def test_get_model(self, model_key, kernel_size, n_kernels, n_layers, input_size, n_classes): model = get_model(model_key, kernel_size, n_kernels, n_layers, input_size, n_classes) assert isinstance(model, tf.keras.Sequential), \ 'Assert the model type.' layer = model.get_layer(index=2) assert isinstance( layer, tf.keras.layers.Layer), \ 'Assert not empyt model.'
def train(*, data, model_name: str, dest_path: str, sample_size: int, n_classes: int, kernel_size: int = 3, n_kernels: int = 16, n_layers: int = 1, lr: float = 0.005, batch_size: int = 150, epochs: int = 10, verbose: int = 2, shuffle: bool = True, patience: int = 3, seed: int = 0, noise: ('post', multi(min=0)), noise_sets: ('spost', multi(min=0)), noise_params: str = None): """ Function for training tensorflow models given a dataset. :param model_name: Name of the model, it serves as a key in the dictionary holding all functions returning models. :param kernel_size: Size of ech kernel in each layer. :param n_kernels: Number of kernels in each layer. :param n_layers: Number of layers in the model. :param dest_path: Path to where to save the model under the name "model_name". :param sample_size: Size of the input sample. :param n_classes: Number of classes. :param lr: Learning rate for the model, i.e., regulates the size of the step in the gradient descent process. :param data: Either path to the input data or the data dict itself. First dimension of the dataset should be the number of samples. :param batch_size: Size of the batch used in training phase, it is the size of samples per gradient step. :param epochs: Number of epochs for model to train. :param verbose: Verbosity mode used in training, (0, 1 or 2). :param shuffle: Boolean indicating whether to shuffle dataset dataset_key each epoch. :param patience: Number of epochs without improvement in order to stop the training phase. :param seed: Seed for training reproducibility. :param noise: List containing names of used noise injection methods that are performed after the normalization transformations. :type noise: list[str] :param noise_sets: List of sets that are affected by the noise injection methods. For this module single element can be either "train" or "val". :type noise_sets: list[str] :param noise_params: JSON containing the parameters setting of injection methods. Exemplary value for this parameter: "{"mean": 0, "std": 1, "pa": 0.1}". This JSON should include all parameters for noise injection functions that are specified in the noise argument. For the accurate description of each parameter, please refer to the ml_intuition/data/ module. """ # Reproducibility tf.reset_default_graph() tf.set_random_seed(seed=seed) np.random.seed(seed=seed) if type(data) is str: train_dict = io.extract_set(data, enums.Dataset.TRAIN) val_dict = io.extract_set(data, enums.Dataset.VAL) min_, max_ = train_dict[enums.DataStats.MIN], \ train_dict[enums.DataStats.MAX] else: train_dict = data[enums.Dataset.TRAIN] val_dict = data[enums.Dataset.VAL] min_, max_ = data[enums.DataStats.MIN], \ data[enums.DataStats.MAX] transformations = [transforms.SpectralTransform(), transforms.OneHotEncode(n_classes=n_classes), transforms.MinMaxNormalize(min_=min_, max_=max_)] tr_transformations = transformations + get_noise_functions(noise, noise_params) \ if enums.Dataset.TRAIN in noise_sets else transformations val_transformations = transformations + get_noise_functions(noise, noise_params) \ if enums.Dataset.VAL in noise_sets else transformations train_dict = transforms.apply_transformations(train_dict, tr_transformations) val_dict = transforms.apply_transformations(val_dict, val_transformations) model = models.get_model(model_key=model_name, kernel_size=kernel_size, n_kernels=n_kernels, n_layers=n_layers, input_size=sample_size, n_classes=n_classes) model.summary() model.compile(tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=lr), 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) time_history = time_metrics.TimeHistory() mcp_save = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( os.path.join(dest_path, model_name), save_best_only=True, monitor='val_acc', mode='max') early_stopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=patience) callbacks = [time_history, mcp_save, early_stopping] history =[enums.Dataset.DATA], y=train_dict[enums.Dataset.LABELS], epochs=epochs, verbose=verbose, shuffle=shuffle, validation_data=(val_dict[enums.Dataset.DATA], val_dict[enums.Dataset.LABELS]), callbacks=callbacks, batch_size=batch_size) history.history[time_metrics.TimeHistory.__name__] = time_history.average io.save_metrics(dest_path=dest_path, file_name='training_metrics.csv', metrics=history.history) np.savetxt(os.path.join(dest_path, 'min-max.csv'), np.array([min_, max_]), delimiter=',', fmt='%f')
def train(data: Dict[str, np.ndarray], model_name: str, dest_path: str, sample_size: int, n_classes: int, neighborhood_size: int, lr: float, batch_size: int, epochs: int, verbose: int, shuffle: bool, patience: int, endmembers_path: str, seed: int): """ Function for running experiments on various unmixing models, given a set of hyper parameters. :param data: The data dictionary containing the subsets for training and validation. First dimension of the dataset should be the number of samples. :param model_name: Name of the model, it serves as a key in the dictionary holding all functions returning models. :param dest_path: Path to where all experiment runs will be saved as subdirectories in this directory. :param sample_size: Spectral size of the input sample. :param n_classes: Number of classes. :param neighborhood_size: Size of the spatial patch. :param lr: Learning rate for the model i.e., it regulates the size of the step in the gradient descent process. :param batch_size: Size of the batch used in training phase, it is the number of samples per gradient step. :param epochs: Number of epochs for the model to train. :param verbose: Verbosity mode used in training, (0, 1 or 2). :param shuffle: Boolean indicating whether to shuffle the dataset. :param patience: Number of epochs without improvement in order to stop the training phase. :param endmembers_path: Path to the endmembers file containing the average reflectances for each class i.e., the pure spectra. Used only when use_unmixing is set to True. :param seed: Seed for experiment reproducibility. """ # Reproducibility: tf.reset_default_graph() tf.set_random_seed(seed=seed) np.random.seed(seed=seed) model = models.get_model( model_key=model_name, **{ 'input_size': sample_size, 'n_classes': n_classes, 'neighborhood_size': neighborhood_size, 'endmembers': np.load(endmembers_path) if endmembers_path is not None else None }) model.summary() model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=lr), loss=UNMIXING_LOSSES[model_name], metrics=UNMIXING_TRAIN_METRICS[model_name]) time_history = time_metrics.TimeHistory() mcp_save = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join( dest_path, model_name), save_best_only=True, monitor='val_loss', mode='min') early_stopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=patience, mode='min') callbacks = [time_history, mcp_save, early_stopping] train_dict = data[enums.Dataset.TRAIN].copy() val_dict = data[enums.Dataset.VAL].copy() min_, max_ = data[enums.DataStats.MIN], data[enums.DataStats.MAX] transformations = [transforms.MinMaxNormalize(min_=min_, max_=max_)] transformations += [ t(**{'neighborhood_size': neighborhood_size}) for t in UNMIXING_TRANSFORMS[model_name] ] train_dict = transforms.apply_transformations(train_dict, transformations) val_dict = transforms.apply_transformations(val_dict, transformations) history =[enums.Dataset.DATA], y=train_dict[enums.Dataset.LABELS], epochs=epochs, verbose=verbose, shuffle=shuffle, validation_data=(val_dict[enums.Dataset.DATA], val_dict[enums.Dataset.LABELS]), callbacks=callbacks, batch_size=batch_size) np.savetxt(os.path.join(dest_path, 'min-max.csv'), np.array([min_, max_]), delimiter=',', fmt='%f') history.history[time_metrics.TimeHistory.__name__] = time_history.average io.save_metrics(dest_path=dest_path, file_name='training_metrics.csv', metrics=history.history)