def preprocess_raw_ica_only(sub_id, session):
    """ This function removes the ICA component that correlates woth the 
    EOG channel(s) best.
    No filtering or downsampling is applied!

    # name with subject id & session name
    fname = "sub_%d_%s" % (sub_id, session)

    # load the raw fif
    print '\nLoading raw file'
    raw = fiff.Raw(fname + "_tsss_mc.fif", preload=True)

    picks = mne.fiff.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, eog=False,
                                stim=False, exclude='bads')

    # ICA ####
    print '\nRun ICA'
    ica = ICA(n_components=0.90, n_pca_components=64, max_pca_components=100,
              noise_cov=None, random_state=0)

    start, stop = None, None

    # decompose sources for raw data
    ica.decompose_raw(raw, start=start, stop=stop, picks=picks)

    corr = lambda x, y: np.array([pearsonr(a, y.ravel()) for a in x])[:, 0]

    eog_scores_1 = ica.find_sources_raw(raw, target='EOG001',
    eog_scores_2 = ica.find_sources_raw(raw, target='EOG002',

    # get maximum correlation index for EOG
    eog_source_idx_1 = np.abs(eog_scores_1).argmax()
    eog_source_idx_2 = np.abs(eog_scores_2).argmax()

    # We now add the eog artifacts to the ica.exclusion list
    if eog_source_idx_1 ==  eog_source_idx_2:
        ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx_1]

    elif eog_source_idx_1 !=  eog_source_idx_2:
        ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx_1, eog_source_idx_2]

    print eog_source_idx_1, eog_source_idx_2
    print ica.exclude

    # Restore sensor space data
    raw_ica = ica.pick_sources_raw(raw, include=None)

    # SAVE FILES #### + '_tsss_mc_preproc_ica.fif', overwrite=True)
Example #2
ica.plot_sources_raw(raw, eog_source_idx, title=title, stop=3.0)

# plot spatial sensitivities of EOG and ECG ICA components
title = 'Spatial patterns of ICA components for ECG+EOG (Magnetometers)'
source_idx = range(15)
ica.plot_topomap([ecg_source_idx, eog_source_idx], ch_type='mag')
plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=12)

# Show MEG data before and after ICA cleaning.

# We now add the eog artifacts to the ica.exclusion list
ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx]

# Restore sensor space data and keep all PCA components
raw_ica = ica.pick_sources_raw(raw, include=None, n_pca_components=1.0)

# let's now compare the date before and after cleaning.
start_compare, stop_compare = raw.time_as_index([100, 106])
data, times = raw[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]
data_clean, _ = raw_ica[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]

# first the raw data
plt.plot(times, data.T, color='r')
plt.plot(times, data_clean.T, color='k')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.xlim(100, 106)

# now the affected channel
ica.plot_sources_raw(raw, eog_source_idx, title=title, stop=3.0)

# plot spatial sensitivities of EOG and ECG ICA components
title = 'Spatial patterns of ICA components for ECG+EOG (Magnetometers)'
source_idx = range(15)
ica.plot_topomap([ecg_source_idx, eog_source_idx], ch_type='mag')
plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=12)

# Show MEG data before and after ICA cleaning.

# We now add the eog artifacts to the ica.exclusion list
ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx]

# Restore sensor space data
raw_ica = ica.pick_sources_raw(raw, include=None)

start_compare, stop_compare = raw.time_as_index([100, 106])

data, times = raw[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]
data_clean, _ = raw_ica[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]

plt.plot(times, data.T)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.xlim(100, 106)
plt.ylabel('Raw MEG data (T)')
y0, y1 = plt.ylim()

plt.plot(times, data_clean.T)
Example #4
ica.plot_sources_raw(raw, eog_source_idx, title=title, stop=3.0)

# plot spatial sensitivities of EOG and ECG ICA components
title = 'Spatial patterns of ICA components for ECG+EOG (Magnetometers)'
source_idx = range(15)
ica.plot_topomap([ecg_source_idx, eog_source_idx], ch_type='mag')
plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=12)

# Show MEG data before and after ICA cleaning.

# We now add the eog artifacts to the ica.exclusion list
ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx]

# Restore sensor space data and keep all PCA components
raw_ica = ica.pick_sources_raw(raw, include=None, n_pca_components=1.0)

# let's now compare the date before and after cleaning.
start_compare, stop_compare = raw.time_as_index([100, 106])
data, times = raw[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]
data_clean, _ = raw_ica[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]

# first the raw data
plt.plot(times, data.T, color='r')
plt.plot(times, data_clean.T, color='k')
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.xlim(100, 106)

# now the affected channel
def preprocess_raw(sub_id, session):
    """ This function preprocessess data

    # name with subject id & session name
    fname = "sub_%d_%s" % (sub_id, session)

    # load the raw fif
    print '\nLoading raw file'
    raw = fiff.Raw(fname + "_tsss_mc.fif", preload=True)

    picks = mne.fiff.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, eog=False,
                                stim=False, exclude='bads')

    print 'Computing Covariance matrix'
    cov = mne.compute_raw_data_covariance(raw, picks=picks, reject=None)

    # FILTER ####
    # filter raw, lp 128, bp at 50 & 100
    raw.filter(None, 128, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=True)

#    steps = np.arange(50, 151, 50)
#    print '\nBand stop filter at %s' % steps
#    raw.notch_filter(steps, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=True)

    # ICA ####
    print '\nRun ICA'
    ica = ICA(n_components=0.90, n_pca_components=64, max_pca_components=100,
              noise_cov=None, random_state=0)

    start, stop = None, None

    # decompose sources for raw data
    ica.decompose_raw(raw, start=start, stop=stop, picks=picks)

    corr = lambda x, y: np.array([pearsonr(a, y.ravel()) for a in x])[:, 0]

    eog_scores_1 = ica.find_sources_raw(raw, target='EOG001',
    eog_scores_2 = ica.find_sources_raw(raw, target='EOG002',

    # get maximum correlation index for EOG
    eog_source_idx_1 = np.abs(eog_scores_1).argmax()
    eog_source_idx_2 = np.abs(eog_scores_2).argmax()

    # We now add the eog artifacts to the ica.exclusion list
    if eog_source_idx_1 == eog_source_idx_2:
        ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx_1]
    elif eog_source_idx_1 != eog_source_idx_2:
        ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx_1, eog_source_idx_2]

    print eog_source_idx_1, eog_source_idx_2
    print ica.exclude

    # Restore sensor space data
    raw_ica = ica.pick_sources_raw(raw, include=None)

    # EPOCHS ####
    events = mne.find_events(raw_ica, stim_channel="STI101")
    events_classic = []
    events_interupt = []
    for i in range(len(events)):
        if i > 0:
            if events[i, 2] == 1 and events[i - 1, 2] == 1:
            elif events[i, 2] == 1 and events[i - 1, 2] == 2:

    picks = mne.fiff.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, eog=False,
                                emg=True, stim=False, exclude='bads')

    reject = dict(grad=4000e-13)
    epochs = mne.Epochs(raw_ica, events[events_classic], event_id, tmin, tmax,
                        proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=baseline,
                        preload=False, reject=reject)

    # SAVE FILES #### + '_tsss_mc_ica.fif', overwrite=True) + '_tsss_mc_cov.fif')) + '_tsss_mc_ica_epochs.fif')
Example #6
ica.plot_sources_raw(raw, eog_source_idx, title=title, stop=3.0)

# plot spatial sensitivities of EOG and ECG ICA components
title = 'Spatial patterns of ICA components for ECG+EOG (Magnetometers)'
source_idx = range(15)
ica.plot_topomap([ecg_source_idx, eog_source_idx], ch_type='mag')
plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=12)

# Show MEG data before and after ICA cleaning.

# We now add the eog artifacts to the ica.exclusion list
ica.exclude += [eog_source_idx]

# Restore sensor space data
raw_ica = ica.pick_sources_raw(raw, include=None)

start_compare, stop_compare = raw.time_as_index([100, 106])

data, times = raw[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]
data_clean, _ = raw_ica[picks, start_compare:stop_compare]

plt.plot(times, data.T)
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.xlim(100, 106)
plt.ylabel('Raw MEG data (T)')
y0, y1 = plt.ylim()

plt.plot(times, data_clean.T)