Example #1
 def test_ast_directive(self):
     data = fixtures.load_json('directive.json')
     md = Markdown(renderer=AstRenderer())
     # Use JSON to fix the differences between tuple and list
     tokens = json.loads(json.dumps(md(data['text'])))
     self.assertEqual(tokens, data['tokens'])
Example #2
import os
import json
from mistune import Markdown, AstRenderer, HTMLRenderer
from mistune.plugins import PluginDirective
from tests import fixtures
from tests.fixtures import ROOT
from unittest import TestCase

md = Markdown(renderer=HTMLRenderer(escape=False))

class TestPluginDirective(TestCase):
    def test_include(self):
        html = md.read(os.path.join(ROOT, 'include/text.md'))
        self.assertIn('Could not include self', html)
        self.assertIn('Could not find file', html)
        self.assertIn('<div>include html</div>', html)
        self.assertIn('<blockquote>', html)
        self.assertIn('# Table of Contents', html)

    def test_warn_admonition(self):
        s = '.. warn:: Warnning\n\n   message'
        html = md(s)
        self.assertIn('class="admonition warn"', html)
        self.assertIn('<h1>Warnning</h1>', html)

    def test_ast_directive(self):
        data = fixtures.load_json('directive.json')
        md = Markdown(renderer=AstRenderer())