix)
        # Sample deforested pixels
        if nbdraw_d > 0:
            if nbdraw_d < ndc_block:
                i = np.random.choice(ndc_block, size=nbdraw_d, replace=False)
                deforselect = np.concatenate((deforselect, deforpix[i]),
                # nbdraw = ndc_block
                deforselect = np.concatenate((deforselect, deforpix), axis=0)
        # Sample forest pixels
        if nbdraw_f > 0:
            if nbdraw_f < nfc_block:
                i = np.random.choice(nfc_block, size=nbdraw_f, replace=False)
                forselect = np.concatenate((forselect, forpix[i]), axis=0)
                # nbdraw = ndc_block
                forselect = np.concatenate((forselect, forpix), axis=0)

    # =============================================
    # Compute center of pixel coordinates
    # =============================================

    print("Compute center of pixel coordinates")

    # Landscape variables from forest raster
    gt = forestR.GetGeoTransform()
    ncol = forestR.RasterXSize
    nrow = forestR.RasterYSize
    Xmin = gt[0]
    Xmax = gt[0] + gt[1] * ncol
    Ymin = gt[3] + gt[5] * nrow
    Ymax = gt[3]

    # Concatenate selected pixels
    select = np.concatenate((deforselect, forselect), axis=0)

    # Offsets and coordinates #
    xOffset = select[:, 0]
    yOffset = select[:, 1]
    pts_x = (xOffset + 0.5) * gt[1] + gt[0]  # +0.5 for center of pixels
    pts_y = (yOffset + 0.5) * gt[5] + gt[3]  # +0.5 for center of pixels

    # ================================================
    # Compute cell number for spatial autocorrelation
    # ================================================

    # Cell number from region
    print("Compute number of %d x %d km spatial cells" % (csize, csize))
    csize = csize * 1000  # Transform km in m
    ncell_byrow = np.int(np.ceil((Xmax - Xmin) / csize))
    ncell_bycol = np.int(np.ceil((Ymax - Ymin) / csize))
    ncell = ncell_byrow * ncell_bycol
    print("... %d cells (%d x %d)" % (ncell, ncell_bycol, ncell_byrow))
    # I and J are the coordinates of the cells and start at zero
    print("Identify cell number from XY coordinates")
    J = ((pts_x - Xmin) / csize).astype(np.int)
    I = ((Ymax - pts_y) / csize).astype(np.int)
    cell = I * ncell_byrow + J  # Cell number starts at zero

    # =============================================
    # Extract values from rasters
    # =============================================

    # Raster list
    var_tif = var_dir + "/*.tif"
    raster_list = glob(var_tif)
    raster_list.sort()  # Sort names

    # Make vrt with gdalbuildvrt
    # Note: Extent and resolution from forest raster!
    print("Make virtual raster with variables as raster bands")
    input_var = " ".join(raster_list)
    output_vrt = var_dir + "/var.vrt"
    param = [
        "gdalbuildvrt", "-overwrite", "-separate", "-resolution user", "-te",
        str(Ymax), "-tr",
        str(-gt[5]), output_vrt, input_var
    cmd_gdalbuildvrt = " ".join(param)

    # Load vrt file
    stack = gdal.Open(output_vrt)

    # List of nodata values
    nband = stack.RasterCount
    bandND = np.zeros(nband)
    for k in range(nband):
        band = stack.GetRasterBand(k + 1)
        bandND[k] = band.GetNoDataValue()
        if bandND[k] is None:
            print("NoData value is not specified \
            for input raster file %s" % raster_list[k])

    # Numpy array to store values
    nobs = select.shape[0]
    val = np.zeros(shape=(nobs, nband), dtype=np.float32)

    # Extract raster values
    print("Extract raster values for selected pixels")
    for i in range(nobs):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nobs, i + 1)
        # ReadArray for extract
        extract = stack.ReadAsArray(xOffset[i], yOffset[i], 1, 1)
        val[i, :] = extract.reshape(nband, )
        # # Using gdallocationinfo for extract is slow
        # cmd_gdallocation = "gdallocationinfo -valonly \
        #                    -geoloc %s %f %f" % (outputfile,
        #                                         pts_x[i], pts_y[i])
        # extract = os.popen(cmd_gdallocation).read()
        # val[i, :] = np.array(extract.split("\n")[:-1]).astype(np.float32)

    # Close stack
    del stack

    # Replace NA
    # NB: ReadAsArray return float32 type
    bandND = bandND.astype(np.float32)
    for k in range(nband):
        val[val[:, k] == bandND[k], k] = np.nan

    # Add XY coordinates and cell number
    pts_x.shape = (nobs, 1)
    pts_y.shape = (nobs, 1)
    cell.shape = (nobs, 1)
    val = np.concatenate((val, pts_x, pts_y, cell), axis=1)

    # =============================================
    # Export and return value
    # =============================================

    print("Export results to file " + output_file)

    # Write to file by row
    colname = raster_list
    for i in range(len(raster_list)):
        base_name = os.path.basename(raster_list[i])
        index_dot = base_name.index(".")
        colname[i] = base_name[:index_dot]

    varname = ",".join(colname) + ",X,Y,cell"

    # Convert to pandas DataFrame and return the result
    colname.extend(["X", "Y", "cell"])
    val_DF = pd.DataFrame(val, columns=colname)
    return (val_DF)
Example #6
def validation(pred, obs, blk_rows=128):
    """Compute accuracy indices based on predicted and observed
    forest-cover change (fcc) maps.

    Compute the Overall Accuracy, the Figure of Merit, the
    Specificity, the Sensitivity, the True Skill Statistics and the
    Cohen's Kappa from a confusion matrix built on predictions
    vs. observations.

    :param pred: raster of predicted fcc.
    :param obs: raster of observed fcc.
    :param blk_rows: if > 0, number of rows for block (else 256x256).
    :return: a dictionnary of accuracy indices.


    # Load raster and band
    predR = gdal.Open(pred)
    predB = predR.GetRasterBand(1)
    obsR = gdal.Open(obs)
    obsB = obsR.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Make blocks
    blockinfo = makeblock(pred, blk_rows=blk_rows)
    nblock = blockinfo[0]
    nblock_x = blockinfo[1]
    x = blockinfo[3]
    y = blockinfo[4]
    nx = blockinfo[5]
    ny = blockinfo[6]
    print("Divide region in " + str(nblock) + " blocks")

    # Initialize the confusion matrix
    n00 = 0.0
    n10 = 0.0
    n01 = 0.0
    n11 = 0.0

    # Compute the confusion matrix
    print("Compute the confusion matrix")
    # Loop on blocks of data
    for b in range(nblock):
        # Progress bar
        progress_bar(nblock, b + 1)
        # Position in 1D-arrays
        px = b % nblock_x
        py = b / nblock_x
        # Data for one block
        df_pred = predB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        df_pred = 1 - df_pred
        df_obs = obsB.ReadAsArray(x[px], y[py], nx[px], ny[py])
        df_obs = 1 - df_obs
        # Update confusion matrix
        n00 = n00 + np.sum((df_pred == 0) & (df_obs == 0))
        n10 = n10 + np.sum((df_pred == 1) & (df_obs == 0))
        n01 = n01 + np.sum((df_pred == 0) & (df_obs == 1))
        n11 = n11 + np.sum((df_pred == 1) & (df_obs == 1))

    # Dereference driver
    predB = None
    del (predR)
    obsB = None
    del (obsR)

    # Print confusion matrix
    mat = pd.DataFrame({
        "obs0": pd.Series([n00, n10], index=["pred0", "pred1"]),
        "obs1": pd.Series([n01, n11], index=["pred0", "pred1"])

    # Accuracy indices
    print("Compute accuracy indices")
    OA = (n11 + n00) / (n11 + n10 + n00 + n01)
    FOM = n11 / (n11 + n10 + n01)
    Sensitivity = n11 / (n11 + n01)
    Specificity = n00 / (n00 + n10)
    TSS = Sensitivity + Specificity - 1
    N = n11 + n10 + n00 + n01
    Observed_accuracy = (n11 + n00) / N
    Expected_accuracy = ((n11 + n10) * ((n11 + n01) / N) + (n00 + n01) *
                         ((n00 + n10) / N)) / N
    Kappa = (Observed_accuracy - Expected_accuracy) / (1 - Expected_accuracy)

    r = {
        "OA": round(OA, 2),
        "FOM": round(FOM, 2),
        "Sen": round(Sensitivity, 2),
        "Spe": round(Specificity, 2),
        "TSS": round(TSS, 2),
        "K": round(Kappa, 2)

    return (r)