Example #1
def write_mnefiff(data, filename):
    """Export data to MNE using FIFF format.

    data : instance of ChanTime
        data with only one trial
    filename : path to file
        file to export to (include '.mat')

    It cannot store data larger than 2 GB.
    The data is assumed to have only EEG electrodes.
    It overwrites a file if it exists.
    from mne import create_info, set_log_level
    from mne.io import RawArray


    TRIAL = 0
    info = create_info(list(data.axis['chan'][TRIAL]), data.s_freq, ['eeg', ] *

    UNITS = 1e-6  # mne wants data in uV
    fiff = RawArray(data.data[0] * UNITS, info)

    if data.attr['chan']:

    fiff.save(filename, overwrite=True)
Example #2
def test_warn(capsys, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    """Test the smart warn() function."""
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='foo'):
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == ''  # gh-5592
    assert captured.err == ''  # this is because pytest.warns took it already
    # test ignore_namespaces
    bad_name = tmp_path / 'bad.fif'
    raw = RawArray(np.zeros((1, 1)), create_info(1, 1000., 'eeg'))
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='filename') as ws:
    assert len(ws) == 1
    assert 'test_logging.py' in ws[0].filename  # this file (it's in tests/)

    def warn_wrap(msg):
        warn(msg, ignore_namespaces=())

    monkeypatch.setattr(check, 'warn', warn_wrap)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='filename') as ws:
        raw.save(bad_name, overwrite=True)

    assert len(ws) == 1
    assert 'test_logging.py' not in ws[0].filename  # this file
    assert '_logging.py' in ws[0].filename  # where `mne.utils.warn` lives
def test_date_none(tmpdir):
    """Test that DATE_NONE is used properly."""
    # Regression test for gh-5908
    n_chans = 139
    n_samps = 20
    data = np.random.random_sample((n_chans, n_samps))
    ch_names = ['E{}'.format(x) for x in range(n_chans)]
    ch_types = ['eeg'] * n_chans
    info = create_info(ch_names=ch_names, ch_types=ch_types, sfreq=2048)
    assert info['meas_date'] is None
    raw = RawArray(data=data, info=info)
    fname = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'test-raw.fif')
    raw_read = read_raw_fif(fname, preload=True)
    assert raw_read.info['meas_date'] is None
Example #4
def test_date_none(tmpdir):
    """Test that DATE_NONE is used properly."""
    # Regression test for gh-5908
    n_chans = 139
    n_samps = 20
    data = np.random.random_sample((n_chans, n_samps))
    ch_names = ['E{}'.format(x) for x in range(n_chans)]
    ch_types = ['eeg'] * n_chans
    info = create_info(ch_names=ch_names, ch_types=ch_types, sfreq=2048)
    assert info['meas_date'] is None
    raw = RawArray(data=data, info=info)
    fname = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'test-raw.fif')
    raw_read = read_raw_fif(fname, preload=True)
    assert raw_read.info['meas_date'] is None
Example #5
def test_annotations():
    """Test annotation class."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname)
    assert raw.annotations is None
    assert_raises(IOError, read_annotations, fif_fname)
    onset = np.array(range(10))
    duration = np.ones(10)
    description = np.repeat('test', 10)
    dt = datetime.utcnow()
    meas_date = raw.info['meas_date']
    # Test time shifts.
    for orig_time in [None, dt, meas_date[0], meas_date]:
        annot = Annotations(onset, duration, description, orig_time)

    assert_raises(ValueError, Annotations, onset, duration, description[:9])
    assert_raises(ValueError, Annotations, [onset, 1], duration, description)
    assert_raises(ValueError, Annotations, onset, [duration, 1], description)

    # Test combining annotations with concatenate_raws
    raw2 = raw.copy()
    orig_time = (meas_date[0] + meas_date[1] * 0.000001 +
                 raw2.first_samp / raw2.info['sfreq'])
    annot = Annotations(onset, duration, description, orig_time)
    assert_true(' segments' in repr(annot))
    raw2.annotations = annot
    assert_array_equal(raw2.annotations.onset, onset)
    concatenate_raws([raw, raw2])
    raw.annotations.delete(-1)  # remove boundary annotations
    assert_array_almost_equal(onset + 20., raw.annotations.onset, decimal=2)
    assert_array_equal(annot.duration, raw.annotations.duration)
    assert_array_equal(raw.annotations.description, np.repeat('test', 10))

    # Test combining with RawArray and orig_times
    data = np.random.randn(2, 1000) * 10e-12
    sfreq = 100.
    info = create_info(ch_names=['MEG1', 'MEG2'], ch_types=['grad'] * 2,
    info['meas_date'] = 0
    raws = []
    for i, fs in enumerate([12300, 100, 12]):
        raw = RawArray(data.copy(), info, first_samp=fs)
        ants = Annotations([1., 2.], [.5, .5], 'x', fs / sfreq)
        raw.annotations = ants
    raw = RawArray(data.copy(), info)
    raw.annotations = Annotations([1.], [.5], 'x', None)
    raw = concatenate_raws(raws)
    boundary_idx = np.where(raw.annotations.description == 'BAD boundary')[0]
    assert_equal(len(boundary_idx), 3)
    boundary_idx = np.where(raw.annotations.description == 'EDGE boundary')[0]
    assert_equal(len(boundary_idx), 3)
    assert_array_equal(raw.annotations.onset, [1., 2., 11., 12., 21., 22.,
    assert_array_equal(raw.annotations.onset, [1., 2., 12., 21., 22., 31.])
    raw.annotations.append(5, 1.5, 'y')
    assert_array_equal(raw.annotations.onset, [1., 2., 12., 21., 22., 31., 5])
    assert_array_equal(raw.annotations.duration, [.5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, 1.5])
    assert_array_equal(raw.annotations.description, ['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x',
                                                     'x', 'y'])

    # Test concatenating annotations with and without orig_time.
    raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname)
    last_time = raw.last_samp / raw.info['sfreq']
    raw2 = raw.copy()
    raw.annotations = Annotations([45.], [3], 'test', raw.info['meas_date'])
    raw2.annotations = Annotations([2.], [3], 'BAD', None)
    raw = concatenate_raws([raw, raw2])
    raw.annotations.delete(-1)  # remove boundary annotations
    assert_array_almost_equal(raw.annotations.onset, [45., 2. + last_time],

    # Test IO
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test-annot.fif')
    annot_read = read_annotations(fname)
    for attr in ('onset', 'duration', 'orig_time'):
        assert_allclose(getattr(annot_read, attr),
                        getattr(raw.annotations, attr))
    assert_array_equal(annot_read.description, raw.annotations.description)
    annot = Annotations((), (), ())
    assert_raises(IOError, read_annotations, fif_fname)  # none in old raw
    annot = read_annotations(fname)
    assert isinstance(annot, Annotations)
    assert len(annot) == 0
    # Test that empty annotations can be saved with an object
    fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_raw.fif')
    raw.annotations = annot
    raw_read = read_raw_fif(fname)
    assert isinstance(raw_read.annotations, Annotations)
    assert len(raw_read.annotations) == 0
    raw.annotations = None
    raw.save(fname, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = read_raw_fif(fname)
    assert raw_read.annotations is None