Example #1
def read_pdb(path):
    sec     = time.time()
    records = pdbmodule.read(path)
    sec     = time.time() - sec

    Ueq = []
    atom_obj = []
    atom_dict = {}
    listx = []
    state = 0
    overall = {}
    n = 1
    has_anisou = 0

    for rec in records:
        ## Start with empty dict
        atom_dict = {'u[1][1]': 0, 'chainID': '', 'name': '',
                    'resSeq': 0, 'u[0][1]': 0, 'u[0][0]': 0,
                    'u[0][2]': 0, 'u[1][2]': 0, 'element': '',
                    'RECORD': '', 'u[2][2]': 0, 'resName': '',
                    'serial': 0, 'has_anisou': 0,
                    'tempFactor': 0.0, 'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0,
                    'occupancy': 0.0}

        rec_type = rec["RECORD"]

        if rec_type == "REMARK":
                text = rec["text"]
            except KeyError:

            ## Capture the "OVERALL ANISOTROPIC B VALUE" fields
            if state == 0:
                m = re_overall_b.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    state = 1
            elif state == 1:
                m = re_b11.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b11 = m.groups(1)
                    if b11[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[0] = float(b11[0])
                m = re_b22.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b22 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[1] = float(b22[0])
                m = re_b33.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b33 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[2] = float(b33[0])
                m = re_b12.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b12 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[3] = float(b12[0])
                m = re_b13.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b13 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[4] = float(b13[0])
                m = re_b23.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b23 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[5] = float(b23[0])
                    state = 2

            #if tls_desc.name != "":
            #    listx.append("TLS %s" % (tls_desc.name))
            #    listx.append("TLS")

            ## Capture the TLS "RANGE"s fields
            m = re_tls_range.match(text)
            if m != None:
                (chain_id1, frag_id1, chain_id2, frag_id2) = m.groups()
                sel = "ALL"
                frag_id1 = convert_frag_id_save(frag_id1)
                frag_id2 = convert_frag_id_save(frag_id2)

                listx.append("#RANGE  '%s%s' '%s%s' %s" % (
                    chain_id1, frag_id1.rjust(5),
                    chain_id2, frag_id2.rjust(5), sel))

            ## Capture the TLS "ORIGIN"s fields
            m = re_tls_origin.match(text)
            if m != None:
                strx = m.group(1)
                ## this is nasty -- I wish I could trust the numbers
                ## to stay in fixed columns, but I can't
                ox = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                for i in (0,1,2):
                    j = strx.find(".")
                    if j==-1:
                    x = strx[ max(0, j-4) : j+5]
                    strx = strx[j+5:]
                    ox[i] = float(x)

                    listx.append("#ORIGIN   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
                        ox[0], ox[1], ox[2]))
                    print "ERROR!"

            ## Capture the actual TLS values/fields.
            ## NOTE: These can be provided via an external TLSIN/TLSOUT file.
            #m = re_tls_T.match(text)
            #if m != None:
            #if tls_desc.T is not None:
            #    ## REFMAC ORDER: t11 t22 t33 t12 t13 t23
            #    listx.append("T   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
            #        tls_desc.T[0,0], tls_desc.T[1,1], tls_desc.T[2,2],
            #        tls_desc.T[0,1], tls_desc.T[0,2], tls_desc.T[1,2]))
            #m = re_tls_L.match(text)
            #if m != None:
            #if tls_desc.L is not None:
            #     ## REFMAC ORDER: l11 l22 l33 l12 l13 l23
            #     listx.append("L   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
            #        tls_desc.L[0,0] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[1,1] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[2,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[0,1] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[0,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[1,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG2))
            #m = re_tls_S.match(text)
            #if m != None:
            #if tls_desc.S is not None:
            #    ## REFMAC ORDER:
            #    ## <S22 - S11> <S11 - S33> <S12> <S13> <S23> <S21> <S31> <S32>
            #    listx.append(
            #        "S   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
            #        (tls_desc.S[1,1] - tls_desc.S[0,0]) * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        (tls_desc.S[0,0] - tls_desc.S[2,2]) * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[0,1] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[0,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[1,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[1,0] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[2,0] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[2,1] * Constants.RAD2DEG))

        ## Now, capture the ATOM and/or HETATM fields
        elif rec_type == "ATOM  " or rec_type == "HETATM":
            if Library.library_is_standard_residue(rec["resName"]) and \
               rec["name"].strip() in Constants.BACKBONE_ATOMS:
                atom_dict["serial"] = rec["serial"]
                atom_dict["name"] = rec["name"]
                atom_dict["resName"] = rec["resName"]
                atom_dict["chainID"] = rec["chainID"]
                atom_dict["resSeq"] = rec["resSeq"]
                atom_dict["x"] = rec["x"]
                atom_dict["y"] = rec["y"]
                atom_dict["z"] = rec["z"]
                atom_dict["occupancy"] = rec["occupancy"]
                atom_dict["tempFactor"] = rec["tempFactor"]
                #atom_dict["u[1][1]"] = 0.0
                # Initialize ANISOU values to isotropic = I3x3 * B/8*pi^2 
		#     in case this atom has no ANISOU record, e.g. 
		#     if it is next to but not in a TLS group
		Uiso = rec["tempFactor"] * B2UE4
                atom_dict["u[0][0]"] = Uiso
                atom_dict["u[1][1]"] = Uiso
                atom_dict["u[2][2]"] = Uiso
                atom_dict["u[0][1]"] = 0.0
                atom_dict["u[0][2]"] = 0.0
                atom_dict["u[1][2]"] = 0.0
                atom_dict["has_anisou"] = 0

        ## Capture the ANISOU fields, if they are present
        elif rec_type == "ANISOU":
            #print rec["serial"], rec["resName"]
            #print rec["u[0][0]"], rec["u[1][1]"], rec["u[2][2]"]

                Usum = rec["u[0][0]"] + rec["u[1][1]"] + rec["u[2][2]"]
            except KeyError:
                print "# STRANGE Uij VALUE(S) FOR ATOM=%s; RESIDUE=%s:%s:%s" % (
                    rec["serial"], rec["chainID"], rec["resName"], rec["resSeq"])

                #text = rec["text"]
                foo = 1
            except KeyError:

            if Library.library_is_standard_residue(rec["resName"]) and \
               rec["name"].strip() in Constants.BACKBONE_ATOMS:
                ## We only keep the backbone atom's Uij values.
                U11 = rec["u[0][0]"]
                U22 = rec["u[1][1]"]
                U33 = rec["u[2][2]"]
                U12 = U21 = rec["u[0][1]"]
                U13 = U31 = rec["u[0][2]"]
                U23 = U32 = rec["u[1][2]"]

                ADD_B_OVERALL = False # (default: False)
                if ADD_B_OVERALL:
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][0]"] = rec["u[0][0]"] + overall[0]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[1][1]"] = rec["u[1][1]"] + overall[1]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[2][2]"] = rec["u[2][2]"] + overall[2]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][1]"] = rec["u[0][1]"] + overall[3]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][2]"] = rec["u[0][2]"] + overall[4]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[1][2]"] = rec["u[1][2]"] + overall[5]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][0]"] = rec["u[0][0]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[1][1]"] = rec["u[1][1]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[2][2]"] = rec["u[2][2]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][1]"] = rec["u[0][1]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][2]"] = rec["u[0][2]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[1][2]"] = rec["u[1][2]"]

                    atom_obj[-1]["has_anisou"] = 1
                has_anisou = 1

    return "\n".join(listx), overall, atom_obj
Example #2
def read_pdb(path):
    sec     = time.time()
    records = pdbmodule.read(path)
    sec     = time.time() - sec

    Ueq = []
    atom_obj = []
    atom_dict = {}
    listx = []
    state = 0
    overall = {}
    n = 1
    has_anisou = 0

    for rec in records:
        ## Start with empty dict
        atom_dict = {'u[1][1]': 0, 'chainID': '', 'name': '',
                    'resSeq': 0, 'u[0][1]': 0, 'u[0][0]': 0,
                    'u[0][2]': 0, 'u[1][2]': 0, 'element': '',
                    'RECORD': '', 'u[2][2]': 0, 'resName': '',
                    'serial': 0, 'has_anisou': 0,
                    'tempFactor': 0.0, 'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0,
                    'occupancy': 0.0}

        rec_type = rec["RECORD"]

        if rec_type == "REMARK":
                text = rec["text"]
            except KeyError:

            if state == 0:
                m = re_overall_b.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    state = 1
            elif state == 1:
                m = re_b11.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b11 = m.groups(1)
                    if b11[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[0] = float(b11[0])
                m = re_b22.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b22 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[1] = float(b22[0])
                m = re_b33.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b33 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[2] = float(b33[0])
                m = re_b12.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b12 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[3] = float(b12[0])
                m = re_b13.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b13 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[4] = float(b13[0])
                m = re_b23.match(text)
                if m != None:
                    b23 = m.groups(1)
                    if b22[0] != "NULL":
                        overall[5] = float(b23[0])
                    state = 2

            #if tls_desc.name != "":
            #    listx.append("TLS %s" % (tls_desc.name))
            #    listx.append("TLS")

            m = re_tls_range.match(text)
            if m != None:
                (chain_id1, frag_id1, chain_id2, frag_id2) = m.groups()
                sel = "ALL"
                frag_id1 = convert_frag_id_save(frag_id1)
                frag_id2 = convert_frag_id_save(frag_id2)

                listx.append("#RANGE  '%s%s' '%s%s' %s" % (
                    chain_id1, frag_id1.rjust(5),
                    chain_id2, frag_id2.rjust(5), sel))

            m = re_tls_origin.match(text)
            #if tls_desc.origin is not None:
            #    listx.append("ORIGIN   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
            #        tls_desc.origin[0], tls_desc.origin[1], tls_desc.origin[2]))
            #elif re_key == "origin":
            if m != None:
                strx = m.group(1)
                ## this is nasty -- I wish I could trust the numbers
                ## to stay in fixed columns, but I can't
                ox = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                for i in (0,1,2):
                    j = strx.find(".")
                    if j==-1:
                    x = strx[ max(0, j-4) : j+5]
                    strx = strx[j+5:]
                    ox[i] = float(x)

                    #self.tls_desc.set_origin(ox[0], ox[1], ox[2])
                    #origin = numpy.array((ox[0], ox[1], ox[2]), float)
                    #listx.append("ORIGIN   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
                    #    origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]))
                    listx.append("#ORIGIN   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
                        ox[0], ox[1], ox[2]))
                    print "ERROR!"

            #m = re_tls_T.match(text)
            #if m != None:
            #if tls_desc.T is not None:
            #    ## REFMAC ORDER: t11 t22 t33 t12 t13 t23
            #    listx.append("T   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
            #        tls_desc.T[0,0], tls_desc.T[1,1], tls_desc.T[2,2],
            #        tls_desc.T[0,1], tls_desc.T[0,2], tls_desc.T[1,2]))
            #m = re_tls_L.match(text)
            #if m != None:
            #if tls_desc.L is not None:
            #     ## REFMAC ORDER: l11 l22 l33 l12 l13 l23
            #     listx.append("L   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
            #        tls_desc.L[0,0] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[1,1] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[2,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[0,1] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[0,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG2,
            #        tls_desc.L[1,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG2))
            #m = re_tls_S.match(text)
            #if m != None:
            #if tls_desc.S is not None:
            #    ## REFMAC ORDER:
            #    ## <S22 - S11> <S11 - S33> <S12> <S13> <S23> <S21> <S31> <S32>
            #    listx.append(
            #        "S   %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (
            #        (tls_desc.S[1,1] - tls_desc.S[0,0]) * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        (tls_desc.S[0,0] - tls_desc.S[2,2]) * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[0,1] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[0,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[1,2] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[1,0] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[2,0] * Constants.RAD2DEG,
            #        tls_desc.S[2,1] * Constants.RAD2DEG))

        #elif rec_type == "ATOM  ":
        elif rec_type == "ATOM  " or rec_type == "HETATM":
            if Library.library_is_standard_residue(rec["resName"]) and \
               rec["name"].strip() in Constants.BACKBONE_ATOMS:
                atom_dict["serial"] = rec["serial"]
                atom_dict["name"] = rec["name"]
                atom_dict["resName"] = rec["resName"]
                atom_dict["chainID"] = rec["chainID"]
                atom_dict["resSeq"] = rec["resSeq"]
                atom_dict["x"] = rec["x"]
                atom_dict["y"] = rec["y"]
                atom_dict["z"] = rec["z"]
                atom_dict["occupancy"] = rec["occupancy"]
                atom_dict["tempFactor"] = rec["tempFactor"]
                #atom_dict["u[1][1]"] = 0.0
                # Initialize ANISOU values to isotropic = I3x3 * B/8*pi^2 
		#     in case this atom has no ANISOU record, e.g. 
		#     if it is next to but not in a TLS group
		Uiso = rec["tempFactor"] * B2UE4
                atom_dict["u[0][0]"] = Uiso
                atom_dict["u[1][1]"] = Uiso
                atom_dict["u[2][2]"] = Uiso
                atom_dict["u[0][1]"] = 0.0
                atom_dict["u[0][2]"] = 0.0
                atom_dict["u[1][2]"] = 0.0
                atom_dict["has_anisou"] = 0

        elif rec_type == "ANISOU":
            #print rec["serial"], rec["resName"]
            #print rec["u[0][0]"], rec["u[1][1]"], rec["u[2][2]"]

                Usum = rec["u[0][0]"] + rec["u[1][1]"] + rec["u[2][2]"]
            except KeyError:
                print "# STRANGE Uij VALUE(S) FOR ATOM=%s; RESIDUE=%s:%s:%s" % (
                    rec["serial"], rec["chainID"], rec["resName"], rec["resSeq"])

                #text = rec["text"]
                foo = 1
            except KeyError:

            if Library.library_is_standard_residue(rec["resName"]) and \
               rec["name"].strip() in Constants.BACKBONE_ATOMS:
                U11 = rec["u[0][0]"]
                U22 = rec["u[1][1]"]
                U33 = rec["u[2][2]"]
                U12 = U21 = rec["u[0][1]"]
                U13 = U31 = rec["u[0][2]"]
                U23 = U32 = rec["u[1][2]"]

                ADD_B_OVERALL = False
                if ADD_B_OVERALL:
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][0]"] = rec["u[0][0]"] + overall[0]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[1][1]"] = rec["u[1][1]"] + overall[1]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[2][2]"] = rec["u[2][2]"] + overall[2]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][1]"] = rec["u[0][1]"] + overall[3]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][2]"] = rec["u[0][2]"] + overall[4]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[1][2]"] = rec["u[1][2]"] + overall[5]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][0]"] = rec["u[0][0]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[1][1]"] = rec["u[1][1]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[2][2]"] = rec["u[2][2]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][1]"] = rec["u[0][1]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[0][2]"] = rec["u[0][2]"]
                    atom_obj[-1]["u[1][2]"] = rec["u[1][2]"]

                    atom_obj[-1]["has_anisou"] = 1
                has_anisou = 1

                #U = tlsvld.array([[U11,U12,U13],[U21,U22,U23],[U31,U32,U33]])
    #return "\n".join(listx), overall, Ueq, atom_obj
    return "\n".join(listx), overall, atom_obj
Example #3
def check_upload(job_id, file):
    """Runs sanity checks on uploaded file
    ## Checks if PDB contains valids aa/na residues
    ## PDB must have at least 30 ATOMs
    ## PDB can not have lowercase alt. res. numbers
    ## Check Standard deviation of temp. factors
    ## Check that not all occupancies are 0.00
    atom_num = []
    res_type = []
    res_num = []
    chain = []
    temp_factors = []
    bad_std = -1
    num_total = 0
    num_good = 0
    occupancy = 0.0
    ignore = 0
    line_num = 0
    for line in file:
        line_num += 1
        if line.startswith('HEADER'):
            header_id = re.sub(r"^HEADER.{56}(....)", '\\1', line).strip()

        elif line.startswith('EXPDTA    NMR'):
            return "NMR structure! Skipping: %s [%s]" % (job_id, header_id)

        elif re.match(r'^REMARK   2 RESOLUTION\. ([0-9\.]{1,}) ANGSTROMS.*',
            resolution = re.sub(
                r'^REMARK   2 RESOLUTION\. ([0-9\.]{1,}) ANGSTROMS.*', '\\1',

        elif re.match('^ATOM.....................[0-9][a-z]', line):
            ## E.g., Don't allow "100b". Force it to be "100B"
            return "Lowercase alternate residue names: %s [%s]" % (job_id,

        elif line.startswith('ATOM') and (Library.library_is_standard_residue(
            num_total += 1
            if float(line[56:60].strip()) < 1.00:
                ## ignore occupancies < 1.00
                ignore += 1
                num_good += 1
                occupancy += float(line[56:60].strip())

    if (len(atom_num) < 30):
        return "Not a PDB structure or has unrecognized residue names: %s [%s]" % (
            job_id, header_id)

    if (occupancy / num_good == 0.0):
        return "All occupancies are 0.0. TLSMD won't run on this structure: %s [%s]" % (
            job_id, header_id)

    bad_std, tmpfile = running_stddev(atom_num, res_type, res_num, chain,
    if bad_std > 0:
        ## If there are a string of "bad" B-factors, return a plot showing the
        ## "bad" regions and do not proceed any further in the analysis.
        return_string = "STDDEV %s > Bfact < %s for job_id: %s [%s]" % (
            conf.MAX_STDDEV_BFACT, conf.MIN_STDDEV_BFACT, job_id, header_id)
        return return_string

    return ''
Example #4
def check_upload(job_id, file):
    """Runs sanity checks on uploaded file
    ## Checks if PDB contains valids aa/na residues
    ## PDB must have at least 30 ATOMs
    ## PDB can not have lowercase alt. res. numbers
    ## Check Standard deviation of temp. factors
    ## Check that not all occupancies are 0.00
    atom_num = []
    res_type = []
    res_num = []
    chain = []
    temp_factors = []
    bad_std = -1
    num_total = 0
    num_good = 0
    occupancy = 0.0
    ignore = 0
    line_num = 0
    for line in file:
        line_num += 1
        if line.startswith('HEADER'):
            header_id = re.sub(r"^HEADER.{56}(....)", '\\1', line).strip()

        elif line.startswith('EXPDTA    NMR'):
            return "NMR structure! Skipping: %s [%s]" % (job_id, header_id)

        elif re.match(r'^REMARK   2 RESOLUTION\. ([0-9\.]{1,}) ANGSTROMS.*', line):
            resolution = re.sub(r'^REMARK   2 RESOLUTION\. ([0-9\.]{1,}) ANGSTROMS.*', '\\1', line).strip()

        elif re.match('^ATOM.....................[0-9][a-z]', line):
            ## E.g., Don't allow "100b". Force it to be "100B"
            return "Lowercase alternate residue names: %s [%s]" % (job_id, header_id)

        elif line.startswith('ATOM') and (
            num_total += 1
            if float(line[56:60].strip()) < 1.00:
                ## ignore occupancies < 1.00
                ignore += 1
                num_good += 1
                occupancy += float(line[56:60].strip())

    if(len(atom_num) < 30):
        return "Not a PDB structure or has unrecognized residue names: %s [%s]" % (
            job_id, header_id)

    if(occupancy / num_good == 0.0):
        return "All occupancies are 0.0. TLSMD won't run on this structure: %s [%s]" % (
            job_id, header_id)

    bad_std, tmpfile = running_stddev(atom_num, res_type, res_num, chain, temp_factors)
    if bad_std > 0:
        ## If there are a string of "bad" B-factors, return a plot showing the
        ## "bad" regions and do not proceed any further in the analysis.
        return_string = "STDDEV %s > Bfact < %s for job_id: %s [%s]" % (
            conf.MAX_STDDEV_BFACT, conf.MIN_STDDEV_BFACT, job_id, header_id)
        return return_string

    return ''