Example #1
def test_read_write_head_pos(tmpdir):
    """Test reading and writing head position quaternion parameters."""
    temp_name = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp.pos')
    # This isn't a 100% valid quat matrix but it should be okay for tests
    head_pos_rand = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(20, 10)
    # This one is valid
    head_pos_read = read_head_pos(pos_fname)
    for head_pos_orig in (head_pos_rand, head_pos_read):
        write_head_pos(temp_name, head_pos_orig)
        head_pos = read_head_pos(temp_name)
        assert_allclose(head_pos_orig, head_pos, atol=1e-3)
    # Degenerate cases
    pytest.raises(TypeError, write_head_pos, 0, head_pos_read)  # not filename
    pytest.raises(ValueError, write_head_pos, temp_name, 'foo')  # not array
    pytest.raises(ValueError, write_head_pos, temp_name, head_pos_read[:, :9])
    pytest.raises(TypeError, read_head_pos, 0)
    pytest.raises(IOError, read_head_pos, temp_name + 'foo')
Example #2
def test_read_write_head_pos(tmpdir):
    """Test reading and writing head position quaternion parameters."""
    temp_name = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'temp.pos')
    # This isn't a 100% valid quat matrix but it should be okay for tests
    head_pos_rand = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(20, 10)
    # This one is valid
    head_pos_read = read_head_pos(pos_fname)
    for head_pos_orig in (head_pos_rand, head_pos_read):
        write_head_pos(temp_name, head_pos_orig)
        head_pos = read_head_pos(temp_name)
        assert_allclose(head_pos_orig, head_pos, atol=1e-3)
    # Degenerate cases
    pytest.raises(TypeError, write_head_pos, 0, head_pos_read)  # not filename
    pytest.raises(ValueError, write_head_pos, temp_name, 'foo')  # not array
    pytest.raises(ValueError, write_head_pos, temp_name, head_pos_read[:, :9])
    pytest.raises(TypeError, read_head_pos, 0)
    pytest.raises(IOError, read_head_pos, temp_name + 'foo')
from mne.io import read_raw_fif

from metacog import bp
from metacog.utils import setup_logging
from metacog.dataset_specific_utils import parse_args

logger = setup_logging(__file__)

def compute_head_position(src: Path) -> np.ndarray:
    raw = read_raw_fif(src)
    chpi_ampl = compute_chpi_amplitudes(raw)
    chpi_locs = compute_chpi_locs(raw.info, chpi_ampl)
    return compute_head_pos(raw.info, chpi_locs)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = parse_args(description=__doc__, args=sys.argv[1:], emptyroom=False)
    subj, task, run = args.subject, args.task, args.run

    # input
    raw = bp.root.fpath(subject=subj, task=task, run=run, session=None)
    # output
    headpos = bp.headpos.fpath(subject=subj, task=task, run=run)

    logger.info(f"Processing {raw.name} --> {headpos}")

    head_pos = compute_head_position(raw)
    write_head_pos(headpos, head_pos)