def main(): mlperf_compliance.mlperf_log.LOGGER.propagate = False mlperf_compliance.mlperf_log.setdefault( root_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), benchmark=mlperf_compliance.constants.SSD, stack_offset=1, extra_print=False) mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.INIT_START, log_all_ranks=True) args = parse_args() validate_arguments(args) if args.local_rank == 0: if not os.path.isdir('./models'): os.mkdir('./models') torch.set_num_threads(1) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True success = train300_mlperf_coco(args) status = 'success' if success else 'aborted' # end timing here mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.RUN_STOP, metadata={'status': status}, sync=True)
def __init__(self): self.sample_options = ( # Do nothing None, # min IoU, max IoU (0.1, None), (0.3, None), (0.5, None), (0.7, None), (0.9, None), # no IoU requirements (None, None), ) # Implementation uses 1 iteration to find a possible candidate, this # was shown to produce the same mAP as using more iterations. self.num_cropping_iterations = 1 mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.MAX_SAMPLES, value=self.num_cropping_iterations)
def train300_mlperf_coco(args): from pycocotools.coco import COCO # Check that GPUs are actually available use_cuda = not args.no_cuda # Setup multi-GPU if necessary args.distributed = False if 'WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ: args.distributed = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) > 1 if args.distributed: torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://') local_seed = set_seeds(args) # start timing here if args.distributed: N_gpu = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: N_gpu = 1 validate_group_bn(args.bn_group) # Setup data, defaults dboxes = dboxes300_coco() encoder = Encoder(dboxes) input_size = 300 val_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=True) val_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_val2017.json") val_coco_root = os.path.join(, "val2017") train_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_train2017.json") train_coco_root = os.path.join(, "train2017") # Build the model model_options = { 'backbone': args.backbone, 'use_nhwc': args.nhwc, 'pad_input': args.pad_input, 'bn_group': args.bn_group, } ssd300 = SSD300(args.num_classes, **model_options) if args.checkpoint is not None: load_checkpoint(ssd300, args.checkpoint) ssd300.train() ssd300.cuda() if args.opt_loss: loss_func = OptLoss(dboxes) else: loss_func = Loss(dboxes) loss_func.cuda() if args.distributed: N_gpu = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: N_gpu = 1 if args.use_fp16: ssd300 = network_to_half(ssd300) # Parallelize. Need to do this after network_to_half. if args.distributed: if args.delay_allreduce: print_message(args.local_rank, "Delaying allreduces to the end of backward()") ssd300 = DDP(ssd300, gradient_predivide_factor=N_gpu / 8.0, delay_allreduce=args.delay_allreduce, retain_allreduce_buffers=args.use_fp16) # Create optimizer. This must also be done after network_to_half. global_batch_size = (N_gpu * args.batch_size) mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.MODEL_BN_SPAN, value=args.bn_group * args.batch_size) mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE, value=global_batch_size) # mlperf only allows base_lr scaled by an integer base_lr = 2.5e-3 requested_lr_multiplier = / base_lr adjusted_multiplier = max( 1, round(requested_lr_multiplier * global_batch_size / 32)) current_lr = base_lr * adjusted_multiplier current_momentum = 0.9 current_weight_decay = args.wd static_loss_scale = 128. if args.use_fp16: if args.distributed and not args.delay_allreduce: # We can't create the flat master params yet, because we need to # imitate the flattened bucket structure that DDP produces. optimizer_created = False else: model_buckets = [ [ p for p in ssd300.parameters() if p.requires_grad and p.type() == "torch.cuda.HalfTensor" ], [ p for p in ssd300.parameters() if p.requires_grad and p.type() == "torch.cuda.FloatTensor" ] ] flat_master_buckets = create_flat_master(model_buckets) optim = torch.optim.SGD(flat_master_buckets, lr=current_lr, momentum=current_momentum, weight_decay=current_weight_decay) optimizer_created = True else: optim = torch.optim.SGD(ssd300.parameters(), lr=current_lr, momentum=current_momentum, weight_decay=current_weight_decay) optimizer_created = True mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.OPT_BASE_LR, value=current_lr) mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.OPT_WEIGHT_DECAY, value=current_weight_decay) if args.warmup is not None: mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.OPT_LR_WARMUP_STEPS, value=args.warmup) mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.OPT_LR_WARMUP_FACTOR, value=args.warmup_factor) # Model is completely finished -- need to create separate copies, preserve parameters across # them, and jit ssd300_eval = SSD300(args.num_classes, backbone=args.backbone, use_nhwc=args.nhwc, pad_input=args.pad_input).cuda() if args.use_fp16: ssd300_eval = network_to_half(ssd300_eval) # Get the existant state from the train model # * if we use distributed, then we want .module train_model = ssd300.module if args.distributed else ssd300 ssd300_eval.load_state_dict(train_model.state_dict()) ssd300_eval.eval() print_message(args.local_rank, "epoch", "nbatch", "loss") eval_points = np.array(args.evaluation) * 32 / global_batch_size eval_points = list(map(int, list(eval_points))) iter_num = args.iteration avg_loss = 0.0 start_elapsed_time = time.time() last_printed_iter = args.iteration num_elapsed_samples = 0 # Generate normalization tensors mean, std = generate_mean_std(args) dummy_overflow_buf = torch.cuda.IntTensor([0]) def step_maybe_fp16_maybe_distributed(optim): if args.use_fp16: if args.distributed: for flat_master, allreduce_buffer in zip( flat_master_buckets, ssd300.allreduce_buffers): if allreduce_buffer is None: raise RuntimeError("allreduce_buffer is None") flat_master.grad = allreduce_buffer.float() / static_loss_scale) else: for flat_master, model_bucket in zip(flat_master_buckets, model_buckets): flat_grad = apex_C.flatten( [ for m in model_bucket]) flat_master.grad = flat_grad.float() / static_loss_scale) optim.step() if args.use_fp16: # Use multi-tensor scale instead of loop & individual parameter copies for model_bucket, flat_master in zip(model_buckets, flat_master_buckets): multi_tensor_applier( amp_C.multi_tensor_scale, dummy_overflow_buf, [ apex_C.unflatten(, model_bucket), model_bucket ], 1.0) input_c = 4 if args.pad_input else 3 example_shape = [args.batch_size, 300, 300, input_c ] if args.nhwc else [args.batch_size, input_c, 300, 300] example_input = torch.randn(*example_shape).cuda() if args.use_fp16: example_input = example_input.half() if args.jit: # DDP has some Python-side control flow. If we JIT the entire DDP-wrapped module, # the resulting ScriptModule will elide this control flow, resulting in allreduce # hooks not being called. If we're running distributed, we need to extract and JIT # the wrapped .module. # Replacing a DDP-ed ssd300 with a script_module might also cause the AccumulateGrad hooks # to go out of scope, and therefore silently disappear. module_to_jit = ssd300.module if args.distributed else ssd300 if args.distributed: ssd300.module = torch.jit.trace(module_to_jit, example_input) else: ssd300 = torch.jit.trace(module_to_jit, example_input) # JIT the eval model too ssd300_eval = torch.jit.trace(ssd300_eval, example_input) # do a dummy fprop & bprop to make sure cudnnFind etc. are timed here ploc, plabel = ssd300(example_input) # produce a single dummy "loss" to make things easier loss = ploc[0, 0, 0] + plabel[0, 0, 0] dloss = torch.randn_like(loss) # Cause cudnnFind for dgrad, wgrad to run loss.backward(dloss) mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.INIT_STOP, sync=True) ##### END INIT # This is the first place we touch anything related to data ##### START DATA TOUCHING mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.RUN_START, sync=True) barrier() cocoGt = COCO(annotation_file=val_annotate, use_ext=True) val_coco = COCODetection(val_coco_root, val_annotate, val_trans) if args.distributed: val_sampler = GeneralDistributedSampler(val_coco, pad=False) else: val_sampler = None if args.no_dali: train_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=False) train_coco = COCODetection(train_coco_root, train_annotate, train_trans) if args.distributed: train_sampler = GeneralDistributedSampler(train_coco, pad=False) else: train_sampler = None train_loader = DataLoader(train_coco, batch_size=args.batch_size * args.input_batch_multiplier, shuffle=(train_sampler is None), sampler=train_sampler, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=partial(my_collate, is_training=True)) else: train_pipe = COCOPipeline(args.batch_size * args.input_batch_multiplier, args.local_rank, train_coco_root, train_annotate, N_gpu, num_threads=args.num_workers, output_fp16=args.use_fp16, output_nhwc=args.nhwc, pad_output=args.pad_input, seed=local_seed - 2**31, use_nvjpeg=args.use_nvjpeg, use_roi=args.use_roi_decode, dali_cache=args.dali_cache, dali_async=(not args.dali_sync)) print_message(args.local_rank, "time_check a: {secs:.9f}".format(secs=time.time())) print_message(args.local_rank, "time_check b: {secs:.9f}".format(secs=time.time())) test_run = train_loader = SingleDaliIterator( train_pipe, [ 'images', DALIOutput('bboxes', False, True), DALIOutput('labels', True, True) ], train_pipe.epoch_size()['train_reader'], ngpu=N_gpu) train_loader = EncodingInputIterator(train_loader, dboxes=encoder.dboxes.cuda(), nhwc=args.nhwc, fake_input=args.fake_input, no_dali=args.no_dali) if args.input_batch_multiplier > 1: train_loader = RateMatcher(input_it=train_loader, output_size=args.batch_size) val_dataloader = DataLoader( val_coco, batch_size=args.eval_batch_size, shuffle=False, # Note: distributed sampler is shuffled :( sampler=val_sampler, num_workers=args.num_workers) inv_map = {v: k for k, v in val_coco.label_map.items()} ##### END DATA TOUCHING i_eval = 0 first_epoch = 1 mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.BLOCK_START, metadata={ 'first_epoch_num': first_epoch, 'epoch_count': args.evaluation[i_eval] * 32 / train_pipe.epoch_size()['train_reader'] }, sync=True) for epoch in range(args.epochs): mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.EPOCH_START, metadata={'epoch_num': epoch + 1}, sync=True) for p in ssd300.parameters(): p.grad = None for i, (img, bbox, label) in enumerate(train_loader): if args.profile_start is not None and iter_num == args.profile_start: torch.cuda.profiler.start() torch.cuda.synchronize() if args.profile_nvtx: torch.autograd._enable_profiler( torch.autograd.ProfilerState.NVTX) if args.profile is not None and iter_num == args.profile: if args.profile_start is not None and iter_num >= args.profile_start: # we turned cuda and nvtx profiling on, better turn it off too if args.profile_nvtx: torch.autograd._disable_profiler() torch.cuda.profiler.stop() return if args.warmup is not None and optimizer_created: lr_warmup(optim, args.warmup, iter_num, epoch, current_lr, args) if iter_num == ((args.decay1 * 1000 * 32) // global_batch_size): print_message(args.local_rank, "lr decay step #1") current_lr *= 0.1 for param_group in optim.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = current_lr if iter_num == ((args.decay2 * 1000 * 32) // global_batch_size): print_message(args.local_rank, "lr decay step #2") current_lr *= 0.1 for param_group in optim.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = current_lr if (img is None) or (bbox is None) or (label is None): print("No labels in batch") continue ploc, plabel = ssd300(img) ploc, plabel = ploc.float(), plabel.float() N = img.shape[0] gloc, glabel = Variable(bbox, requires_grad=False), \ Variable(label, requires_grad=False) loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel) if np.isfinite(loss.item()): avg_loss = 0.999 * avg_loss + 0.001 * loss.item() else: print("model exploded (corrupted by Inf or Nan)") sys.exit() num_elapsed_samples += N if args.local_rank == 0 and iter_num % args.print_interval == 0: end_elapsed_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_elapsed_time - start_elapsed_time avg_samples_per_sec = num_elapsed_samples * N_gpu / elapsed_time print("Iteration: {:6d}, Loss function: {:5.3f}, Average Loss: {:.3f}, avg. samples / sec: {:.2f}"\ .format(iter_num, loss.item(), avg_loss, avg_samples_per_sec), end="\n") last_printed_iter = iter_num start_elapsed_time = time.time() num_elapsed_samples = 0 # loss scaling if args.use_fp16: loss = loss * static_loss_scale loss.backward() if not optimizer_created: # Imitate the model bucket structure created by DDP. # These will already be split by type (float or half). model_buckets = [] for bucket in ssd300.active_i_buckets: model_buckets.append([]) for active_i in bucket: model_buckets[-1].append( ssd300.active_params[active_i]) flat_master_buckets = create_flat_master(model_buckets) optim = torch.optim.SGD(flat_master_buckets, lr=current_lr, momentum=current_momentum, weight_decay=current_weight_decay) optimizer_created = True # Skip this first iteration because flattened allreduce buffers are not yet created. # step_maybe_fp16_maybe_distributed(optim) else: step_maybe_fp16_maybe_distributed(optim) # Likely a decent skew here, let's take this opportunity to set the gradients to None. # After DALI integration, playing with the placement of this is worth trying. for p in ssd300.parameters(): p.grad = None if iter_num in eval_points: # Get the existant state from the train model # * if we use distributed, then we want .module train_model = ssd300.module if args.distributed else ssd300 if args.distributed and args.allreduce_running_stats: if get_rank() == 0: print("averaging bn running means and vars") # make sure every node has the same running bn stats before # using them to evaluate, or saving the model for inference world_size = float(torch.distributed.get_world_size()) for bn_name, bn_buf in train_model.named_buffers( recurse=True): if ('running_mean' in bn_name) or ('running_var' in bn_name): torch.distributed.all_reduce(bn_buf, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) bn_buf /= world_size if get_rank() == 0: if not args.no_save: print("saving model...") { "model": ssd300.state_dict(), "label_map": val_coco.label_info }, "./models/iter_{}.pt".format(iter_num)) ssd300_eval.load_state_dict(train_model.state_dict()) succ = coco_eval( ssd300_eval, val_dataloader, cocoGt, encoder, inv_map, args.threshold, epoch, iter_num, args.eval_batch_size, use_fp16=args.use_fp16, local_rank=args.local_rank if args.distributed else -1, N_gpu=N_gpu, use_nhwc=args.nhwc, pad_input=args.pad_input) mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.BLOCK_STOP, metadata={'first_epoch_num': first_epoch}, sync=True) if succ: return True if iter_num != max(eval_points): i_eval += 1 first_epoch = epoch + 1 mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.BLOCK_START, metadata={ 'first_epoch_num': first_epoch, 'epoch_count': (args.evaluation[i_eval] - args.evaluation[i_eval - 1]) * 32 / train_pipe.epoch_size()['train_reader'] }, sync=True) iter_num += 1 if args.max_iter > 0: if iter_num > args.max_iter: break train_loader.reset() mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.EPOCH_STOP, metadata={'epoch_num': epoch + 1}, sync=True) return False
def coco_eval(model, coco, cocoGt, encoder, inv_map, threshold, epoch, iteration, batch_size, use_cuda=True, use_fp16=False, local_rank=-1, N_gpu=1, use_nhwc=False, pad_input=False): from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval distributed = False if local_rank >= 0: distributed = True ret = [] overlap_threshold = 0.50 nms_max_detections = 200 mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.EVAL_START, metadata={'epoch_num': epoch + 1}, sync=True) start = time.time() for nbatch, (img, img_id, img_size, _, _) in enumerate(coco): print("Parsing batch: {}/{}".format(nbatch, len(coco)), end='\r') with torch.no_grad(): inp = img.cuda() if pad_input: s = inp.shape inp =[ inp, torch.zeros([s[0], 1, s[2], s[3]], device=inp.device) ], dim=1) if use_nhwc: inp = inp.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() if use_fp16: inp = inp.half() # Get predictions ploc, plabel = model(inp) ploc, plabel = ploc.float(), plabel.float() # Handle the batch of predictions produced # This is slow, but consistent with old implementation. for idx in range(ploc.shape[0]): # ease-of-use for specific predictions ploc_i = ploc[idx, :, :].unsqueeze(0) plabel_i = plabel[idx, :, :].unsqueeze(0) try: result = encoder.decode_batch(ploc_i, plabel_i, overlap_threshold, nms_max_detections)[0] except: #raise print("No object detected in idx: {}".format(idx)) continue htot, wtot = img_size[0][idx].item(), img_size[1][idx].item() loc, label, prob = [r.cpu().numpy() for r in result] for loc_, label_, prob_ in zip(loc, label, prob): ret.append([img_id[idx], loc_[0]*wtot, \ loc_[1]*htot, (loc_[2] - loc_[0])*wtot, (loc_[3] - loc_[1])*htot, prob_, inv_map[label_]]) # Now we have all predictions from this rank, gather them all together # if necessary ret = np.array(ret).astype(np.float32) # Multi-GPU eval if distributed: # NCCL backend means we can only operate on GPU tensors ret_copy = torch.tensor(ret).cuda() # Everyone exchanges the size of their results ret_sizes = [torch.tensor(0).cuda() for _ in range(N_gpu)] torch.distributed.all_gather(ret_sizes, torch.tensor(ret_copy.shape[0]).cuda()) # Get the maximum results size, as all tensors must be the same shape for # the all_gather call we need to make max_size = 0 sizes = [] for s in ret_sizes: max_size = max(max_size, s.item()) sizes.append(s.item()) # Need to pad my output to max_size in order to use in all_gather ret_pad =[ ret_copy, torch.zeros(max_size - ret_copy.shape[0], 7, dtype=torch.float32).cuda() ]) # allocate storage for results from all other processes other_ret = [ torch.zeros(max_size, 7, dtype=torch.float32).cuda() for i in range(N_gpu) ] # Everyone exchanges (padded) results torch.distributed.all_gather(other_ret, ret_pad) # Now need to reconstruct the _actual_ results from the padded set using slices. cat_tensors = [] for i in range(N_gpu): cat_tensors.append(other_ret[i][:sizes[i]][:]) final_results = torch.cuda.set_device(local_rank) device = torch.device('cuda') # eval size per worker eval_tensor = torch.LongTensor([ (len(coco) - 1) * batch_size + ploc.shape[0] ]).to(device) torch.distributed.all_reduce(eval_tensor) eval_size = eval_tensor.item() else: # Otherwise full results are just our results final_results = ret eval_size = (len(coco) - 1) * batch_size + ploc.shape[0] print_message( local_rank, "Predicting Ended, total time: {:.2f} s".format(time.time() - start)) cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes(final_results, use_ext=True) if get_rank() == 0 or local_rank == -1: E = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, iouType='bbox', use_ext=True) E.evaluate() E.accumulate() E.summarize() print("Current AP: {:.5f} AP goal: {:.5f}".format( E.stats[0], threshold)) else: # fix for cocoeval indiscriminate prints with redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()): E = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, iouType='bbox', use_ext=True) E.evaluate() E.accumulate() E.summarize() current_accuracy = E.stats[0] mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.EVAL_ACCURACY, value=current_accuracy, metadata={'epoch_num': epoch + 1}, sync=False) mlperf_print(key=mlperf_compliance.constants.EVAL_STOP, metadata={'epoch_num': epoch + 1}, sync=True) return current_accuracy >= threshold #Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=050:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ]