Example #1
def find_clusters(subject,
    if input_fol == '':
        input_fol = op.join(BLENDER_ROOT_DIR, subject, 'fmri')
    contrast, connectivity, verts = init_clusters(subject, volume_name,
    clusters_labels = dict(threshold=t_val, values=[])
    for hemi in utils.HEMIS:
        clusters, _ = mne_clusters._find_clusters(
            contrast[hemi], t_val, connectivity=connectivity[hemi])
        # blobs_output_fname = op.join(input_fol, 'blobs_{}_{}.npy'.format(contrast_name, hemi))
        # print('Saving blobs: {}'.format(blobs_output_fname))
        # save_clusters_for_blender(clusters, contrast[hemi], blobs_output_fname)
        clusters_labels_hemi = find_clusters_overlapped_labeles(
            subject, clusters, contrast[hemi], atlas, hemi, verts[hemi],
            load_from_annotation, n_jobs)
        if clusters_labels_hemi is None:
            print("Can't find clusters in {}!".format(hemi))
    # todo: should be pkl, not npy
    clusters_labels_output_fname = op.join(
        BLENDER_ROOT_DIR, subject, 'fmri',
    print('Saving clusters labels: {}'.format(clusters_labels_output_fname))
    utils.save(clusters_labels, clusters_labels_output_fname)
Example #2
def find_clusters_tval_hist(subject, contrast_name, output_fol, input_fol='', n_jobs=1):
    contrast, connectivity, _ = init_clusters(subject, contrast_name, input_fol)
    clusters = {}
    tval_values = np.arange(2, 20, 0.1)
    now = time.time()
    for ind, tval in enumerate(tval_values):
            # utils.time_to_go(now, ind, len(tval_values), 5)
            clusters[tval] = {}
            for hemi in utils.HEMIS:
                clusters[tval][hemi], _ = mne_clusters._find_clusters(
                    contrast[hemi], tval, connectivity=connectivity[hemi])
            print('tval: {:.2f}, len rh: {}, lh: {}'.format(tval, max(map(len, clusters[tval]['rh'])),
                                                        max(map(len, clusters[tval]['rh']))))
            print('error with tval {}'.format(tval))
    utils.save(clusters, op.join(output_fol, 'clusters_tval_hist.pkl'))
Example #3
def _find_clusters_mne(data, threshold, adjacency, argname, min_adj_ch=0,
    from mne.stats.cluster_level import (
        _find_clusters, _cluster_indices_to_mask)

    orig_data_shape = data.shape
    kwargs = {argname: adjacency}
    data = (data.ravel() if adjacency is not None else data)
    clusters, cluster_stats = _find_clusters(
        data, threshold=threshold, tail=0, **kwargs)

    if full:
        if adjacency is not None:
            clusters = _cluster_indices_to_mask(clusters,
        clusters = [clst.reshape(orig_data_shape) for clst in clusters]

    return clusters, cluster_stats
Example #4
def find_clusters(subject, contrast_name, t_val, atlas, volume_name, input_fol='', load_from_annotation=True, n_jobs=1):
    if input_fol == '':
        input_fol = op.join(BLENDER_ROOT_DIR, subject, 'fmri')
    contrast, connectivity, verts = init_clusters(subject, volume_name, input_fol)
    clusters_labels = dict(threshold=t_val, values=[])
    for hemi in utils.HEMIS:
        clusters, _ = mne_clusters._find_clusters(contrast[hemi], t_val, connectivity=connectivity[hemi])
        # blobs_output_fname = op.join(input_fol, 'blobs_{}_{}.npy'.format(contrast_name, hemi))
        # print('Saving blobs: {}'.format(blobs_output_fname))
        # save_clusters_for_blender(clusters, contrast[hemi], blobs_output_fname)
        clusters_labels_hemi = find_clusters_overlapped_labeles(
            subject, clusters, contrast[hemi], atlas, hemi, verts[hemi], load_from_annotation, n_jobs)
        if clusters_labels_hemi is None:
            print("Can't find clusters in {}!".format(hemi))
    # todo: should be pkl, not npy
    clusters_labels_output_fname = op.join(
        BLENDER_ROOT_DIR, subject, 'fmri', 'clusters_labels_{}.pkl'.format(volume_name))
    print('Saving clusters labels: {}'.format(clusters_labels_output_fname))
    utils.save(clusters_labels, clusters_labels_output_fname)
Example #5
def find_clusters_tval_hist(subject,
    contrast, connectivity, _ = init_clusters(subject, contrast_name,
    clusters = {}
    tval_values = np.arange(2, 20, 0.1)
    now = time.time()
    for ind, tval in enumerate(tval_values):
            # utils.time_to_go(now, ind, len(tval_values), 5)
            clusters[tval] = {}
            for hemi in utils.HEMIS:
                clusters[tval][hemi], _ = mne_clusters._find_clusters(
                    contrast[hemi], tval, connectivity=connectivity[hemi])
            print('tval: {:.2f}, len rh: {}, lh: {}'.format(
                tval, max(map(len, clusters[tval]['rh'])),
                max(map(len, clusters[tval]['rh']))))
            print('error with tval {}'.format(tval))
    utils.save(clusters, op.join(output_fol, 'clusters_tval_hist.pkl'))
Example #6
            for epo_idx in range(data_temp.shape[0]):
                sel_inds = (dm["Block"]==cond) & (dm["Wav"]==wav) & (dm["Subj"]==sub)
                dm_new = dm_new.append(dm[sel_inds])
                idx_border += 1
data = np.array(data)[...,0]
group_id = np.array(group_id)
col_idx = dm_new.columns.get_loc(indep_var)

formula = "Brain ~ {} + Block + Wav".format(indep_var)
tvals, coeffs = mass_uv_mixedlmm(formula, dm_new, data, group_id, exclude=exclude)
# find clusters
clusters, cluster_stats = _find_clusters(tvals,threshold=threshold,connectivity=connectivity,include=include)

main_result = {"formula":formula, "tvals":tvals, "coeffs":coeffs, "cluster_stats":cluster_stats}
with open("{}dics_{}_{}_main_result".format(proc_dir, indep_var, band), "wb") as f:

# permute
all_perm_cluster_stats = []
for i in range(perm_n):
    print("Permutation {} of {}".format(i, perm_n))
    dm_perm = dm_new.copy()
    for idx_border in idx_borders:
        temp_slice = dm_perm[indep_var][idx_border[0]:idx_border[1]].copy()
        temp_slice = temp_slice.sample(frac=1)
        dm_perm.iloc[idx_border[0]:idx_border[1],col_idx] = temp_slice.values
    perm_tvals, _ = mass_uv_mixedlmm(formula, dm_perm, data, group_id, exclude=exclude)
#                                             sensors=True)

# ###############################################################################
# 7) Plot results

# set up channel adjacency matrix
n_tests = betas.shape[1]
adjacency, ch_names = find_ch_adjacency(epochs_info, ch_type='eeg')
adjacency = _setup_adjacency(adjacency, n_tests, n_times)

# threshold parameters for clustering
threshold = dict(start=0.2, step=0.2)

clusters, cluster_stats = _find_clusters(t_clust,

# get significant clusters
cl_sig_mask = cluster_stats > cluster_thresh

cl_sig_mask = np.transpose(cl_sig_mask.reshape((n_times, n_channels)), (1, 0))
cluster_stats = np.transpose(cluster_stats.reshape((n_times, n_channels)),
                             (1, 0))

# create evoked object containing the resulting t-values
cluster_map = dict()

cluster_map['ST-clustering effect of cue (B-A)'] = EvokedArray(
    cluster_stats, epochs_info, tmin)
Example #8
fr = [4, 30]
frange = list(np.arange(fr[0], fr[1] + 1))
f_subs = [[0, 3], [7, 26]]
###### first get our clusters/masks
stc_clu = mne.read_source_estimate("{}{}stc_clu_{}-{}Hz_{}_{}_A-lh.stc".format(
    proc_dir, stat_dir, fr[0], fr[1], cond_str, thresh_str))
stc_clu.subject = "fsaverage"
with open(
        "{}{}clu_{}-{}Hz_{}_{}_A".format(proc_dir, stat_dir, fr[0], fr[1],
                                         cond_str, thresh_str), "rb") as f:
    f_obs, clusters, cluster_pv, H0 = pickle.load(f)
f_thresh = np.quantile(H0, 0.95)
# stc_clu = mne.stats.summarize_clusters_stc(clu,subject="fsaverage",
#                                            p_thresh=0.05,
#                                            vertices=stc_clu.vertices)
meta_clusts = _find_clusters(stc_clu.data[:, 0], 1e-8, connectivity=cnx)[0]
clust_labels = []
for mc in meta_clusts:
    temp_stc = stc_clu.copy()
    temp_stc.data[:] = np.zeros((temp_stc.data.shape[0], 1))
    temp_stc.data[mc, 0] = 1
    lab = [x for x in mne.stc_to_label(temp_stc, src=fs_src) if x][0]

X = np.zeros(
    (len(subjs), len(clust_labels), fr[1] - fr[0] + 1, len(conds), len(wavs)))
for sub_idx, sub in enumerate(subjs):
    src = mne.read_source_spaces("{}{}_{}-src.fif".format(
        proc_dir, sub, spacing))
    vertnos = [s["vertno"] for s in src]
    morph = mne.compute_source_morph(src,
Example #9
# calculate Pearson's r for each vertex to Behavioral variable of the subject
X_Rval = np.empty(X_diff.shape[1])
X_R_Tval = np.empty(X_diff.shape[1])
for vert_idx in range(X_diff.shape[1]):
    X_Rval[vert_idx], p = stats.pearsonr(X_diff[:,vert_idx],Behav)
# calculate an according t-value for each r
X_R_Tval = (X_Rval * np.sqrt((len(sub_dict)-2))) / np.sqrt(1 - X_Rval**2)
# setup for clustering -- t-thresholds
p_threshold = 0.05
t_threshold = -stats.distributions.t.ppf(p_threshold / 2., n_subjects - 1)
src = mne.read_source_spaces("{}fsaverage-src.fif".format(mri_dir))
connectivity = mne.spatial_src_connectivity(src)
# find clusters in the T-vals
clusters, cluster_stats = _find_clusters(X_R_Tval,threshold=t_threshold,
# plot uncorrected correlation t-values on fsaverage
X_R_Tval = np.expand_dims(X_R_Tval, axis=1)
SOMA_all_stc_diff.data = X_R_Tval

# do the random sign flip permutation
# setup
n_perms = 500
cluster_H0 = np.zeros(n_perms)
# here comes the loop
for i in range(n_perms):
    if i in [10,20,50,100,200,300,400]:
        print("{} th iteration".format(i))
    # permute the behavioral values over subjects
Example #10
        resampled_betas[subj_ind, :] = resampled_betas[subj_ind, :] - \

    # compute t-values for bootstrap sample
    t_val = resampled_betas.mean(axis=0) / se
    # transform to f-values
    f_vals = t_val**2

    # transpose for clustering
    f_vals = f_vals.reshape((n_channels, n_times))
    f_vals = np.transpose(f_vals, (1, 0))
    f_vals = f_vals.ravel()

    # compute clustering on squared t-values (i.e., f-values)
    clusters, cluster_stats = _find_clusters(f_vals,
    # save max cluster mass. Combined, the max cluster mass values from
    # computed on the basis of the bootstrap samples provide an approximation
    # of the cluster mass distribution under H0
    if len(clusters):
        cluster_H0[i] = cluster_stats.max()
        cluster_H0[i] = np.nan

    # save max f-value
    f_H0[i] = f_vals.max()

# estimate t-test based on original phase coherence betas
Example #11
def cluster_1d(data, connectivity=None):
    from mne.stats.cluster_level import _find_clusters
    if connectivity is not None:
        connectivity = sparse.coo_matrix(connectivity)
    return _find_clusters(data, 0.5, connectivity=connectivity)
Example #12
def cluster_based_regression(data, preds, conn, n_permutations=1000,
    # data has to have observations as 1st dim and channels/vert as last dim
    from mypy.stats import compute_regression_t
    from mne.stats.cluster_level import (_setup_connectivity, _find_clusters,

    # TODO - move this piece of code to utils
    #        maybe a simple ProgressBar class?
    #      - then support tqdm pbar as input
    if progressbar:
        if not progressbar == 'text':
            from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
            pbar = tqdm_notebook(total=n_permutations)
            from tqdm import tqdm
            pbar = tqdm(total=n_permutations)

    n_obs, n_times, n_channels = data.shape
    connectivity = _setup_connectivity(conn, n_channels * n_times, n_times)

    pos_dist = np.zeros(n_permutations)
    neg_dist = np.zeros(n_permutations)
    perm_preds = preds.copy()

    # regression on non-permuted data
    t_values = compute_regression_t(data, preds)
    clusters, cluster_stats = _find_clusters(t_values.ravel(), threshold=2.,
                                             tail=0, connectivity=connectivity)
    clusters = _cluster_indices_to_mask(clusters, n_channels * n_times)
    clusters = [clst.reshape((n_times, n_channels)) for clst in clusters]

    if not clusters:
        print('No clusters found, permutations are not performed.')
        return t_values, clusters, cluster_stats
        msg = 'Found {} clusters, computing permutations.'

    # compute permutations
    for perm in range(n_permutations):
        perm_inds = np.random.permutation(n_obs)
        this_perm = perm_preds[perm_inds]
        perm_tvals = compute_regression_t(data, this_perm)
        _, perm_cluster_stats = _find_clusters(
            perm_tvals.ravel(), threshold=2., tail=0, connectivity=connectivity)

        # if any clusters were found - add max statistic
        if perm_cluster_stats.shape[0] > 0:
            max_val = perm_cluster_stats.max()
            min_val = perm_cluster_stats.min()

            if max_val > 0: pos_dist[perm] = max_val
            if min_val < 0: neg_dist[perm] = min_val

        if progressbar:

    # compute permutation probability
    cluster_p = np.array([(pos_dist > cluster_stat).mean() if cluster_stat > 0
                          else (neg_dist < cluster_stat).mean()
                          for cluster_stat in cluster_stats])
    cluster_p *= 2 # because we use two-tail
    cluster_p[cluster_p > 1.] = 1. # probability has to be >= 1.

    # sort clusters by p value
    cluster_order = np.argsort(cluster_p)
    cluster_p = cluster_p[cluster_order]
    clusters = [clusters[i] for i in cluster_order]

    return t_values, clusters, cluster_p
Example #13
def cluster_correction_mcp(x, x_p, th, tail=1, **kwargs):
    """Cluster-based correction for MCP using non-parametric statistics.

    This function can be used to compute the p-values, corrected for multiple
    comparisons using cluster-based. Note that this function detect clusters
    for each ROI but can be performed across multiple other dimensions (e.g
    frequencies, times etc.).

    x : array_like
        Array of true effect size of shape (n_roi, ...)
    x_p : array_like
        Array of permutations of shape (n_perm, n_roi, ...)
    th : float
        The threshold to use
    tail : {-1, 0, 1}
        Type of comparison. Use -1 for the lower part of the distribution,
        1 for the higher part and 0 for both
    kwargs : dict | {}
        Additional arguments are send to the

    pvalues : array_like
        Array of p-values of shape (n_roi, n_times)
    # get variables
    n_perm, n_roi = x_p.shape[0], x.shape[0]
    assert tail in [-1, 0, 1]
    kwargs['tail'] = tail

    logger.info(f"    Cluster detection (threshold={th}; tail={tail})")

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # identify clusters for the true x
    cl_loc, cl_mass = [], []
    for r in range(n_roi):
        _cl_loc, _cl_mass = _find_clusters(x[r, ...], th, **kwargs)
        # for non-tfce, clusters are returned as a list of tuples
        _cl_loc = [k[0] if isinstance(k, tuple) else k for k in _cl_loc]
        # update cluster mass according to the tail
        if tail == 0:
            np.abs(_cl_mass, out=_cl_mass)
        elif tail == -1:
            if not isinstance(th, dict):
                _cl_mass *= -1
        # save where clusters have been found and cluster size
        cl_loc += [_cl_loc]
        cl_mass += [_cl_mass]

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # identify clusters for the permuted x
    cl_p_mass = []
    for r in range(n_roi):
        _cl_p_null = []
        for p in range(n_perm):
            _, __cl_p_null = _find_clusters(x_p[p, r, ...], th, **kwargs)
            # if no cluster have been found, set a cluster mass of 0
            if not len(__cl_p_null): __cl_p_null = [0]  # noqa
            # Max / Min cluster size across time
            if tail == 1:  # max cluster size across time
                _cl_p_null += [np.r_[tuple(__cl_p_null)].max()]
            elif tail == -1:  # min cluster size across time
                if isinstance(th, dict):
                    _cl_p_null += [np.r_[tuple(__cl_p_null)].max()]
                    _cl_p_null += [np.r_[tuple(__cl_p_null)].min()]
            elif tail == 0:  # max of absolute cluster size across time
                _cl_p_null += [np.abs(np.r_[tuple(__cl_p_null)]).max()]
        cl_p_mass += [_cl_p_null]
    # array conversion of shape (n_roi, n_perm)
    cl_p_mass = np.asarray(cl_p_mass)

    # for maximum statistics, repeat the max across ROI
    cl_p_mass = np.tile(cl_p_mass.max(axis=0, keepdims=True), (n_roi, 1))
    pv = _clusters_to_pvalues(x.shape, n_perm, cl_loc, cl_mass, cl_p_mass)
    pv = np.clip(pv, 1. / n_perm, 1.)

    return pv
Example #14
                data.append(data_temp[epo_idx, ])
                idx_border += 1
data = np.array(data)
dm_new = dm_new.drop("Subj", axis=1)
for wav in wavs:
    dm_new = dm_new.drop(wav, axis=1)
Y = Vectorizer().fit_transform(data)
linear_model = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)
linear_model.fit(dm_new, Y)
pred_col = predictor_vars.index('Angenehm')
coefs = get_coef(linear_model, 'coef_')
betas = coefs[:, pred_col]
# find clusters
clusters, cluster_stats = _find_clusters(betas,
for i in range(perm_n):
    resampled_data = data.copy()
    print("{} of {}".format(i, perm_n))
    # shuffle data within subject/condition
    for border in idx_borders:
        resample_inds = random.choice(range(border[0], border[1]),
        resampled_data[border[0]:border[1], ] = resampled_data[resample_inds, ]
    Y = Vectorizer().fit_transform(resampled_data)
    linear_model.fit(dm_new, Y)
    coefs = get_coef(linear_model, 'coef_')
    betas = coefs[:, pred_col]
    # compute clustering on squared t-values (i.e., f-values)
    re_clusters, re_cluster_stats = _find_clusters(betas,
Example #15
def _permutation_cluster_test_AT(X, threshold, tail, n_permutations,
                                 connectivity, n_jobs, seed, max_step, exclude,
                                 step_down_p, t_power, out_type,
                                 check_disjoint, buffer_size):
    n_jobs = check_n_jobs(n_jobs)
    """Aux Function.
    Note. X is required to be a list. Depending on the length of X
    either a 1 sample t-test or an F test / more sample permutation scheme
    is elicited.
    if out_type not in ['mask', 'indices']:
        raise ValueError('out_type must be either \'mask\' or \'indices\'')
    if not isinstance(threshold, dict) and (tail < 0 and threshold > 0
                                            or tail > 0 and threshold < 0
                                            or tail == 0 and threshold < 0):
        raise ValueError(
            'incompatible tail and threshold signs, got %s and %s' %
            (tail, threshold))

    # check dimensions for each group in X (a list at this stage).
    X = [x[:, np.newaxis] if x.ndim == 1 else x for x in X]
    n_times = X[0].shape[0]

    sample_shape = X[0].shape[1:]
    for x in X:
        if x.shape[1:] != sample_shape:
            raise ValueError('All samples mush have the same size')

#    # flatten the last dimensions in case the data is high dimensional
#    X = [np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1)) for x in X]
    n_tests = X[0].shape[1]

    if connectivity is not None and connectivity is not False:
        connectivity = cluster_level._setup_connectivity(
            connectivity, n_tests, n_times)

    if (exclude is not None) and not exclude.size == n_tests:
        raise ValueError('exclude must be the same shape as X[0]')

    # determine if connectivity itself can be separated into disjoint sets
    if check_disjoint is True and (connectivity is not None
                                   and connectivity is not False):
        partitions = cluster_level._get_partitions_from_connectivity(
            connectivity, n_times)
        partitions = None
    max_clu_lens = np.zeros(n_permutations)
    for i in range(0, n_permutations):
        #logger.info('Running initial clustering')
        include = None
        out = cluster_level._find_clusters(X[i][0],
        clusters, cluster_stats = out

        logger.info('Found %d clusters' % len(clusters))

        # convert clusters to old format
        if connectivity is not None and connectivity is not False:
            # our algorithms output lists of indices by default
            if out_type == 'mask':
                clusters = cluster_level._cluster_indices_to_mask(
                    clusters, n_tests)
            # ndimage outputs slices or boolean masks by default
            if out_type == 'indices':
                clusters = cluster_level._cluster_mask_to_indices(clusters)

        # The clusters should have the same shape as the samples
        clusters = cluster_level._reshape_clusters(clusters, sample_shape)
        max_clu_len = 0
        for j in range(0, len(clusters)):
            max_new = len(clusters[j][0])
            if max_new > max_clu_len:
                max_clu_len = max_new
        logger.info('Max cluster length %d' % max_clu_len)
        max_clu_lens[i] = max_clu_len
    return max_clu_lens, clusters