Example #1
    def score_ll(self, sequences):
        r"""log of the likelihood of sequences with respect to the model

        sequences : list of array-like
            List of sequences, or a single sequence. Each sequence should be a
            1D iterable of state labels. Labels can be integers, strings, or
            other orderable objects.

        loglikelihood : float
            The natural log of the likelihood, computed as
            :math:`\sum_{ij} C_{ij} \log(P_{ij})`
            where C is a matrix of counts computed from the input sequences.
        counts, mapping = _transition_counts(sequences)
        if not set(self.mapping_.keys()).issuperset(mapping.keys()):
            return -np.inf
        inverse_mapping = {v: k for k, v in mapping.items()}

        # maps indices in counts to indices in transmat
        m2 = _dict_compose(inverse_mapping, self.mapping_)
        indices = [e[1] for e in sorted(m2.items())]

        transmat_slice = self.transmat_[np.ix_(indices, indices)]
        return np.nansum(np.log(transmat_slice) * counts)
Example #2
    def fit(self, sequences, y=None):
        sequences = list_of_1d(sequences)
        raw_counts, mapping = _transition_counts(sequences, self.lag_time)

        if self.ergodic_cutoff >= 1:
            self.countsmat_, mapping2 = _strongly_connected_subgraph(
                raw_counts, self.ergodic_cutoff, self.verbose)
            self.mapping_ = _dict_compose(mapping, mapping2)
            self.countsmat_ = raw_counts
            self.mapping_ = mapping

        self.n_states_ = self.countsmat_.shape[0]
        fit_method_map = {
            True: self._fit_reversible,
            False: self._fit_non_reversible}

            fit_method = fit_method_map[self.reversible]
            self.all_transmats_ = fit_method(self.countsmat_)
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError('reversible_type must be one of %s: %s' % (
                ', '.join(fit_method_map.keys()), self.reversible_type))

        return self
Example #3
    def fit(self, sequences, y=None):
        """Estimate model parameters.

        sequences : list of array-like
            List of sequences, or a single sequence. Each sequence should be a
            1D iterable of state labels. Labels can be integers, strings, or
            other orderable objects.


        `None` and `NaN` are recognized immediately as invalid labels.
        Therefore, transition counts from or to a sequence item which is NaN or
        None will not be counted. The mapping_ attribute will not include the
        NaN or None.
        sequences = list_of_1d(sequences)
        # step 1. count the number of transitions
        raw_counts, mapping = _transition_counts(sequences, self.lag_time)

        if self.ergodic_cutoff >= 1:
            # step 2. restrict the counts to the maximal strongly ergodic
            # subgraph
            self.countsmat_, mapping2 = _strongly_connected_subgraph(raw_counts, self.ergodic_cutoff, self.verbose)
            self.mapping_ = _dict_compose(mapping, mapping2)
            # no ergodic trimming.
            self.countsmat_ = raw_counts
            self.mapping_ = mapping

        self.n_states_ = self.countsmat_.shape[0]

        # use a dict like a switch statement: dispatch to different
        # transition matrix estimators depending on the value of
        # self.reversible_type
        fit_method_map = {"mle": self._fit_mle, "transpose": self._fit_transpose, "none": self._fit_asymetric}

            # pull out the appropriate method
            fit_method = fit_method_map[str(self.reversible_type).lower()]
            # step 3. estimate transition matrix
            self.transmat_, self.populations_ = fit_method(self.countsmat_)
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "reversible_type must be one of %s: %s" % (", ".join(fit_method_map.keys()), self.reversible_type)

        self._is_dirty = True
        return self