Example #1
def prepareMusk2(path, name):

    print("Prepare Musk2:")

    fname = prepareLoading(name, path)

    # Create MIL problem from Musk2 data
    musk2_raw = np.array(pd.read_csv(fname, usecols=range(0,169), skip_blank_lines=True, header=None))

    # Scale data by z-score normalization
    features = musk2_raw[:, 2:-1].astype(np.float64)
    features = scale(features)
    keys = musk2_raw[:, 0]
    labels = musk2_raw[:, -1]

    musk2 = milData('musk2')
    for i, row in enumerate(features):
        key = keys[i]
        x = features[i]
        z = labels[i]
        musk2.add_x(key, x, z, UPDATE=False )

    print("Bags: ", musk2.N_B, "(+: {p}, -: {n})".format(p=np.sum(musk2.z==1), n=np.sum(musk2.z==0)))
    print("Instances: ", musk2.N_X, "(+: {p}, -: {n})".format(p=np.sum(musk2.y==1), n=np.sum(musk2.y==0)))
    print ("Features: ", musk2.N_D)

    return musk2
Example #2
def prepareFox(path, name):

    print("Prepare Fox:")
    fname = prepareLoading(name, path)

    # Create MIL problem from Fox data
    features = loadmat(fname)["Data"]
    features = scale(features)
    keys = loadmat(fname)['bags']
    labels = loadmat(fname)['labels']

    b = 0
    fox = milData('fox')
    for i, row in enumerate(features):
        x = row
        key = keys[i][0]
        z = labels[b][0]
        fox.add_x(key, x, z, UPDATE=False)
        if i < len(features) - 1 and key != keys[
                i + 1]:  # will the next key belong to the next bag?
            b += 1

        "Bags: ", fox.N_B, "(+: {p}, -: {n})".format(p=np.sum(fox.z == 1),
                                                     n=np.sum(fox.z == 0)))
        "Instances: ", fox.N_X,
        "(+: {p}, -: {n})".format(p=np.sum(fox.y == 1), n=np.sum(fox.y == 0)))
    print("Features: ", fox.N_D)

    return fox
Example #3
def clif2lf(clif_file, lf_file, clif_group, lf_dataset="lightfield" ):
    Convert a standard .clif file to an .hdf5 lightfield file.

    clif_file : string
        The .clif filename including the directory.
    lf_file : string
        The filename (including the directory) of the output .hdf5 lightfield.
    clif_group : string
        The container name inside the .clif file.
    lf_dataset : string, optional
        The dataset name inside the .hdf5 file for the lightfield.

    # Initialze the hdf5 file objects
    fname_in = os.path.basename(clif_file)
    dir_in = os.path.dirname(clif_file)
    clif_file = prepareLoading(fname_in, path=dir_in)

    fname_out = os.path.basename(lf_file)
    dir_out = os.path.dirname(lf_file)
    lf_file = prepareSaving(fname_out, path=dir_out, extension=".hdf5")

    data = h5py.File(clif_file, 'r')[clif_group]
    data = np.swapaxes(data, 1, 3 )
    data = np.swapaxes(data, 1, 2)

    f_out = h5py.File(lf_file, 'w')
    f_out.create_dataset(lf_dataset, data=data)
Example #4
def load_dict(fname, path=None):
    Load the MilDictionary from a .json file.

    fname: string
        The name of the resulting .json file
    path : string, optional
        The path where to store the datafile.

    mydict : dict
        A MilDictionary has the bag names as keys and for each key an
        instance dataset as a 2D ndarray.
    fname = prepareLoading(fname, path=path, extension=".json")
    mydict = pd.read_json(fname, typ='series').to_dict()
    for key, value in mydict.items():
        mydict[key] = np.array(value)
    return mydict
Example #5
    def __init__(self, lightfield, lf_dataset, output_dir,
                 n_cpus=-1, r_start=None, s_hat=None, DEBUG=False):

        Constructor to settle up all files and parameters. Do also some pre-
        computations required

        lightfield : string
            The filename of the lightfield including the directory.
        lf_dataset : string
            The group name inside the lightfield's hdf5 file.
        output_dir: string
            The directory to store the final results in.
        working_dir: string, optional
            A temporal directory to work in.
        n_cpus : int, optional
            The number of cpus to use. If -1 all cpus available will be used.
        r_start : tuble (), optional
            r_v and r_u to start with
        s_hat : int, optional
            If given, only this s-dimension will be calculated.
        DEBUG : Boolean, optional
            enable DEBUG output

        lightfield = prepareLoading(lightfield)
        self.output_dir = prepareSaving(output_dir)
        self.working_dir = prepareSaving(working_dir)

        self.n_cpus = n_cpus
        if self.n_cpus == -1:
            self.n_cpus = cpu_count()

        self.DEBUG = DEBUG  # Plot intermediate results and other debugging output

        # Attributes of .hdf5 files to load or store the data
        self.lf_dataset = lf_dataset
        self.light_field = h5py.File(os.path.expanduser(lightfield), 'r')
        self.epi_field = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'epis.hdf5'),'a')
        self.disp_field = h5py.File(
            os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'disparities.hdf5'), 'a')

        if self.DEBUG:
            self.score_field = h5py.File(
                os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'scores.hdf5'), 'a')
            self.DB_field = h5py.File(
                os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'disparity_bounds.hdf5'), 'a')
            self.Ce_field = h5py.File(
                os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'edge_confidences.hdf5'), 'a')
            self.Cd_field = h5py.File(
                os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'disparity_confidences.hdf5'),

        # Runtime attributes
        self.lf_res = self.light_field[
            self.lf_dataset].shape  # The resolution of the original lightfield (s,v,u)
        self.epi_res = None  # A ndarray [r]. The different EPI resolutions (v,u)

        self.r_start = self.lf_res[1:3]
        if self.DEBUG:
            self.r_start = self.lf_res[
                           1:3] if r_start is None else r_start  # If given start calculation by this resolution
        self.s_hat = s_hat  # If not None the only scanline to process

        print("All data loaded!")
Example #6
def downsample_lightfield(lf_in, lf_out, hdf5_dataset, r_all):
    Reduces the dimension of the input lightfield to the values given.
    Results are stored in a new hdf5 file.

    lf_in : string
        The input hdf5 filename (including the directory) of the lightfield.
    lf_out : string
        The output hdf5 filename (including the directory) of the lightfield
        in all resolutions.
    hdf5_dataset: string
        The container name inside the hdf5 file for the lightfield. The same
        name will be used for the new file.
    r_all: array_like
        All resolutions to create. Each entry is a tuple (u,v) of resolutions.

    # Initialize the hdf5 file objects
    lf_in = prepareLoading(lf_in)
    lf_out = prepareSaving(lf_out, extension=".hdf5")

    lf_in = h5py.File(lf_in, 'r')
    lf_out = h5py.File(lf_out, 'w')

    data_in = lf_in[hdf5_dataset]
    # Find out what data we have
    if len(data_in.shape) == 4 and data_in.shape[-1] == 3:
        RGB = True
    elif len(data_in.shape) == 3:
        RGB = False
        raise TypeError('The given lightfield contains neither gray nor RGB images!')

    # Which dtype should be used?
    if data_in.dtype == np.float64:
        DTYPE = np.float64
    elif data_in.dtype == np.uint8:
        DTYPE = np.uint8
    elif data_in. dtype == np.uint16:
        DTYPE = np.uint16
        raise TypeError('The given data type is not supported!')

    # We need to store all resolutions
    grp_out = lf_out.create_group(hdf5_dataset)
    grp_out.attrs.create('resolutions', r_all)

    # Initialize a progress bar to follow the downsampling
    widgets = ['Downscale lightfield: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(),' ', ETA(), ' ']
    progress = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_val=r_all.shape[0]).start()

    for r,res in enumerate(r_all):

        if RGB:
            data_out = grp_out.create_dataset(str(res[0]) + 'x' + str(res[1]), shape=(data_in.shape[0], res[0], res[1], data_in.shape[3]), dtype=data_in.dtype)
            data_out = grp_out.create_dataset(str(res[0]) + 'x' + str(res[1]), shape=(data_in.shape[0], res[0], res[1]), dtype=data_in.dtype)

        if r == 0: # at lowest resolution we take the original image
            for s in range(data_in.shape[0]):
                data_out[s] = img_as_float(data_in[s])
        else: # we smooth the imput data
            data_prior = grp_out[str(r_all[r-1][0]) + 'x' + str(r_all[r-1][1])]
            for s in range(data_in.shape[0]):
                data_smoothed = img_as_float(gaussian(data_prior[s], sigma=np.sqrt(0.5), multichannel=True))
                if DTYPE is np.float64:
                    data_out[s] = img_as_float(resize(data_smoothed, (res[0], res[1])))
                elif DTYPE is np.uint16:
                    data_out[s] = img_as_uint(resize(data_smoothed, (res[0], res[1])))
                    data_out[s] = img_as_ubyte(resize(data_smoothed, (res[0], res[1])))

    # Cleanup
Example #7
def create_epis(lf_in, epi_out, hdf5_dataset_in="lightfield", hdf5_dataset_out="epis", dtype=np.float64, RGB=True):
    Create epis for all resolutions given by the input lightfield.

    lf_in : string
        The input hdf5 filename (including the directory) of the lightfield.
    epi_out : string
        The output hdf5 filename (including the directory) of the lightfield
        in all resolutions.
    hdf5_dataset_in: string
        The container name inside the hdf5 file for the lightfield. The same
        name will be used for the new file.
    hdf5_dataset_out: string, optional
        The container name inside the hdf5 file for the epis.
    dtype : numpy.dtype, optional
        The new data type for the epis. Must be either
        np.float64, np.uint8 or np.uint16.
    RGB : bool, optional
        If True, the output epis will be converted to RGB (default).
        Otherwise gray type images are stored.

    # Initialze the hdf5 file objects
    lf_in = prepareLoading(lf_in)
    epi_out = prepareSaving(epi_out, extension=".hdf5")

    # Initialze the hdf5 file objects
    lf_in = h5py.File(lf_in, 'r')
    epi_out = h5py.File(epi_out, 'w')

    # Check if there is a resolution attribute. Create otherwise
    r_all = lf_in[hdf5_dataset_in].attrs.get('resolutions')[...]

    epi_grp = epi_out.create_group(hdf5_dataset_out)
    epi_grp.attrs.create('resolutions', r_all)

    # Initialize a progress bar to follow the conversion
    widgets = ['Create EPIs: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(),' ', ETA(), ' ']
    progress = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_val=r_all.shape[0]).start()
    for r,res in enumerate(r_all):

        set_name = str(res[0]) + 'x' + str(res[1])
        lf_data = lf_in[hdf5_dataset_in + '/' + set_name]

        # Find out what data we have
        if len(lf_data.shape) == 4 and lf_data.shape[-1] == 3:
            OLDRGB = True
        elif len(lf_data.shape) == 3:
            OLDRGB = False
            raise TypeError(
                'The given lightfield contains neither gray nor RGB images!')

        if RGB:
            epi_data = epi_grp.create_dataset(set_name, shape=(res[0],lf_data.shape[0], res[1],3), dtype=dtype)
            epi_data = epi_grp.create_dataset(set_name, shape=(res[0],lf_data.shape[0], res[1]), dtype=dtype)

        for v in range(res[0]):

            if dtype == np.float64:
                if RGB and not OLDRGB:
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_float(gray2rgb(lf_data[:,v,])).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
                elif not RGB and OLDRGB:
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_float(rgb2gray(lf_data[:,v,])).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_float(lf_data[:,v,...]).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
            elif dtype == np.uint16:
                if RGB and not OLDRGB:
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_uint(gray2rgb(lf_data[:,v,])).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
                elif not RGB and OLDRGB:
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_uint(rgb2gray(lf_data[:,v,])).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_uint(lf_data[:,v,...]).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
            elif dtype == np.uint8:
                if RGB and not OLDRGB:
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_ubyte(gray2rgb(lf_data[:,v,...])).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
                elif not RGB and OLDRGB:
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_ubyte(rgb2gray(lf_data[:,v,...])).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
                    epi_data[v] = img_as_ubyte(lf_data[:,v,...]).reshape(epi_data[v].shape)
                raise TypeError('Given dtype not supported.')


    # Cleanup
Example #8
    def __init__(self,
        Constructor to settle up all files and parameters. Do also some pre-
        computations required

        lightfield : string
            The filename of the lightfield including the directory.
        lf_dataset : string
            The group name inside the lightfield's hdf5 file.
        output_dir: string
            The directory to store the final results in.
        working_dir: string, optional
            A temporal directory to work in.
        n_cpus : int, optional
            The number of cpus to use. If -1 all cpus available will be used.
        r_start : tuble (), optional
            r_v and r_u to start with
        s_hat : int, optional
            If given, only this s-dimension will be calculated.
        DEBUG : Boolean, optional
            enable DEBUG output

        lightfield = prepareLoading(lightfield)
        self.output_dir = prepareSaving(output_dir)
        self.working_dir = prepareSaving(working_dir)

        self.n_cpus = n_cpus
        if self.n_cpus == -1:
            self.n_cpus = cpu_count()

        self.DEBUG = DEBUG  # Plot intermediate results and other debugging output

        # Attributes of .hdf5 files to load or store the data
        self.lf_dataset = lf_dataset
        self.light_field = h5py.File(os.path.expanduser(lightfield), 'r')
        self.epi_field = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'epis.hdf5'),
        self.disp_field = h5py.File(
            os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'disparities.hdf5'), 'a')

        if self.DEBUG:
            self.score_field = h5py.File(
                os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'scores.hdf5'), 'a')
            self.DB_field = h5py.File(
                os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'disparity_bounds.hdf5'), 'a')
            self.Ce_field = h5py.File(
                os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'edge_confidences.hdf5'), 'a')
            self.Cd_field = h5py.File(
                os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'disparity_confidences.hdf5'),

        # Runtime attributes
        self.lf_res = self.light_field[
            lf_dataset].shape  # The resolution of the original lightfield (s,v,u)
        self.epi_res = None  # A ndarray [r]. The different EPI resolutions (v,u)

        self.r_start = self.lf_res[1:3]
        if self.DEBUG:
            self.r_start = self.lf_res[
                3] if r_start is None else r_start  # If given start calculation by this resolution
        self.s_hat = s_hat  # If not None the only scanline to process

        print("All data loaded!")