def refresh(self):
     OfficeDocument.refresh( self )
         traceback.print_exc( file=sys.stdout )
 def createDataSource( DataProvider, CellRangeRepresentation, DataRowSource, FirstCellAsLabel=True, HasCategories=True ):
     props = []
     props.append( OfficeDocument._makeProperty( 'CellRangeRepresentation', CellRangeRepresentation ) )
     props.append( OfficeDocument._makeProperty( 'DataRowSource', DataRowSource ) )
     props.append( OfficeDocument._makeProperty( 'FirstCellAsLabel', FirstCellAsLabel ) )
     props.append( OfficeDocument._makeProperty( 'HasCategories', HasCategories ) )
     props = tuple( props )
     ds = DataProvider.createDataSource( props )
     return ds
Example #3
 def __init__( self, odt='', type='odt' ):
     self.document = OfficeDocument.createDocument( type )
     if odt != '':
         #copy filt to temporary document, becasuse two webservice users using the same file causes problems
         os.path.exists( odt )
         self.origionalPath = odt 
         self.documentPath = self._getTempFile( type )
         shutil.copyfile( odt, self.documentPath ) self.documentPath )
         pyMailMerge.documentsOpen[ self.documentPath ] = self.documentPath
 def updateCharts( self ):
     #get all of the tables in the document, we'll need them later
     tables = self.oodocument.getTextTables()
     #loop through each of the draw pages in this document
     count = 0
     drawPage = self.oodocument.getDrawPage()
     e = drawPage.createEnumeration()
     while e.hasMoreElements():
         x = e.nextElement()
         count += 1
             #get the chart object
             embedded = x.getEmbeddedObject()
             skip = False
             skip = True
         if skip is False:
             #get a tuple of all the ranges used in the chart
             used = embedded.getUsedRangeRepresentations()
             #eg, (u"Table1.A2:A4", u"Table1.B1:B1", u"Table1.B2:B4", u"Table1.C1:C1", u"Table1.C2:C4" )
             #need to pass these properties to the new data source we will create
             props = 'DataSourceLabelsInFirstRow', 'DataSourceLabelsInFirstColumn'
             DataSourceLabelsInFirstRow, DataSourceLabelsInFirstColumn = embedded.getPropertyValues( props )
             #get the table the range is based off of
             tablename = used[0].split('.')[0]
                 table = tables.getByName( tablename )
                 table = None
             if table is not None:
                 #determine the cell name that we are going to start out new range with
                 cellName = used[0].split('.')[1].split(":")[0]
                 row, col = self._convertCellNameToCellPositions( cellName )
                 if DataSourceLabelsInFirstRow and row > 1:
                     row = int(row)-1
                 startCellName =  "%s%s" % ( re.sub( '\d+', '', cellName ), row )
                 #determine the cell name that we are going to end our new range with
                 lastcolumn = used[ len(used)-1 ].split(":")[1]
                 columnName = re.sub( '\d+', '', lastcolumn )
                 #build the representation string ie.  "Table1.A1:C4"
                 representation = "%s.%s:%s%s" % (tablename, startCellName, columnName, table.Rows.getCount() )
                 #create a new re.sub( '\d+', '', cellName ) out of the representation we built
                 dp = embedded.getDataProvider()
                 ds = WriterDocument.createDataSource( dp, representation, COLUMNS, DataSourceLabelsInFirstRow, DataSourceLabelsInFirstColumn )
                 #get the diagram object and tell it to use our new data source
                 diagram = embedded.getFirstDiagram()
                     #this is a much better way of updating the chart, however I have a system
                     #  where the setDiagramData method does not exist, and throws an exception
                     #  never fear.... I have a backup plan.
                     prop = OfficeDocument._makeProperty( "HasCategories", True ),
                     diagram.setDiagramData( ds, prop )
                     #here is the backup plan, it's a lot more convoluted
                     sequences = ds.getDataSequences()
                     new_data = []
                     for x in sequences:
                         values = []
                         for x in x.getValues().getData():
                                 values.append( float( x.replace('$','').replace( ',', ''  ).replace( ' ', ''  ) ) )
                         if len( values ) > 0:
                             new_data.append( tuple( values ) )
                     #need to invert the matrix 
                     new_data = WriterDocument.invertTuple( new_data )
                     #set the data
                     embedded.getData().setData( new_data )
                     #new get the data for the updated legends
                     pos_row, pos_col = WriterDocument._convertCellNameToCellPositions( used[0].split('.')[1] )
                     new_legends = []
                     for x in xrange( pos_row-1, table.getRows().getCount()-1 ):
                         new_legends.append( table.getCellByPosition( pos_col, x+pos_row ).Text.getString() )
                     #set the updated legend data
                     embedded.getData().setRowDescriptions( tuple(new_legends) )