def test_random_sample_concatdataset(): train_cfg = dict(type='RandomSampleConcatDataset', dataset_sampling_weights=[1, 1], dataset_cfgs=[ dict(type='GOT10kDataset', img_prefix=PREFIX + 'got10k', pipeline=[], split='train', test_mode=False), dict(type='TrackingNetDataset', chunks_list=[0], img_prefix=PREFIX + 'trackingnet', pipeline=[], split='train', test_mode=False) ]) dataset = build_dataset(train_cfg) results = dataset[0] assert len(dataset) == 4 assert dataset.dataset_sampling_probs == [0.5, 0.5] assert len(results) == 2
def main(): args = parse_args() cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) if cfg.get('USE_MMDET', False): from mmdet.apis import train_detector as train_model from mmdet.models import build_detector as build_model if 'detector' in cfg.model: cfg.model = cfg.model.detector elif cfg.get('TRAIN_REID', False): from mmdet.apis import train_detector as train_model from mmtrack.models import build_reid as build_model if 'reid' in cfg.model: cfg.model = cfg.model.reid else: from mmtrack.apis import train_model from mmtrack.models import build_model if args.cfg_options is not None: cfg.merge_from_dict(args.cfg_options) # set cudnn_benchmark if cfg.get('cudnn_benchmark', False): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # work_dir is determined in this priority: CLI > segment in file > filename if args.work_dir is not None: # update configs according to CLI args if args.work_dir is not None cfg.work_dir = args.work_dir elif cfg.get('work_dir', None) is None: # use config filename as default work_dir if cfg.work_dir is None cfg.work_dir = osp.join('./work_dirs', osp.splitext(osp.basename(args.config))[0]) if args.resume_from is not None: cfg.resume_from = args.resume_from if args.gpu_ids is not None: cfg.gpu_ids = args.gpu_ids else: cfg.gpu_ids = range(1) if args.gpus is None else range(args.gpus) # init distributed env first, since logger depends on the dist info. if args.launcher == 'none': distributed = False else: distributed = True init_dist(args.launcher, **cfg.dist_params) # create work_dir mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(osp.abspath(cfg.work_dir)) # dump config cfg.dump(osp.join(cfg.work_dir, osp.basename(args.config))) # init the logger before other steps timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime()) log_file = osp.join(cfg.work_dir, f'{timestamp}.log') logger = get_root_logger(log_file=log_file, log_level=cfg.log_level) # init the meta dict to record some important information such as # environment info and seed, which will be logged meta = dict() # log env info env_info_dict = collect_env() env_info = '\n'.join([(f'{k}: {v}') for k, v in env_info_dict.items()]) dash_line = '-' * 60 + '\n''Environment info:\n' + dash_line + env_info + '\n' + dash_line) meta['env_info'] = env_info # log some basic info'Distributed training: {distributed}')'Config:\n{cfg.pretty_text}') # set random seeds if args.seed is not None:'Set random seed to {args.seed}, ' f'deterministic: {args.deterministic}') set_random_seed(args.seed, deterministic=args.deterministic) cfg.seed = args.seed meta['seed'] = args.seed if cfg.get('train_cfg', False): model = build_model(cfg.model, train_cfg=cfg.train_cfg, test_cfg=cfg.test_cfg) else: model = build_model(cfg.model) model.init_weights() datasets = [build_dataset(] if len(cfg.workflow) == 2: val_dataset = copy.deepcopy( val_dataset.pipeline = datasets.append(build_dataset(val_dataset)) if cfg.checkpoint_config is not None: # save mmtrack version, config file content and class names in # checkpoints as meta data cfg.checkpoint_config.meta = dict(mmtrack_version=__version__, config=cfg.pretty_text, CLASSES=datasets[0].CLASSES) # add an attribute for visualization convenience model.CLASSES = datasets[0].CLASSES train_model(model, datasets, cfg, distributed=distributed, validate=(not args.no_validate), timestamp=timestamp, meta=meta)
def main(): args = parse_args() assert args.out or args.eval or args.format_only or \ or args.show_dir, \ ('Please specify at least one operation (save/eval/format/show the ' 'results / save the results) with the argument "--out", "--eval"' ', "--format-only", "--show" or "--show-dir"') if args.eval and args.format_only: raise ValueError('--eval and --format_only cannot be both specified') if args.out is not None and not args.out.endswith(('.pkl', '.pickle')): raise ValueError('The output file must be a pkl file.') cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) if cfg.get('USE_MMDET', False): from mmdet.apis import multi_gpu_test, single_gpu_test from mmdet.datasets import build_dataloader from mmdet.models import build_detector as build_model if 'detector' in cfg.model: cfg.model = cfg.model.detector elif cfg.get('TRAIN_REID', False): from mmdet.apis import multi_gpu_test, single_gpu_test from mmdet.datasets import build_dataloader from mmtrack.models import build_reid as build_model if 'reid' in cfg.model: cfg.model = cfg.model.reid else: from mmtrack.apis import multi_gpu_test, single_gpu_test from mmtrack.datasets import build_dataloader from mmtrack.models import build_model if args.cfg_options is not None: cfg.merge_from_dict(args.cfg_options) # set cudnn_benchmark if cfg.get('cudnn_benchmark', False): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # cfg.model.pretrains = None if hasattr(cfg.model, 'detector'): cfg.model.detector.pretrained = None = True # init distributed env first, since logger depends on the dist info. if args.launcher == 'none': distributed = False else: distributed = True init_dist(args.launcher, **cfg.dist_params) # build the dataloader dataset = build_dataset( data_loader = build_dataloader(dataset, samples_per_gpu=1,, dist=distributed, shuffle=False) # build the model and load checkpoint if cfg.get('test_cfg', False): model = build_model(cfg.model, train_cfg=cfg.train_cfg, test_cfg=cfg.test_cfg) else: model = build_model(cfg.model) # We need call `init_weights()` to load pretained weights in MOT task. model.init_weights() fp16_cfg = cfg.get('fp16', None) if fp16_cfg is not None: wrap_fp16_model(model) if args.checkpoint is not None: checkpoint = load_checkpoint(model, args.checkpoint, map_location='cpu') if 'CLASSES' in checkpoint['meta']: model.CLASSES = checkpoint['meta']['CLASSES'] if not hasattr(model, 'CLASSES'): model.CLASSES = dataset.CLASSES if args.fuse_conv_bn: model = fuse_conv_bn(model) if not distributed: model = MMDataParallel(model, device_ids=[0]) outputs = single_gpu_test(model, data_loader,, args.show_dir, show_score_thr=args.show_score_thr) else: model = MMDistributedDataParallel( model.cuda(), device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()], broadcast_buffers=False) outputs = multi_gpu_test(model, data_loader, args.tmpdir, args.gpu_collect) rank, _ = get_dist_info() if rank == 0: if args.out: print(f'\nwriting results to {args.out}') mmcv.dump(outputs, args.out) kwargs = {} if args.eval_options is None else args.eval_options if args.format_only: dataset.format_results(outputs, **kwargs) if args.eval: eval_kwargs = cfg.get('evaluation', {}).copy() # hard-code way to remove EvalHook args eval_hook_args = [ 'interval', 'tmpdir', 'start', 'gpu_collect', 'save_best', 'rule', 'by_epoch' ] for key in eval_hook_args: eval_kwargs.pop(key, None) eval_kwargs.update(dict(metric=args.eval, **kwargs)) print(dataset.evaluate(outputs, **eval_kwargs))
def main(): args = parse_args() cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) # import modules from string list. if cfg.get('custom_imports', None): from mmcv.utils import import_modules_from_strings import_modules_from_strings(**cfg['custom_imports']) # set cudnn_benchmark if cfg.get('cudnn_benchmark', False): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True if hasattr(cfg.model, 'detector'): cfg.model.detector.pretrained = None = True # build the dataloader samples_per_gpu ='samples_per_gpu', 1) if samples_per_gpu > 1: # Replace 'ImageToTensor' to 'DefaultFormatBundle' = replace_ImageToTensor( dataset = build_dataset( data_loader = build_dataloader(dataset, samples_per_gpu=1,, dist=False, shuffle=False) # build the model and load checkpoint model = build_model(cfg.model) # We need call `init_weights()` to load pretained weights in MOT task. model.init_weights() fp16_cfg = cfg.get('fp16', None) if fp16_cfg is not None: wrap_fp16_model(model) if args.checkpoint is not None: load_checkpoint(model, args.checkpoint, map_location='cpu') if args.fuse_conv_bn: model = fuse_conv_bn(model) model = MMDataParallel(model, device_ids=[0]) model.eval() # the first several iterations may be very slow so skip them num_warmup = 5 pure_inf_time = 0 # benchmark with 2000 image and take the average for i, data in enumerate(data_loader): torch.cuda.synchronize() start_time = time.perf_counter() with torch.no_grad(): model(return_loss=False, rescale=True, **data) torch.cuda.synchronize() elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start_time if i >= num_warmup: pure_inf_time += elapsed if (i + 1) % args.log_interval == 0: fps = (i + 1 - num_warmup) / pure_inf_time print(f'Done image [{i + 1:<3}/ 2000], fps: {fps:.1f} img / s') if (i + 1) == 2000: pure_inf_time += elapsed fps = (i + 1 - num_warmup) / pure_inf_time print(f'Overall fps: {fps:.1f} img / s') break
def main(): args = parse_args() assert or args.out_dir, \ ('Please specify at least one operation (show the results ' '/ save the results) with the argument "--show" or "--out-dir"') if not args.result_file.endswith(('.pkl', 'pickle')): raise ValueError('The result file must be a pkl file.') if args.out_dir is not None: os.makedirs(args.out_dir, exist_ok=True) print_log('This script visualizes the error for multiple object tracking. ' 'By Default, the red bounding box denotes false positive, ' 'the yellow bounding box denotes the false negative ' 'and the blue bounding box denotes ID switch.') cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) dataset = build_dataset(, dict(test_mode=True)) results = mmcv.load(args.result_file) # create index from frame_id to filename filenames_dict = dict() for data_info in dataset.data_infos: video_name = data_info['filename'].split('/', 1)[0] frame_id = int(data_info['filename'].rsplit('/', 1)[-1].split('.')[0]) if video_name not in filenames_dict: filenames_dict[video_name] = dict() filenames_dict[video_name][frame_id] = data_info['filename'] # format the results to txts resfiles, video_names, tmp_dir = dataset.format_results( results, None, ['track']) for video_name in video_names: print_log(f'Start processing video {video_name}') acc, res, gt = compare_res_gts(resfiles, dataset, video_name) frames_id_list = sorted( list(set(acc.mot_events.index.get_level_values(0)))) for frame_id in frames_id_list: # events in the current frame events = acc.mot_events.xs(frame_id) cur_res = res.loc[frame_id] if frame_id in res.index else None cur_gt = gt.loc[frame_id] if frame_id in gt.index else None # path of image img = osp.join(dataset.img_prefix, filenames_dict[video_name][frame_id]) fps = events[events.Type == 'FP'] fns = events[events.Type == 'MISS'] idsws = events[events.Type == 'SWITCH'] bboxes, ids, error_types = [], [], [] for fp_index in fps.index: hid = events.loc[fp_index].HId bboxes.append([ cur_res.loc[hid].X, cur_res.loc[hid].Y, cur_res.loc[hid].X + cur_res.loc[hid].Width, cur_res.loc[hid].Y + cur_res.loc[hid].Height, cur_res.loc[hid].Confidence ]) ids.append(hid) # error_type = 0 denotes false positive error error_types.append(0) for fn_index in fns.index: oid = events.loc[fn_index].OId bboxes.append([ cur_gt.loc[oid].X, cur_gt.loc[oid].Y, cur_gt.loc[oid].X + cur_gt.loc[oid].Width, cur_gt.loc[oid].Y + cur_gt.loc[oid].Height, cur_gt.loc[oid].Confidence ]) ids.append(-1) # error_type = 1 denotes false negative error error_types.append(1) for idsw_index in idsws.index: hid = events.loc[idsw_index].HId bboxes.append([ cur_res.loc[hid].X, cur_res.loc[hid].Y, cur_res.loc[hid].X + cur_res.loc[hid].Width, cur_res.loc[hid].Y + cur_res.loc[hid].Height, cur_res.loc[hid].Confidence ]) ids.append(hid) # error_type = 2 denotes id switch error_types.append(2) if len(bboxes) == 0: bboxes = np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32) else: bboxes = np.asarray(bboxes, dtype=np.float32) ids = np.asarray(ids, dtype=np.int32) error_types = np.asarray(error_types, dtype=np.int32) imshow_mot_errors( img, bboxes, ids, error_types,, out_file=osp.join(args.out_dir, f'{video_name}/{frame_id:06d}.jpg') if args.out_dir else None, backend=args.backend) print_log(f'Done! Visualization images are saved in ' f'\'{args.out_dir}/{video_name}\'') mmcv.frames2video(f'{args.out_dir}/{video_name}', f'{args.out_dir}/{video_name}.mp4', fps=args.fps, fourcc='mp4v', start=frames_id_list[0], end=frames_id_list[-1], show_progress=False) print_log( f'Done! Visualization video is saved as ' f'\'{args.out_dir}/{video_name}.mp4\' with a FPS of {args.fps}')