Example #1
def _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2, paddingPRNG=None, paranoia=0, suppressTag=0):
    """Helper method to create a message.

    The following fields must be set:
       payload: the intended exit payload.  Must be 28K.
       (exitType, exitInfo): the routing type and info for the final
              node.  (Ignored for reply messages; 'exitInfo' should
              include the 20-byte decoding tag.)
       path1: a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each node on
          the first leg of the path.
             a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each node
             on the second leg of the path.
             a ReplyBlock object.

    The following fields are optional:
       paddingPRNG: A pseudo-random number generator used to pad the headers.
         If not provided, we use a counter-mode AES stream seeded from our
         entropy source.

       paranoia: If this is false, we use the padding PRNG to generate
         header secrets too.  Otherwise, we read all of our header secrets
         from the true entropy source.
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN
    reply = None
    if isinstance(path2, ReplyBlock):
        reply = path2
        path2 = None
        if len(exitInfo) < TAG_LEN and not suppressTag:
            raise MixError("Implausibly short exit info: %r" % exitInfo)
        if exitType < MIN_EXIT_TYPE and exitType != DROP_TYPE:
            raise MixError("Invalid exit type: %4x" % exitType)

    checkPathLength(path1, path2, exitType, exitInfo, explicitSwap=(reply is None), suppressTag=suppressTag)

    ### SETUP CODE: let's handle all the variant cases.

    # Set up the random number generators.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if paranoia:
        nHops = len(path1)
        if path2:
            nHops += len(path2)
        secretRNG = Crypto.getTrueRNG()
        secretRNG = paddingPRNG

    # Determine exit routing for path1.
    if reply:
        path1exittype = reply.routingType
        path1exitinfo = reply.routingInfo
        path1exittype, path1exitinfo = path1[-1].getRoutingFor(path2[0], swap=1)

    # Generate secrets for path1.
    secrets1 = [secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in path1]

    if path2:
        # Make secrets for header 2, and construct header 2.  We do this before
        # making header1 so that our rng won't be used for padding yet.
        secrets2 = [secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in range(len(path2))]
        header2 = _buildHeader(path2, secrets2, exitType, exitInfo, paddingPRNG)
        secrets2 = None
        header2 = reply.header

    # Construct header1.
    header1 = _buildHeader(path1, secrets1, path1exittype, path1exitinfo, paddingPRNG)

    return _constructMessage(secrets1, secrets2, header1, header2, payload)
Example #2
def _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo,
                 path1, path2, paddingPRNG=None, paranoia=0,
    """Helper method to create a message.

    The following fields must be set:
       payload: the intended exit payload.  Must be 28K.
       (exitType, exitInfo): the routing type and info for the final
              node.  (Ignored for reply messages; 'exitInfo' should
              include the 20-byte decoding tag.)
       path1: a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each node on
          the first leg of the path.
             a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each node
             on the second leg of the path.
             a ReplyBlock object.

    The following fields are optional:
       paddingPRNG: A pseudo-random number generator used to pad the headers.
         If not provided, we use a counter-mode AES stream seeded from our
         entropy source.

       paranoia: If this is false, we use the padding PRNG to generate
         header secrets too.  Otherwise, we read all of our header secrets
         from the true entropy source.
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN
    reply = None
    if isinstance(path2, ReplyBlock):
        reply = path2
        path2 = None
        if len(exitInfo) < TAG_LEN and not suppressTag:
            raise MixError("Implausibly short exit info: %r"%exitInfo)
        if exitType < MIN_EXIT_TYPE and exitType != DROP_TYPE:
            raise MixError("Invalid exit type: %4x"%exitType)

    checkPathLength(path1, path2, exitType, exitInfo,
                    explicitSwap=(reply is None),

    ### SETUP CODE: let's handle all the variant cases.

    # Set up the random number generators.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if paranoia:
        nHops = len(path1)
        if path2: nHops += len(path2)
        secretRNG = Crypto.getTrueRNG()
        secretRNG = paddingPRNG

    # Determine exit routing for path1.
    if reply:
        path1exittype = reply.routingType
        path1exitinfo = reply.routingInfo
        path1exittype, path1exitinfo = path1[-1].getRoutingFor(path2[0],swap=1)

    # Generate secrets for path1.
    secrets1 = [ secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in path1 ]

    if path2:
        # Make secrets for header 2, and construct header 2.  We do this before
        # making header1 so that our rng won't be used for padding yet.
        secrets2 = [ secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in range(len(path2))]
        header2 = _buildHeader(path2,secrets2,exitType,exitInfo,paddingPRNG)
        secrets2 = None
        header2 = reply.header

    # Construct header1.
    header1 = _buildHeader(path1,secrets1,path1exittype,path1exitinfo,

    return _constructMessage(secrets1, secrets2, header1, header2, payload)