Example #1
def test_tensor_spec():
    a1 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), (-1, 3, 3), "a")
    a2 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float"), (-1, 3, 3),
                    "a")  # float defaults to float64
    a3 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float"), [-1, 3, 3], "a")
    a4 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("int"), (-1, 3, 3), "a")
    assert a1 == a2
    assert a1 == a3
    assert a1 != a4
    b1 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), (-1, 3, 3), "b")
    assert b1 != a1
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Expected `type` to be instance"):
        TensorSpec("Unsupported", (-1, 3, 3), "a")
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Expected `shape` to be instance"):
        TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), np.array([-1, 2, 3]), "b")
    with pytest.raises(
            "MLflow does not support size information in flexible numpy data types",
        TensorSpec(np.dtype("<U10"), (-1, ), "b")

    a5 = TensorSpec.from_json_dict(**a1.to_dict())
    assert a5 == a1
    assert TensorSpec.from_json_dict(
        **json.loads(json.dumps(a1.to_dict()))) == a1
    a6 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), (-1, 3, 3))
    a7 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), (-1, 3, 3), None)
    assert a6 == a7
    assert TensorSpec.from_json_dict(
        **json.loads(json.dumps(a6.to_dict()))) == a6
Example #2
def test_tensor_spec():
    a1 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), (-1, 3, 3), "a")
    a2 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float"), (-1, 3, 3),
                    "a")  # float defaults to float64
    a3 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float"), [-1, 3, 3], "a")
    a4 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("int"), (-1, 3, 3), "a")
    assert a1 == a2
    assert a1 == a3
    assert a1 != a4
    b1 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), (-1, 3, 3), "b")
    assert b1 != a1
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as ex1:
        TensorSpec("Unsupported", (-1, 3, 3), "a")
    assert "Expected `type` to be instance" in str(ex1.value)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as ex2:
        TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), np.array([-1, 2, 3]), "b")
    assert "Expected `shape` to be instance" in str(ex2.value)

    a5 = TensorSpec.from_json_dict(**a1.to_dict())
    assert a5 == a1
    assert TensorSpec.from_json_dict(
        **json.loads(json.dumps(a1.to_dict()))) == a1
    a6 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), (-1, 3, 3))
    a7 = TensorSpec(np.dtype("float64"), (-1, 3, 3), None)
    assert a6 == a7
    assert TensorSpec.from_json_dict(
        **json.loads(json.dumps(a6.to_dict()))) == a6