Example #1
    def validate(self, attrs):
        attrs['user'] = self.request.amo_user
        attrs['ip_address'] = self.request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')

        if not getattr(self, 'object'):
            if attrs['addon'].is_packaged:
                attrs['version'] = attrs['addon'].current_version

            # Return 409 if the user has already reviewed this app.
            app = attrs['addon']
            amo_user = self.request.amo_user
            qs = self.context['view'].queryset.filter(addon=app, user=amo_user)
            if app.is_packaged:
                qs = qs.filter(version=attrs['version'])

            if qs.exists():
                raise Conflict('You have already reviewed this app.')

            # Return 403 if the user is attempting to review their own app:
            if app.has_author(amo_user):
                raise PermissionDenied('You may not review your own app.')

            # Return 403 if not a free app and the user hasn't purchased it.
            if app.is_premium() and not app.is_purchased(amo_user):
                raise PermissionDenied("You may not review paid apps you "
                                       "haven't purchased.")
        return attrs
Example #2
 def validate(self, attrs):
     attrs['user'] = self.context['request'].amo_user
     attrs['review_id'] = self.context['view'].kwargs['review']
     if 'note' in attrs and attrs['note'].strip():
         attrs['flag'] = ReviewFlag.OTHER
     if ReviewFlag.objects.filter(review_id=attrs['review_id'],
         raise Conflict('You have already flagged this review.')
     return attrs
Example #3
    def validate(self, attrs):
        if not getattr(self, 'object'):
            # If we are creating a rating, then we need to do various checks on
            # the app. Because these checks need the version as well, we have
            # to do them here and not in validate_app().

            # Assign user and ip_address. It won't change once the review is
            # created.
            user = self.request.user
            attrs['user'] = user
            attrs['ip_address'] = self.request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '')
            guessed_lang = guess_language(attrs['body'])
            if guessed_lang is None:
                attrs['lang'] = user.lang
                attrs['lang'] = guessed_lang

            # If the app is packaged, add in the current version.
            if attrs['addon'].is_packaged:
                attrs['version'] = attrs['addon'].current_version

            # Return 409 if the user has already reviewed this app.
            app = attrs['addon']
            qs = self.context['view'].queryset.filter(addon=app, user=user)
            if app.is_packaged:
                qs = qs.filter(version=attrs['version'])
            if qs.exists():
                raise Conflict('You have already reviewed this app.')

            # Return 403 is the app is not public.
            if not app.is_public():
                raise PermissionDenied('The app requested is not public.')

            # Return 403 if the user is attempting to review their own app.
            if app.has_author(user):
                raise PermissionDenied('You may not review your own app.')

            # Return 403 if not a free app and the user hasn't purchased it.
            if app.is_premium() and not app.is_purchased(user):
                raise PermissionDenied("You may not review paid apps you "
                                       "haven't purchased.")

            # Return 403 if the app is not available in the current region.
            current_region = get_region()
            if not app.listed_in(region=current_region):
                raise PermissionDenied('App not available in region "%s".' %

        return attrs