Example #1
def test_find_ch_connectivity():
    """Test computing the connectivity matrix."""
    data_path = testing.data_path()

    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True)
    sizes = {'mag': 828, 'grad': 1700, 'eeg': 386}
    nchans = {'mag': 102, 'grad': 204, 'eeg': 60}
    for ch_type in ['mag', 'grad', 'eeg']:
        conn, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(raw.info, ch_type)
        # Silly test for checking the number of neighbors.
        assert_equal(conn.getnnz(), sizes[ch_type])
        assert_equal(len(ch_names), nchans[ch_type])
    pytest.raises(ValueError, find_ch_connectivity, raw.info, None)

    # Test computing the conn matrix with gradiometers.
    conn, ch_names = _compute_ch_connectivity(raw.info, 'grad')
    assert_equal(conn.getnnz(), 2680)

    # Test ch_type=None.
    find_ch_connectivity(raw.info, None)

    bti_fname = op.join(data_path, 'BTi', 'erm_HFH', 'c,rfDC')
    bti_config_name = op.join(data_path, 'BTi', 'erm_HFH', 'config')
    raw = read_raw_bti(bti_fname, bti_config_name, None)
    _, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(raw.info, 'mag')
    assert 'A1' in ch_names

    ctf_fname = op.join(data_path, 'CTF', 'testdata_ctf_short.ds')
    raw = read_raw_ctf(ctf_fname)
    _, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(raw.info, 'mag')
    assert 'MLC11' in ch_names

    pytest.raises(ValueError, find_ch_connectivity, raw.info, 'eog')
Example #2
def test_find_ch_connectivity():
    """Test computing the connectivity matrix."""
    data_path = testing.data_path()

    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True)
    sizes = {'mag': 828, 'grad': 1700, 'eeg': 386}
    nchans = {'mag': 102, 'grad': 204, 'eeg': 60}
    for ch_type in ['mag', 'grad', 'eeg']:
        conn, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(raw.info, ch_type)
        # Silly test for checking the number of neighbors.
        assert_equal(conn.getnnz(), sizes[ch_type])
        assert_equal(len(ch_names), nchans[ch_type])
    assert_raises(ValueError, find_ch_connectivity, raw.info, None)

    # Test computing the conn matrix with gradiometers.
    conn, ch_names = _compute_ch_connectivity(raw.info, 'grad')
    assert_equal(conn.getnnz(), 2680)

    # Test ch_type=None.
    find_ch_connectivity(raw.info, None)

    bti_fname = op.join(data_path, 'BTi', 'erm_HFH', 'c,rfDC')
    bti_config_name = op.join(data_path, 'BTi', 'erm_HFH', 'config')
    raw = read_raw_bti(bti_fname, bti_config_name, None)
    _, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(raw.info, 'mag')
    assert_true('A1' in ch_names)

    ctf_fname = op.join(data_path, 'CTF', 'testdata_ctf_short.ds')
    raw = read_raw_ctf(ctf_fname)
    _, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(raw.info, 'mag')
    assert_true('MLC11' in ch_names)

    assert_raises(ValueError, find_ch_connectivity, raw.info, 'eog')
Example #3
def con_matrix(epochs: mne.Epochs,
               freqs_mean: list,
               draw: bool = False) -> tuple:
    Computes a priori channel connectivity across space and frequencies.

        epochs: one participant Epochs object; contains channel information.
        freqs_mean: list of frequencies in frequency-band-of-interest used
          by MNE for power or coherence spectral density calculation.
        draw: option to plot the connectivity matrices, boolean.

        ch_con, ch_con_freq:

        - ch_con: connectivity matrix between channels along space based on
          their position, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix of shape
          (n_channels, n_channels).

        - ch_con_freq: connectivity matrix between channels along space and
          frequencies, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix of shape
          (n_channels*len(freqs_mean), n_channels*len(freqs_mean)).

    # creating channel-to-channel connectivity matrix in space
    ch_con, ch_names_con = find_ch_connectivity(epochs.info, ch_type='eeg')

    ch_con_arr = ch_con.toarray()

    # duplicating the array 'freqs_mean' or 'freqs' times (PSD or CSD)
    # to take channel connectivity across neighboring frequencies into
    # account
    l_freq = len(freqs_mean)
    init = np.zeros((l_freq * len(ch_names_con), l_freq * len(ch_names_con)))
    for i in range(0, l_freq * len(ch_names_con)):
        for p in range(0, l_freq * len(ch_names_con)):
            if (p // len(ch_names_con) == i // len(ch_names_con)) or (
                    p // len(ch_names_con) == i // len(ch_names_con) +
                    1) or (p // len(ch_names_con)
                           == i // len(ch_names_con) - 1):
                init[i][p] = 1

    ch_con_mult = np.tile(ch_con_arr, (l_freq, l_freq))
    ch_con_freq = np.multiply(init, ch_con_mult)

    if draw:
        # visualizing the matrix and transforming it into array
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        plt.title("Connectivity matrix")
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
        plt.title("Meta-connectivity matrix")

    con_matrixTuple = namedtuple('con_matrix', ['ch_con', 'ch_con_freq'])

    return con_matrixTuple(ch_con=ch_con, ch_con_freq=ch_con_freq)
Example #4
def collect_data(dat0_files,condname,tmin,tmax,ismulti):
    nfiles0 = len(dat0_files)
    evokeds0 = []
    # find the path to the data files
    if len(dat0_files) == 1 or ismulti:
        filepath = config.epoch_path
        filepath = config.evoked_path

    for dat_idx, dat in enumerate(dat0_files):
            dat_file = op.join(filepath, dat + '.fif')
            print("Loading subject: %s" % dat_file)
            # load the files first
            if nfiles0 != 1:
                ev_dat0 = mne.read_evokeds(dat_file,condition=condname)
                ev_dat0 = mne.read_epochs(dat_file)            
            # We use the first dataset to create empty variables we fill in subsequently
            if dat_idx == 0:
                if nfiles0 != 1:            
                    dat0_orig = np.zeros((nfiles0,len(ev_dat0.times),ev_dat0.info['nchan']))
                    # we store all trials for single subject stats
                    dat0_orig = ev_dat0[condname].get_data()            
                # find electrode neighbourhoods
                if len(ev_dat0.ch_names) == 1:
                    connectivity = None
                    connectivity = find_ch_connectivity(ev_dat0.info, ch_type='eeg')     
                    connectivity = connectivity[0]                           
            # store the data for later plotting

            if nfiles0 != 1:
                dat0_orig[dat_idx] = np.transpose(ev_dat0.data)
                # select time-window of interest
                ev_dat0_crop = ev_dat0.crop(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
                if dat_idx == 0:
                    # create empty matrix to store the data that will actually be analysed
                    dat0 = np.zeros((dat0_orig.shape[0],ev_dat0_crop.data.shape[1],dat0_orig.shape[2]))
                dat0[dat_idx] = np.transpose(ev_dat0_crop.data)
                # select time-window of interest
                ev_dat0_crop = ev_dat0[condname].crop(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
                dat0 = np.transpose(ev_dat0_crop.get_data(), (0, 2, 1))

    return dat0, evokeds0, connectivity
reject = dict(mag=4e-12, eog=150e-6)
epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                    baseline=None, reject=reject, preload=True)

epochs.drop_channels(['EOG 061'])

X = [epochs[k].get_data() for k in event_id]  # as 3D matrix
X = [np.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1)) for x in X]  # transpose for clustering

# Find the FieldTrip neighbor definition to setup sensor connectivity
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
connectivity, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(epochs.info, ch_type='mag')

print(type(connectivity))  # it's a sparse matrix!

plt.imshow(connectivity.toarray(), cmap='gray', origin='lower',
plt.xlabel('{} Magnetometers'.format(len(ch_names)))
plt.ylabel('{} Magnetometers'.format(len(ch_names)))
plt.title('Between-sensor adjacency')

# Compute permutation statistic
# -----------------------------
# How does it work? We use clustering to `bind` together features which are
# similar. Our features are the magnetic fields measured over our sensor
reject = dict(mag=4e-12, eog=150e-6)
epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                    baseline=None, reject=reject, preload=True)

epochs.drop_channels(['EOG 061'])

X = [epochs[k].get_data() for k in event_id]  # as 3D matrix
X = [np.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1)) for x in X]  # transpose for clustering

# Find the FieldTrip neighbor definition to setup sensor connectivity
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
connectivity, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(epochs.info, ch_type='mag')

print(type(connectivity))  # it's a sparse matrix!

plt.imshow(connectivity.toarray(), cmap='gray', origin='lower',
plt.xlabel('{} Magnetometers'.format(len(ch_names)))
plt.ylabel('{} Magnetometers'.format(len(ch_names)))
plt.title('Between-sensor adjacency')

# Compute permutation statistic
# -----------------------------
# How does it work? We use clustering to `bind` together features which are
# similar. Our features are the magnetic fields measured over our sensor
Example #7
    x2, y2, z2 = sens_loc[nodes[1]]
    lines = mlab.plot3d(
        [x1, x2],
        [y1, y2],
        [z1, z2],
        [val, val],
        tube_radius=0.0002,  #color features
    lines.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.reverse_lut = True

##Calculate connectivity for single cap
from mne.channels import find_ch_connectivity

x, y = find_ch_connectivity(epochsS1.info, ch_type="eeg")

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
A = csr_matrix(x.toarray())

##Plot two caps connectivity
def capTest(x):
    if x >= 31:
        out = x - 31
        out = x
    return (out)

#Brain areas
                           df=len(epochs.events) - 2,

# Absent specific hypotheses, we can also conduct an exploratory
# mass-univariate analysis at all sensors and time points. This requires
# correcting for multiple tests.
# MNE offers various methods for this; amongst them, cluster-based permutation
# methods allow deriving power from the spatio-temoral correlation structure
# of the data. Here, we use TFCE.

# Calculate statistical thresholds
con = find_ch_connectivity(epochs.info, "eeg")

# Extract data: transpose because the cluster test requires channels to be last
# In this case, inference is done over items. In the same manner, we could
# also conduct the test over, e.g., subjects.
X = [
    long_words.get_data().transpose(0, 2, 1),
    short_words.get_data().transpose(0, 2, 1)
tfce = dict(start=.2, step=.2)

t_obs, clusters, cluster_pv, h0 = spatio_temporal_cluster_test(
    X, tfce, n_permutations=100)  # a more standard number would be 1000+
significant_points = cluster_pv.reshape(t_obs.shape).T < .05
print(str(significant_points.sum()) + " points selected by TFCE ...")
        # display results
        format_dict = dict(elec=elec, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax,
                           df=len(epochs.events) - 2, t_val=t, p=p)

# Absent specific hypotheses, we can also conduct an exploratory
# mass-univariate analysis at all sensors and time points. This requires
# correcting for multiple tests.
# MNE offers various methods for this; amongst them, cluster-based permutation
# methods allow deriving power from the spatio-temoral correlation structure
# of the data. Here, we use TFCE.

# Calculate statistical thresholds
con = find_ch_connectivity(epochs.info, "eeg")

# Extract data: transpose because the cluster test requires channels to be last
# In this case, inference is done over items. In the same manner, we could
# also conduct the test over, e.g., subjects.
X = [long_words.get_data().transpose(0, 2, 1),
     short_words.get_data().transpose(0, 2, 1)]
tfce = dict(start=.2, step=.2)

t_obs, clusters, cluster_pv, h0 = spatio_temporal_cluster_test(
    X, tfce, n_permutations=100)  # a more standard number would be 1000+
significant_points = cluster_pv.reshape(t_obs.shape).T < .05
print(str(significant_points.sum()) + " points selected by TFCE ...")

# The results of these mass univariate analyses can be visualised by plotting
Example #10
        g2 = np.swapaxes(
                    'metric_type=="{}" & subj_id=="{}" & channel=="{}"'.format(
                        metric_type, s, ch))['env'].values for ch in CHANNELS
            ] for s in y_df.query('fb_type=="FBMock"')['subj_id'].unique()]),
            2, 1)

        from mne.stats import spatio_temporal_cluster_test

        from mne import create_info
        from mne.channels import read_montage, find_ch_connectivity

        cnk = find_ch_connectivity(
            create_info(CHANNELS, 250, 'eeg', read_montage('standard_1005')),

        t_obs, clusters, cluster_pv, h0 = spatio_temporal_cluster_test(
            [g1, g2], 138, stat_fun=rankstat, tail=1, connectivity=cnk)

        good_cluster_inds = np.where(cluster_pv < 0.05)[0]

        for i_clu, clu_idx in enumerate(good_cluster_inds[:10]):
            # unpack cluster information, get unique indices
            time_inds, space_inds = np.squeeze(clusters[clu_idx])
            ch_inds = np.unique(space_inds)
            time_inds = np.unique(time_inds)

            # get topography for F stat
Example #11
# compute bootstrap confidence interval for phase-coherence betas and t-values

# set random state for replication
random_state = 42
random = np.random.RandomState(random_state)

# number of random samples
boot = 2000

# place holders for bootstrap samples
cluster_H0 = np.zeros(boot)
f_H0 = np.zeros(boot)

# setup connectivity
n_tests = betas.shape[1]
connectivity, ch_names = find_ch_connectivity(epochs_info, ch_type='eeg')
connectivity = _setup_connectivity(connectivity, n_tests, n_times)

# threshond for clustering
threshold = 100.

# run bootstrap for regression coefficients
for i in range(boot):
    # extract random subjects from overall sample
    resampled_subjects = random.choice(range(betas.shape[0]),
    # resampled betas
    resampled_betas = betas[resampled_subjects, :]

    # compute standard error of bootstrap sample
Example #12
info = mne.create_info(ch_names=montage.ch_names, sfreq=500, ch_types='eeg')
epo1 = mne.EpochsArray(data=np.empty((36, 32, 501)), info=info)

epo2 = epo1.copy()
mne.epochs.equalize_epoch_counts([epo1, epo2])
sampling_rate = epo1.info['sfreq']  #Hz

# concatenate two datasets
epo_real = utils.merge(epoch_S1=epo1, epoch_S2=epo2)

# setting up parameters
n_chan = len(epo_real.ch_names)
# get channel locations
con, _ = find_ch_connectivity(epo1.info, 'eeg')
con = con.toarray()

N = int(n_chan / 2)
A11 = 1 * np.ones((N, N))
A12 = 0 * np.ones((N, N))
A21 = 0 * np.ones((N, N))
A22 = 1 * np.ones((N, N))

# A11 = con
# A22 = con
W = np.block([[A11, A12], [A21, A22]])
W = 0.2 * W

# simulation params
frequency_mean = 10.