Example #1
def _stc_to_label(stc, src, smooth, subjects_dir=None):
    """Compute a label from the non-zero sources in an stc object.

    stc : SourceEstimate
        The source estimates.
    src : SourceSpaces | str | None
        The source space over which the source estimates are defined.
        If it's a string it should the subject name (e.g. fsaverage).
        Can be None if stc.subject is not None.
    smooth : int
        Number of smoothing iterations.
    subjects_dir : str | None
        Path to SUBJECTS_DIR if it is not set in the environment.

    labels : list of Labels | list of list of Labels
        The generated labels. If connected is False, it returns
        a list of Labels (one per hemisphere). If no Label is available
        in a hemisphere, None is returned. If connected is True,
        it returns for each hemisphere a list of connected labels
        ordered in decreasing order depending of the maximum value in the stc.
        If no Label is available in an hemisphere, an empty list is returned.
    src = stc.subject if src is None else src

    if isinstance(src, string_types):
        subject = src
        subject = stc.subject

    if isinstance(src, string_types):
        subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(subjects_dir)
        surf_path_from = op.join(subjects_dir, src, 'surf')
        rr_lh, tris_lh = read_surface(op.join(surf_path_from, 'lh.white'))
        rr_rh, tris_rh = read_surface(op.join(surf_path_from, 'rh.white'))
        rr = [rr_lh, rr_rh]
        tris = [tris_lh, tris_rh]
        if not isinstance(src, SourceSpaces):
            raise TypeError('src must be a string or a set of source spaces')
        if len(src) != 2:
            raise ValueError('source space should contain the 2 hemispheres')
        rr = [1e3 * src[0]['rr'], 1e3 * src[1]['rr']]
        tris = [src[0]['tris'], src[1]['tris']]

    labels = []
    cnt = 0
    for hemi_idx, (hemi, this_vertno, this_tris, this_rr) in enumerate(
            zip(['lh', 'rh'], stc.vertices, tris, rr)):
        this_data = stc.data[cnt:cnt + len(this_vertno)]
        e = mesh_edges(this_tris)
        e.data[e.data == 2] = 1
        n_vertices = e.shape[0]
        e = e + sparse.eye(n_vertices, n_vertices)

        clusters = [this_vertno[np.any(this_data, axis=1)]]

        cnt += len(this_vertno)

        clusters = [c for c in clusters if len(c) > 0]

        if len(clusters) == 0:
            this_labels = None
            this_labels = []
            colors = _n_colors(len(clusters))
            for c, color in zip(clusters, colors):
                idx_use = c
                for k in range(smooth):
                    e_use = e[:, idx_use]
                    data1 = e_use * np.ones(len(idx_use))
                    idx_use = np.where(data1)[0]

                label = Label(idx_use,
                              'Label from stc',


            this_labels = this_labels[0]


    return labels
def _stc_to_label(stc, src, smooth, subjects_dir=None):
    """Compute a label from the non-zero sources in an stc object.

    stc : SourceEstimate
        The source estimates.
    src : SourceSpaces | str | None
        The source space over which the source estimates are defined.
        If it's a string it should the subject name (e.g. fsaverage).
        Can be None if stc.subject is not None.
    smooth : int
        Number of smoothing iterations.
    subjects_dir : str | None
        Path to SUBJECTS_DIR if it is not set in the environment.

    labels : list of Labels | list of list of Labels
        The generated labels. If connected is False, it returns
        a list of Labels (one per hemisphere). If no Label is available
        in a hemisphere, None is returned. If connected is True,
        it returns for each hemisphere a list of connected labels
        ordered in decreasing order depending of the maximum value in the stc.
        If no Label is available in an hemisphere, an empty list is returned.
    src = stc.subject if src is None else src

    if isinstance(src, string_types):
        subject = src
        subject = stc.subject

    if isinstance(src, string_types):
        subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(subjects_dir)
        surf_path_from = op.join(subjects_dir, src, 'surf')
        rr_lh, tris_lh = read_surface(op.join(surf_path_from,
        rr_rh, tris_rh = read_surface(op.join(surf_path_from,
        rr = [rr_lh, rr_rh]
        tris = [tris_lh, tris_rh]
        if not isinstance(src, SourceSpaces):
            raise TypeError('src must be a string or a set of source spaces')
        if len(src) != 2:
            raise ValueError('source space should contain the 2 hemispheres')
        rr = [1e3 * src[0]['rr'], 1e3 * src[1]['rr']]
        tris = [src[0]['tris'], src[1]['tris']]

    labels = []
    cnt = 0
    for hemi_idx, (hemi, this_vertno, this_tris, this_rr) in enumerate(
            zip(['lh', 'rh'], stc.vertices, tris, rr)):
        this_data = stc.data[cnt:cnt + len(this_vertno)]
        e = mesh_edges(this_tris)
        e.data[e.data == 2] = 1
        n_vertices = e.shape[0]
        e = e + sparse.eye(n_vertices, n_vertices)

        clusters = [this_vertno[np.any(this_data, axis=1)]]

        cnt += len(this_vertno)

        clusters = [c for c in clusters if len(c) > 0]

        if len(clusters) == 0:
            this_labels = None
            this_labels = []
            colors = _n_colors(len(clusters))
            for c, color in zip(clusters, colors):
                idx_use = c
                for k in range(smooth):
                    e_use = e[:, idx_use]
                    data1 = e_use * np.ones(len(idx_use))
                    idx_use = np.where(data1)[0]

                label = Label(idx_use, this_rr[idx_use], None, hemi,
                              'Label from stc', subject=subject,


            this_labels = this_labels[0]


    return labels