Example #1
def exercise_set_sites_cart_no_ncs():
    inp = iotbx.pdb.input(lines=pdb_str_5, source_info=None)
    model = mmtbx.model.manager(model_input=inp, expand_with_mtrix=False)
    nrgl = model.get_ncs_groups()
    print('n model atoms:', model.get_number_of_atoms())
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_selection().count(True))
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_selection().iselection().size())
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_hierarchy().atoms_size())

    assert model.get_master_selection().count(True) ==\
        model.get_master_selection().iselection().size() ==\

    h = model.get_hierarchy()
    # Warning: here here mh is not deep-copy, therefore when we change atom coords
    # they are changing in model.get_hierarchy() as well
    mh = model.get_master_hierarchy()
    new_sites_cart = flex.vec3_double([(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)] * 42)
    h = model.get_hierarchy()
    new_xyz = h.atoms().extract_xyz()
    # print('h sites:', list(new_xyz))
    # checking if setting went as supposed:
    for j in range(42):
        assert approx_equal(new_xyz[j], (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), eps=1e-4)
Example #2
def exercise_2():
  Same as 1 but automatic NCS search procedure does not match short chains,
  in this case chains B,C, so they left out of NCS.
  Not clear if we should utilize MTRIX instead of searching for NCS
  because currently we don't output them and in consecutive runs NCS
  search would be utilized anyway, potentially yelding different groups.
    inp = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=pdb_str_2)
    pdb_int_params = mmtbx.model.manager.get_default_pdb_interpretation_params(
    pdb_int_params.pdb_interpretation.ncs_search.enabled = True
    model = mmtbx.model.manager(model_input=inp,
    # model.get_xray_structure()
    ss = model.get_ss_annotation()
    assert ss.get_n_helices() == 3
    assert ss.get_n_sheets() == 3

    assert not model.ncs_constraints_present()
    assert model.get_ncs_obj() is not None
    # print model.get_ncs_obj()
    assert model.ncs_constraints_present()
    assert model.get_master_hierarchy().atoms_size() == 15
    # print model.get_master_hierarchy().as_pdb_string()
    assert list(model.get_master_selection()).count(True) == 15
Example #3
def exercise_set_sites_cart_ncs():
  No extra atoms
    inp = iotbx.pdb.input(lines=pdb_str_5, source_info=None)
    model = mmtbx.model.manager(model_input=inp)
    nrgl = model.get_ncs_groups()
    print('n model atoms:', model.get_number_of_atoms())
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_selection().count(True))
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_selection().iselection().size())
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_hierarchy().atoms_size())

    assert model.get_master_selection().count(True) ==\
        model.get_master_selection().iselection().size() ==\

    h = model.get_hierarchy()
    # print('h sites:', list(h.atoms().extract_xyz()))

    # Warning: here here mh is not deep-copy, therefore when we change atom coords
    # they are changing in model.get_hierarchy() as well
    mh = model.get_master_hierarchy()
    new_sites_cart = flex.vec3_double([(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)] * 42)
    h = model.get_hierarchy()
    new_xyz = h.atoms().extract_xyz()
    # print('h sites:', list(new_xyz))

    # checking if setting went as supposed:
    assert approx_equal(new_xyz[0], (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), eps=1e-4)
    assert approx_equal(
        (-0.6420293330506949, 1.2600792663765976, 7.999997229451341),
    assert approx_equal(
        (-1.396802536808536, -0.22123285934616377, 1.000000038694047),
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(42):
            assert approx_equal(new_xyz[42 * i + j], new_xyz[42 * i], eps=1e-4)
Example #4
def exercise_1():
  inp = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=pdb_str_1)
  model = mmtbx.model.manager(
      model_input = inp,
      log = null_out())
  assert model.get_number_of_atoms() == 21
  assert model.get_hierarchy().atoms_size() == 21
  assert model.get_xray_structure().scatterers().size() == 21
  ss = model.get_ss_annotation()
  # print ss.as_pdb_str()
  # STOP()
  assert ss.get_n_helices() == 3
  # because the second strand contains chain B which is not in ATOM records
  # whole sheet got discarded.
  assert ss.get_n_sheets() == 0
  rm = model.get_restraints_manager()
  assert rm.geometry.pair_proxies().bond_proxies.simple.size() == 6
  # since No NCS was set, these functions return the whole thing and no
  # master selection
  assert model.get_master_hierarchy().atoms_size() == 21
  assert model.get_master_selection().size() == 0
  # print model.model_as_pdb()
  # print "="*40

  # Here we set NCS constraints
  inp = iotbx.pdb.input(source_info=None, lines=pdb_str_1)
  pdb_int_params = mmtbx.model.manager.get_default_pdb_interpretation_params()
  model = mmtbx.model.manager(
      model_input = inp,
      pdb_interpretation_params = pdb_int_params,
      log = null_out())
  # model.get_xray_structure()
  assert not model.ncs_constraints_present()
  assert model.get_ncs_obj() is not None
  # print model.get_ncs_obj()
  assert model.ncs_constraints_present()
  assert model.get_master_hierarchy().atoms_size() == 7
  # print model.get_master_hierarchy().as_pdb_string()
  # print list(model.get_master_selection())
  assert list(model.get_master_selection()).count(True) == 7
Example #5
def exercise_set_sites_cart_ncs_with_extra_atoms():
    inp = iotbx.pdb.input(lines=test_pdb_6, source_info=None)
    model = mmtbx.model.manager(model_input=inp)

    nrgl = model.get_ncs_groups()
    print('n model atoms:', model.get_number_of_atoms())
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_selection().count(True))
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_selection().iselection().size())
    print('n master isel:', list(model.get_master_selection().iselection()))
    print('n master atoms:', model.get_master_hierarchy().atoms_size())
    print('n master hierarchy:\n',

    # Note that "HETATM   32  C2  NDG H" and "HETATM   35  C2  NDG L"
    # don't belong to any master/copy
    assert not show_diff(
        model.get_master_hierarchy().as_pdb_string(), """\
ATOM      1  N   ASP H   5      91.286 -31.834  73.572  1.00 77.83           N
ATOM      2  CA  ASP H   5      90.511 -32.072  72.317  1.00 78.04           C
ATOM      3  C   ASP H   5      90.136 -30.762  71.617  1.00 77.70           C
ATOM      4  O   ASP H   5      89.553 -29.857  72.225  1.00 77.56           O
ATOM      5  N   THR H   6      91.286 -31.834  73.572  1.00 77.83           N
ATOM      6  CA  THR H   6      90.511 -32.072  72.317  1.00 78.04           C
ATOM      7  N   GLY I 501      91.286 -31.834  73.572  1.00 77.83           N
ATOM      8  CA  GLY I 501      90.511 -32.072  72.317  1.00 78.04           C
ATOM      9  C   GLY I 501      90.136 -30.762  71.617  1.00 77.70           C
ATOM     10  O   GLY I 501      89.553 -29.857  72.225  1.00 77.56           O
HETATM   31  C1  NDG H 640      91.286 -31.834  73.572  1.00 77.83           C
HETATM   32  C2  NDG H 640      91.286 -31.834  73.572  1.00 77.83           C
HETATM   35  C2  NDG L 646      61.028 -14.273  81.262  1.00 69.80           C

    mh = model.get_master_hierarchy()
    # Note that atoms outside NCS are getting 2.0 as xyz
    new_sites_cart = flex.vec3_double(
        [(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
         (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)] + [(3.0, 3.0, 3.0)] * 4 +
            (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),  # <--- Note this atom belongs the first NCS group
            (2.0, 2.0, 2.0),
            (2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
    # print('='*80)
    # print (mh.as_pdb_string())
    h = model.get_hierarchy()
    new_xyz = h.atoms().extract_xyz()
    # print(model.model_as_pdb())
    # print (list(new_xyz))

    assert approx_equal(new_xyz[31], (2.0, 2.0, 2.0), eps=1e-4)
    assert approx_equal(new_xyz[34], (2.0, 2.0, 2.0), eps=1e-4)

    assert approx_equal(new_xyz[0], (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), eps=1e-4)
    assert approx_equal(new_xyz[5], (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), eps=1e-4)
    assert approx_equal(new_xyz[6], (3.0, 3.0, 3.0), eps=1e-4)
    assert approx_equal(new_xyz[9], (3.0, 3.0, 3.0), eps=1e-4)

    assert nrgl.check_for_max_rmsd(sites_cart=new_xyz, chain_max_rmsd=0.0)

    for i in [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 30], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 32],
              [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33]]:
        for j in i:
            assert approx_equal(new_xyz[j], new_xyz[i[0]], eps=1e-4)
    for i in [[6, 7, 8, 9], [16, 17, 18, 19], [26, 27, 28, 29]]:
        for j in i:
            assert approx_equal(new_xyz[j], new_xyz[i[0]], eps=1e-4)