Example #1
class CSPSVCClassifier(Classifier):
    def __init__(self, params, net_saver_dir):
        super(CSPSVCClassifier, self).__init__(params)

    def _init(self):
        self.n_components = self.params.get('n_components', 4)
        self.svc = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear', probability=True)
        self.csp = CSP(n_components=self.n_components, norm_trace=False)

    def _fit(self, X_train_dict, y_train, X_valid_dict, y_valid, **kwargs):
        X_train = X_train_dict['x']
        X_train_transformed = self.csp.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)
        self.svc.fit(X_train_transformed, y_train)
        return {'csp_filters': self.csp.patterns_}

    def _predict(self, X_test_dict, **kwargs):
        X_test = X_test_dict['x']
        X_test_transformed = self.csp.transform(X_test)
        return self.svc.predict(X_test_transformed)

    def _predict_proba(self, X_test_dict, **kwargs):
        X_test = X_test_dict['x']
        X_test_transformed = self.csp.transform(X_test)
        return self.svc.predict_proba(X_test_transformed)
Example #2
def get_score(subject=1):
    epochs = mne_wrapper.get_epochs(subject)
    epochs_train = epochs.copy().crop(tmin=1., tmax=2.)
    epochs_data_train = epochs_train.get_data()
    labels = epochs.events[:, -1]

    cv = KFold(n_splits=5)
    csp = CSP(n_components=4, reg=None,
              norm_trace=False, transform_into="csp_space")
    fft = mne_wrapper.FFT()
    svc = svm.SVC(kernel="linear")

    scores = []
    self_scores = []
    for train_index, test_index in cv.split(epochs_data_train):
        # fit
        x = epochs_data_train[train_index]
        y = labels[train_index]
        x = csp.fit_transform(x, y)
        x = fft.transform(x)
        # print(x)
        svc.fit(x, y)
        self_scores.append(svc.score(x, y))

        # estimate
        x_test = epochs_data_train[test_index]
        y_test = labels[test_index]
        x_test = csp.transform(x_test)
        x_test = fft.transform(x_test)
        score = svc.score(x_test, y_test)

    return np.mean(self_scores), np.mean(scores)
Example #3
def run_csp(run_data, label, n_comp):
    # transform data
    matrix, trials, labels = run_data
    num_trials = len(labels)
    d3_data = d3_matrix_creator(matrix, num_trials)

    # create data info object for rawArray
    # ch_names = ['eog' + str(x) for x in range(1, 4)]
    ch_names = ['eeg' + str(x) for x in range(1, 23)]

    # ch_types = ['eog' for x in range(0, 3)]
    ch_types = ['eeg' for x in range(1, 23)]

    # Create label info
    labels = csp_label_reformat(labels, label)

    # Create data_info and event_info
    data_info = mne.create_info(ch_names, HERTZ, ch_types, None)
    event_info = create_events(labels)

    # Create mne structure
    epochs_data = mne.EpochsArray(d3_data, data_info, event_info, verbose=False)

    """ Do some crazy csp stuff """

    # Cross validation with sklearn
    labels = epochs_data.events[:, -1]

    csp = CSP(n_components=n_comp)
    csp = csp.fit(d3_data, labels)
    return csp
Example #4
    def build_model(self, data, label):
        global info, csp_components
        print("{}: Building model with {} and {}".format(
            self.name, np.shape(data), np.shape(label)))
        self.csp_list = []
        self.lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        csp_feature_train = None
        for i in range(num_bank):
            low_cut = self.filter_bank[i][0]
            high_cut = self.filter_bank[i][1]

            MI_epochs = mne.EpochsArray(data, info)
            MI_epochs.filter(low_cut, high_cut, method='iir')
            MI_epochs.set_eeg_reference('average', projection=True)
            csp = CSP(n_components=csp_components, norm_trace=True)

            x_train = csp.fit_transform(MI_epochs.get_data(), label)

            if i == 0:
                csp_feature_train = x_train
                csp_feature_train = np.concatenate(
                    (csp_feature_train, x_train), axis=1)
        self.lda.fit(csp_feature_train, label)
Example #5
def selectBounds(data, label, bounds_list):
    n_components = 4
    # 定义CSP滤波器 输出4个特征
    csp = CSP(n_components=n_components, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=False)
    num = len(bounds_list)
    all_features = np.zeros([120, n_components * num])
    i = 0
    for bound in bounds_list:
        data = butter_bandpass_filter(data, bound[0], bound[1])
        data_features = csp.fit_transform(data, label)
        all_features[:, i:i + 4] = data_features
        i = i + 4
    select_K = sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest(mutual_info_classif,
                                                         all_features, label)
    selected_list = select_K.get_support(indices=True)

    # 按照前十特征所在频带 出现的频率排序
    selected_bounds = []  #[ 4  5 10 17 20 21 23 31 33 39]
    selected_dic = {}
    for i in range(len(selected_list)):
        bound_index = (selected_list[i] + 1) % 4 - 1
        if bound_index in selected_dic:
            selected_dic[bound_index] = selected_dic[bound_index] + 1
            selected_dic[bound_index] = 1
    tmp = sorted(selected_dic.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    for i in tmp:
    return selected_bounds
Example #6
 def wrapper_csp(x, cl, reducedim):
     """Call MNE CSP algorithm."""
     from mne.decoding import CSP
     csp = CSP(n_components=reducedim, cov_est="epoch", reg="ledoit_wolf")
     csp.fit(x, cl)
     c, d = csp.filters_.T[:, :reducedim], csp.patterns_[:reducedim, :]
     y = datatools.dot_special(c.T, x)
     return c, d, y
Example #7
def train_transform(train_nparray, train_info, test_nparray, test_info, best_opts, verbose=False):
    [train_X, train_y] = extract_X_and_y(train_nparray, train_info, best_opts, verbose=verbose)
    [test_X, test_y] = extract_X_and_y(test_nparray, test_info, best_opts, verbose=verbose)
    # train / apply CSP with max num filters
    csp = CSP(n_components=best_opts.best_num_filters, reg=None, log=True)
    csp.fit(train_X, train_y)
    # apply CSP filters to train data
    train_feat = csp.transform(train_X)
    # apply CSP filters to test data
    test_feat = csp.transform(test_X)
    return [train_feat, train_y, test_feat, test_y]
def process(filename):
    data_dir = os.path.join("../Datasets/", filename)
    data_path = os.path.join(data_dir, filename + '_cnt.txt')
    label_path = os.path.join(data_dir, filename + '_mrk.txt')

    data_df = pd.read_table(data_path, header=None)
    label_df = pd.read_table(label_path, header=None)

    ## data overview
    print("data shape", data_df.shape)
    print("label shape", label_df.shape)

    ## data 
    label_array = label_df.dropna().values
    train_markers = []
    for events in label_array:
        if events[1] != 0:
            for i in range(0, 400, 50):
                train_markers.append((float(events[0]) + i, str(int(events[1]))))

    markers_subject1_class_1 = [(float(events[0]),str(int(events[1]))) for events in train_markers if events[1]== '1']
    markers_subject1_class_2 = [(float(events[0]),str(int(events[1]))) for events in train_markers if events[1]== '2']

    data_array = data_df.values
    cnt1 = convert_mushu_data(data_array, markers_subject1_class_1, 50, channels)
    cnt2 = convert_mushu_data(data_array, markers_subject1_class_2, 50, channels)

    epoch_subject1_class1 = segment_dat(cnt1, md, [0, 1000]) # 640x50x118
    epoch_subject1_class2 = segment_dat(cnt2, md, [0, 1000]) # 704x50x118
    final_epoch = append_epo(epoch_subject1_class1,epoch_subject1_class2) #1344x50x118
    targets = final_epoch.axes[0]

    methods = ['_csp', '_bandpowers', '_dct', '_wavelet']
    for i, func in enumerate(['_csp', utils.bandpowers, utils.dct_features, utils.wavelet_features]):
        if func == '_csp':
            from mne.decoding import CSP
            csp = CSP(n_components=50, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=True)
            dictionary = csp.fit_transform(final_epoch.data, targets)
            dictionary = feature_transform(final_epoch, func)

        ## save the data
        res = np.concatenate([dictionary, targets.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
        res_df = pd.DataFrame(res)
        save_path = os.path.join(data_dir, filename + methods[i] + '.csv')
        res_df.to_csv(save_path, index=False)
        print("==> saved data at {}".format(save_path))
def CSP_data(selected_channels, selected_electrodes_reshaped,
             selected_electrodes_ref, n_patterns, zeros, n_freqs, y):
    x = create_data(selected_electrodes_ref, fs, n_samples, low, high, n_freqs,
                    zeros, length)
    x_reshaped = np.reshape(x, (n_samples, n_channels_ref, n_freqs))
    csp1 = CSP(n_components=n_patterns, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=False)
    csp2 = CSP(n_components=n_patterns, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=False)

    # Traditional CSP of the raw data
    x_raw_csp = csp1.fit_transform(selected_electrodes_reshaped, y)

    info = mne.create_info(selected_channels, sfreq=fs, ch_types='eeg')
    info['description'] = 'My motor imagery dataset!'

    epochs = mne.EpochsArray(selected_electrodes_reshaped, info)

    # # Apply band-pass filter to the raw data
    # epochs.filter(low, high, fir_design='firwin', skip_by_annotation='edge')

                       units='Patterns (AU)',

    # CSP of the PSD data
    x_csp = csp2.fit_transform(x_reshaped, y)
    print("x_csp shape: ", x_csp.shape)

    return np.hstack((x_csp, x_raw_csp)), x, csp1, csp2
Example #10
class Adjuster(Thread):
    """Thread to ajust CSP and classfier with new training data"""
    def __init__(self, datas, labels):
        self.datas = datas
        self.labels = labels
        self.csp = None
        self.clf = None
    def run(self):
        self.csp = CSP(reg='ledoit_wolf')
        self.csp.fit(self.datas, self.labels)
        self.clf = svm.SVC()
        self.clf.fit(self.csp.transform(self.datas), self.labels)
Example #11
    def __init__(self,
            data_channels : int, default list(range(20))
                Channels that the classifier should use as input
            window_size : int, default 1000
                number of samples of eeg data the classifier should use as input
            preprocessing : default LowpassWrapper()
                Step added to the start of the csp+lda sklearn pipeline

        self.window_size = window_size
        self.data_channels = data_channels

        # make pipeline
        preproc = preprocessing
        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        csp = CSP(n_components=10,
        self.clf = Pipeline([(str(preproc), preproc), ('CSP', csp),
                             ('LDA', lda)])
Example #12
def create_confidence_matrix(user_matix, file_number=0, limit=None):
    from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
    if not limit:
        limit = 100
    score_matrix = np.full((len(user_matix), len(user_matix)), 0)
    classifier_matrix = [[0 for x in range(len(user_matix))]
                         for y in range(len(user_matix))]
    print("New confidence matrix")
    for id, subject in enumerate(user_matix):
        #print("Training user for "+str(id))
        for oid, other_subject in enumerate(user_matix):
            if id == oid:
                lda = LDA()
                labels1 = [0 for i in range(len(subject[file_number]))]
                labels2 = [1 for j in range(len(other_subject[file_number]))]
                labels = np.concatenate(
                    (np.asarray(labels1), np.asarray(labels2)))
                    data = np.concatenate(
                if len(data) == len(labels):
                    csp = CSP(n_components=4)
                    clf = Pipeline([('CSP', csp), ("LDA", lda)])
                    score_matrix[id][oid] = fit_classifier_cross_val_score(
                        data, labels, clf)
                    classifier_matrix[id][oid] = clf
                    print("Smth gone wrong")
    return score_matrix, classifier_matrix
Example #13
    def _csp_lda(self, eeg: EEG):

        print('Training CSP & LDA model')

        # convert data to mne.Epochs
        ch_names = eeg.get_board_names()
        ch_types = ['eeg'] * len(ch_names)
        sfreq: int = eeg.sfreq
        n_samples: int = min([t.shape[1] for t in self.trials])
        epochs_array: np.ndarray = np.stack(
            [t[:, :n_samples] for t in self.trials])

        info = mne.create_info(ch_names, sfreq, ch_types)
        epochs = mne.EpochsArray(epochs_array, info)

        # set montage
        montage = make_standard_montage('standard_1020')

        # Apply band-pass filter

        # Assemble a classifier
        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        csp = CSP(n_components=6, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=False)

        # Use scikit-learn Pipeline
        self.clf = Pipeline([('CSP', csp), ('LDA', lda)])

        # fit transformer and classifier to data
        self.clf.fit(epochs.get_data(), self.labels)
Example #14
def test_ssd_pipeline():
    """Test if SSD works in a pipeline."""
    from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
    sf = 250
    X, A, S = simulate_data(n_trials=100, n_channels=20, n_samples=500)
    X_e = np.reshape(X, (100, 20, 500))
    # define bynary random output
    y = np.random.randint(2, size=100)

    info = create_info(ch_names=20, sfreq=sf, ch_types='eeg')

    filt_params_signal = dict(l_freq=freqs_sig[0],
    filt_params_noise = dict(l_freq=freqs_noise[0],
    ssd = SSD(info, filt_params_signal, filt_params_noise)
    csp = CSP()
    pipe = Pipeline([('SSD', ssd), ('CSP', csp)])
    out = pipe.fit_transform(X_e, y)
    assert (out.shape == (100, 2))
    assert (pipe.get_params()['SSD__n_components'] == 5)
Example #15
	def fit(self, data, label):
		data_bank = dict()
		for i in range(self.n_bank):
			# get each freq filter bank 
			data_bank[i] = self.bank_filter(data, self.low[i], self.high[i], self.sample_rate)
			# extract csp feature for each bank 
			self.csp_bank[i] = CSP(n_components=self.csp_component, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=False)
			self.csp_bank[i].fit(data_bank[i], label)
    def self_tune(self, X, y, verbose=False):
        # fix random seed for reproducibility
        seed = 5

        # define k-fold cross validation test harness
        kfold = StratifiedKFold(y=y,

        # init scores
        cvscores = {}
        for i in xrange(1, self.num_spatial_filters):
            cvscores[i + 1] = 0

        for i, (train, test) in enumerate(kfold):
            # calculate CSP spatial filters
            csp = CSP(n_components=self.num_spatial_filters)
            csp.fit(X[train], y[train])

            # try all filters, from the given num down to 2
            # (1 is too often found to be overfitting)
            for j in xrange(2, self.num_spatial_filters):
                num_filters_to_try = j

                # calculate spatial filters
                csp.n_components = num_filters_to_try
                # apply CSP filters to train data
                tuning_train_LDA_features = csp.transform(X[train])
                check_X_y(tuning_train_LDA_features, y[train])

                # apply CSP filters to test data
                tuning_test_LDA_features = csp.transform(X[test])
                check_X_y(tuning_test_LDA_features, y[test])

                # train LDA
                lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
                prediction_score = lda.fit(tuning_train_LDA_features,

                cvscores[num_filters_to_try] += prediction_score

                if verbose:
                    print "prediction score", prediction_score, "with", num_filters_to_try, "spatial filters"

        best_num = max(cvscores, key=cvscores.get)
        best_score = cvscores[best_num] / i + 1
        if verbose:
            print "best num filters:", best_num, "(average accuracy ", best_score, ")"
            print "average scores per filter num:"
            for k in cvscores:
                print k, ":", cvscores[k] / i + 1

        return [best_num, best_score]
Example #17
def csp_training(raw, picks, nfilters):
    """ Implement CSP training

    :param raw: Raw data
    :return: The csp filter

    epochs_tot = []
    y = []

    # get event position corresponding to Replace
    events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='HandStart', verbose=False)
    # epochs signal for 1.5 second before the movement
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, {'during': 1}, 0, 2, proj=False,
                    picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True,
                    add_eeg_ref=False, verbose=False)

    y.extend([1] * len(epochs))

    # epochs signal for 1.5 second after the movement, this correspond to the
    # rest period.
    epochs_rest = Epochs(raw, events, {'before': 1}, -2, 0, proj=False,
                         picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True,
                         add_eeg_ref=False, verbose=False)

    # Workaround to be able to concatenate epochs with MNE
    epochs_rest.times = epochs.times

    y.extend([-1] * len(epochs_rest))

    # Concatenate all epochs
    epochs = concatenate_epochs(epochs_tot)

    # get data
    X = epochs.get_data()
    y = np.array(y)

    # train CSP
    csp = CSP(n_components=nfilters, reg='lws')
    csp.fit(X, y)

    return csp
Example #18
File: fbcsp.py Project: bustios/res
def create_fbcsp(bands, n_components=2, transform_into="average_power"):
    pipeline = []
    for low, high in zip(bands[::2], bands[1::2]):
             Pipeline([("bandpass_filter", BandPassFilter(low, high)),
    return FeatureUnion(pipeline)
Example #19
def cspReduce(X,xTest,y,n_components):

    if np.size(xTest)==0:
        raise NoTestError("A test file is needed for dimension reducing, otherwise, test would be biaised.\nAdd '-r 0.8' option when calling mainParams.py")

    #Reformat X for csp function
    X = vecToMat(X)
    print X.shape
    #Apply CSP
    csp = CSP(n_components=n_components)
    X = csp.fit_transform(X,y)

    xTest = vecToMat(xTest)
    xTest = csp.transform(xTest)
    return X,xTest
Example #20
    def train(self, reader, doBalanceLabels):
        trainFiles = reader.traindata
        triggers = reader.classtrainTriggers
        onsets = reader.classtrainOnsets
        finOnsets = reader.classtrainFinOnsets
         self.labels] = utilities.dataLoadFromEDF(self, trainFiles, triggers,
                                                  onsets, finOnsets,
        if (doBalanceLabels):
             self.labels] = utilities.balance_labels(self.trainData,
        csp = CSP(n_components=self.numCSP,
        csp.fit(self.trainData, self.labels)
        fVecs = csp.transform(self.trainData)
        self.trainResult.cspOp = csp
        inds = np.random.permutation(fVecs.shape[0])
        fVecs = fVecs[inds, :]
        labels = self.labels[inds]
        self.trainResult.mean = np.mean(fVecs, 0)
        self.trainResult.std = np.std(fVecs, 0)

        for i in range(fVecs.shape[0]):
            fVecs[i, :] = (fVecs[i, :] -
                           self.trainResult.mean) / self.trainResult.std
        fTransformed = fVecs
        if not (self.params.finalClassifier is None):
            [Op, fTransformed
             ] = utilities.trainClassifier(self.params.finalClassifier,
                                           fTransformed, labels)
            self.trainResult.finalOp = Op
        self.trainResult.trainTransformedVecs = fTransformed
        self.trainResult.trainLabels = labels
Example #21
    def model(self, n_components):
        Classification using Linear Discriminant Analysis (lda)
        Signal decomposition using Common Spatial Patterns (CSP)
        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        csp = CSP(n_components=n_components,
        clf = Pipeline([('CSP', csp), ('LDA', lda)])

        return clf, csp
Example #22
 def build_model(self, data, label):
     global info, csp_components, low_cut, high_cut
     print("{}: Building model with {} and {}".format(
         self.name, np.shape(data), np.shape(label)))
     MI_epochs = mne.EpochsArray(data, info)
     MI_epochs.filter(low_cut, high_cut, method='iir')
     MI_epochs.set_eeg_reference('average', projection=True)
     self.clf = make_pipeline(
             norm_trace=False), LinearDiscriminantAnalysis())
     self.clf.fit(MI_epochs.get_data(), label)
Example #23
 def train_model(
         csp_component):  #todo csp_component X = (nTrial,nChannel,nTimes)
     self.csp = CSP(n_components=csp_component,
     self.clf = Pipeline([('CSP', self.csp),
                          ('SCALER_BEFOR', self.scaler_befor_lda),
                          ('LDA', self.lda)
                          ])  #,('SCALER_AFTER',self.scaler_after_lda)
     self.clf.fit(self.train_data, self.labels)
     trans_result = self.clf.transform(self.train_data)
Example #24
    def fit(self, X, y):
        filtersCount = np.shape(self.filterDiaposones)[0]

        filters = []
        CSPs = []
        Pipelines = []
        FB = []
        for i in range(filtersCount):
            lowF = self.filterDiaposones[i][0]

            highF = self.filterDiaposones[i][1]

            filters.append(Bandpass(self.frequency, lowF, highF, axis=2))
                Pipeline([('filter_' + str(i), filters[i]),
                          ('csp_' + str(i), CSPs[i])]))
            # Pipelines.append(Pipeline([('filter_' + str(i), filters[i])]))
            FB.append(('F_' + str(i), Pipelines[i]))
        FU = FeatureUnion(FB)

        FU.fit(X, y)
        CSPfilters = []
        for i in range(filtersCount):

        self.CSPfilters = CSPfilters
        buf = np.empty(shape=(np.shape(X)[0], self.n_components * filtersCount,
        for i in range(filtersCount):
            buf[:, i * self.n_components:i * self.n_components +
                self.n_components] = np.asarray([
                    np.dot(self.CSPfilters[i], epoch)
                    for epoch in filters[i].transform(X)

        X = buf

        # compute features (mean band power)
        X = (X**2).mean(axis=2)

        # To standardize features
        self.mean_ = X.mean(axis=0)
        self.std_ = X.std(axis=0)

        return self
Example #25
def get_trained_CSP_LDA(data,
    """Returns a trained sklearn pipeline of [csp, lda]

    data : np.array
        Data to train the classifier on
        Shape (trials, channels, time)
    labels : np.array
        1d array of labels to the training data
    window_size : int
        Size in samples (not seconds) the classifier should be trained on
        If None, the function will trian with each entire trial as input
        Default None
    preprocessing : object implementing fit_transform and transform
        Preprocessing step to add at the beggining of the sklearn pipeline
        Default BIpy.preprocessing.LowpassWraspper()
    step_size : int, default None
        Stride/step size passed to BIpy.data_processing.get_windows()
        If None, classifier will be trained on raw data and get_windows() is never used

        A trained csp + lda Pipeline

    # slide window over trial data to generate many more data points
    if step_size and window_size and window_size < data.shape[-1]:
        data, labels = get_windows(data, labels, window_size, step_size)

    # make pipeline
    preproc = preprocessing
    lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
    csp = CSP(n_components=10,
    clf = Pipeline([(str(preproc), preproc), ('CSP', csp), ('LDA', lda)])

    # train model
    clf.fit(data, labels)

    # return trained model
    return clf
Example #26
def main(person):
    h1_list = get_acc(person)
    h0_list = []
    for i in h1_list:
        j = 1 - i
    data, label = load_data(person)
    train_data, train_label, _, _ = seperate_test(data, label, 0)
    csp = CSP(n_components=4, reg=None, log=False, norm_trace=False)
    lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
    clf = Pipeline([('CSP', csp), ('LDA', lda)])
    clf.fit(train_data, train_label)
    sec = 0
    seconds = []
    acc_dic = {}
    for i in range(20):
        acc_dic["test{}".format(i)] = []
    while sec <= 1.4:
        sec = sec + 0.1
    j = 0
    with tqdm(total=len(seconds) * 20) as pbar:
        for second in seconds:
            _, _, test_data, test_label = seperate_test(data, label, second)
            test_feature = csp.transform(test_data)
            p = lda.predict_proba(test_feature)
            for i in range(20):
                p_h1 = max(p[i][0], p[i][1])
                p_h0 = min(p[i][0], p[i][1])
                predict_ = 0 if p[i][0] > p[i][1] else 1
                pre_p = p_h1 * h1_list[j] / (p_h1 * h1_list[j] +
                                             p_h0 * h0_list[j])
                    [p_h1, p_h0, pre_p, predict_])
            j = j + 1
    return acc_dic, test_label
Example #27
def SVM(pca_L, pca_RR, labels_data):

    from sklearn.svm import SVC  # noqa
    from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit  # noqa
    from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
    from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
    from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
    # Apply different classifiers to test out results very easily
    # by just defining it here, and adding  it to the pipeline after the CSP filter

    forest_clf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42)
    linear_svc = LinearSVC(random_state=42)

    # Applies CSP before applying SVC for better results, point of investigation for
    # obtaining better accuracies

    from mne.decoding import CSP  # noqa
    clf = make_pipeline(
        CSP(n_components=4, reg='oas', log=True, norm_trace=False), linear_svc)
    #SVC(C=1, kernel = 'linear'))

    #    forest_scores = cross_val_score(forest_clf, X_train, y_train, cv = 10)
    #    forest_scores.mean()

    # If you want to apply a LogisticRegression instead, this is the code for it
    #    from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
    #    from mne.decoding import (SlidingEstimator, cross_val_multiscore)
    #    from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
    #    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

    #    clf = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LogisticRegression())
    #    time_decod = SlidingEstimator(clf, n_jobs=1, scoring='accuracy')
    #    L_score = cross_val_multiscore(time_decod, pca_L, labels_data[0][:,-1], cv=cv, n_jobs=1)
    #    R_score = cross_val_multiscore(time_decod, pca_RR, labels_data[1][:,-1], cv=cv, n_jobs=1)

    # Use cross validation based on shuflesplit, to split into training and testing - Random
    cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=10, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

    L_score = cross_val_score(clf, pca_L, labels_data[0][:, -1], cv=cv)
    R_score = cross_val_score(clf, pca_RR, labels_data[1][:, -1], cv=cv)

    print('Left Hemisphere Score', np.mean(L_score))
    print('Right Hemisphere Score', np.mean(R_score))

    return (L_score, R_score)
Example #28
    def fit(self, X, y):
        self.csp = []
        nyq = 0.5 * self.fs

        self.labels = np.unique(y)

        for band in self.bands:
            b, a = butter(5, band / nyq, btype='band')
            Xband = filtfilt(b, a, X, axis=2)  #trials x ch x time
            csp_band = []
            for c in self.labels:
                csp_class = CSP(self.n_components).fit(Xband, y == c)
            self.csp.append(csp_band)  #[banda][clase]
        return self
    def fit(self, X, y):
        # filter and crop X
        X = self.preprocess_X(X)

        # Check that X and y have correct shape
        X, y = check_X_y(X, y, allow_nd=True)

        # set internal vars
        self.classes_ = unique_labels(y)
        self.X_ = X
        self.y_ = y

        # train / apply CSP with max num filters
        [self.best_num_filters, best_num_filters_score] = self.self_tune()

        # now use this insight to really fit
        # calculate CSP spatial filters
        csp = CSP(n_components=self.best_num_filters, reg=None, log=True)
        csp.fit(self.X_, self.y_)

        # now use CSP spatial filters to transform
        classification_features = csp.transform(self.X_)

        # train LDA
        classifier = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        classifier.fit(classification_features, self.y_)

        self.featureTransformer = csp
        self.classifier = classifier

        # finish up, set the flag to indicate "fitted" state
        self.fit_ = True

        # Return the classifier
        return self
Example #30
def classify(epochs, config):
    n_splits = config['classification']['n_splits']
    n_repeats = config['classification']['n_repeats']
    classifier = config['classification']['classifier']
    csp = CSP(n_components=config['classification']['csp_num_components'],

    labels = epochs.events[:, -1]

    cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, n_repeats=n_repeats)
    scores = []
    epochs_data = epochs.get_data()

    for train_idx, test_idx in cv.split(labels):
        y_train, y_test = labels[train_idx], labels[test_idx]

        x_train = csp.fit_transform(epochs_data[train_idx], y_train)
        x_test = csp.transform(epochs_data[test_idx])

        classifier.fit(x_train, y_train)

        scores.append(classifier.score(x_test, y_test))

    return np.mean(scores)
Example #31
def plotCSP(experiments, components, task):
    epochs = getEpochs(experiments, task)
    y = epochs.events[:, 2]
    epochs_data = epochs.get_data()
    csp = CSP(n_components=components, reg=None, log=False, norm_trace=False)
    csp.fit_transform(epochs_data, y)
                      units='Patterns (AU)',
Example #32
def create_fbcsp(low_freq,
    pipeline_list = []
    step = band_width - band_overlap
    bands = range(low_freq, low_freq + n_filters * step, step)
    for low in bands:
            ("pipe%d" % low,
             Pipeline([("filter", BandPassFilter(low, low + band_width)),
                       ("csp", CSP(n_components=n_csp_components))])))

    return FeatureUnion(pipeline_list, n_jobs=n_jobs)
	def self_tune(self, X, y, verbose=False):
		# fix random seed for reproducibility
		seed = 5

		# define k-fold cross validation test harness
		kfold = StratifiedKFold(y=y, n_folds=self.tuning_csp_num_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=seed)

		# init scores
		cvscores = {}
		for i in xrange(1,self.num_spatial_filters):
			cvscores[i+1] = 0

		for i, (train, test) in enumerate(kfold):
			# calculate CSP spatial filters
			csp = CSP(n_components=self.num_spatial_filters)
			csp.fit(X[train], y[train])

			# try all filters, from the given num down to 2
			# (1 is too often found to be overfitting)
			for j in xrange(2,self.num_spatial_filters):
				num_filters_to_try = j

				# calculate spatial filters
				csp.n_components = num_filters_to_try
				# apply CSP filters to train data
				tuning_train_LDA_features = csp.transform(X[train])
				check_X_y(tuning_train_LDA_features, y[train])

				# apply CSP filters to test data
				tuning_test_LDA_features = csp.transform(X[test])
				check_X_y(tuning_test_LDA_features, y[test])

				# train LDA
				lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
				prediction_score = lda.fit(tuning_train_LDA_features, y[train]).score(tuning_test_LDA_features, y[test])

				cvscores[num_filters_to_try] += prediction_score

				if verbose:
					print "prediction score", prediction_score, "with",num_filters_to_try,"spatial filters"

		best_num = max(cvscores, key=cvscores.get)
		best_score = cvscores[best_num] / i+1
		if verbose:
			print "best num filters:", best_num, "(average accuracy ",best_score,")"
			print "average scores per filter num:"
			for k in cvscores:
				print k,":", cvscores[k]/i+1

		return [best_num, best_score]
Example #34
	def fit_transform(self, data, label):
		data_bank = dict()
		csp_feat = dict()
		for i in range(self.n_bank):
			# get each freq filter bank 
			data_bank[i] = self.bank_filter(data, self.low[i], self.high[i], self.sample_rate)
			# extract csp feature for each bank 
			self.csp_bank[i] = CSP(n_components=4, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=False)
			self.csp_bank[i].fit(data_bank[i], label)
			csp_feat[i] = self.csp_bank[i].transform(data_bank[i])
			except NameError:
				feature = csp_feat[i]
				feature = np.hstack([feature, csp_feat[i]])
		return feature
def analyzeCSP(components, examples, targets):

    csp = CSP(n_components=components, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=False)

    csp_examples = csp.fit_transform(examples, targets)

    channel_names = np.loadtxt('./metadata/channel_names.csv', dtype=str)

    bci_info = create_info(channel_names.tolist(),
    csp.plot_patterns(bci_info, ch_type='eeg').savefig("CSP Patterns.png")
    csp.plot_filters(bci_info, ch_type='eeg').savefig("CSP Filters.png")

    return csp_examples, targets
def eval_classification(max_spatial_filters,
    # Assemble a classifier

    # train / apply CSP with max num filters
    csp = CSP(n_components=max_spatial_filters, reg=None, log=True)

    csp.fit(train_X, train_y)

    best_num = 0
    best_score = 0.0

    # try at least 6 filters
    for i in xrange(1, 6):  #max_spatial_filters):

        num_filters_to_try = i + 1
        if verbose:
            print "trying with first", num_filters_to_try, "spatial filters"

        # apply CSP filters to train data
        csp.n_components = num_filters_to_try
        train_feat = csp.transform(train_X)

        # apply CSP filters to test data
        test_feat = csp.transform(test_X)

        # train LDA
        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        prediction_score = lda.fit(train_feat,
                                   train_y).score(test_feat, test_y)

        if prediction_score > best_score:
            best_score = prediction_score
            best_num = num_filters_to_try

        if verbose:
            print "prediction score", prediction_score

    print "prediction score", best_score
    print "best filters:", best_num

    return [best_score, best_num]
Example #37
def eval_classification(max_spatial_filters, train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y, verbose=False):
    # Assemble a classifier

    # train / apply CSP with max num filters
    csp = CSP(n_components=max_spatial_filters, reg=None, log=True)

    csp.fit(train_X, train_y)

    best_num = 0
    best_score = 0.0

    # try at least 6 filters
    for i in xrange(1, 6):  # max_spatial_filters):

        num_filters_to_try = i + 1
        if verbose:
            print "trying with first", num_filters_to_try, "spatial filters"

            # apply CSP filters to train data
        csp.n_components = num_filters_to_try
        train_feat = csp.transform(train_X)

        # apply CSP filters to test data
        test_feat = csp.transform(test_X)

        # train LDA
        lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
        prediction_score = lda.fit(train_feat, train_y).score(test_feat, test_y)

        if prediction_score > best_score:
            best_score = prediction_score
            best_num = num_filters_to_try

        if verbose:
            print "prediction score", prediction_score

    print "prediction score", best_score
    print "best filters:", best_num

    return [best_score, best_num]
Example #38
 def run(self):
     self.csp = CSP(reg='ledoit_wolf')
     self.csp.fit(self.datas, self.labels)
     self.clf = svm.SVC()
     self.clf.fit(self.csp.transform(self.datas), self.labels)
# Read epochs (train will be done only between 1 and 2s)
# Testing will be done with a running classifier
epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks,
                baseline=None, preload=True, add_eeg_ref=False)
epochs_train = epochs.crop(tmin=1., tmax=2., copy=True)
labels = epochs.events[:, -1] - 2

# Classification with linear discrimant analysis

from sklearn.lda import LDA  # noqa
from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit  # noqa

# Assemble a classifier
svc = LDA()
csp = CSP(n_components=4, reg=None, log=True)

# Define a monte-carlo cross-validation generator (reduce variance):
cv = ShuffleSplit(len(labels), 10, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
scores = []
epochs_data = epochs.get_data()
epochs_data_train = epochs_train.get_data()

# Use scikit-learn Pipeline with cross_val_score function
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline  # noqa
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score  # noqa
clf = Pipeline([('CSP', csp), ('SVC', svc)])
scores = cross_val_score(clf, epochs_data_train, labels, cv=cv, n_jobs=1)

# Printing the results
class_balance = np.mean(labels == labels[0])
# .. topic:: Examples
#     * :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_decoding_plot_decoding_csp_eeg.py`
#     * :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_decoding_plot_decoding_csp_timefreq.py`
# .. note::
#     The winning entry of the Grasp-and-lift EEG competition in Kaggle used
#     the :class:`~mne.decoding.CSP` implementation in MNE and was featured as
#     a `script of the week`_.
# .. _script of the week: http://blog.kaggle.com/2015/08/12/july-2015-scripts-of-the-week/  # noqa
# We can use CSP with these data with:

csp = CSP(n_components=3, norm_trace=False)
clf = make_pipeline(csp, LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs'))
scores = cross_val_multiscore(clf, X, y, cv=5, n_jobs=1)
print('CSP: %0.1f%%' % (100 * scores.mean(),))

# Source power comodulation (SPoC)
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# Source Power Comodulation (:class:`mne.decoding.SPoC`) [3]_
# identifies the composition of
# orthogonal spatial filters that maximally correlate with a continuous target.
# SPoC can be seen as an extension of the CSP where the target is driven by a
# continuous variable rather than a discrete variable. Typical applications
# include extraction of motor patterns using EMG power or audio patterns using
# sound envelope.
Example #41
 # Workaround to be able to concatenate epochs with MNE
 epochs_rest.times = epochs.times
 # Concatenate all epochs
 epochs = concatenate_epochs(epochs_tot)
 # get data 
 X = epochs.get_data()
 y = np.array(y)
 # train CSP
 csp = CSP(n_components=nfilters, reg='lws')
 ################ Create Training Features #################################
 # apply csp filters and rectify signal
 feat = np.dot(csp.filters_[0:nfilters],raw._data[picks])**2
 # smoothing by convolution with a rectangle window    
 feattr = np.array(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(convolve)(feat[i],boxcar(nwin),'full') for i in range(nfilters)))
 feattr = np.log(feattr[:,0:feat.shape[1]])
 # training labels
 # they are stored in the 6 last channels of the MNE raw object
 labels = raw._data[32:]
 ################ Create test Features #####################################
	def fit(self, X, y):
		# validate
		X, y = check_X_y(X, y, allow_nd=True)
		X = sklearn.utils.validation.check_array(X, allow_nd=True)

		# set internal vars
		self.classes_ = unique_labels(y)
		self.X_ = X
		self.y_ = y

		# split X into train and test sets, so that
		# grid search can be performed on train set only
		seed = 7
		#X_TRAIN, X_TEST, y_TRAIN, y_TEST = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=seed)

		for epoch_trim in self.epoch_bounds:
			for bandpass in self.bandpass_filters:

				X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=seed)

				# X_train = np.copy(X_TRAIN)
				# X_test = np.copy(X_TEST)
				# y_train = np.copy(y_TRAIN)
				# y_test = np.copy(y_TEST)

				# separate out inputs that are tuples
				bandpass_start,bandpass_end = bandpass
				epoch_trim_start,epoch_trim_end = epoch_trim

				# bandpass filter coefficients
				b, a = butter(5, np.array([bandpass_start, bandpass_end])/(self.sfreq*0.5), 'bandpass')

				# filter and crop TRAINING SET
				X_train = self.preprocess_X(X_train, b, a, epoch_trim_start, epoch_trim_end)
				# validate
				X_train, y_train = check_X_y(X_train, y_train, allow_nd=True)
				X_train = sklearn.utils.validation.check_array(X_train, allow_nd=True)

				# filter and crop TEST SET
				X_test = self.preprocess_X(X_test, b, a, epoch_trim_start, epoch_trim_end)
				# validate
				X_test, y_test = check_X_y(X_test, y_test, allow_nd=True)
				X_test = sklearn.utils.validation.check_array(X_test, allow_nd=True)

				# self-tune CSP to find optimal number of filters to use at these settings
				[best_num_filters, best_num_filters_score] = self.self_tune(X_train, y_train)

				# as an option, we could tune optimal CSP filter num against complete train set
				#X_tune = self.preprocess_X(X, b, a, epoch_trim_start, epoch_trim_end)
				#[best_num_filters, best_num_filters_score] = self.self_tune(X_tune, y)

				# now use this insight to really fit with optimal CSP spatial filters
				reg : float | str | None (default None)
			        if not None, allow regularization for covariance estimation
			        if float, shrinkage covariance is used (0 <= shrinkage <= 1).
			        if str, optimal shrinkage using Ledoit-Wolf Shrinkage ('ledoit_wolf')
			        or Oracle Approximating Shrinkage ('oas').
				transformer = CSP(n_components=best_num_filters, reg='ledoit_wolf')
				transformer.fit(X_train, y_train)

				# use these CSP spatial filters to transform train and test
				spatial_filters_train = transformer.transform(X_train)
				spatial_filters_test = transformer.transform(X_test)

				# put this back in as failsafe if NaN or inf starts cropping up
				# spatial_filters_train = np.nan_to_num(spatial_filters_train)
				# check_X_y(spatial_filters_train, y_train)
				# spatial_filters_test = np.nan_to_num(spatial_filters_test)
				# check_X_y(spatial_filters_test, y_test)

				# train LDA
				classifier = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
				classifier.fit(spatial_filters_train, y_train)
				score = classifier.score(spatial_filters_test, y_test)

				print "current score",score
				print "bandpass:"******"epoch window:",epoch_trim_start,epoch_trim_end
				print best_num_filters,"filters chosen"

				# put in ranked order Top 10 list
				idx = bisect(self.ranked_scores, score)
				self.ranked_scores.insert(idx, score)
				self.ranked_scores_opts.insert(idx, dict(bandpass=bandpass,epoch_trim=epoch_trim,filters=best_num_filters))

				if len(self.ranked_scores) > self.num_votes:
				if len(self.ranked_scores_opts) > self.num_votes:
				if len(self.ranked_classifiers) > self.num_votes:
				if len(self.ranked_transformers) > self.num_votes:

				print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
				print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
				print "    T O P  ", self.num_votes, "  C L A S S I F I E R S"
				for i in xrange(len(self.ranked_scores)):
					print i,",",round(self.ranked_scores[i],4),",",
					print self.ranked_scores_opts[i]

		# finish up, set the flag to indicate "fitted" state
		self.fit_ = True

		# Return the classifier
		return self
# Read epochs
epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True)

labels = epochs.events[:, -1]
evoked = epochs.average()

# Decoding in sensor space using a linear SVM

from sklearn.svm import SVC  # noqa
from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit  # noqa
from mne.decoding import CSP  # noqa

n_components = 3  # pick some components
svc = SVC(C=1, kernel="linear")
csp = CSP(n_components=n_components)

# Define a monte-carlo cross-validation generator (reduce variance):
cv = ShuffleSplit(len(labels), 10, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
scores = []
epochs_data = epochs.get_data()

for train_idx, test_idx in cv:
    y_train, y_test = labels[train_idx], labels[test_idx]

    X_train = csp.fit_transform(epochs_data[train_idx], y_train)
    X_test = csp.transform(epochs_data[test_idx])

    # fit classifier
    svc.fit(X_train, y_train)
epochs_train = epochs.copy().crop(tmin=1., tmax=2.)
labels = epochs.events[:, -1] - 2

# Classification with linear discrimant analysis

# Define a monte-carlo cross-validation generator (reduce variance):
scores = []
epochs_data = epochs.get_data()
epochs_data_train = epochs_train.get_data()
cv = ShuffleSplit(10, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
cv_split = cv.split(epochs_data_train)

# Assemble a classifier
lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()
csp = CSP(n_components=4, reg=None, log=True, norm_trace=False)

# Use scikit-learn Pipeline with cross_val_score function
clf = Pipeline([('CSP', csp), ('LDA', lda)])
scores = cross_val_score(clf, epochs_data_train, labels, cv=cv, n_jobs=1)

# Printing the results
class_balance = np.mean(labels == labels[0])
class_balance = max(class_balance, 1. - class_balance)
print("Classification accuracy: %f / Chance level: %f" % (np.mean(scores),

# plot CSP patterns estimated on full data for visualization
csp.fit_transform(epochs_data, labels)

layout = read_layout('EEG1005')