Example #1
def main():


        logging.setup(CONF, 'Mistral')

        # Please refer to the oslo.messaging documentation for transport
        # configuration. The default transport for oslo.messaging is
        # rabbitMQ. The available transport drivers are listed in the
        # setup.cfg file in oslo.messaging under the entry_points section for
        # oslo.messaging.drivers. The transport driver is specified using the
        # rpc_backend option in the default section of the oslo configuration
        # file. The expected value for the rpc_backend is one of the key
        # values available for the oslo.messaging.drivers (i.e. rabbit, fake).
        # There are additional options such as ssl and credential that can be
        # specified depending on the driver.  Please refer to the driver
        # implementation for those additional options. It's important to note
        # that the "fake" transport should only be used if "all" the Mistral
        # servers are launched on the same process. Otherwise, messages do not
        # get delivered if the Mistral servers are launched on different
        # processes because the "fake" transport is using an in process queue.
        transport = rpc.get_transport()

        if cfg.CONF.server == ['all']:
            # Launch all servers.
            launch_any(transport, LAUNCH_OPTIONS.keys())
            # Validate launch option.
            if set(cfg.CONF.server) - set(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.keys()):
                raise Exception('Valid options are all or any combination of '
                                'api, engine, and executor.')

            # Launch distinct set of server(s).
            launch_any(transport, set(cfg.CONF.server))

    except RuntimeError as excp:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % excp)
Example #2
def main():


        logging.setup(CONF, 'Mistral')

        # Please refer to the oslo.messaging documentation for transport
        # configuration. The default transport for oslo.messaging is
        # rabbitMQ. The available transport drivers are listed in the
        # setup.cfg file in oslo.messaging under the entry_points section for
        # oslo.messaging.drivers. The transport driver is specified using the
        # rpc_backend option in the default section of the oslo configuration
        # file. The expected value for the rpc_backend is one of the key
        # values available for the oslo.messaging.drivers (i.e. rabbit, fake).
        # There are additional options such as ssl and credential that can be
        # specified depending on the driver.  Please refer to the driver
        # implementation for those additional options. It's important to note
        # that the "fake" transport should only be used if "all" the Mistral
        # servers are launched on the same process. Otherwise, messages do not
        # get delivered if the Mistral servers are launched on different
        # processes because the "fake" transport is using an in process queue.
        transport = rpc.get_transport()

        if cfg.CONF.server == ['all']:
            # Launch all servers.
            launch_any(transport, LAUNCH_OPTIONS.keys())
            # Validate launch option.
            if set(cfg.CONF.server) - set(LAUNCH_OPTIONS.keys()):
                raise Exception('Valid options are all or any combination of '
                                'api, engine, and executor.')

            # Launch distinct set of server(s).
            launch_any(transport, set(cfg.CONF.server))

    except RuntimeError as excp:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % excp)
Example #3
    def setUp(self):
        super(EngineTestCase, self).setUp()

        # Get transport here to let oslo.messaging setup default config
        # before changing the rpc_backend to the fake driver; otherwise,
        # oslo.messaging will throw exception.

        # Set the transport to 'fake' for Engine tests.
        cfg.CONF.set_default('rpc_backend', 'fake')

        # Drop all RPC objects (transport, clients).

        transport = rpc.get_transport()

        self.engine_client = rpc.EngineClient(transport)
        self.executor_client = rpc.ExecutorClient(transport)

        self.engine = def_eng.DefaultEngine(self.engine_client)
        self.executor = def_exec.DefaultExecutor(self.engine_client)

        LOG.info("Starting engine and executor threads...")

        self.threads = [
            eventlet.spawn(launch_engine_server, transport, self.engine),
            eventlet.spawn(launch_executor_server, transport, self.executor),


        # Start scheduler.
        scheduler_thread_group = scheduler.setup()

Example #4
    def setUp(self):
        super(EngineTestCase, self).setUp()

        # Get transport here to let oslo.messaging setup default config
        # before changing the rpc_backend to the fake driver; otherwise,
        # oslo.messaging will throw exception.

        # Set the transport to 'fake' for Engine tests.
        cfg.CONF.set_default('rpc_backend', 'fake')

        # Drop all RPC objects (transport, clients).

        transport = rpc.get_transport()

        self.engine_client = rpc.EngineClient(transport)
        self.executor_client = rpc.ExecutorClient(transport)

        self.engine = def_eng.DefaultEngine(self.engine_client)
        self.executor = def_exec.DefaultExecutor(self.engine_client)

        LOG.info("Starting engine and executor threads...")

        self.threads = [
            eventlet.spawn(launch_engine_server, transport, self.engine),
            eventlet.spawn(launch_executor_server, transport, self.executor),


        # Start scheduler.
        scheduler_thread_group = scheduler.setup()
