Example #1
    def clean_additional_transformation(cls, armature):
        # clean shadow bones
        shadow_bone_types = {

        def __is_at_shadow_bone(b):
            return b.is_mmd_shadow_bone and b.mmd_shadow_bone_type in shadow_bone_types

        shadow_bone_names = [
            b.name for b in armature.pose.bones if __is_at_shadow_bone(b)

        if len(shadow_bone_names) > 0:
            with bpyutils.edit_object(armature) as data:
                remove_edit_bones(data.edit_bones, shadow_bone_names)

        # clean constraints
        for p_bone in armature.pose.bones:
            p_bone.mmd_bone.is_additional_transform_dirty = True
            constraints = p_bone.constraints
            remove_constraint(constraints, 'mmd_additional_rotation')
            remove_constraint(constraints, 'mmd_additional_location')
            if remove_constraint(constraints, 'mmd_additional_parent'):
                p_bone.bone.use_inherit_rotation = True
Example #2
    def apply_additional_transformation(cls, armature):
        def __is_dirty_bone(b):
            if b.is_mmd_shadow_bone:
                return False
            mmd_bone = b.mmd_bone
            if mmd_bone.has_additional_rotation or mmd_bone.has_additional_location:
                return True
            return mmd_bone.is_additional_transform_dirty

        dirty_bones = [b for b in armature.pose.bones if __is_dirty_bone(b)]

        # setup constraints
        shadow_bone_pool = []
        for p_bone in dirty_bones:
            sb = cls.__setup_constraints(p_bone)
            if sb:

        # setup shadow bones
        with bpyutils.edit_object(armature) as data:
            edit_bones = data.edit_bones
            for sb in shadow_bone_pool:

        pose_bones = armature.pose.bones
        for sb in shadow_bone_pool:

        # finish
        for p_bone in dirty_bones:
            p_bone.mmd_bone.is_additional_transform_dirty = False
    def apply_additional_transformation(cls, armature):
        def __is_dirty_bone(b):
            return not b.is_mmd_shadow_bone and b.mmd_bone.is_additional_transform_dirty

        dirty_bones = [b for b in armature.pose.bones if __is_dirty_bone(b)]

        # setup constraints
        shadow_bone_pool = []
        for p_bone in dirty_bones:
            sb = cls.__setup_constraints(p_bone)
            if sb:

        # setup shadow bones
        with bpyutils.edit_object(armature) as data:
            edit_bones = data.edit_bones
            for sb in shadow_bone_pool:

        pose_bones = armature.pose.bones
        for sb in shadow_bone_pool:

        # finish
        for p_bone in dirty_bones:
            p_bone.mmd_bone.is_additional_transform_dirty = False
Example #4
 def apply_auto_bone_roll(cls, armature):
     bone_names = []
     for b in armature.pose.bones:
         if (not b.is_mmd_shadow_bone and not b.mmd_bone.enabled_local_axes
                 and cls.has_auto_local_axis(b.mmd_bone.name_j)):
     with bpyutils.edit_object(armature) as data:
         for bone in data.edit_bones:
             if bone.name not in bone_names:
                 select = False
             bone.select = True
Example #5
    def create(name,
        scene = SceneOp(bpy.context)
        if obj_name is None:
            obj_name = name

        root = bpy.data.objects.new(name=obj_name, object_data=None)
        root.mmd_type = 'ROOT'
        root.mmd_root.name = name
        root.mmd_root.name_e = name_e
        root.empty_draw_size = scale / 0.2

        armObj = armature
        if armObj:
            m = armObj.matrix_world
            armObj.parent_type = 'OBJECT'
            armObj.parent = root
            #armObj.matrix_world = m
            root.matrix_world = m
            arm = bpy.data.armatures.new(name=obj_name)
            #arm.draw_type = 'STICK'
            armObj = bpy.data.objects.new(name=obj_name + '_arm',
            armObj.parent = root
        armObj.lock_rotation = armObj.lock_location = armObj.lock_scale = [
            True, True, True
        armObj.show_x_ray = True
        armObj.draw_type = 'WIRE'

        if add_root_bone:
            bone_name = u'全ての親'
            with bpyutils.edit_object(armObj) as data:
                bone = data.edit_bones.new(name=bone_name)
                bone.head = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                bone.tail = [0.0, 0.0, root.empty_draw_size]
            armObj.pose.bones[bone_name].mmd_bone.name_j = bone_name
            armObj.pose.bones[bone_name].mmd_bone.name_e = 'Root'

        return Model(root)
Example #6
    def apply_bone_fixed_axis(cls, armature):
        bone_map = {}
        for b in armature.pose.bones:
            if b.is_mmd_shadow_bone or not b.mmd_bone.enabled_fixed_axis:
            mmd_bone = b.mmd_bone
            parent_tip = b.parent and not b.parent.is_mmd_shadow_bone and b.parent.mmd_bone.is_tip
            bone_map[b.name] = (mmd_bone.fixed_axis.normalized(),
                                mmd_bone.is_tip, parent_tip)

        force_align = True
        with bpyutils.edit_object(armature) as data:
            for bone in data.edit_bones:
                if bone.name not in bone_map:
                    bone.select = False
                fixed_axis, is_tip, parent_tip = bone_map[bone.name]
                if fixed_axis.length:
                    axes = [bone.x_axis, bone.y_axis, bone.z_axis]
                    direction = fixed_axis.normalized().xzy
                    idx, val = max([(i, direction.dot(v))
                                    for i, v in enumerate(axes)],
                                   key=lambda x: abs(x[1]))
                    idx_1, idx_2 = (idx + 1) % 3, (idx + 2) % 3
                    axes[idx] = -direction if val < 0 else direction
                    axes[idx_2] = axes[idx].cross(axes[idx_1])
                    axes[idx_1] = axes[idx_2].cross(axes[idx])
                    if parent_tip and bone.use_connect:
                        bone.use_connect = False
                        bone.head = bone.parent.head
                    if force_align:
                        tail = bone.head + axes[1].normalized() * bone.length
                        if is_tip or (tail - bone.tail).length > 1e-4:
                            for c in bone.children:
                                if c.use_connect:
                                    c.use_connect = False
                                    if is_tip:
                                        c.head = bone.head
                        bone.tail = tail
                    bone_map[bone.name] = tuple(i != idx for i in range(3))
                    bone_map[bone.name] = (True, True, True)
                bone.select = True

        for bone_name, locks in bone_map.items():
            b = armature.pose.bones[bone_name]
            b.lock_location = (True, True, True)
            b.lock_ik_x, b.lock_ik_y, b.lock_ik_z = b.lock_rotation = locks
    def execute(self, context):
        rig = mmd_model.Model.create(self.name_j, self.name_e, self.scale)
        arm = rig.armature()
        with bpyutils.edit_object(arm) as data:
            bone = data.edit_bones.new(name=u'全ての親')
            bone.head = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            bone.tail = [0.0, 0.0, 5.0*self.scale]
        arm.pose.bones[u'全ての親'].mmd_bone.name_j = u'全ての親'
        arm.pose.bones[u'全ての親'].mmd_bone.name_e = 'Root'

        root = rig.rootObject()
        context.scene.objects.active = root
        root.select = True
        return {'FINISHED'}
Example #8
    def apply_bone_local_axes(cls, armature):
        bone_map = {}
        for b in armature.pose.bones:
            if b.is_mmd_shadow_bone or not b.mmd_bone.enabled_local_axes:
            mmd_bone = b.mmd_bone
            bone_map[b.name] = (mmd_bone.local_axis_x, mmd_bone.local_axis_z)

        with bpyutils.edit_object(armature) as data:
            for bone in data.edit_bones:
                if bone.name not in bone_map:
                    bone.select = False
                local_axis_x, local_axis_z = bone_map[bone.name]
                cls.update_bone_roll(bone, local_axis_x, local_axis_z)
                bone.select = True
Example #9
    def create_ik_constraint(self, bone, ik_target, threshold=0.1):
        """ create IK constraint

        If the distance of the ik_target head and the bone tail is greater than threashold,
        then a dummy ik target bone is created.

             bone: A pose bone to add a IK constraint
             id_target: A pose bone for IK target
             threshold: Threshold of creating a dummy bone

             The bpy.types.KinematicConstraint object created. It is set target
             and subtarget options.

        ik_target_name = ik_target.name
        if 0 and (ik_target.head - bone.tail).length > threshold:
            logging.debug('*** create a ik_target_dummy of bone %s',
            with bpyutils.edit_object(self.__arm) as data:
                dummy_target = data.edit_bones.new(name=ik_target.name +
                dummy_target.head = bone.tail
                dummy_target.tail = dummy_target.head + mathutils.Vector(
                    [0, 0, 1])
                dummy_target.layers = (False, False, False, False, False,
                                       False, False, False, True, False, False,
                                       False, False, False, False, False,
                                       False, False, False, False, False,
                                       False, False, False, False, False,
                                       False, False, False, False, False,
                dummy_target.parent = data.edit_bones[ik_target.name]
                ik_target_name = dummy_target.name
            dummy_ik_target = self.__arm.pose.bones[ik_target_name]
            dummy_ik_target.is_mmd_shadow_bone = True
            dummy_ik_target.mmd_shadow_bone_type = 'IK_TARGET'

        ik_const = bone.constraints.new('IK')
        ik_const.target = self.__arm
        ik_const.subtarget = ik_target_name
        return ik_const
Example #10
    def __createEditBones(self, obj, pmx_bones):
        """ create EditBones from pmx file data.
        @return the list of bone names which can be accessed by the bone index of pmx data.
        editBoneTable = []
        nameTable = []
        specialTipBones = []
        dependency_cycle_ik_bones = []
        #for i, p_bone in enumerate(pmx_bones):
        #    if p_bone.isIK:
        #        if p_bone.target != -1:
        #            t = pmx_bones[p_bone.target]
        #            if p_bone.parent == t.parent:
        #                dependency_cycle_ik_bones.append(i)

        from math import isfinite

        def _VectorXZY(v):
            return Vector(v).xzy if all(isfinite(n) for n in v) else Vector(
                (0, 0, 0))

        with bpyutils.edit_object(obj) as data:
            for i in pmx_bones:
                bone = data.edit_bones.new(name=i.name)
                loc = _VectorXZY(i.location) * self.__scale
                bone.head = loc

            for i, (b_bone, m_bone) in enumerate(zip(editBoneTable,
                if m_bone.parent != -1:
                    if i not in dependency_cycle_ik_bones:
                        b_bone.parent = editBoneTable[m_bone.parent]
                        b_bone.parent = editBoneTable[m_bone.parent].parent

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                if isinstance(m_bone.displayConnection, int):
                    if m_bone.displayConnection != -1:
                        b_bone.tail = editBoneTable[
                        b_bone.tail = b_bone.head
                    loc = _VectorXZY(m_bone.displayConnection) * self.__scale
                    b_bone.tail = b_bone.head + loc

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                if m_bone.isIK and m_bone.target != -1:
                    logging.debug(' - checking IK links of %s', b_bone.name)
                    b_target = editBoneTable[m_bone.target]
                    for i in range(len(m_bone.ik_links)):
                        b_bone_link = editBoneTable[m_bone.ik_links[i].target]
                        if self.__fix_IK_links or b_bone_link.length < 0.001:
                            b_bone_tail = b_target if i == 0 else editBoneTable[
                                m_bone.ik_links[i - 1].target]
                            loc = b_bone_tail.head - b_bone_link.head
                            if loc.length < 0.001:
                                logging.warning('   ** unsolved IK link %s **',
                            elif b_bone_tail.parent != b_bone_link:
                                logging.warning('   ** skipped IK link %s **',
                            elif (b_bone_link.tail -
                                  b_bone_tail.head).length > 1e-4:
                                logging.debug('   * fix IK link %s',
                                b_bone_link.tail = b_bone_link.head + loc

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                # Set the length of too short bones to 1 because Blender delete them.
                if b_bone.length < 0.001:
                    if not self.__apply_bone_fixed_axis and m_bone.axis is not None:
                        fixed_axis = Vector(m_bone.axis)
                        if fixed_axis.length:
                            b_bone.tail = b_bone.head + fixed_axis.xzy.normalized(
                            ) * self.__scale
                            b_bone.tail = b_bone.head + Vector(
                                (0, 0, 1)) * self.__scale
                        b_bone.tail = b_bone.head + Vector(
                            (0, 0, 1)) * self.__scale
                    if m_bone.displayConnection != -1 and m_bone.displayConnection != [
                            0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                        logging.debug(' * special tip bone %s, display %s',

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                if m_bone.localCoordinate is not None:
                elif FnBone.has_auto_local_axis(m_bone.name):

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                if isinstance(m_bone.displayConnection,
                              int) and m_bone.displayConnection >= 0:
                    t = editBoneTable[m_bone.displayConnection]
                    if t.parent is None or t.parent != b_bone:
                        logging.warning(' * disconnected: %s (%d)<> %s',
                                        b_bone.name, len(b_bone.children),
                    if pmx_bones[m_bone.displayConnection].isMovable:
                        logging.warning(' * disconnected: %s (%d)-> %s',
                                        b_bone.name, len(b_bone.children),
                    if (b_bone.tail - t.head).length > 1e-4:
                        logging.warning(' * disconnected: %s (%d)=> %s',
                                        b_bone.name, len(b_bone.children),
                    t.use_connect = True

        return nameTable, specialTipBones
Example #11
    def bind(self):
        rig = self.__rig
        root = rig.rootObject()
        armObj = rig.armature()
        mmd_root = root.mmd_root

        obj = self.create()
        arm = self.__dummy_armature(obj, create=True)
        morph_key_blocks = obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks

        # data gathering
        group_map = {}

        shape_key_map = {}
        uv_morph_map = {}
        for mesh in rig.meshes():
            mesh.show_only_shape_key = False
            key_blocks = getattr(mesh.data.shape_keys, 'key_blocks', ())
            for kb in key_blocks:
                kb_name = kb.name
                if kb_name not in morph_key_blocks:

                name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(morph_key_blocks[kb_name])
                if name_bind not in key_blocks:
                kb_bind = key_blocks[name_bind]
                kb_bind.relative_key = kb
                kb_bind.slider_min = -10
                kb_bind.slider_max = 10

                data_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%kb_name.replace('"', '\\"')
                groups = []
                shape_key_map.setdefault(name_bind, []).append((kb_bind, data_path, groups))
                group_map.setdefault(('vertex_morphs', kb_name), []).append(groups)

            uv_layers = [l.name for l in mesh.data.uv_layers if not l.name.startswith('_')]
            uv_layers += ['']*(5-len(uv_layers))
            for vg, morph_name, axis in FnMorph.get_uv_morph_vertex_groups(mesh):
                morph = mmd_root.uv_morphs.get(morph_name, None)
                if morph is None or morph.data_type != 'VERTEX_GROUP':

                uv_layer = '_'+uv_layers[morph.uv_index] if axis[1] in 'ZW' else uv_layers[morph.uv_index]
                if uv_layer not in mesh.data.uv_layers:

                name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(vg.name)
                uv_morph_map.setdefault(name_bind, ())
                mod = mesh.modifiers.get(name_bind, None) or mesh.modifiers.new(name=name_bind, type='UV_WARP')
                mod.show_expanded = False
                mod.vertex_group = vg.name
                mod.axis_u, mod.axis_v = ('Y', 'X') if axis[1] in 'YW' else ('X', 'Y')
                mod.uv_layer = uv_layer
                name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(morph_name)
                mod.object_from = mod.object_to = arm
                if axis[0] == '-':
                    mod.bone_from, mod.bone_to = 'mmd_bind_ctrl_base', name_bind
                    mod.bone_from, mod.bone_to = name_bind, 'mmd_bind_ctrl_base'

        bone_offset_map = {}
        with bpyutils.edit_object(arm) as data:
            edit_bones = data.edit_bones
            def __get_bone(name, layer, parent):
                b = edit_bones.get(name, None) or edit_bones.new(name=name)
                b.layers = [x == layer for x in range(len(b.layers))]
                b.head = (0, 0, 0)
                b.tail = (0, 0, 1)
                b.use_deform = False
                b.parent = parent
                return b

            for m in mmd_root.bone_morphs:
                data_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%m.name.replace('"', '\\"')
                for d in m.data:
                    if not d.bone:
                        d.name = ''
                    d.name = name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(d)
                    b = __get_bone(name_bind, 10, None)
                    groups = []
                    bone_offset_map[name_bind] = (m.name, d, b.name, data_path, groups)
                    group_map.setdefault(('bone_morphs', m.name), []).append(groups)

            ctrl_base = __get_bone('mmd_bind_ctrl_base', 11, None)
            for m in mmd_root.uv_morphs:
                morph_name = m.name.replace('"', '\\"')
                data_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%morph_name
                scale_path = 'mmd_root.uv_morphs["%s"].vertex_group_scale'%morph_name
                name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(m.name)
                b = __get_bone(name_bind, 11, ctrl_base)
                groups = []
                uv_morph_map.setdefault(name_bind, []).append((b.name, data_path, scale_path, groups))
                group_map.setdefault(('uv_morphs', m.name), []).append(groups)

            used_bone_names = bone_offset_map.keys()|uv_morph_map.keys()
            for b in edit_bones: # cleanup
                if b.name.startswith('mmd_bind') and b.name not in used_bone_names:

        material_offset_map = {}
        for m in mmd_root.material_morphs:
            morph_name = m.name.replace('"', '\\"')
            data_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%morph_name
            groups = []
            group_map.setdefault(('material_morphs', m.name), []).append(groups)
            material_offset_map.setdefault('group_dict', {})[m.name] = (data_path, groups)
            for d in m.data:
                d.name = name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(d)
                table = material_offset_map.setdefault(d.material_id, ([], []))
                table[1 if d.offset_type == 'ADD' else 0].append((m.name, d, name_bind))

        for m in mmd_root.group_morphs:
            if len(m.data) != len(set(m.data.keys())):
                print(' * Found duplicated morph data in Group Morph "%s"'%m.name)
            morph_name = m.name.replace('"', '\\"')
            morph_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%morph_name
            for d in m.data:
                param = (morph_name, d.name.replace('"', '\\"'))
                factor_path = 'mmd_root.group_morphs["%s"].data["%s"].factor'%param
                for groups in group_map.get((d.morph_type, d.name), ()):
                    groups.append((m.name, morph_path, factor_path))


        def __config_groups(variables, expression, groups):
            for g_name, morph_path, factor_path in groups:
                var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, morph_path, 'g')
                fvar = self.__add_single_prop(variables, root, factor_path, 'w')
                expression = '%s+%s*%s'%(expression, var.name, fvar.name)
            return expression

        # vertex morphs
        for kb_bind, morph_data_path, groups in (i for l in shape_key_map.values() for i in l):
            driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(kb_bind, 'value')
            var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, morph_data_path, 'v')
            driver.expression = '-(%s)'%__config_groups(variables, var.name, groups)
            kb_bind.relative_key.mute = True
            kb_bind.mute = False

        # bone morphs
        def __config_bone_morph(constraints, map_type, attributes, val, val_str):
            c_name = 'mmd_bind%s.%s'%(hash(data), map_type[:3])
            c = TransformConstraintOp.create(constraints, c_name, map_type)
            TransformConstraintOp.update_min_max(c, val, None)
            c.show_expanded = False
            c.target = arm
            c.subtarget = bname
            for attr in attributes:
                driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(armObj, c.path_from_id(attr))
                var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, morph_data_path, 'b')
                expression = __config_groups(variables, var.name, groups)
                sign = '-' if attr.startswith('to_min') else ''
                driver.expression = '%s%s*(%s)'%(sign, val_str, expression)

        from math import pi
        attributes_rot = TransformConstraintOp.min_max_attributes('ROTATION', 'to')
        attributes_loc = TransformConstraintOp.min_max_attributes('LOCATION', 'to')
        for morph_name, data, bname, morph_data_path, groups in bone_offset_map.values():
            b = arm.pose.bones[bname]
            b.location = data.location
            b.rotation_quaternion = data.rotation.__class__(*data.rotation.to_axis_angle()) # Fix for consistency
            b.is_mmd_shadow_bone = True
            b.mmd_shadow_bone_type = 'BIND'
            pb = armObj.pose.bones[data.bone]
            __config_bone_morph(pb.constraints, 'ROTATION', attributes_rot, pi, 'pi')
            __config_bone_morph(pb.constraints, 'LOCATION', attributes_loc, 100, '100')

        # uv morphs
        b = arm.pose.bones['mmd_bind_ctrl_base']
        b.is_mmd_shadow_bone = True
        b.mmd_shadow_bone_type = 'BIND'
        for bname, data_path, scale_path, groups in (i for l in uv_morph_map.values() for i in l):
            b = arm.pose.bones[bname]
            b.is_mmd_shadow_bone = True
            b.mmd_shadow_bone_type = 'BIND'
            driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(b, 'location', index=0)
            var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, data_path, 'u')
            fvar = self.__add_single_prop(variables, root, scale_path, 's')
            driver.expression = '(%s)*%s'%(__config_groups(variables, var.name, groups), fvar.name)

        # material morphs
        from mmd_tools_local.core.shader import _MaterialMorph
        group_dict = material_offset_map.get('group_dict', {})

        def __config_material_morph(mat, morph_list):
            nodes = _MaterialMorph.setup_morph_nodes(mat, tuple(x[1] for x in morph_list))
            for (morph_name, data, name_bind), node in zip(morph_list, nodes):
                node.label, node.name = morph_name, name_bind
                data_path, groups = group_dict[morph_name]
                driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(mat.node_tree, node.inputs[0].path_from_id('default_value'))
                var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, data_path, 'm')
                driver.expression = '%s'%__config_groups(variables, var.name, groups)

        for mat in (m for m in rig.materials() if m and m.use_nodes and not m.name.startswith('mmd_')):
            mat_id = mat.mmd_material.material_id
            mul_all, add_all = material_offset_map.get(-1, ([], []))
            mul_list, add_list = material_offset_map.get('' if mat_id < 0 else mat_id, ([], []))
            morph_list = tuple(mul_all+mul_list+add_all+add_list)
            __config_material_morph(mat, morph_list)
            mat_edge = bpy.data.materials.get('mmd_edge.'+mat.name, None)
            if mat_edge:
                __config_material_morph(mat_edge, morph_list)

        morph_key_blocks[0].mute = False
Example #12
    def bind(self):
        #bpy.context.user_preferences.system.use_scripts_auto_execute = True
        rig = self.__rig
        root = rig.rootObject()
        armObj = rig.armature()
        mmd_root = root.mmd_root

        obj = self.create()
        arm = self.__dummy_armature(obj, create=True)
        morph_key_blocks = obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks

        # data gathering
        group_map = {}

        shape_key_map = {}
        uv_morph_map = {}
        for mesh in rig.meshes():
            mesh.show_only_shape_key = False
            key_blocks = getattr(mesh.data.shape_keys, 'key_blocks', ())
            for kb in key_blocks:
                kb_name = kb.name
                if kb_name not in morph_key_blocks:

                name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(morph_key_blocks[kb_name])
                if name_bind not in key_blocks:
                kb_bind = key_blocks[name_bind]
                kb_bind.relative_key = kb
                kb_bind.slider_min = -10
                kb_bind.slider_max = 10

                data_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%kb_name.replace('"', '\\"')
                groups = []
                shape_key_map.setdefault(name_bind, []).append((kb_bind, data_path, groups))
                group_map.setdefault(('vertex_morphs', kb_name), []).append(groups)

            uv_layers = [l.name for l in mesh.data.uv_layers if not l.name.startswith('_')]
            uv_layers += ['']*(5-len(uv_layers))
            for vg, morph_name, axis in FnMorph.get_uv_morph_vertex_groups(mesh):
                morph = mmd_root.uv_morphs.get(morph_name, None)
                if morph is None or morph.data_type != 'VERTEX_GROUP':

                uv_layer = '_'+uv_layers[morph.uv_index] if axis[1] in 'ZW' else uv_layers[morph.uv_index]
                if uv_layer not in mesh.data.uv_layers:

                name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(vg.name)
                uv_morph_map.setdefault(name_bind, ())
                mod = mesh.modifiers.get(name_bind, None) or mesh.modifiers.new(name=name_bind, type='UV_WARP')
                mod.show_expanded = False
                mod.vertex_group = vg.name
                mod.axis_u, mod.axis_v = ('Y', 'X') if axis[1] in 'YW' else ('X', 'Y')
                mod.uv_layer = uv_layer
                name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(morph_name)
                mod.object_from = mod.object_to = arm
                if axis[0] == '-':
                    mod.bone_from, mod.bone_to = 'mmd_bind_ctrl_base', name_bind
                    mod.bone_from, mod.bone_to = name_bind, 'mmd_bind_ctrl_base'

        bone_offset_map = {}
        with bpyutils.edit_object(arm) as data:
            edit_bones = data.edit_bones
            def __get_bone(name, layer, parent):
                b = edit_bones.get(name, None) or edit_bones.new(name=name)
                b.layers = [x == layer for x in range(len(b.layers))]
                b.head = (0, 0, 0)
                b.tail = (0, 0, 1)
                b.use_deform = False
                b.parent = parent
                return b

            for m in mmd_root.bone_morphs:
                data_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%m.name.replace('"', '\\"')
                for d in m.data:
                    if not d.bone:
                        d.name = ''
                    d.name = str(hash(d))
                    name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(d)
                    b = __get_bone(name_bind, 10, None)
                    groups = []
                    bone_offset_map[name_bind] = (m.name, d, b.name, data_path, groups)
                    group_map.setdefault(('bone_morphs', m.name), []).append(groups)

            ctrl_base = __get_bone('mmd_bind_ctrl_base', 11, None)
            for m in mmd_root.uv_morphs:
                morph_name = m.name.replace('"', '\\"')
                data_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%morph_name
                scale_path = 'mmd_root.uv_morphs["%s"].vertex_group_scale'%morph_name
                name_bind = 'mmd_bind%s'%hash(m.name)
                b = __get_bone(name_bind, 11, ctrl_base)
                groups = []
                uv_morph_map.setdefault(name_bind, []).append((b.name, data_path, scale_path, groups))
                group_map.setdefault(('uv_morphs', m.name), []).append(groups)

            used_bone_names = bone_offset_map.keys()|uv_morph_map.keys()
            for b in edit_bones: # cleanup
                if b.name.startswith('mmd_bind') and b.name not in used_bone_names:

        for m in mmd_root.group_morphs:
            for d in m.data:
                for groups in group_map.get((d.morph_type, d.name), ()):
                    morph_name = m.name.replace('"', '\\"')
                    param = (morph_name, d.name.replace('"', '\\"'))
                    factor_path = 'mmd_root.group_morphs["%s"].data["%s"].factor'%param
                    morph_path = 'data.shape_keys.key_blocks["%s"].value'%morph_name
                    groups.append((m.name, morph_path, factor_path))


        def __config_groups(variables, expression, groups):
            for g_name, morph_path, factor_path in groups:
                var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, morph_path, 'g')
                fvar = self.__add_single_prop(variables, root, factor_path, 'w')
                expression = '%s+%s*%s'%(expression, var.name, fvar.name)
            return expression

        # vertex morphs
        for kb_bind, morph_data_path, groups in (i for l in shape_key_map.values() for i in l):
            driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(kb_bind, 'value')
            var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, morph_data_path, 'v')
            driver.expression = '-(%s)'%__config_groups(variables, var.name, groups)
            kb_bind.relative_key.mute = True
            kb_bind.mute = False

        # bone morphs
        def __config_bone_morph(constraints, map_type, attributes, val, val_str):
            c_name = 'mmd_bind%s.%s'%(hash(data), map_type[:3])
            c = TransformConstraintOp.create(constraints, c_name, map_type)
            TransformConstraintOp.update_min_max(c, val, None)
            c.show_expanded = False
            c.target = arm
            c.subtarget = bname
            for attr in attributes:
                driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(armObj, c.path_from_id(attr))
                var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, morph_data_path, 'b')
                expression = __config_groups(variables, var.name, groups)
                sign = '-' if attr.startswith('to_min') else ''
                driver.expression = '%s%s*(%s)'%(sign, val_str, expression)

        from math import pi
        attributes_rot = TransformConstraintOp.min_max_attributes('ROTATION', 'to')
        attributes_loc = TransformConstraintOp.min_max_attributes('LOCATION', 'to')
        for morph_name, data, bname, morph_data_path, groups in bone_offset_map.values():
            b = arm.pose.bones[bname]
            root_path = 'mmd_root.bone_morphs["%s"].data["%s"]'%(morph_name.replace('"', '\\"'), data.name)
            for i in range(3):
                data_path = '%s.location[%d]'%(root_path, i)
                driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(b, 'location', index=i)
                driver.expression = self.__add_single_prop(variables, root, data_path, 'L').name
            for i in range(4):
                data_path = '%s.rotation[%d]'%(root_path, i)
                driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(b, 'rotation_quaternion', index=i)
                driver.expression = self.__add_single_prop(variables, root, data_path, 'R').name
            b.is_mmd_shadow_bone = True
            b.mmd_shadow_bone_type = 'BIND'
            pb = armObj.pose.bones[data.bone]
            __config_bone_morph(pb.constraints, 'ROTATION', attributes_rot, pi, 'pi')
            __config_bone_morph(pb.constraints, 'LOCATION', attributes_loc, 100, '100')

        # uv morphs
        b = arm.pose.bones['mmd_bind_ctrl_base']
        b.is_mmd_shadow_bone = True
        b.mmd_shadow_bone_type = 'BIND'
        for bname, data_path, scale_path, groups in (i for l in uv_morph_map.values() for i in l):
            b = arm.pose.bones[bname]
            b.is_mmd_shadow_bone = True
            b.mmd_shadow_bone_type = 'BIND'
            driver, variables = self.__driver_variables(b, 'location', index=0)
            var = self.__add_single_prop(variables, obj, data_path, 'u')
            fvar = self.__add_single_prop(variables, root, scale_path, 's')
            driver.expression = '(%s)*%s'%(__config_groups(variables, var.name, groups), fvar.name)

        #TODO material morphs if possible

        morph_key_blocks[0].mute = False
    def __createEditBones(self, obj, pmx_bones):
        """ create EditBones from pmx file data.
        @return the list of bone names which can be accessed by the bone index of pmx data.
        editBoneTable = []
        nameTable = []
        specialTipBones = []
        dependency_cycle_ik_bones = []
        #for i, p_bone in enumerate(pmx_bones):
        #    if p_bone.isIK:
        #        if p_bone.target != -1:
        #            t = pmx_bones[p_bone.target]
        #            if p_bone.parent == t.parent:
        #                dependency_cycle_ik_bones.append(i)

        with bpyutils.edit_object(obj) as data:
            for i in pmx_bones:
                bone = data.edit_bones.new(name=i.name)
                loc = mathutils.Vector(i.location) * self.__scale * self.TO_BLE_MATRIX
                bone.head = loc

            for i, (b_bone, m_bone) in enumerate(zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones)):
                if m_bone.parent != -1:
                    if i not in dependency_cycle_ik_bones:
                        b_bone.parent = editBoneTable[m_bone.parent]
                        b_bone.parent = editBoneTable[m_bone.parent].parent

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                if isinstance(m_bone.displayConnection, int):
                    if m_bone.displayConnection != -1:
                        b_bone.tail = editBoneTable[m_bone.displayConnection].head
                        b_bone.tail = b_bone.head
                    loc = mathutils.Vector(m_bone.displayConnection) * self.TO_BLE_MATRIX * self.__scale
                    b_bone.tail = b_bone.head + loc

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                if isinstance(m_bone.displayConnection, int) and m_bone.displayConnection >= 0:
                    t = editBoneTable[m_bone.displayConnection]
                    if t.parent is not None and t.parent == b_bone:
                        t.use_connect = not pmx_bones[m_bone.displayConnection].isMovable

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                if m_bone.isIK and m_bone.target != -1:
                    logging.debug(' - checking IK links of %s', b_bone.name)
                    b_target = editBoneTable[m_bone.target]
                    for i in range(len(m_bone.ik_links)):
                        b_bone_link = editBoneTable[m_bone.ik_links[i].target]
                        if self.__fix_IK_links or b_bone_link.length < 0.001:
                            b_bone_tail = b_target if i == 0 else editBoneTable[m_bone.ik_links[i-1].target]
                            loc = b_bone_tail.head - b_bone_link.head
                            if loc.length < 0.001:
                                logging.warning('   ** unsolved IK link %s **', b_bone_link.name)
                            elif b_bone_tail.parent != b_bone_link:
                                logging.warning('   ** skipped IK link %s **', b_bone_link.name)
                            elif (b_bone_link.tail - b_bone_tail.head).length > 1e-4:
                                logging.debug('   * fix IK link %s', b_bone_link.name)
                                b_bone_link.tail = b_bone_link.head + loc

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                # Set the length of too short bones to 1 because Blender delete them.
                if b_bone.length < 0.001:
                    loc = mathutils.Vector([0, 0, 1]) * self.__scale
                    b_bone.tail = b_bone.head + loc
                    if m_bone.displayConnection != -1 and m_bone.displayConnection != [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]:
                        logging.debug(' * special tip bone %s, display %s', b_bone.name, str(m_bone.displayConnection))

            for b_bone, m_bone in zip(editBoneTable, pmx_bones):
                if m_bone.localCoordinate is not None:
                    FnBone.update_bone_roll(b_bone, m_bone.localCoordinate.x_axis, m_bone.localCoordinate.z_axis)

        return nameTable, specialTipBones