Example #1
    def set_state(self, state, state_info, processed=None):
        """Sets task state without executing post completion logic.

        :param state: New task state.
        :param state_info: New state information (i.e. error message).
        :param processed: New "processed" flag value.
        :return: True if the state was changed as a result of this call,
            False otherwise.

        assert self.task_ex

        cur_state = self.task_ex.state

        if cur_state != state or self.task_ex.state_info != state_info:
            task_ex = db_api.update_task_execution_state(id=self.task_ex.id,

            if task_ex is None:
                # Do nothing because the update query did not change the DB.
                return False

            self.task_ex = task_ex
            self.task_ex.state_info = json.dumps(state_info) \
                if isinstance(state_info, dict) else state_info
            self.state_changed = True

            # Recalculating "started_at" timestamp only if the state
            # was WAITING (all preconditions are satisfied and it's
            # ready to start) or IDLE, or the task is being rerun. So
            # we treat all iterations of "retry" policy as one run.
            if state == states.RUNNING and \
                    (cur_state in (None, states.WAITING) or self.rerun):
                self.task_ex.started_at = utils.utc_now_sec()

            if states.is_completed(state):
                self.task_ex.finished_at = utils.utc_now_sec()

            if self.rerun:
                self.task_ex.finished_at = None

            if processed is not None:
                self.task_ex.processed = processed

            self._notify(cur_state, state)

                "Task '%s' (%s) [%s -> %s, msg=%s]" %
                (self.task_ex.name, self.task_ex.id, cur_state, state,

        return True
Example #2
def _schedule_call(factory_method_path,
    """Schedules call and lately invokes target_method.

    Add this call specification to DB, and then after run_after
    seconds service CallScheduler invokes the target_method.

    :param factory_method_path: Full python-specific path to
        factory method that creates a target object that the call will be
        made against.
    :param target_method_name: Name of a method which will be invoked.
    :param run_after: Value in seconds.
    :param serializers: map of argument names and their serializer class
        paths. Use when an argument is an object of specific type, and needs
        to be serialized. Example:
        { "result": "mistral.utils.serializer.ResultSerializer"}
        Serializer for the object type must implement serializer interface
        in mistral/utils/serializer.py
    :param key: Key which can potentially be used for squashing similar
        delayed calls.
    :param method_args: Target method keyword arguments.
    ctx_serializer = context.RpcContextSerializer()

    ctx = (ctx_serializer.serialize_context(context.ctx())
           if context.has_ctx() else {})

    execution_time = (utils.utc_now_sec() +

    if serializers:
        for arg_name, serializer_path in serializers.items():
            if arg_name not in method_args:
                raise exc.MistralException("Serializable method argument %s"
                                           " not found in method_args=%s" %
                                           (arg_name, method_args))
                serializer = importutils.import_class(serializer_path)()
            except ImportError as e:
                raise ImportError("Cannot import class %s: %s" %
                                  (serializer_path, e))

            method_args[arg_name] = serializer.serialize(method_args[arg_name])

    values = {
        'factory_method_path': factory_method_path,
        'target_method_name': target_method_name,
        'execution_time': execution_time,
        'auth_context': ctx,
        'serializers': serializers,
        'key': key,
        'method_arguments': method_args,
        'processing': False

Example #3
    def _capture_scheduled_job(scheduled_job):
        """Capture a scheduled persistent job in a job store.

        :param scheduled_job: Job.
        :return: True if the job has been captured, False if not.

        now_sec = utils.utc_now_sec()

        # Mark this job as captured in order to prevent calling from
        # a parallel transaction. We don't use query filter
        # {'captured_at': None} to account for a case when the job needs
        # to be recaptured after a maximum capture time has elapsed. If this
        # method was called for a job that has non-empty "captured_at" then
        # it means that it is already eligible for recapturing and the
        # Job Store selected it.
        _, updated_cnt = db_api.update_scheduled_job(
            values={'captured_at': now_sec},
            query_filter={'captured_at': scheduled_job.captured_at}

        # We need to update "captured_at" of the initial object stored in
        # memory because it's used in a few places.
        if updated_cnt == 1:
            scheduled_job.captured_at = now_sec

        # If updated_cnt != 1 then another scheduler
        # has already updated it.
        return updated_cnt == 1
Example #4
    def _capture_calls(batch_size):
        """Captures delayed calls eligible for processing (based on time).

        The intention of this method is to select delayed calls based on time
        criteria and mark them in DB as being processed so that no other
        threads could process them in parallel.

        :return: A list of delayed calls captured for further processing.
        result = []

        time_filter = utils.utc_now_sec() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)

        with db_api.transaction():
            candidates = db_api.get_delayed_calls_to_start(
                time_filter, batch_size)

            for call in candidates:
                # Mark this delayed call has been processed in order to
                # prevent calling from parallel transaction.
                db_call, updated_cnt = db_api.update_delayed_call(
                    values={'processing': True},
                    query_filter={'processing': False})

                # If updated_cnt != 1 then another scheduler
                # has already updated it.
                if updated_cnt == 1:

        LOG.debug("Scheduler captured %s delayed calls.", len(result))

        return result
def upgrade():
            default=lambda: utils.utc_now_sec() + datetime.timedelta(
        Column('is_sync', Boolean, default=None, nullable=True)
Example #6
    def _process_store_jobs(self):
        # Select and capture eligible jobs.
        with db_api.transaction():
            candidate_jobs = db_api.get_scheduled_jobs_to_start(
                utils.utc_now_sec(), self._batch_size)

            captured_jobs = [
                job for job in candidate_jobs
                if self._capture_scheduled_job(job)

        # Invoke and delete scheduled jobs.
        for job in captured_jobs:
            auth_ctx, func, func_args = self._prepare_job(job)

            self._invoke_job(auth_ctx, func, func_args)

Example #7
    def _persist_job(job):
        ctx_serializer = context.RpcContextSerializer()

        ctx = (
            if context.has_ctx() else {}

        execute_at = (utils.utc_now_sec() +

        args = job.func_args
        arg_serializers = job.func_arg_serializers

        if arg_serializers:
            for arg_name, serializer_path in arg_serializers.items():
                if arg_name not in args:
                    raise exc.MistralException(
                        "Serializable function argument %s"
                        " not found in func_args=%s"
                        % (arg_name, args))
                    serializer = importutils.import_class(serializer_path)()
                except ImportError as e:
                    raise ImportError(
                        "Cannot import class %s: %s" % (serializer_path, e)

                args[arg_name] = serializer.serialize(args[arg_name])

        values = {
            'run_after': job.run_after,
            'target_factory_func_name': job.target_factory_func_name,
            'func_name': job.func_name,
            'func_args': args,
            'func_arg_serializers': arg_serializers,
            'auth_ctx': ctx,
            'execute_at': execute_at,
            'captured_at': None,
            'key': job.key

        return db_api.create_scheduled_job(values)
    def test_filter_tasks_without_task_execution(self, task_execution_result,

        task_execution_result.return_value = 'task_execution_result'

        time_now = utils.utc_now_sec()

        task = type(
            "obj", (object, ), {
                'id': 'id',
                'name': 'name',
                'published': 'published',
                'result': task_execution_result(),
                'spec': 'spec',
                'state': 'state',
                'state_info': 'state_info',
                'type': 'type',
                'workflow_execution_id': 'workflow_execution_id',
                'created_at': time_now,
                'updated_at': time_now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1),

        task_executions.return_value = [task]

        ctx = {'__task_execution': None, '__execution': {'id': 'some'}}

        result = self._evaluator.evaluate('tasks(some)', ctx)

        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
                'id': task.id,
                'name': task.name,
                'published': task.published,
                'result': task.result,
                'spec': task.spec,
                'state': task.state,
                'state_info': task.state_info,
                'type': task.type,
                'workflow_execution_id': task.workflow_execution_id,
                'created_at': task.created_at.isoformat(' '),
                'updated_at': task.updated_at.isoformat(' ')
            }, result[0])
Example #9
class ActionExecution(Execution):
    """Contains action execution information."""

    __tablename__ = 'action_executions_v2'

    __table_args__ = (sa.Index('%s_project_id' % __tablename__, 'project_id'),
                      sa.Index('%s_scope' % __tablename__, 'scope'),
                      sa.Index('%s_state' % __tablename__, 'state'),
                      sa.Index('%s_updated_at' % __tablename__, 'updated_at'))

    # Main properties.
    spec = sa.Column(st.JsonMediumDictType())
    accepted = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), default=False)
    input = sa.Column(st.JsonLongDictType(), nullable=True)
    output = sa.orm.deferred(sa.Column(st.JsonLongDictType(), nullable=True))
    last_heartbeat = sa.Column(
        default=lambda: utils.utc_now_sec() + datetime.timedelta(
    is_sync = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), default=None, nullable=True)
Example #10
def handle_expired_actions():
    LOG.debug("Running heartbeat checker...")

    interval = CONF.action_heartbeat.check_interval
    max_missed = CONF.action_heartbeat.max_missed_heartbeats

    exp_date = utils.utc_now_sec() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_missed *

    with db_api.transaction():
        action_exs = db_api.get_running_expired_sync_action_executions(
            exp_date, CONF.action_heartbeat.batch_size)

        LOG.debug("Found {} running and expired actions.".format(

        if action_exs:
            LOG.info("Actions executions to transit to error, because "
                     "heartbeat wasn't received: {}".format(action_exs))

            for action_ex in action_exs:
                result = mistral_lib.Result(error="Heartbeat wasn't received.")

                action_handler.on_action_complete(action_ex, result)
Example #11
class _MistralModelBase(oslo_models.ModelBase, oslo_models.TimestampMixin):
    """Base class for all Mistral SQLAlchemy DB Models."""

    created_at = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, default=lambda: utils.utc_now_sec())
    updated_at = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, onupdate=lambda: utils.utc_now_sec())

    __table__ = None

    __hash__ = object.__hash__

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if type(self) is not type(other):
            return False

        for col in self.__table__.columns:
            # In case of single table inheritance a class attribute
            # corresponding to a table column may not exist so we need
            # to skip these attributes.
            if (hasattr(self, col.name) and hasattr(other, col.name)
                    and getattr(self, col.name) != getattr(other, col.name)):
                return False

        return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def to_dict(self):
        """sqlalchemy based automatic to_dict method."""

        d = {col_name: col_val for col_name, col_val in self.iter_columns()}

        utils.datetime_to_str_in_dict(d, 'created_at')
        utils.datetime_to_str_in_dict(d, 'updated_at')

        return d

    def iter_column_names(self):
        """Returns an iterator for loaded column names.

        :return: A generator function for column names.

        # If a column is unloaded at this point, it is
        # probably deferred. We do not want to access it
        # here and thereby cause it to load.
        unloaded = attributes.instance_state(self).unloaded

        for col in self.__table__.columns:
            if col.name not in unloaded and hasattr(self, col.name):
                yield col.name

    def iter_columns(self):
        """Returns an iterator for loaded columns.

        :return: A generator function that generates
            tuples (column name, column value).

        for col_name in self.iter_column_names():
            yield col_name, getattr(self, col_name)

    def get_clone(self):
        """Clones current object, loads all fields and returns the result."""
        m = self.__class__()

        for col in self.__table__.columns:
            if hasattr(self, col.name):
                setattr(m, col.name, getattr(self, col.name))

        setattr(m, 'created_at',
                utils.datetime_to_str(getattr(self, 'created_at')))

        updated_at = getattr(self, 'updated_at')

        # NOTE(nmakhotkin): 'updated_at' field is empty for just created
        # object since it has not updated yet.
        if updated_at:
            setattr(m, 'updated_at', utils.datetime_to_str(updated_at))

        return m

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s %s' % (type(self).__name__, self.to_dict().__repr__())
Example #12
def _create_workflow_executions():
    time_now = utils.utc_now_sec()

    wf_execs = [{
        'id': 'success_expired',
        'name': 'success_expired',
        'created_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=60),
        'updated_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=59),
        'workflow_name': 'test_exec',
        'state': "SUCCESS",
    }, {
        'id': 'error_expired',
        'name': 'error_expired',
        'created_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=3, minutes=10),
        'updated_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=3),
        'workflow_name': 'test_exec',
        'state': "ERROR",
    }, {
        'id': 'running_not_expired',
        'name': 'running_not_expired',
        'created_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=3, minutes=10),
        'updated_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=3),
        'workflow_name': 'test_exec',
        'state': "RUNNING",
    }, {
        'id': 'running_not_expired2',
        'name': 'running_not_expired2',
        'created_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=3, minutes=10),
        'updated_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=4),
        'workflow_name': 'test_exec',
        'state': "RUNNING",
    }, {
        'id': 'success_not_expired',
        'name': 'success_not_expired',
        'created_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15),
        'updated_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5),
        'workflow_name': 'test_exec',
        'state': "SUCCESS",
    }, {
        'id': 'abc',
        'name': 'cancelled_expired',
        'created_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=60),
        'updated_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=59),
        'workflow_name': 'test_exec',
        'state': "CANCELLED",
    }, {
        'id': 'cancelled_not_expired',
        'name': 'cancelled_not_expired',
        'created_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=15),
        'updated_at': time_now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=6),
        'workflow_name': 'test_exec',
        'state': "CANCELLED",

    for wf_exec in wf_execs:

    # Create a nested workflow execution.

        'id': 'running_not_expired',
        'workflow_execution_id': 'success_not_expired',
        'name': 'my_task'

        time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=15),
        time_now - datetime.timedelta(days=10),
Example #13
 def save_finished_time(self, value='default'):
     if not self.task_ex:
     time = value if value is not 'default' else utils.utc_now_sec()
     self.task_ex.finished_at = time