Example #1
    def pca_weights_init(self, data):
        """Initializes the weights of the competitive layers using Principal Component Analysis technique.

    data : 2D numpy array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
      Data vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

    self : object
      Returns self.
        self._competitive_layer_weights = zeros(
            (self._n_subclass, data.shape[1]))
        pca_number_of_components = None
        coord = None
        if self._n_cols_subclass == 1 or self._n_rows_subclass == 1 or data.shape[
                1] == 1:
            pca_number_of_components = 1
            if self._n_cols_subclass == self._n_rows_subclass:
                coord = array([[1], [0]])
                coord = zeros((self._n_subclass, 1))
                for i in range(self._n_subclass):
                    coord[i][0] = i
            pca_number_of_components = 2
            coord = zeros((self._n_subclass, 2))
            for i in range(self._n_subclass):
                coord[i][0] = i // self._n_cols_subclass
                coord[i][1] = i % self._n_cols_subclass
        mx = amax(coord, axis=0)
        mn = amin(coord, axis=0)
        coord = (coord - mn) / (mx - mn)
        coord = (coord - 0.5) * 2
        pca = PCA(n_components=pca_number_of_components)
        eigvec = pca.components_
        for i in range(self._n_subclass):
            for j in range(eigvec.shape[0]):
                    i] = self._competitive_layer_weights[
                        i] + coord[i][j] * eigvec[j]
            if fast_norm(self._competitive_layer_weights[i]) == 0:
                self._competitive_layer_weights[i] = 0.01 * eigvec[0]
            # Normalizing the weights
            if self._weights_normalization == "length":
                norm = fast_norm(self._competitive_layer_weights[i])
                    i] = self._competitive_layer_weights[i] / norm

        return self
Example #2
    def sample_weights_init(self, data):
    Initializes the weights of the competitive layer, picking random samples from data.

    data : 2D numpy array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
      Data vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

    self : object
      Returns self.
        if self._competitive_layer_weights is None:
            self._competitive_layer_weights = zeros(
                (self._n_subclass, data.shape[1]))

        for i in range(self._n_subclass):
            # Initializing the weights, picking random sample from data
            rand_idx = random.random_integers(0, len(data) - 1)
            self._competitive_layer_weights[i] = data[rand_idx]
            # Normalizing the weights
            if self._weights_normalization == "length":
                norm = fast_norm(self._competitive_layer_weights[i])
                    i] = self._competitive_layer_weights[i] / norm
        return self
Example #3
    def update(self, x, epoch, y=None):
        """Updates the weights of competitive layer and biasees value.

    x : 1D numpy array shape (n_features,)
      Input vector where n_features is the number of features.

    y : int
      Class to which input vector is relative. If y is not given, weights of competitive layer will be updated unsupervised.

    epoch : int
      Sequence number of epoch iterations, after each iterations, learning rate and sigma will be recalculated.

    self : object
      Returns self.
        win = self.winner(x)
        win_idx = argmax(win)
        self._biases = self._bias_function(self._biases, win_idx)
        self._winner_count[win_idx] += 1
        alpha = self._learning_rate_decay_function(self._learning_rate, epoch,
        beta = alpha / 3
        radius = self._radius_decay_function(self._radius, epoch,
        correlation = self.neighborhood(win_idx, radius)
        is_class = None
        if y is not None:
            is_class = self.is_class(y)
            is_class = ones(self._n_subclass)
        for i in range(self._n_subclass):
            if is_class[i] == 1:
                    i] = self._competitive_layer_weights[
                        i] + is_class[i] * alpha * correlation[i] * (
                            x - self._competitive_layer_weights[i])
            elif is_class[i] == -1:
                    i] = self._competitive_layer_weights[
                        i] + is_class[i] * beta * correlation[i] * (
                            x - self._competitive_layer_weights[i])
            # Limiting the weights
            # if self._weights_init == 'random':
            #   self._competitive_layer_weights[i] = limit_range(self._competitive_layer_weights[i])
            # else:
            #   self._competitive_layer_weights[i] = limit_range(self._competitive_layer_weights[i], feature_range = feature_range)

            # Normalizing the weights
            if self._weights_normalization == "length":
                norm = fast_norm(self._competitive_layer_weights[i])
                    i] = self._competitive_layer_weights[i] / norm

        return self
Example #4
    def update(self, x, y, epoch):
    Updates the weights of competitive layer and the biases.

    x : 1D numpy array shape (n_features,)
      Input vector where n_features is the number of features.

    y : int
      Class to which input vector is relative.

    epoch : int
      Sequence number of epoch iterations, after each iterations, learning rate and sigma will be recalculated.

    self : object
      Returns self.
        win = self.winner(x)
        win_idx = argmax(win)
        self._biases = self._bias_function(self._biases, win_idx)
        self._winner_count[win_idx] += 1
        y_hat = self.classify(win)
        alpha = self._learning_rate_decay_function(self._learning_rate, epoch,
        beta = alpha / 3
        if y_hat == y:
                win_idx] = self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx] + alpha * (
                    x - self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx])
                win_idx] = self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx] - beta * (
                    x - self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx])
        # Limiting range of weights
        # if self._weights_init == 'random':
        #   self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx] = limit_range(self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx])
        # else:
        #   self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx] = limit_range(self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx], feature_range = feature_range)

        # Normalizing the weights
        if self._weights_normalization == "length":
            norm = fast_norm(self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx])
                win_idx] = self._competitive_layer_weights[win_idx] / norm

        return self
Example #5
    def fit(self, X, y, first_num_iteration, first_epoch_size,
            second_num_iteration, second_epoch_size):
        """Training the network using vectors in data sequentially.

    X : 2D numpy array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
      Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

    y : 1D numpy array, shape (n_samples,)
      Target vector relative to X.

    first_num_iteration : int
      Number of iterations of the first phase of training.

    first_epoch_size : int
      Size of chunk of data for the first phase of training.

    second_num_iteration : int
      Number of iterations of the second phase of training.

    second_epoch_size : int
      Size of chunk of data for the second phase of training.

    self : object
      Returns self.

        if len(X.shape) <= 1:
            raise Exception("Data is expected to be 2D array")
        self._n_feature = X.shape[1]
        y = y.astype(np.int8)
        self._n_class = len(unique(y))

        if self._n_subclass < self._n_class:
            raise Exception(
                "The number of subclasses must be more than or equal to the number of classes"

        # Initializing competitive layer weights
        if self._competitive_layer_weights is None:
            self._competitive_layer_weights = random.RandomState().rand(
                self._n_subclass, self._n_feature)

            if self._weights_init == 'sample':
            elif self._weights_init == 'pca':

            # Normalizing competitive layer weights
            for i in range(self._n_subclass):
                if self._weights_normalization == "length":
                    norm = fast_norm(self._competitive_layer_weights[i])
                        i] = self._competitive_layer_weights[i] / norm

        # Initializing linear layer weights
        if self._linear_layer_weights is None:
            self._linear_layer_weights = zeros(
                (self._n_class, self._n_subclass))

        # Phase 1: Training using SOM concept
        self.train_competitive(X, first_num_iteration, first_epoch_size)
        self.label_neurons(X, y)
        # Phase 2: Training using LVQ concept
        self.train_batch(X, y, second_num_iteration, second_epoch_size)

        return self
Example #6
    def fit(self, X, y, num_iteration, epoch_size):
        """Fit the model according to the given training data.

    X : 2D numpy array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
      Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

    y : 1D numpy array, shape (n_samples,)
      Target vector relative to X.

    num_iteration : int
      Number of iterations.

    epoch_size : int
      Size of chunk of data, after each chunk of data, parameter such as learning rate and sigma will be recalculated.

    self : object
      Returns self.
        if len(X.shape) <= 1:
            raise Exception("Data is expected to be 2D array")
        self._n_feature = X.shape[1]

        y = y.astype(np.int8)
        self._n_class = len(unique(y))

        if self._n_subclass < self._n_class:
            raise Exception(
                "The number of subclasses must be more than or equal to the number of classes"

        # Initializing competitive layer weights
        if self._competitive_layer_weights is None:
            self._competitive_layer_weights = random.RandomState().rand(
                self._n_subclass, self._n_feature)

            # Normalizing competitive layer weights
            for i in range(self._n_subclass):
                if self._weights_normalization == "length":
                    norm = fast_norm(self._competitive_layer_weights[i])
                        i] = self._competitive_layer_weights[i] / norm

            if self._weights_init == 'sample':
            elif self._weights_init == 'pca':

        # Initializing linear layer weights
        if self._linear_layer_weights is None:
            self._linear_layer_weights = zeros(
                (self._n_class, self._n_subclass))
            n_subclass_per_class = self._n_subclass // self._n_class
            for i in range(self._n_class):
                if i != self._n_class - 1:
                    for j in range(i * n_subclass_per_class,
                                   (i + 1) * n_subclass_per_class):
                        self._linear_layer_weights[i][j] = 1
                    for j in range(i * n_subclass_per_class, self._n_subclass):
                        self._linear_layer_weights[i][j] = 1

        self.train_batch(X, y, num_iteration, epoch_size)

        return self