Example #1
def _fetch_project(uri, force_tempdir, version=None):
    Fetch a project into a local directory, returning the path to the local project directory.
    :param force_tempdir: If True, will fetch the project into a temporary directory. Otherwise,
                          will fetch ZIP or Git projects into a temporary directory but simply
                          return the path of local projects (i.e. perform a no-op for local
    parsed_uri, subdirectory = _parse_subdirectory(uri)
    use_temp_dst_dir = force_tempdir or _is_zip_uri(parsed_uri) or not _is_local_uri(parsed_uri)
    dst_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if use_temp_dst_dir else parsed_uri
    if use_temp_dst_dir:
        _logger.info("=== Fetching project from %s into %s ===", uri, dst_dir)
    if _is_zip_uri(parsed_uri):
        if _is_file_uri(parsed_uri):
            parsed_file_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(urllib.parse.unquote(parsed_uri))
            parsed_uri = os.path.join(parsed_file_uri.netloc, parsed_file_uri.path)
            parsed_uri if _is_local_uri(parsed_uri) else _fetch_zip_repo(parsed_uri)),
    elif _is_local_uri(uri):
        if version is not None:
            raise ExecutionException("Setting a version is only supported for Git project URIs")
        if use_temp_dst_dir:
            dir_util.copy_tree(src=parsed_uri, dst=dst_dir)
        assert _GIT_URI_REGEX.match(parsed_uri), "Non-local URI %s should be a Git URI" % parsed_uri
        _fetch_git_repo(parsed_uri, version, dst_dir)
    res = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dst_dir, subdirectory))
    if not os.path.exists(res):
        raise ExecutionException("Could not find subdirectory %s of %s" % (subdirectory, dst_dir))
    return res
Example #2
def _create_run(uri, experiment_id, work_dir, entry_point):
    Create a ``Run`` against the current MLflow tracking server, logging metadata (e.g. the URI,
    entry point, and parameters of the project) about the run. Return an ``ActiveRun`` that can be
    used to report additional data about the run (metrics/params) to the tracking server.
    if _is_local_uri(uri):
        source_name = tracking._tracking_service.utils._get_git_url_if_present(
        source_name = _expand_uri(uri)
    source_version = _get_git_commit(work_dir)
    existing_run = fluent.active_run()
    if existing_run:
        parent_run_id = existing_run.info.run_id
        parent_run_id = None

    tags = {
        MLFLOW_USER: _get_user(),
        MLFLOW_SOURCE_NAME: source_name,
        MLFLOW_SOURCE_TYPE: SourceType.to_string(SourceType.PROJECT),
        MLFLOW_PROJECT_ENTRY_POINT: entry_point
    if source_version is not None:
        tags[MLFLOW_GIT_COMMIT] = source_version
    if parent_run_id is not None:
        tags[MLFLOW_PARENT_RUN_ID] = parent_run_id

    active_run = tracking.MlflowClient().create_run(
        experiment_id=experiment_id, tags=tags)
    return active_run