def normal_distribution_plot(mu, sigma_sq):

    t_min = -5.
    t_max = 5.
    n = 1000
    step = (t_max - t_min) / n

    x_val = range(n)  # values on the x axis
    y_val = range(n)  # y_values - normal distribution
    y_val_sn = range(n)  # y_values - standard normal

    for k in range(n):
        x_val[k] = t_min + step * k
        y_val[k] = dist.normal_pdf(x_val[k], mu, sigma_sq)
        y_val_sn[k] = dist.standard_normal_pdf(x_val[k])

    ### prepare and show plot
    plt.plot(x_val, y_val, 'r-')
    plt.plot(x_val, y_val_sn, 'g--')
    plt.axis([t_min, t_max, min(y_val) * .9, max(y_val) * 1.5])
    plt.title("Normal PDF")
Example #2
def plot_bachelier_digital_option(_time, _timestep, _strike):

    ## call helper function to generate sufficient symmetric binomials

    size = int(_time / _timestep)

    sample = random_sample_normal(size, _timestep)

    sq_t = np.sqrt(_timestep)

    path_bm = [0] * (size)
    path_digital_option = [0] * (size)
    path_digital_option_hedge = [0] * (size)

    mx = 0
    mn = 0

    x = [0.0] * (size)

    for k in range(size):
        x[k] = _timestep * k

    ## plot the trajectory of the process
    for j in range(size):
        _t_remain = np.sqrt(_time - x[j])
        if (j == 0):
            path_bm[j] = 0.
            path_digital_option[j] = 1 - dist.standard_normal_cdf(
                (_strike - path_bm[j]) / _t_remain)
            path_digital_option_hedge[j] = path_digital_option[j]
            path_bm[j] = path_bm[j - 1] + sample[j]
            path_digital_option_hedge[j] = path_digital_option_hedge[
                j - 1] + sample[j] * dist.standard_normal_pdf(
                    (_strike - path_bm[j - 1]) / _t_remain) / _t_remain
            path_digital_option[j] = 1 - dist.standard_normal_cdf(
                (_strike - path_bm[j]) / _t_remain)

        mx = max(mx, max(path_digital_option))
        mn = min(mn, min(path_digital_option))

    ### prepare and show plot
    plt.axis([0, max(x), 1.1 * mn, 1.1 * mx])

    plt.title("Paths of Digital Option Value")

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(x, path_digital_option)
    plt.plot(x, path_digital_option_hedge)
    plt.ylabel('Option Value')

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(x, path_bm, 'r-')
    plt.ylabel('Underlying Value')
def plot_maximising_goal_probability(_time, _timestep, _initial_capital, _target, _b, _r, _sigma):

    ## call helper function to generate sufficient symmetric binomials

    size = int(_time / _timestep) - 1

    sample = random_sample_normal(size, _timestep)

    sq_t = np.sqrt(_timestep)

    path_underlying = [0] * (size)
    path_wealth = [0] * (size)
    path_portfolio = [0] * (size)

    mx = 0
    mn = 0

    x = [0.0] * (size)

    for k in range(size):
        x[k] = _timestep * k

    _theta = (_b - _r) / _sigma

    _y0 = np.sqrt(_time) * dist.standard_normal_inverse_cdf(_initial_capital * np.exp(_r * _time) / _target)
    ## create the various paths for plotting
    bm = 0
    for j in range(size):
        _t_remain = _time - x[j]
        _t_sq_remain = np.sqrt(_t_remain)
        if (j == 0):
            path_underlying[j] = 1.
            path_wealth[j] = _initial_capital
            path_underlying[j] = path_underlying[j-1] * (1. + _b * _timestep + _sigma * sample[j])
            bm = bm + sample[j] + _theta * _timestep
            path_wealth[j] = _target * np.exp( - _r * _t_remain ) * \
                                dist.standard_normal_cdf((bm + _y0) / _t_sq_remain)

        _y = path_wealth[j] * np.exp(_r * _t_remain) / _target
        path_portfolio[j] = dist.standard_normal_pdf(dist.standard_normal_inverse_cdf(_y)) / (_y * _sigma * _t_sq_remain)

        mx = max(mx, max(path_wealth))
        mn = min(mn, min(path_wealth))

    ### prepare and show plot
    plt.axis([0, max(x), 1.1 * mn, 1.1 * mx])

    plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
    plt.title("Maximising Probability of Reaching a Goal")

    plt.plot(x, path_underlying)
    plt.ylabel('Stock Price')

    plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(x, path_wealth, 'r-')
    plt.ylabel('Wealth Process')

    plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    plt.plot(x, path_portfolio, 'r-')
    plt.ylabel('Portfolio Value')
def expected_positive_exposure(_mean, _variance):
    y = _mean / np.sqrt(_variance)
    return _mean * dist.standard_normal_cdf(y) + np.sqrt(
        _variance) * dist.standard_normal_pdf(y)
Example #5
def binomial_lln_hist(sample_size, repeats, p):

    ## we are sampling from a $B(1,p)$ distribution

    n = sample_size  # this is how often we sample each time.

    lower_bound = 0.
    upper_bound = 1.

    plotCLN = True
    sample_value = range(repeats)

    for i in sample_value:

        prev_sum = 0
        sum = 0

        ## Step 1 - create sample of independent uniform random variables

        ### This code uses uniform random variables and the quantile transform
        uni_sample = np.random.uniform(lower_bound, upper_bound, sample_size)

        sample = range(n)
        for j in range(n):
            sample[j] = dist.binomial_inverse_cdf(p, uni_sample[j])

        for k in range(n):
            if (k == 0):
                sum = sample[k]
                prev_sum = sum
                sum = sum + sample[k - 1]

        if plotCLN:
            sample_value[i] = (sum - sample_size * p) / np.sqrt(
                sample_size * p * (1 - p))
            sample_value[i] = sum / (sample_size)

            ## sample value for CLN

    ## we then turn the outcome into a histogram
    num_bins = 50

    # the histogram of the data
    _n, bins, _hist = plt.hist(sample_value,

    plt.ylabel('Rel. Occurrence')
        "Histogram of Average Sample of Size={1} of B(1,p) with p={0}".format(
            p, sample_size))

    ###### overlay the actual normal distribution
    if plotCLN:

        y = range(0, num_bins + 1)
        for m in range(0, num_bins + 1):
            y[m] = dist.standard_normal_pdf(bins[m])

        plt.plot(bins, y, 'r--')