def test_cov_mismatch(): """Test estimation with MEG<->Head mismatch.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, add_eeg_ref=False).crop(0, 5).load_data() events = find_events(raw, stim_channel="STI 014") raw.pick_channels(raw.ch_names[:5]) raw.add_proj([], remove_existing=True) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.0, preload=True, add_eeg_ref=False) for kind in ("shift", "None"): epochs_2 = epochs.copy() # This should be fine with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2]) assert_equal(len(w), 0) if kind == "shift":["dev_head_t"]["trans"][:3, 3] += 0.001 else: # None["dev_head_t"] = None assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, [epochs, epochs_2]) assert_equal(len(w), 0) compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], on_mismatch="ignore") assert_equal(len(w), 0) compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], on_mismatch="warn") assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, on_mismatch="x") assert_true(any("transform mismatch" in str(ww.message) for ww in w)) # This should work["dev_head_t"] = None["dev_head_t"] = None compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], method=None)
def test_pick_seeg_ecog(): """Test picking with sEEG and ECoG """ names = 'A1 A2 Fz O OTp1 OTp2 E1 OTp3 E2 E3'.split() types = 'mag mag eeg eeg seeg seeg ecog seeg ecog ecog'.split() info = create_info(names, 1024., types) idx = channel_indices_by_type(info) assert_array_equal(idx['mag'], [0, 1]) assert_array_equal(idx['eeg'], [2, 3]) assert_array_equal(idx['seeg'], [4, 5, 7]) assert_array_equal(idx['ecog'], [6, 8, 9]) assert_array_equal(pick_types(info, meg=False, seeg=True), [4, 5, 7]) for i, t in enumerate(types): assert_equal(channel_type(info, i), types[i]) raw = RawArray(np.zeros((len(names), 10)), info) events = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0]]) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, {'event': 0}, -1e-5, 1e-5, add_eeg_ref=False) evoked = epochs.average(pick_types(, meg=True, seeg=True)) e_seeg = evoked.copy().pick_types(meg=False, seeg=True) for l, r in zip(e_seeg.ch_names, [names[4], names[5], names[7]]): assert_equal(l, r) # Deal with constant debacle raw = read_raw_fif(op.join(io_dir, 'tests', 'data', 'test_chpi_raw_sss.fif'), add_eeg_ref=False) assert_equal(len(pick_types(, meg=False, seeg=True, ecog=True)), 0)
def test_cov_mismatch(): """Test estimation with MEG<->Head mismatch.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(0, 5).load_data() events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014') raw.pick_channels(raw.ch_names[:5]) raw.add_proj([], remove_existing=True) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0., preload=True) for kind in ('shift', 'None'): epochs_2 = epochs.copy() # This should be fine compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2]) if kind == 'shift':['dev_head_t']['trans'][:3, 3] += 0.001 else: # None['dev_head_t'] = None pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, [epochs, epochs_2]) compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], on_mismatch='ignore') with pytest.raises(RuntimeWarning, match='transform mismatch'): compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], on_mismatch='warn') pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, on_mismatch='x') # This should work['dev_head_t'] = None['dev_head_t'] = None compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], method=None)
def test_unsupervised_spatial_filter(): """Test unsupervised spatial filter.""" from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.kernel_ridge import KernelRidge raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[1:13:3] epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, preload=True, baseline=None, verbose=False) # Test estimator assert_raises(ValueError, UnsupervisedSpatialFilter, KernelRidge(2)) # Test fit X = epochs.get_data() n_components = 4 usf = UnsupervisedSpatialFilter(PCA(n_components)) usf1 = UnsupervisedSpatialFilter(PCA(n_components)) # test transform assert_equal(usf.transform(X).ndim, 3) # test fit_transform assert_array_almost_equal(usf.transform(X), usf1.fit_transform(X)) # assert shape assert_equal(usf.transform(X).shape[1], n_components) # Test with average param usf = UnsupervisedSpatialFilter(PCA(4), average=True) usf.fit_transform(X) assert_raises(ValueError, UnsupervisedSpatialFilter, PCA(4), 2)
def test_mockclient(): """Test the RtMockClient.""" raw =, preload=True, verbose=False, add_eeg_ref=False) picks = mne.pick_types(, meg='grad', eeg=False, eog=True, stim=True,['bads']) event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5 epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:7], event_id=event_id, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True, add_eeg_ref=False) data = epochs.get_data() rt_client = MockRtClient(raw) rt_epochs = RtEpochs(rt_client, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, isi_max=0.5, add_eeg_ref=False) rt_epochs.start() rt_client.send_data(rt_epochs, picks, tmin=0, tmax=10, buffer_size=1000) rt_data = rt_epochs.get_data() assert_true(rt_data.shape == data.shape) assert_array_equal(rt_data, data)
def test_scaler(): """Test methods of Scaler.""" raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[1:13:3] epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() scaler = Scaler( y =[:, -1] # np invalid divide value warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): X = scaler.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) assert_true(X.shape == epochs_data.shape) X2 =, y).transform(epochs_data) assert_array_equal(X2, X) # Test inverse_transform with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # invalid value in mult Xi = scaler.inverse_transform(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(epochs_data, Xi) for kwargs in [{'with_mean': False}, {'with_std': False}]: scaler = Scaler(, **kwargs), y) assert_array_almost_equal( X, scaler.inverse_transform(scaler.transform(X))) # Test init exception assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) assert_raises(ValueError, scaler.transform, epochs, y)
def test_ica_ctf(): """Test run ICA computation on ctf data with/without compensation.""" method = 'fastica' raw = read_raw_ctf(ctf_fname, preload=True) events = make_fixed_length_events(raw, 99999) for comp in [0, 1]: raw.apply_gradient_compensation(comp) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, -0.2, 0.2, preload=True) evoked = epochs.average() # test fit for inst in [raw, epochs]: ica = ICA(n_components=2, random_state=0, max_iter=2, method=method) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='did not converge'): # test apply and get_sources for inst in [raw, epochs, evoked]: ica.apply(inst) ica.get_sources(inst) # test mixed compensation case raw.apply_gradient_compensation(0) ica = ICA(n_components=2, random_state=0, max_iter=2, method=method) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='did not converge'): raw.apply_gradient_compensation(1) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, -0.2, 0.2, preload=True) evoked = epochs.average() for inst in [raw, epochs, evoked]: with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Compensation grade of ICA'): ica.apply(inst) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Compensation grade of ICA'): ica.get_sources(inst)
def test_xdawn_apply_transform(): """Test Xdawn apply and transform.""" # get data raw, events, picks = _get_data() epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, preload=True, baseline=None, verbose=False) n_components = 2 # Fit Xdawn xd = Xdawn(n_components=n_components, correct_overlap='auto') # apply on raw xd.apply(raw) # apply on epochs denoise = xd.apply(epochs) # apply on evoked xd.apply(epochs.average()) # apply on other thing should raise an error assert_raises(ValueError, xd.apply, 42) # transform on epochs xd.transform(epochs) # transform on ndarray xd.transform(epochs._data) # transform on someting else assert_raises(ValueError, xd.transform, 42) # check numerical results with shuffled epochs idx = np.arange(len(epochs)) np.random.shuffle(idx)[idx]) denoise_shfl = xd.apply(epochs) assert_array_equal(denoise['cond2']._data, denoise_shfl['cond2']._data)
def test_stockwell_api(): """Test stockwell functions.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname) event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5 event_name = op.join(base_dir, 'test-eve.fif') events = read_events(event_name) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, # XXX pick 2 has epochs of zeros. event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=[0, 1, 3]) for fmin, fmax in [(None, 50), (5, 50), (5, None)]: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # zero papdding power, itc = tfr_stockwell(epochs, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, return_itc=True) if fmax is not None: assert_true(power.freqs.max() <= fmax) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # padding power_evoked = tfr_stockwell(epochs.average(), fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, return_itc=False) # for multitaper these don't necessarily match, but they seem to # for stockwell... if this fails, this maybe could be changed # just to check the shape assert_array_almost_equal(, assert_true(isinstance(power, AverageTFR)) assert_true(isinstance(itc, AverageTFR)) assert_equal(, assert_true( >= 0.0) assert_true( <= 1.0) assert_true(np.log( * 20 <= 0.0) assert_true(np.log( * 20 <= 0.0)
def test_drop_epochs(): """Test dropping of epochs. """ raw, events, picks = _get_data() epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0)) events1 = events[events[:, 2] == event_id] # Bound checks assert_raises(IndexError, epochs.drop_epochs, [len(]) assert_raises(IndexError, epochs.drop_epochs, [-1]) assert_raises(ValueError, epochs.drop_epochs, [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # Test selection attribute assert_array_equal(epochs.selection, np.where(events[:, 2] == event_id)[0]) assert_equal(len(epochs.drop_log), len(events)) assert_true(all(epochs.drop_log[k] == ['IGNORED'] for k in set(range(len(events))) - set(epochs.selection))) selection = epochs.selection.copy() n_events = len( epochs.drop_epochs([2, 4], reason='d') assert_equal(epochs.drop_log_stats(), 2. / n_events * 100) assert_equal(len(epochs.drop_log), len(events)) assert_equal([epochs.drop_log[k] for k in selection[[2, 4]]], [['d'], ['d']]) assert_array_equal(events[epochs.selection], events1[[0, 1, 3, 5, 6]]) assert_array_equal(events[epochs[3:].selection], events1[[5, 6]]) assert_array_equal(events[epochs['1'].selection], events1[[0, 1, 3, 5, 6]])
def test_epochs_to_nitime(): """Test test_to_nitime """ raw, events, picks = _get_data() epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:5], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True, reject=reject, flat=flat) picks2 = [0, 3] epochs_ts = epochs.to_nitime(picks=None, epochs_idx=[0], collapse=True, copy=True) assert_true(epochs_ts.ch_names == epochs.ch_names) epochs_ts = epochs.to_nitime(picks=picks2, epochs_idx=None, collapse=True, copy=True) assert_true(epochs_ts.ch_names == [epochs.ch_names[k] for k in picks2]) epochs_ts = epochs.to_nitime(picks=None, epochs_idx=[0], collapse=False, copy=False) assert_true(epochs_ts.ch_names == epochs.ch_names) epochs_ts = epochs.to_nitime(picks=picks2, epochs_idx=None, collapse=False, copy=False) assert_true(epochs_ts.ch_names == [epochs.ch_names[k] for k in picks2])
def test_psdestimator(): """Test methods of PSDEstimator """ raw = io.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[1:13:3] epochs = Epochs( raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() psd = PSDEstimator(2 * np.pi, 0, np.inf) y =[:, -1] X = psd.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) assert_true(X.shape[0] == epochs_data.shape[0]) assert_array_equal(, y).transform(epochs_data), X) # Test init exception assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) assert_raises(ValueError, psd.transform, epochs, y)
def test_cov_mismatch(): """Test estimation with MEG<->Head mismatch.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(0, 5).load_data() events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014') raw.pick_channels(raw.ch_names[:5]) raw.add_proj([], remove_existing=True) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0., preload=True) for kind in ('shift', 'None'): epochs_2 = epochs.copy() # This should be fine with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2]) assert_equal(len(w), 0) if kind == 'shift':['dev_head_t']['trans'][:3, 3] += 0.001 else: # None['dev_head_t'] = None assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, [epochs, epochs_2]) assert_equal(len(w), 0) compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], on_mismatch='ignore') assert_equal(len(w), 0) compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], on_mismatch='warn') assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, on_mismatch='x') assert_true(any('transform mismatch' in str(ww.message) for ww in w)) # This should work['dev_head_t'] = None['dev_head_t'] = None compute_covariance([epochs, epochs_2], method=None)
def test_csp(): """Test Common Spatial Patterns algorithm on epochs """ raw = fiff.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False) events = read_events(event_name) picks = fiff.pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[1:13:3] epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() n_channels = epochs_data.shape[1] n_components = 3 csp = CSP(n_components=n_components),[:, -1]) y =[:, -1] X = csp.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) assert_true(csp.filters_.shape == (n_channels, n_channels)) assert_true(csp.patterns_.shape == (n_channels, n_channels)) assert_array_almost_equal(, y).transform(epochs_data), X) # test init exception assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs_data, np.zeros_like( assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) assert_raises(ValueError, csp.transform, epochs, y) csp.n_components = n_components sources = csp.transform(epochs_data) assert_true(sources.shape[1] == n_components)
def test_xdawn_apply_transform(): """Test Xdawn apply and transform.""" # Get data raw, events, picks = _get_data() raw.pick_types(eeg=True, meg=False) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=False, preload=True, baseline=None, verbose=False) n_components = 2 # Fit Xdawn xd = Xdawn(n_components=n_components, correct_overlap=False) # Apply on different types of instances for inst in [raw, epochs.average(), epochs]: denoise = xd.apply(inst) # Apply on other thing should raise an error assert_raises(ValueError, xd.apply, 42) # Transform on epochs xd.transform(epochs) # Transform on ndarray xd.transform(epochs._data) # Transform on someting else assert_raises(ValueError, xd.transform, 42) # Check numerical results with shuffled epochs np.random.seed(0) # random makes unstable linalg idx = np.arange(len(epochs)) np.random.shuffle(idx)[idx]) denoise_shfl = xd.apply(epochs) assert_array_almost_equal(denoise['cond2']._data, denoise_shfl['cond2']._data)
def test_concatenatechannels(): """Test methods of ConcatenateChannels """ raw = fiff.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False) events = read_events(event_name) picks = fiff.pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[1:13:3] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() concat = ConcatenateChannels( y =[:, -1] X = concat.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) # Check data dimensions assert_true(X.shape[0] == epochs_data.shape[0]) assert_true(X.shape[1] == epochs_data.shape[1] * epochs_data.shape[2]) assert_array_equal(, y).transform(epochs_data), X) # Check if data is preserved n_times = epochs_data.shape[2] assert_array_equal(epochs_data[0, 0, 0:n_times], X[0, 0:n_times]) # Test init exception assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) assert_raises(ValueError, concat.transform, epochs, y)
def test_regularized_csp(): """Test Common Spatial Patterns algorithm using regularized covariance.""" raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[1:13:3] epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() n_channels = epochs_data.shape[1] n_components = 3 reg_cov = [None, 0.05, 'ledoit_wolf', 'oas'] for reg in reg_cov: csp = CSP(n_components=n_components, reg=reg, norm_trace=False),[:, -1]) y =[:, -1] X = csp.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) assert_true(csp.filters_.shape == (n_channels, n_channels)) assert_true(csp.patterns_.shape == (n_channels, n_channels)) assert_array_almost_equal(, y). transform(epochs_data), X) # test init exception assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs_data, np.zeros_like( assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) assert_raises(ValueError, csp.transform, epochs) csp.n_components = n_components sources = csp.transform(epochs_data) assert_true(sources.shape[1] == n_components)
def test_scaler(): """Test methods of Scaler """ raw = fiff.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False) events = read_events(event_name) picks = fiff.pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[1:13:3] epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() scaler = Scaler( y =[:, -1] # np invalid divide value warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): X = scaler.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) assert_true(X.shape == epochs_data.shape) X2 =, y).transform(epochs_data) assert_array_equal(X2, X) # Test init exception assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) assert_raises(ValueError, scaler.transform, epochs, y)
def test_xdawn_apply_transform(): """Test Xdawn apply and transform.""" # get data raw, events, picks = _get_data() epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, preload=True, baseline=None, verbose=False) n_components = 2 # Fit Xdawn xd = Xdawn(n_components=n_components, correct_overlap='auto') # apply on raw xd.apply(raw) # apply on epochs xd.apply(epochs) # apply on evoked xd.apply(epochs.average()) # apply on other thing should raise an error assert_raises(ValueError, xd.apply, 42) # transform on epochs xd.transform(epochs) # transform on ndarray xd.transform(epochs._data) # transform on someting else assert_raises(ValueError, xd.transform, 42)
def test_evoked_standard_error(): """Test calculation and read/write of standard error """ epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0)) evoked = [epochs.average(), epochs.standard_error()] io.write_evokeds(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), evoked) evoked2 = read_evokeds(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), [0, 1]) evoked3 = [read_evokeds(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), 'Unknown'), read_evokeds(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), 'Unknown', kind='standard_error')] for evoked_new in [evoked2, evoked3]: assert_true(evoked_new[0]._aspect_kind == FIFF.FIFFV_ASPECT_AVERAGE) assert_true(evoked_new[0].kind == 'average') assert_true(evoked_new[1]._aspect_kind == FIFF.FIFFV_ASPECT_STD_ERR) assert_true(evoked_new[1].kind == 'standard_error') for ave, ave2 in zip(evoked, evoked_new): assert_array_almost_equal(, assert_array_almost_equal(ave.times, ave2.times) assert_equal(ave.nave, ave2.nave) assert_equal(ave._aspect_kind, ave2._aspect_kind) assert_equal(ave.kind, ave2.kind) assert_equal(ave.last, ave2.last) assert_equal(ave.first, ave2.first)
def test_acqparser_averaging(): """Test averaging with AcqParserFIF vs. Elekta software.""" raw = read_raw_fif(fname_raw_elekta, preload=True) acqp = AcqParserFIF( for cat in acqp.categories: # XXX datasets match only when baseline is applied to both, # not sure where relative dc shift comes from cond = acqp.get_condition(raw, cat) eps = Epochs(raw, baseline=(-.05, 0), **cond) ev = eps.average() ev_ref = read_evokeds(fname_ave_elekta, cat['comment'], baseline=(-.05, 0), proj=False) ev_mag = ev.copy() ev_mag.pick_channels(['MEG0111']) ev_grad = ev.copy() ev_grad.pick_channels(['MEG2643', 'MEG1622']) ev_ref_mag = ev_ref.copy() ev_ref_mag.pick_channels(['MEG0111']) ev_ref_grad = ev_ref.copy() ev_ref_grad.pick_channels(['MEG2643', 'MEG1622']) assert_allclose(,, rtol=0, atol=1e-15) # tol = 1 fT # Elekta put these in a different order assert ev_grad.ch_names[::-1] == ev_ref_grad.ch_names assert_allclose([::-1],, rtol=0, atol=1e-13) # tol = 1 fT/cm
def test_compute_proj_epochs(): """Test SSP computation on epochs""" event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.3 raw = Raw(raw_fname, preload=True) events = read_events(event_fname) bad_ch = 'MEG 2443' picks = pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False, exclude=[]) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=None, proj=False) evoked = epochs.average() projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=1) write_proj(op.join(tempdir, 'proj.fif.gz'), projs) for p_fname in [proj_fname, proj_gz_fname, op.join(tempdir, 'proj.fif.gz')]: projs2 = read_proj(p_fname) assert_true(len(projs) == len(projs2)) for p1, p2 in zip(projs, projs2): assert_true(p1['desc'] == p2['desc']) assert_true(p1['data']['col_names'] == p2['data']['col_names']) assert_true(p1['active'] == p2['active']) # compare with sign invariance p1_data = p1['data']['data'] * np.sign(p1['data']['data'][0, 0]) p2_data = p2['data']['data'] * np.sign(p2['data']['data'][0, 0]) if bad_ch in p1['data']['col_names']: bad = p1['data']['col_names'].index('MEG 2443') mask = np.ones(p1_data.size, dtype=np.bool) mask[bad] = False p1_data = p1_data[:, mask] p2_data = p2_data[:, mask] corr = np.corrcoef(p1_data, p2_data)[0, 1] assert_array_almost_equal(corr, 1.0, 5) # test that you can compute the projection matrix projs = activate_proj(projs) proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[]) assert_true(nproj == 2) assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2) # test that you can save them['projs'] += projs evoked = epochs.average(), 'foo.fif')) projs = read_proj(proj_fname) projs_evoked = compute_proj_evoked(evoked, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0) assert_true(len(projs_evoked) == 2) # XXX : test something # test parallelization projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=2) projs = activate_proj(projs) proj_par, _, _ = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[]) assert_allclose(proj, proj_par, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-16)
def test_ems(): """Test event-matched spatial filters""" raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=False) # create unequal number of events events = read_events(event_name) events[-2, 2] = 3 picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[1:13:3] epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_ems, epochs, ['aud_l', 'vis_l']) epochs = epochs.equalize_event_counts(epochs.event_id, copy=False)[0] assert_raises(KeyError, compute_ems, epochs, ['blah', 'hahah']) surrogates, filters, conditions = compute_ems(epochs) assert_equal(list(set(conditions)), [1, 3]) events = read_events(event_name) event_id2 = dict(aud_l=1, aud_r=2, vis_l=3) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id2, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs = epochs.equalize_event_counts(epochs.event_id, copy=False)[0] n_expected = sum([len(epochs[k]) for k in ['aud_l', 'vis_l']]) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_ems, epochs) surrogates, filters, conditions = compute_ems(epochs, ['aud_r', 'vis_l']) assert_equal(n_expected, len(surrogates)) assert_equal(n_expected, len(conditions)) assert_equal(list(set(conditions)), [2, 3]) raw.close()
def test_filterestimator(): """Test methods of FilterEstimator """ raw = io.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude="bads") picks = picks[1:13:3] epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() # Add tests for different combinations of l_freq and h_freq filt = FilterEstimator(, l_freq=1, h_freq=40) y =[:, -1] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # stop freq attenuation warning X = filt.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) assert_true(X.shape == epochs_data.shape) assert_array_equal(, y).transform(epochs_data), X) filt = FilterEstimator(, l_freq=0, h_freq=40) y =[:, -1] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # stop freq attenuation warning X = filt.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) filt = FilterEstimator(, l_freq=1, h_freq=1) y =[:, -1] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # stop freq attenuation warning assert_raises(ValueError, filt.fit_transform, epochs_data, y) filt = FilterEstimator(, l_freq=1, h_freq=None) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # stop freq attenuation warning X = filt.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) # Test init exception assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) assert_raises(ValueError, filt.transform, epochs, y)
def test_xdawn_regularization(): """Test Xdawn with regularization.""" # Get data raw, events, picks = _get_data() epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, preload=True, baseline=None, verbose=False) # Test with overlapping events. # modify events to simulate one overlap events = sel = np.where(events[:, 2] == 2)[0][:2] modified_event = events[sel[0]] modified_event[0] += 1[sel[1]] = modified_event # Fit and check that overlap was found and applied xd = Xdawn(n_components=2, correct_overlap='auto', reg='oas') assert_equal(xd.correct_overlap_, True) evoked = epochs['cond2'].average() assert_true(np.sum(np.abs( - xd.evokeds_['cond2'].data))) # With covariance regularization for reg in [.1, 0.1, 'ledoit_wolf', 'oas']: xd = Xdawn(n_components=2, correct_overlap=False, signal_cov=np.eye(len(picks)), reg=reg) # With bad shrinkage xd = Xdawn(n_components=2, correct_overlap=False, signal_cov=np.eye(len(picks)), reg=2) assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs)
def test_epochs_vectorizer(): """Test methods of EpochsVectorizer """ raw = io.Raw(raw_fname, preload=False) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude="bads") picks = picks[1:13:3] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() vector = EpochsVectorizer( y =[:, -1] X = vector.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) # Check data dimensions assert_true(X.shape[0] == epochs_data.shape[0]) assert_true(X.shape[1] == epochs_data.shape[1] * epochs_data.shape[2]) assert_array_equal(, y).transform(epochs_data), X) # Check if data is preserved n_times = epochs_data.shape[2] assert_array_equal(epochs_data[0, 0, 0:n_times], X[0, 0:n_times]) # Check inverse transform Xi = vector.inverse_transform(X, y) assert_true(Xi.shape[0] == epochs_data.shape[0]) assert_true(Xi.shape[1] == epochs_data.shape[1]) assert_array_equal(epochs_data[0, 0, 0:n_times], Xi[0, 0, 0:n_times]) # Test init exception assert_raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) assert_raises(ValueError, vector.transform, epochs, y)
def test_epochs_vector_inverse(): """Test vector inverse consistency between evoked and epochs.""" raw = read_raw_fif(fname_raw) events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014')[:2] reject = dict(grad=2000e-13, mag=4e-12, eog=150e-6) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, 0, 0.01, baseline=None, reject=reject, preload=True) assert_equal(len(epochs), 2) evoked = epochs.average(picks=range(len(epochs.ch_names))) inv = read_inverse_operator(fname_inv) method = "MNE" snr = 3. lambda2 = 1. / snr ** 2 stcs_epo = apply_inverse_epochs(epochs, inv, lambda2, method=method, pick_ori='vector', return_generator=False) stc_epo = np.mean(stcs_epo) stc_evo = apply_inverse(evoked, inv, lambda2, method=method, pick_ori='vector') assert_allclose(,, rtol=1e-9, atol=0)
def test_info(): """Test info object""" raw = io.Raw(raw_fname) event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5 events = read_events(event_name) event_id = int(events[0, 2]) epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:1], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=None, baseline=(None, 0)) evoked = epochs.average() events = read_events(event_name) # Test subclassing was successful. info = Info(a=7, b='aaaaa') assert_true('a' in info) assert_true('b' in info) info[42] = 'foo' assert_true(info[42] == 'foo') # test info attribute in API objects for obj in [raw, epochs, evoked]: assert_true(isinstance(, Info)) info_str = '%s' % assert_equal(len(info_str.split('\n')), (len( + 2)) assert_true(all(k in info_str for k in
def test_events_long(): """Test events.""" data_path = testing.data_path() raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_trunc_raw.fif' raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True) raw_tmin, raw_tmax = 0, 90 tmin, tmax = -0.2, 0.5 event_id = dict(aud_l=1, vis_l=3) # select gradiometers picks = pick_types(, meg='grad', eeg=False, eog=True, stim=True,['bads']) # load data with usual Epochs for later verification raw = concatenate_raws([raw, raw.copy(), raw.copy(), raw.copy(), raw.copy(), raw.copy()]) assert 110 < raw.times[-1] < 130 raw_cropped = raw.copy().crop(raw_tmin, raw_tmax) events_offline = find_events(raw_cropped) epochs_offline = Epochs(raw_cropped, events_offline, event_id=event_id, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, picks=picks, decim=1, reject=dict(grad=4000e-13, eog=150e-6), baseline=None) epochs_offline.drop_bad() # create the mock-client object rt_client = MockRtClient(raw) rt_epochs = RtEpochs(rt_client, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, decim=1, reject=dict(grad=4000e-13, eog=150e-6), baseline=None, isi_max=1.) rt_epochs.start() rt_client.send_data(rt_epochs, picks, tmin=raw_tmin, tmax=raw_tmax, buffer_size=1000) expected_events = expected_events[:, 0] = expected_events[:, 0] - raw_cropped.first_samp assert np.all(expected_events[:, 0] <= (raw_tmax - tmax) *['sfreq']) assert_array_equal(, expected_events) assert len(rt_epochs) == len(epochs_offline) data_picks = pick_types(, meg='grad', eeg=False, eog=True, stim=False,['bads']) for ev_num, ev in enumerate(rt_epochs.iter_evoked()): if ev_num == 0: X_rt =[None, data_picks, :] y_rt = int(ev.comment) # comment attribute contains the event_id else: X_rt = np.concatenate((X_rt,[None, data_picks, :]), axis=0) y_rt = np.append(y_rt, int(ev.comment)) X_offline = epochs_offline.get_data()[:, data_picks, :] y_offline =[:, 2] assert_array_equal(X_rt, X_offline) assert_array_equal(y_rt, y_offline)
def test_access_by_name(): """Test accessing epochs by event name and on_missing for rare events """ assert_raises(ValueError, Epochs, raw, events, {1: 42, 2: 42}, tmin, tmax, picks=picks) assert_raises(ValueError, Epochs, raw, events, {'a': 'spam', 2: 'eggs'}, tmin, tmax, picks=picks) assert_raises(ValueError, Epochs, raw, events, {'a': 'spam', 2: 'eggs'}, tmin, tmax, picks=picks) assert_raises(ValueError, Epochs, raw, events, 'foo', tmin, tmax, picks=picks) # Test accessing non-existent events (assumes 12345678 does not exist) event_id_illegal = dict(aud_l=1, does_not_exist=12345678) assert_raises(ValueError, Epochs, raw, events, event_id_illegal, tmin, tmax) # Test on_missing assert_raises(ValueError, Epochs, raw, events, 1, tmin, tmax, on_missing='foo') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') Epochs(raw, events, event_id_illegal, tmin, tmax, on_missing='warning') nw = len(w) assert_true(1 <= nw <= 2) Epochs(raw, events, event_id_illegal, tmin, tmax, on_missing='ignore') assert_equal(len(w), nw) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, tmin, tmax, picks=picks) assert_raises(KeyError, epochs.__getitem__, 'bar') data = epochs['a'].get_data() event_a = events[events[:, 2] == 1] assert_true(len(data) == len(event_a)) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, preload=True) assert_raises(KeyError, epochs.__getitem__, 'bar'), 'test-epo.fif')) epochs2 = read_epochs(op.join(tempdir, 'test-epo.fif')) for ep in [epochs, epochs2]: data = ep['a'].get_data() event_a = events[events[:, 2] == 1] assert_true(len(data) == len(event_a)) assert_array_equal(epochs2['a'].events, epochs['a'].events) epochs3 = Epochs(raw, events, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, preload=True) assert_equal(list(sorted(epochs3[['a', 'b']].event_id.values())), [1, 2]) epochs4 = epochs['a'] epochs5 = epochs3['a'] assert_array_equal(, # 20 is our tolerance because epochs are written out as floats assert_array_almost_equal(epochs4.get_data(), epochs5.get_data(), 20) epochs6 = epochs3[['a', 'b']] assert_true(all(np.logical_or([:, 2] == 1,[:, 2] == 2))) assert_array_equal(, assert_array_almost_equal(epochs.get_data(), epochs6.get_data(), 20)
def generate_virtual_epoch(epochs: mne.Epochs, W: np.ndarray, frequency_mean: float = 10, frequency_std: float = 0.2, noise_phase_level: float = 0.005, noise_amplitude_level: float = 0.1) -> mne.Epochs: """ Generate epochs with simulated data using Kuramoto oscillators. Arguments: epoch: mne.Epochs Epochs object to get epoch info structure W: np.ndarray Coupling matrix between the oscillators frequency_mean: float Mean of the normal distribution for oscillators frequency frequency_std: float Standart deviation of the normal distribution for oscillators frequency noise_phase_level: float Amount of noise at the phase level noise_amplitude_level: float Amount of noise at the amplitude level Returns: mne.Epochs new epoch with simulated data """ n_epo, n_chan, n_samp = epochs.get_data().shape sfreq =['sfreq'] N = int(n_chan / 2) Nt = n_samp * n_epo tmax = n_samp / sfreq * n_epo # s tv = np.linspace(0., tmax, Nt) freq = frequency_mean + frequency_std * np.random.randn(n_chan) omega = 2. * np.pi * freq def fp(t, p): p = np.atleast_2d(p) coupling = np.squeeze((np.sin(p) * np.matmul(W, np.cos(p).T).T) - (np.cos(p) * np.matmul(W, np.sin(p).T).T)) dotp = omega - coupling + noise_phase_level * np.random.randn( n_chan) / n_samp return dotp p0 = 2 * np.pi * np.block([ np.zeros(N) + np.random.rand(N) + 0.5, np.zeros(N) + np.random.rand(N) + 0.5 ]) # initialization ans = solve_ivp(fun=fp, t_span=(tv[0], tv[-1]), y0=p0, t_eval=tv) phi = ans['y'].T % (2 * np.pi) eeg = np.sin(phi) + noise_amplitude_level * np.random.randn(*phi.shape) simulation = epochs.copy() simulation._data = np.transpose(np.reshape(eeg.T, [n_chan, n_epo, n_samp]), (1, 0, 2)) return simulation
def test_cov_estimation_with_triggers(): """Test estimation from raw with triggers.""" tempdir = _TempDir() raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname) raw.set_eeg_reference(projection=True).load_data() events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014') event_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4] reject = dict(grad=10000e-13, mag=4e-12, eeg=80e-6, eog=150e-6) # cov with merged events and keep_sample_mean=True events_merged = merge_events(events, event_ids, 1234) epochs = Epochs(raw, events_merged, 1234, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=True, reject=reject, preload=True) cov = compute_covariance(epochs, keep_sample_mean=True) _assert_cov(cov, read_cov(cov_km_fname)) # Test with tmin and tmax (different but not too much) cov_tmin_tmax = compute_covariance(epochs, tmin=-0.19, tmax=-0.01) assert_true(np.all( != err = (linalg.norm( -, ord='fro') / linalg.norm(, ord='fro')) assert_true(err < 0.05, msg=err) # cov using a list of epochs and keep_sample_mean=True epochs = [Epochs(raw, events, ev_id, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=True, reject=reject) for ev_id in event_ids] cov2 = compute_covariance(epochs, keep_sample_mean=True) assert_array_almost_equal(, assert_true(cov.ch_names == cov2.ch_names) # cov with keep_sample_mean=False using a list of epochs cov = compute_covariance(epochs, keep_sample_mean=False) _assert_cov(cov, read_cov(cov_fname), nfree=False) method_params = {'empirical': {'assume_centered': False}} assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, keep_sample_mean=False, method_params=method_params) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, keep_sample_mean=False, method='factor_analysis') # test IO when computation done in Python, 'test-cov.fif')) # test saving cov_read = read_cov(op.join(tempdir, 'test-cov.fif')) _assert_cov(cov, cov_read, 1e-5) # cov with list of epochs with different projectors epochs = [Epochs(raw, events[:1], None, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=True), Epochs(raw, events[:1], None, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=False)] # these should fail assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, projs=None) # these should work, but won't be equal to above with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # too few samples warning warnings.simplefilter('always') cov = compute_covariance(epochs, projs=epochs[0].info['projs']) cov = compute_covariance(epochs, projs=[]) assert_equal(len(w), 2) # test new dict support epochs = Epochs(raw, events, dict(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4), tmin=-0.01, tmax=0, proj=True, reject=reject, preload=True) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # samples compute_covariance(epochs) # projs checking compute_covariance(epochs, projs=[]) assert_raises(TypeError, compute_covariance, epochs, projs='foo') assert_raises(TypeError, compute_covariance, epochs, projs=['foo'])
events = find_events(raw, shortest_event=0, stim_channel='STI 014') picks = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True, stim=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') # Read epochs (train will be done only between 1 and 2s) # Testing will be done with a running classifier epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True, add_eeg_ref=False) epochs_train = epochs.crop(tmin=1., tmax=2., copy=True) labels =[:, -1] - 2 ############################################################################### # Classification with linear discrimant analysis from sklearn.lda import LDA # noqa from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit # noqa # Assemble a classifier svc = LDA()
HI_FREQ = 32. WEIGHT_PATH = f"weights" CONFIDENCE = 0.66 ### script start # _compX, _compY = epoch_comp(prep_comp(load_comp(True), comp_channel_map3, GOODS, l_freq=LO_FREQ, h_freq=HI_FREQ), CLASSES, resample=RESAMPLE, trange=T_RANGE) _pilotX, _pilotY = epoch_pilot(load_pilot('data/rivet/raw/pilot2/BCI_imaginedmoves_3class_7-4-21.vhdr'), CLASSES, GOODS, resample=RESAMPLE, trange=T_RANGE, l_freq=LO_FREQ, h_freq=HI_FREQ) from mne import pick_types, Epochs, events_from_annotations, create_info from import RawArray from integration import stream_channels, GOODS debug_pilot = load_pilot('data/rivet/raw/pilot2/BCI_imaginedmoves_3class_7-4-21.vhdr') events, event_id = events_from_annotations(debug_pilot, event_id={'Stimulus/left': 0, 'Stimulus/right': 1, 'Stimulus/feet': 2}) picks = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True, stim=False, eog=False) epochs = Epochs(debug_pilot, events, event_id, proj=False, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True, verbose=False, tmin=-1.5, tmax=2.5) debug_data = epochs.get_data() debug_data = debug_data[:,:,:-1] # print(_pilotX[0].shape) # print(debug_data[0].shape) # print(debug_data[0]) # print() stream_info = create_info(debug_pilot.ch_names[:-3], 500, 'eeg') signal = debug_data[4] raw = RawArray(data=signal, info=stream_info) raw = raw.filter(LO_FREQ, HI_FREQ, method='fir', fir_design='firwin', phase='zero') raw = raw.crop(tmin=2.) raw = raw.resample(125) realtime = raw.get_data(picks=sorted(GOODS))*1000
def test_add_reference(): """Test adding a reference.""" raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) # check if channel already exists pytest.raises(ValueError, add_reference_channels, raw,['ch_names'][0]) # add reference channel to Raw raw_ref = add_reference_channels(raw, 'Ref', copy=True) assert_equal(raw_ref._data.shape[0], raw._data.shape[0] + 1) assert_array_equal(raw._data[picks_eeg, :], raw_ref._data[picks_eeg, :]) _check_channel_names(raw_ref, 'Ref') orig_nchan =['nchan'] raw = add_reference_channels(raw, 'Ref', copy=False) assert_array_equal(raw._data, raw_ref._data) assert_equal(['nchan'], orig_nchan + 1) _check_channel_names(raw, 'Ref') # for Neuromag fif's, the reference electrode location is placed in # elements [3:6] of each "data" electrode location assert_allclose(['chs'][-1]['loc'][:3],['chs'][picks_eeg[0]]['loc'][3:6], 1e-6) ref_idx = raw.ch_names.index('Ref') ref_data, _ = raw[ref_idx] assert_array_equal(ref_data, 0) # add reference channel to Raw when no digitization points exist raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname).crop(0, 1).load_data() picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) del['dig'] raw_ref = add_reference_channels(raw, 'Ref', copy=True) assert_equal(raw_ref._data.shape[0], raw._data.shape[0] + 1) assert_array_equal(raw._data[picks_eeg, :], raw_ref._data[picks_eeg, :]) _check_channel_names(raw_ref, 'Ref') orig_nchan =['nchan'] raw = add_reference_channels(raw, 'Ref', copy=False) assert_array_equal(raw._data, raw_ref._data) assert_equal(['nchan'], orig_nchan + 1) _check_channel_names(raw, 'Ref') # Test adding an existing channel as reference channel pytest.raises(ValueError, add_reference_channels, raw,['ch_names'][0]) # add two reference channels to Raw raw_ref = add_reference_channels(raw, ['M1', 'M2'], copy=True) _check_channel_names(raw_ref, ['M1', 'M2']) assert_equal(raw_ref._data.shape[0], raw._data.shape[0] + 2) assert_array_equal(raw._data[picks_eeg, :], raw_ref._data[picks_eeg, :]) assert_array_equal(raw_ref._data[-2:, :], 0) raw = add_reference_channels(raw, ['M1', 'M2'], copy=False) _check_channel_names(raw, ['M1', 'M2']) ref_idx = raw.ch_names.index('M1') ref_idy = raw.ch_names.index('M2') ref_data, _ = raw[[ref_idx, ref_idy]] assert_array_equal(ref_data, 0) # add reference channel to epochs raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) events = read_events(eve_fname) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) epochs = Epochs(raw, events=events, event_id=1, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.5, picks=picks_eeg, preload=True) # default: proj=True, after which adding a Ref channel is prohibited pytest.raises(RuntimeError, add_reference_channels, epochs, 'Ref') # create epochs in delayed mode, allowing removal of CAR when re-reffing epochs = Epochs(raw, events=events, event_id=1, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.5, picks=picks_eeg, preload=True, proj='delayed') epochs_ref = add_reference_channels(epochs, 'Ref', copy=True) assert_equal(epochs_ref._data.shape[1], epochs._data.shape[1] + 1) _check_channel_names(epochs_ref, 'Ref') ref_idx = epochs_ref.ch_names.index('Ref') ref_data = epochs_ref.get_data()[:, ref_idx, :] assert_array_equal(ref_data, 0) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) assert_array_equal(epochs.get_data()[:, picks_eeg, :], epochs_ref.get_data()[:, picks_eeg, :]) # add two reference channels to epochs raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) events = read_events(eve_fname) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) # create epochs in delayed mode, allowing removal of CAR when re-reffing epochs = Epochs(raw, events=events, event_id=1, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.5, picks=picks_eeg, preload=True, proj='delayed') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='reference channels are ignored'): epochs_ref = add_reference_channels(epochs, ['M1', 'M2'], copy=True) assert_equal(epochs_ref._data.shape[1], epochs._data.shape[1] + 2) _check_channel_names(epochs_ref, ['M1', 'M2']) ref_idx = epochs_ref.ch_names.index('M1') ref_idy = epochs_ref.ch_names.index('M2') assert_equal(['chs'][ref_idx]['ch_name'], 'M1') assert_equal(['chs'][ref_idy]['ch_name'], 'M2') ref_data = epochs_ref.get_data()[:, [ref_idx, ref_idy], :] assert_array_equal(ref_data, 0) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) assert_array_equal(epochs.get_data()[:, picks_eeg, :], epochs_ref.get_data()[:, picks_eeg, :]) # add reference channel to evoked raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) events = read_events(eve_fname) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) # create epochs in delayed mode, allowing removal of CAR when re-reffing epochs = Epochs(raw, events=events, event_id=1, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.5, picks=picks_eeg, preload=True, proj='delayed') evoked = epochs.average() evoked_ref = add_reference_channels(evoked, 'Ref', copy=True) assert_equal([0],[0] + 1) _check_channel_names(evoked_ref, 'Ref') ref_idx = evoked_ref.ch_names.index('Ref') ref_data =[ref_idx, :] assert_array_equal(ref_data, 0) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) assert_array_equal([picks_eeg, :],[picks_eeg, :]) # add two reference channels to evoked raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) events = read_events(eve_fname) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) # create epochs in delayed mode, allowing removal of CAR when re-reffing epochs = Epochs(raw, events=events, event_id=1, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.5, picks=picks_eeg, preload=True, proj='delayed') evoked = epochs.average() with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='reference channels are ignored'): evoked_ref = add_reference_channels(evoked, ['M1', 'M2'], copy=True) assert_equal([0],[0] + 2) _check_channel_names(evoked_ref, ['M1', 'M2']) ref_idx = evoked_ref.ch_names.index('M1') ref_idy = evoked_ref.ch_names.index('M2') ref_data =[[ref_idx, ref_idy], :] assert_array_equal(ref_data, 0) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) assert_array_equal([picks_eeg, :],[picks_eeg, :]) # Test invalid inputs raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=False) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='loaded'): add_reference_channels(raw, ['Ref']) raw.load_data() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Channel.*already.*'): add_reference_channels(raw, raw.ch_names[:1]) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='instance of'): add_reference_channels(raw, 1)
def test_ica_full_data_recovery(): """Test recovery of full data when no source is rejected""" # Most basic recovery raw = Raw(raw_fname).crop(0.5, stop, copy=False) raw.load_data() events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads')[:10] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # bad proj epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) evoked = epochs.average() n_channels = 5 data = raw._data[:n_channels].copy() data_epochs = epochs.get_data() data_evoked = for method in ['fastica']: stuff = [(2, n_channels, True), (2, n_channels // 2, False)] for n_components, n_pca_components, ok in stuff: ica = ICA(n_components=n_components, max_pca_components=n_pca_components, n_pca_components=n_pca_components, method=method, max_iter=1) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks=list(range(n_channels))) raw2 = ica.apply(raw.copy(), exclude=[]) if ok: assert_allclose(data[:n_channels], raw2._data[:n_channels], rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-15) else: diff = np.abs(data[:n_channels] - raw2._data[:n_channels]) assert_true(np.max(diff) > 1e-14) ica = ICA(n_components=n_components, max_pca_components=n_pca_components, n_pca_components=n_pca_components) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks=list(range(n_channels))) epochs2 = ica.apply(epochs.copy(), exclude=[]) data2 = epochs2.get_data()[:, :n_channels] if ok: assert_allclose(data_epochs[:, :n_channels], data2, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-15) else: diff = np.abs(data_epochs[:, :n_channels] - data2) assert_true(np.max(diff) > 1e-14) evoked2 = ica.apply(evoked.copy(), exclude=[]) data2 =[:n_channels] if ok: assert_allclose(data_evoked[:n_channels], data2, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-15) else: diff = np.abs([:n_channels] - data2) assert_true(np.max(diff) > 1e-14) assert_raises(ValueError, ICA, method='pizza-decomposision')
def test_ica_core(method): """Test ICA on raw and epochs.""" _skip_check_picard(method) raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(1.5, stop).load_data() # XXX. The None cases helped revealing bugs but are time consuming. test_cov = read_cov(test_cov_name) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) noise_cov = [None, test_cov] # removed None cases to speed up... n_components = [2, 1.0] # for future dbg add cases max_pca_components = [3] picks_ = [picks] methods = [method] iter_ica_params = product(noise_cov, n_components, max_pca_components, picks_, methods) # # test init catchers pytest.raises(ValueError, ICA, n_components=3, max_pca_components=2) pytest.raises(ValueError, ICA, n_components=2.3, max_pca_components=2) # test essential core functionality for n_cov, n_comp, max_n, pcks, method in iter_ica_params: # Test ICA raw ica = ICA(noise_cov=n_cov, n_components=n_comp, max_pca_components=max_n, n_pca_components=max_n, random_state=0, method=method, max_iter=1) pytest.raises(ValueError, ica.__contains__, 'mag') print(ica) # to test repr # test fit checker pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ica.get_sources, raw) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ica.get_sources, epochs) # Test error upon empty epochs fitting with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='none were found'):[0:0]) # test decomposition with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='did not converge'):, picks=pcks, start=start, stop=stop) repr(ica) # to test repr assert ('mag' in ica) # should now work without error # test re-fit unmixing1 = ica.unmixing_matrix_ with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='did not converge'):, picks=pcks, start=start, stop=stop) assert_array_almost_equal(unmixing1, ica.unmixing_matrix_) raw_sources = ica.get_sources(raw) # test for #3804 assert_equal(raw_sources._filenames, [None]) print(raw_sources) # test for gh-6271 (scaling of ICA traces) fig = raw_sources.plot() assert len(fig.axes[0].lines) in (4, 5, 6) for line in fig.axes[0].lines: y = line.get_ydata() if len(y) > 2: # actual data, not markers assert np.ptp(y) < 15 plt.close('all') sources = raw_sources[:, :][0] assert (sources.shape[0] == ica.n_components_) # test preload filter raw3 = raw.copy() raw3.preload = False pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ica.apply, raw3, include=[1, 2]) ####################################################################### # test epochs decomposition ica = ICA(noise_cov=n_cov, n_components=n_comp, max_pca_components=max_n, n_pca_components=max_n, random_state=0, method=method) with pytest.warns(None): # sometimes warns, picks=picks) data = epochs.get_data()[:, 0, :] n_samples = assert_equal(ica.n_samples_, n_samples) print(ica) # to test repr sources = ica.get_sources(epochs).get_data() assert (sources.shape[1] == ica.n_components_) pytest.raises(ValueError, ica.score_sources, epochs, target=np.arange(1)) # test preload filter epochs3 = epochs.copy() epochs3.preload = False pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ica.apply, epochs3, include=[1, 2]) # test for bug with whitener updating _pre_whitener = ica.pre_whitener_.copy() epochs._data[:, 0, 10:15] *= 1e12 ica.apply(epochs.copy()) assert_array_equal(_pre_whitener, ica.pre_whitener_) # test expl. var threshold leading to empty sel ica.n_components = 0.1 pytest.raises(RuntimeError,, epochs) offender = 1, 2, 3, pytest.raises(ValueError, ica.get_sources, offender) pytest.raises(TypeError,, offender) pytest.raises(TypeError, ica.apply, offender)
events = find_events(raw, shortest_event=0, stim_channel='STI 014') picks = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True, stim=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') raw.filter(7., 35., method='iir', picks=picks) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True, add_eeg_ref=False, verbose=False) labels =[:, -1] - 2 # get epochs epochs_data = epochs.get_data() ############################################################################### # Pairwise distance based permutation test ############################################################################### covest = Covariances()
def test_csp(): """Test Common Spatial Patterns algorithm on epochs.""" raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=False) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') picks = picks[2:12:3] # subselect channels -> disable proj! raw.add_proj([], remove_existing=True) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True, proj=False) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() n_channels = epochs_data.shape[1] y =[:, -1] # Init pytest.raises(ValueError, CSP, n_components='foo', norm_trace=False) for reg in ['foo', -0.1, 1.1]: csp = CSP(reg=reg, norm_trace=False) pytest.raises(ValueError,, epochs_data,[:, -1]) for reg in ['oas', 'ledoit_wolf', 0, 0.5, 1.]: CSP(reg=reg, norm_trace=False) for cov_est in ['foo', None]: pytest.raises(ValueError, CSP, cov_est=cov_est, norm_trace=False) pytest.raises(ValueError, CSP, norm_trace='foo') for cov_est in ['concat', 'epoch']: CSP(cov_est=cov_est, norm_trace=False) n_components = 3 # Fit for norm_trace in [True, False]: csp = CSP(n_components=n_components, norm_trace=norm_trace),[:, -1]) assert_equal(len(csp.mean_), n_components) assert_equal(len(csp.std_), n_components) # Transform X = csp.fit_transform(epochs_data, y) sources = csp.transform(epochs_data) assert (sources.shape[1] == n_components) assert (csp.filters_.shape == (n_channels, n_channels)) assert (csp.patterns_.shape == (n_channels, n_channels)) assert_array_almost_equal(sources, X) # Test data exception pytest.raises(ValueError,, epochs_data, np.zeros_like( pytest.raises(ValueError,, epochs, y) pytest.raises(ValueError, csp.transform, epochs) # Test plots epochs.pick_types(meg='mag') cmap = ('RdBu', True) components = np.arange(n_components) for plot in (csp.plot_patterns, csp.plot_filters): plot(, components=components, res=12, show=False, cmap=cmap) # Test with more than 2 classes epochs = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, picks=picks, event_id=dict(aud_l=1, aud_r=2, vis_l=3, vis_r=4), baseline=(None, 0), proj=False, preload=True) epochs_data = epochs.get_data() n_channels = epochs_data.shape[1] n_channels = epochs_data.shape[1] for cov_est in ['concat', 'epoch']: csp = CSP(n_components=n_components, cov_est=cov_est, norm_trace=False),[:, 2]).transform(epochs_data) assert_equal(len(csp._classes), 4) assert_array_equal(csp.filters_.shape, [n_channels, n_channels]) assert_array_equal(csp.patterns_.shape, [n_channels, n_channels]) # Test average power transform n_components = 2 assert (csp.transform_into == 'average_power') feature_shape = [len(epochs_data), n_components] X_trans = dict() for log in (None, True, False): csp = CSP(n_components=n_components, log=log, norm_trace=False) assert (csp.log is log) Xt = csp.fit_transform(epochs_data,[:, 2]) assert_array_equal(Xt.shape, feature_shape) X_trans[str(log)] = Xt # log=None => log=True assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans['None'], X_trans['True']) # Different normalization return different transform assert (np.sum((X_trans['True'] - X_trans['False'])**2) > 1.) # Check wrong inputs pytest.raises(ValueError, CSP, transform_into='average_power', log='foo') # Test csp space transform csp = CSP(transform_into='csp_space', norm_trace=False) assert (csp.transform_into == 'csp_space') for log in ('foo', True, False): pytest.raises(ValueError, CSP, transform_into='csp_space', log=log, norm_trace=False) n_components = 2 csp = CSP(n_components=n_components, transform_into='csp_space', norm_trace=False) Xt =,[:, 2]).transform(epochs_data) feature_shape = [len(epochs_data), n_components, epochs_data.shape[2]] assert_array_equal(Xt.shape, feature_shape) # Check mixing matrix on simulated data y = np.array([100] * 50 + [1] * 50) X, A = simulate_data(y) for cov_est in ['concat', 'epoch']: # fit csp csp = CSP(n_components=1, cov_est=cov_est, norm_trace=False), y) # check the first pattern match the mixing matrix # the sign might change corr = np.abs(np.corrcoef(csp.patterns_[0, :].T, A[:, 0])[0, 1]) assert np.abs(corr) > 0.99 # check output out = csp.transform(X) corr = np.abs(np.corrcoef(out[:, 0], y)[0, 1]) assert np.abs(corr) > 0.95
def test_io_set_raw(fnames, tmpdir): """Test importing EEGLAB .set files.""" tmpdir = str(tmpdir) raw_fname, raw_fname_onefile = fnames with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning) as w: _test_raw_reader(read_raw_eeglab, input_fname=raw_fname, montage=montage) _test_raw_reader(read_raw_eeglab, input_fname=raw_fname_onefile, montage=montage) for want in ('Events like', 'consist entirely', 'could not be mapped', 'string preload is not supported'): assert (any(want in str(ww.message) for ww in w)) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning) as w: # test finding events in continuous data event_id = {'rt': 1, 'square': 2} raw0 = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=raw_fname, montage=montage, event_id=event_id, preload=True) raw1 = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=raw_fname, montage=montage, event_id=event_id, preload=False) raw2 = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=raw_fname_onefile, montage=montage, event_id=event_id) raw3 = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=raw_fname, montage=montage, event_id=event_id) raw4 = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=raw_fname, montage=montage) Epochs(raw0, find_events(raw0), event_id) epochs = Epochs(raw1, find_events(raw1), event_id) assert_equal(len(find_events(raw4)), 0) # no events without event_id assert_equal(epochs["square"].average().nave, 80) # 80 with assert_array_equal(raw0[:][0], raw1[:][0], raw2[:][0], raw3[:][0]) assert_array_equal(raw0[:][-1], raw1[:][-1], raw2[:][-1], raw3[:][-1]) assert_equal(len(w), 4) # 1 for preload=False / str with fname_onefile, 3 for dropped events raw0.filter(1, None, l_trans_bandwidth='auto', filter_length='auto', phase='zero') # test that preloading works # test that using uint16_codec does not break stuff raw0 = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=raw_fname, montage=montage, event_id=event_id, preload=False, uint16_codec='ascii') # test old EEGLAB version event import (read old version) eeg = io.loadmat(raw_fname_mat, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)['EEG'] for event in eeg.event: # old version allows integer events event.type = 1 assert_equal(read_events_eeglab(eeg)[-1, -1], 1) eeg.event = eeg.event[0] # single event eeg.event.latency = float(eeg.event.latency) - .1 # test rounding assert_equal(read_events_eeglab(eeg)[-1, -1], 1) # test reading file with one event (read old version) eeg = io.loadmat(raw_fname_mat, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)['EEG'] one_event_fname = op.join(tmpdir, 'test_one_event.set') io.savemat(one_event_fname, {'EEG': {'trials': eeg.trials, 'srate': eeg.srate, 'nbchan': eeg.nbchan, 'data': 'test_one_event.fdt', 'epoch': eeg.epoch, 'event': eeg.event[0], 'chanlocs': eeg.chanlocs, 'pnts': eeg.pnts}}, appendmat=False, oned_as='row') shutil.copyfile(op.join(base_dir, 'test_raw.fdt'), one_event_fname.replace('.set', '.fdt')) event_id = {eeg.event[0].type: 1} test_raw = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=one_event_fname, montage=montage, event_id=event_id, preload=True) # test that sample indices are read python-wise (zero-based) assert find_events(test_raw)[0, 0] == round(eeg.event[0].latency) - 1 # test negative event latencies negative_latency_fname = op.join(tmpdir, 'test_negative_latency.set') evnts = deepcopy(eeg.event[0]) evnts.latency = 0 io.savemat(negative_latency_fname, {'EEG': {'trials': eeg.trials, 'srate': eeg.srate, 'nbchan': eeg.nbchan, 'data': 'test_one_event.fdt', 'epoch': eeg.epoch, 'event': evnts, 'chanlocs': eeg.chanlocs, 'pnts': eeg.pnts}}, appendmat=False, oned_as='row') shutil.copyfile(op.join(base_dir, 'test_raw.fdt'), negative_latency_fname.replace('.set', '.fdt')) event_id = {eeg.event[0].type: 1} with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match="has a sample index of -1."): read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=negative_latency_fname, preload=True, event_id=event_id, montage=montage) # test overlapping events overlap_fname = op.join(tmpdir, 'test_overlap_event.set') io.savemat(overlap_fname, {'EEG': {'trials': eeg.trials, 'srate': eeg.srate, 'nbchan': eeg.nbchan, 'data': 'test_overlap_event.fdt', 'epoch': eeg.epoch, 'event': [eeg.event[0], eeg.event[0]], 'chanlocs': eeg.chanlocs, 'pnts': eeg.pnts}}, appendmat=False, oned_as='row') shutil.copyfile(op.join(base_dir, 'test_raw.fdt'), overlap_fname.replace('.set', '.fdt')) event_id = {'rt': 1, 'square': 2} with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='will be dropped'): raw = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=overlap_fname, montage=montage, event_id=event_id, preload=True) events_stimchan = find_events(raw) events_read_events_eeglab = read_events_eeglab(overlap_fname, event_id) assert (len(events_stimchan) == 1) assert (len(events_read_events_eeglab) == 2) # test reading file with one channel one_chan_fname = op.join(tmpdir, 'test_one_channel.set') io.savemat(one_chan_fname, {'EEG': {'trials': eeg.trials, 'srate': eeg.srate, 'nbchan': 1, 'data': np.random.random((1, 3)), 'epoch': eeg.epoch, 'event': eeg.epoch, 'chanlocs': {'labels': 'E1', 'Y': -6.6069, 'X': 6.3023, 'Z': -2.9423}, 'times': eeg.times[:3], 'pnts': 3}}, appendmat=False, oned_as='row') with pytest.warns(None) as w: read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=one_chan_fname, preload=True) # no warning for 'no events found' assert len(w) == 0 # test reading file with 3 channels - one without position information # first, create chanlocs structured array ch_names = ['F3', 'unknown', 'FPz'] x, y, z = [1., 2., np.nan], [4., 5., np.nan], [7., 8., np.nan] dt = [('labels', 'S10'), ('X', 'f8'), ('Y', 'f8'), ('Z', 'f8')] chanlocs = np.zeros((3,), dtype=dt) for ind, vals in enumerate(zip(ch_names, x, y, z)): for fld in range(4): chanlocs[ind][dt[fld][0]] = vals[fld] if LooseVersion(np.__version__) == '1.14.0': # There is a bug in 1.14.0 (or maybe with SciPy 1.0.0?) that causes # this write to fail! raise SkipTest('Need to fix bug in NumPy 1.14.0!') # save set file one_chanpos_fname = op.join(tmpdir, 'test_chanpos.set') io.savemat(one_chanpos_fname, {'EEG': {'trials': eeg.trials, 'srate': eeg.srate, 'nbchan': 3, 'data': np.random.random((3, 3)), 'epoch': eeg.epoch, 'event': eeg.epoch, 'chanlocs': chanlocs, 'times': eeg.times[:3], 'pnts': 3}}, appendmat=False, oned_as='row') # load it with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='did not have a position'): raw = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=one_chanpos_fname, preload=True) # position should be present for first two channels for i in range(2): assert_array_equal(['chs'][i]['loc'][:3], np.array([-chanlocs[i]['Y'], chanlocs[i]['X'], chanlocs[i]['Z']])) # position of the last channel should be zero assert_array_equal(['chs'][-1]['loc'][:3], [np.nan] * 3) # test reading channel names from set and positions from montage with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='did not have a position'): raw = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=one_chanpos_fname, preload=True, montage=montage) # when montage was passed - channel positions should be taken from there correct_pos = [[-0.56705965, 0.67706631, 0.46906776], [np.nan] * 3, [0., 0.99977915, -0.02101571]] for ch_ind in range(3): assert_array_almost_equal(['chs'][ch_ind]['loc'][:3], np.array(correct_pos[ch_ind])) # test reading channel names but not positions when there is no X (only Z) # field in the EEG.chanlocs structure nopos_chanlocs = chanlocs[['labels', 'Z']] nopos_fname = op.join(tmpdir, 'test_no_chanpos.set') io.savemat(nopos_fname, {'EEG': {'trials': eeg.trials, 'srate': eeg.srate, 'nbchan': 3, 'data': np.random.random((3, 2)), 'epoch': eeg.epoch, 'event': eeg.epoch, 'chanlocs': nopos_chanlocs, 'times': eeg.times[:2], 'pnts': 2}}, appendmat=False, oned_as='row') # load the file raw = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=nopos_fname, preload=True) # test that channel names have been loaded but not channel positions for i in range(3): assert_equal(['chs'][i]['ch_name'], ch_names[i]) assert_array_equal(['chs'][i]['loc'][:3], np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]))
data_fun=data_fun, random_state=0) # look at our source data fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.plot(times, 1e9 * ax.set(ylabel='Amplitude (nAm)', xlabel='Time (sec)') ############################################################################## # Simulate raw data raw_sim = simulate_raw(raw, stc, trans_fname, src, bem_fname, cov='simple', iir_filter=[0.2, -0.2, 0.04], ecg=True, blink=True, n_jobs=1, verbose=True) raw_sim.plot() ############################################################################## # Plot evoked data events = find_events(raw_sim) # only 1 pos, so event number == 1 epochs = Epochs(raw_sim, events, 1, -0.2, epoch_duration) cov = compute_covariance(epochs, tmax=0., method='empirical') # quick calc evoked = epochs.average() evoked.plot_white(cov)
def test_compute_covariance_auto_reg(rank): """Test automated regularization.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True) raw.resample(100, npad='auto') # much faster estimation events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014') event_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4] reject = dict(mag=4e-12) # cov with merged events and keep_sample_mean=True events_merged = merge_events(events, event_ids, 1234) # we need a few channels for numerical reasons in PCA/FA picks = pick_types(, meg='mag', eeg=False)[:10] raw.pick_channels([raw.ch_names[pick] for pick in picks]) epochs = Epochs(raw, events_merged, 1234, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=True, reject=reject, preload=True) epochs = epochs.crop(None, 0)[:5] method_params = dict(factor_analysis=dict(iter_n_components=[3]), pca=dict(iter_n_components=[3])) covs = compute_covariance(epochs, method='auto', method_params=method_params, return_estimators=True, rank=rank) # make sure regularization produces structured differencess diag_mask = np.eye(len(epochs.ch_names)).astype(bool) off_diag_mask = np.invert(diag_mask) for cov_a, cov_b in itt.combinations(covs, 2): if (cov_a['method'] == 'diagonal_fixed' and # here we have diagnoal or no regularization. cov_b['method'] == 'empirical' and rank == 'full'): assert not np.any( cov_a['data'][diag_mask] == cov_b['data'][diag_mask]) # but the rest is the same assert_allclose(cov_a['data'][off_diag_mask], cov_b['data'][off_diag_mask], rtol=1e-12) else: # and here we have shrinkage everywhere. assert not np.any( cov_a['data'][diag_mask] == cov_b['data'][diag_mask]) assert not np.any( cov_a['data'][diag_mask] == cov_b['data'][diag_mask]) logliks = [c['loglik'] for c in covs] assert np.diff(logliks).max() <= 0 # descending order methods = ['empirical', 'ledoit_wolf', 'oas', 'shrunk', 'shrinkage'] if rank == 'full': methods.extend(['factor_analysis', 'pca']) with catch_logging() as log: cov3 = compute_covariance(epochs, method=methods, method_params=method_params, projs=None, return_estimators=True, rank=rank, verbose=True) log = log.getvalue().split('\n') if rank is None: assert ' Setting small MAG eigenvalues to zero (without PCA)' in log assert 'Reducing data rank from 10 -> 7' in log else: assert 'Reducing' not in log method_names = [cov['method'] for cov in cov3] best_bounds = [-45, -35] bounds = [-55, -45] if rank == 'full' else best_bounds for method in set(methods) - {'empirical', 'shrunk'}: this_lik = cov3[method_names.index(method)]['loglik'] assert bounds[0] < this_lik < bounds[1] this_lik = cov3[method_names.index('shrunk')]['loglik'] assert best_bounds[0] < this_lik < best_bounds[1] this_lik = cov3[method_names.index('empirical')]['loglik'] bounds = [-110, -100] if rank == 'full' else best_bounds assert bounds[0] < this_lik < bounds[1] assert_equal({c['method'] for c in cov3}, set(methods)) cov4 = compute_covariance(epochs, method=methods, method_params=method_params, projs=None, return_estimators=False, rank=rank) assert cov3[0]['method'] == cov4['method'] # ordering # invalid prespecified method pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, method='pizza') # invalid scalings pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, method='shrunk', scalings=dict(misc=123))
def test_ica_full_data_recovery(method): """Test recovery of full data when no source is rejected.""" # Most basic recovery _skip_check_picard(method) raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(0.5, stop).load_data() events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads')[:10] with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='projection'): epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) evoked = epochs.average() n_channels = 5 data = raw._data[:n_channels].copy() data_epochs = epochs.get_data() data_evoked = raw.set_annotations(Annotations([0.5], [0.5], ['BAD'])) methods = [method] for method in methods: stuff = [(2, n_channels, True), (2, n_channels // 2, False)] for n_components, n_pca_components, ok in stuff: ica = ICA(n_components=n_components, random_state=0, max_pca_components=n_pca_components, n_pca_components=n_pca_components, method=method, max_iter=1) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=None): # sometimes warns, picks=list(range(n_channels))) raw2 = ica.apply(raw.copy(), exclude=[]) if ok: assert_allclose(data[:n_channels], raw2._data[:n_channels], rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-15) else: diff = np.abs(data[:n_channels] - raw2._data[:n_channels]) assert (np.max(diff) > 1e-14) ica = ICA(n_components=n_components, method=method, max_pca_components=n_pca_components, n_pca_components=n_pca_components, random_state=0) with pytest.warns(None): # sometimes warns, picks=list(range(n_channels))) epochs2 = ica.apply(epochs.copy(), exclude=[]) data2 = epochs2.get_data()[:, :n_channels] if ok: assert_allclose(data_epochs[:, :n_channels], data2, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-15) else: diff = np.abs(data_epochs[:, :n_channels] - data2) assert (np.max(diff) > 1e-14) evoked2 = ica.apply(evoked.copy(), exclude=[]) data2 =[:n_channels] if ok: assert_allclose(data_evoked[:n_channels], data2, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-15) else: diff = np.abs([:n_channels] - data2) assert (np.max(diff) > 1e-14) pytest.raises(ValueError, ICA, method='pizza-decomposision')
def test_ica_additional(): """Test additional ICA functionality""" tempdir = _TempDir() stop2 = 500 raw = Raw(raw_fname).crop(1.5, stop, copy=False) raw.load_data() picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') test_cov = read_cov(test_cov_name) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) # test if n_components=None works with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): ica = ICA(n_components=None, max_pca_components=None, n_pca_components=None, random_state=0), picks=picks, decim=3) # for testing eog functionality picks2 = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=True, exclude='bads') epochs_eog = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks2, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) test_cov2 = test_cov.copy() ica = ICA(noise_cov=test_cov2, n_components=3, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4) assert_true( is None) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks[:5]) assert_true(isinstance(, Info)) assert_true(ica.n_components_ < 5) ica = ICA(n_components=3, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4) assert_raises(RuntimeError,, '') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], start=start, stop=stop2) # test corrmap ica2 = ica.copy() ica3 = ica.copy() corrmap([ica, ica2], (0, 0), threshold='auto', label='blinks', plot=True, ch_type="mag") corrmap([ica, ica2], (0, 0), threshold=2, plot=False, show=False) assert_true(ica.labels_["blinks"] == ica2.labels_["blinks"]) assert_true(0 in ica.labels_["blinks"]) template = _get_ica_map(ica)[0] corrmap([ica, ica3], template, threshold='auto', label='blinks', plot=True, ch_type="mag") assert_true(ica2.labels_["blinks"] == ica3.labels_["blinks"]) plt.close('all') # test warnings on bad filenames with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') ica_badname = op.join(op.dirname(tempdir), 'test-bad-name.fif.gz') read_ica(ica_badname) assert_naming(w, '', 2) # test decim ica = ICA(n_components=3, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4) raw_ = raw.copy() for _ in range(3): raw_.append(raw_) n_samples = raw_._data.shape[1] with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks=None, decim=3) assert_true(raw_._data.shape[1], n_samples) # test expl var ica = ICA(n_components=1.0, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks=None, decim=3) assert_true(ica.n_components_ == 4) # epochs extraction from raw fit assert_raises(RuntimeError, ica.get_sources, epochs) # test reading and writing test_ica_fname = op.join(op.dirname(tempdir), 'test-ica.fif') for cov in (None, test_cov): ica = ICA(noise_cov=cov, n_components=2, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # ICA does not converge, picks=picks, start=start, stop=stop2) sources = ica.get_sources(epochs).get_data() assert_true(ica.mixing_matrix_.shape == (2, 2)) assert_true(ica.unmixing_matrix_.shape == (2, 2)) assert_true(ica.pca_components_.shape == (4, len(picks))) assert_true(sources.shape[1] == ica.n_components_) for exclude in [[], [0]]: ica.exclude = exclude ica.labels_ = {'foo': [0]} ica_read = read_ica(test_ica_fname) assert_true(ica.exclude == ica_read.exclude) assert_equal(ica.labels_, ica_read.labels_) ica.exclude = [] ica.apply(raw, exclude=[1]) assert_true(ica.exclude == []) ica.exclude = [0, 1] ica.apply(raw, exclude=[1]) assert_true(ica.exclude == [0, 1]) ica_raw = ica.get_sources(raw) assert_true( ica.exclude == [ica_raw.ch_names.index(e) for e in['bads']]) # test filtering d1 = ica_raw._data[0].copy() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # dB warning ica_raw.filter(4, 20) assert_equal(type(['lowpass']), float) assert_equal(type(['highpass']), float) assert_true((d1 != ica_raw._data[0]).any()) d1 = ica_raw._data[0].copy() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # dB warning ica_raw.notch_filter([10]) assert_true((d1 != ica_raw._data[0]).any()) ica.n_pca_components = 2 ica.method = 'fake' ica_read = read_ica(test_ica_fname) assert_true(ica.n_pca_components == ica_read.n_pca_components) assert_equal(ica.method, ica_read.method) assert_equal(ica.labels_, ica_read.labels_) # check type consistency attrs = ('mixing_matrix_ unmixing_matrix_ pca_components_ ' 'pca_explained_variance_ _pre_whitener') def f(x, y): return getattr(x, y).dtype for attr in attrs.split(): assert_equal(f(ica_read, attr), f(ica, attr)) ica.n_pca_components = 4 ica_read.n_pca_components = 4 ica.exclude = [] ica_read = read_ica(test_ica_fname) for attr in [ 'mixing_matrix_', 'unmixing_matrix_', 'pca_components_', 'pca_mean_', 'pca_explained_variance_', '_pre_whitener' ]: assert_array_almost_equal(getattr(ica, attr), getattr(ica_read, attr)) assert_true(ica.ch_names == ica_read.ch_names) assert_true(isinstance(, Info)) sources = ica.get_sources(raw)[:, :][0] sources2 = ica_read.get_sources(raw)[:, :][0] assert_array_almost_equal(sources, sources2) _raw1 = ica.apply(raw, exclude=[1]) _raw2 = ica_read.apply(raw, exclude=[1]) assert_array_almost_equal(_raw1[:, :][0], _raw2[:, :][0]) os.remove(test_ica_fname) # check scrore funcs for name, func in get_score_funcs().items(): if name in score_funcs_unsuited: continue scores = ica.score_sources(raw, target='EOG 061', score_func=func, start=0, stop=10) assert_true(ica.n_components_ == len(scores)) # check univariate stats scores = ica.score_sources(raw, score_func=stats.skew) # check exception handling assert_raises(ValueError, ica.score_sources, raw, target=np.arange(1)) params = [] params += [(None, -1, slice(2), [0, 1])] # varicance, kurtosis idx params params += [(None, 'MEG 1531')] # ECG / EOG channel params for idx, ch_name in product(*params): ica.detect_artifacts(raw, start_find=0, stop_find=50, ecg_ch=ch_name, eog_ch=ch_name, skew_criterion=idx, var_criterion=idx, kurt_criterion=idx) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): idx, scores = ica.find_bads_ecg(raw, method='ctps') assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) idx, scores = ica.find_bads_ecg(raw, method='correlation') assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) idx, scores = ica.find_bads_eog(raw) assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) ica.labels_ = None idx, scores = ica.find_bads_ecg(epochs, method='ctps') assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) assert_raises(ValueError, ica.find_bads_ecg, epochs.average(), method='ctps') assert_raises(ValueError, ica.find_bads_ecg, raw, method='crazy-coupling')['chs'][raw.ch_names.index('EOG 061') - 1]['kind'] = 202 idx, scores = ica.find_bads_eog(raw) assert_true(isinstance(scores, list)) assert_equal(len(scores[0]), ica.n_components_) # check score funcs for name, func in get_score_funcs().items(): if name in score_funcs_unsuited: continue scores = ica.score_sources(epochs_eog, target='EOG 061', score_func=func) assert_true(ica.n_components_ == len(scores)) # check univariate stats scores = ica.score_sources(epochs, score_func=stats.skew) # check exception handling assert_raises(ValueError, ica.score_sources, epochs, target=np.arange(1)) # ecg functionality ecg_scores = ica.score_sources(raw, target='MEG 1531', score_func='pearsonr') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # filter attenuation warning ecg_events = ica_find_ecg_events(raw, sources[np.abs(ecg_scores).argmax()]) assert_true(ecg_events.ndim == 2) # eog functionality eog_scores = ica.score_sources(raw, target='EOG 061', score_func='pearsonr') with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # filter attenuation warning eog_events = ica_find_eog_events(raw, sources[np.abs(eog_scores).argmax()]) assert_true(eog_events.ndim == 2) # Test ica fiff export ica_raw = ica.get_sources(raw, start=0, stop=100) assert_true(ica_raw.last_samp - ica_raw.first_samp == 100) assert_true(len(ica_raw._filenames) == 0) # API consistency ica_chans = [ch for ch in ica_raw.ch_names if 'ICA' in ch] assert_true(ica.n_components_ == len(ica_chans)) test_ica_fname = op.join(op.abspath(op.curdir), 'test-ica_raw.fif') ica.n_components = np.int32(ica.n_components), overwrite=True) ica_raw2 = Raw(test_ica_fname, preload=True) assert_allclose(ica_raw._data, ica_raw2._data, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-4) ica_raw2.close() os.remove(test_ica_fname) # Test ica epochs export ica_epochs = ica.get_sources(epochs) assert_true( == ica_chans = [ch for ch in ica_epochs.ch_names if 'ICA' in ch] assert_true(ica.n_components_ == len(ica_chans)) assert_true(ica.n_components_ == ica_epochs.get_data().shape[1]) assert_true(ica_epochs._raw is None) assert_true(ica_epochs.preload is True) # test float n pca components ica.pca_explained_variance_ = np.array([0.2] * 5) ica.n_components_ = 0 for ncomps, expected in [[0.3, 1], [0.9, 4], [1, 1]]: ncomps_ = ica._check_n_pca_components(ncomps) assert_true(ncomps_ == expected)
def test_ica_additional(method): """Test additional ICA functionality.""" _skip_check_picard(method) tempdir = _TempDir() stop2 = 500 raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname).crop(1.5, stop).load_data() raw.del_proj() # avoid warnings raw.set_annotations(Annotations([0.5], [0.5], ['BAD'])) # XXX This breaks the tests :( #['bads'] = [raw.ch_names[1]] test_cov = read_cov(test_cov_name) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads')[1::2] epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True, proj=False) epochs.decimate(3, verbose='error') assert len(epochs) == 4 # test if n_components=None works ica = ICA(n_components=None, max_pca_components=None, n_pca_components=None, random_state=0, method=method, max_iter=1) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='did not converge'): # for testing eog functionality picks2 = np.concatenate([picks, pick_types(, False, eog=True)]) epochs_eog = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks2, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) del picks2 test_cov2 = test_cov.copy() ica = ICA(noise_cov=test_cov2, n_components=3, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4, method=method) assert ( is None) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='normalize_proj'):, picks[:5]) assert (isinstance(, Info)) assert (ica.n_components_ < 5) ica = ICA(n_components=3, max_pca_components=4, method=method, n_pca_components=4, random_state=0) pytest.raises(RuntimeError,, ''), picks=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], start=start, stop=stop2) # check passing a ch_name to find_bads_ecg with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): _, scores_1 = ica.find_bads_ecg(raw) _, scores_2 = ica.find_bads_ecg(raw, raw.ch_names[1]) assert scores_1[0] != scores_2[0] # test corrmap ica2 = ica.copy() ica3 = ica.copy() corrmap([ica, ica2], (0, 0), threshold='auto', label='blinks', plot=True, ch_type="mag") with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='No component detected'): corrmap( [ica, ica2], (0, 0), threshold=2, plot=False, show=False, ) corrmap([ica, ica2], (0, 0), threshold=0.5, plot=False, show=False) assert (ica.labels_["blinks"] == ica2.labels_["blinks"]) assert (0 in ica.labels_["blinks"]) # test retrieval of component maps as arrays components = ica.get_components() template = components[:, 0] EvokedArray(components,, tmin=0.).plot_topomap([0], time_unit='s') corrmap([ica, ica3], template, threshold='auto', label='blinks', plot=True, ch_type="mag") assert (ica2.labels_["blinks"] == ica3.labels_["blinks"]) plt.close('all') # No match bad_ica = ica2.copy() bad_ica.mixing_matrix_[:] = 0. with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='divide'): with catch_logging() as log: corrmap([ica, bad_ica], (0, 0), threshold=0.5, plot=False, show=False, verbose=True) log = log.getvalue() assert 'No maps selected' in log # make sure a single threshold in a list works corrmap([ica, ica3], template, threshold=[0.5], label='blinks', plot=True, ch_type="mag") ica_different_channels = ICA(n_components=2, random_state=0).fit(raw, picks=[2, 3, 4, 5]) pytest.raises(ValueError, corrmap, [ica_different_channels, ica], (0, 0)) # test warnings on bad filenames ica_badname = op.join(op.dirname(tempdir), 'test-bad-name.fif.gz') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='-ica.fif'): with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='-ica.fif'): read_ica(ica_badname) # test decim ica = ICA(n_components=3, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4, method=method, max_iter=1) raw_ = raw.copy() for _ in range(3): raw_.append(raw_) n_samples = raw_._data.shape[1] with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='did not converge'):, picks=picks[:5], decim=3) assert raw_._data.shape[1] == n_samples # test expl var ica = ICA(n_components=1.0, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4, method=method, max_iter=1) with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match='did not converge'):, picks=None, decim=3) assert (ica.n_components_ == 4) ica_var = _ica_explained_variance(ica, raw, normalize=True) assert (np.all(ica_var[:-1] >= ica_var[1:])) # test ica sorting ica.exclude = [0] ica.labels_ = dict(blink=[0], think=[1]) ica_sorted = _sort_components(ica, [3, 2, 1, 0], copy=True) assert_equal(ica_sorted.exclude, [3]) assert_equal(ica_sorted.labels_, dict(blink=[3], think=[2])) # epochs extraction from raw fit pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ica.get_sources, epochs) # test reading and writing test_ica_fname = op.join(op.dirname(tempdir), 'test-ica.fif') for cov in (None, test_cov): ica = ICA(noise_cov=cov, n_components=2, max_pca_components=4, n_pca_components=4, method=method, max_iter=1) with pytest.warns(None): # ICA does not converge, picks=picks[:10], start=start, stop=stop2) sources = ica.get_sources(epochs).get_data() assert (ica.mixing_matrix_.shape == (2, 2)) assert (ica.unmixing_matrix_.shape == (2, 2)) assert (ica.pca_components_.shape == (4, 10)) assert (sources.shape[1] == ica.n_components_) for exclude in [[], [0], np.array([1, 2, 3])]: ica.exclude = exclude ica.labels_ = {'foo': [0]} ica_read = read_ica(test_ica_fname) assert (list(ica.exclude) == ica_read.exclude) assert_equal(ica.labels_, ica_read.labels_) ica.apply(raw) ica.exclude = [] ica.apply(raw, exclude=[1]) assert (ica.exclude == []) ica.exclude = [0, 1] ica.apply(raw, exclude=[1]) assert (ica.exclude == [0, 1]) ica_raw = ica.get_sources(raw) assert (ica.exclude == [ ica_raw.ch_names.index(e) for e in['bads'] ]) # test filtering d1 = ica_raw._data[0].copy() ica_raw.filter(4, 20, fir_design='firwin2') assert_equal(['lowpass'], 20.) assert_equal(['highpass'], 4.) assert ((d1 != ica_raw._data[0]).any()) d1 = ica_raw._data[0].copy() ica_raw.notch_filter([10], trans_bandwidth=10, fir_design='firwin') assert ((d1 != ica_raw._data[0]).any()) ica.n_pca_components = 2 ica.method = 'fake' ica_read = read_ica(test_ica_fname) assert (ica.n_pca_components == ica_read.n_pca_components) assert_equal(ica.method, ica_read.method) assert_equal(ica.labels_, ica_read.labels_) # check type consistency attrs = ('mixing_matrix_ unmixing_matrix_ pca_components_ ' 'pca_explained_variance_ pre_whitener_') def f(x, y): return getattr(x, y).dtype for attr in attrs.split(): assert_equal(f(ica_read, attr), f(ica, attr)) ica.n_pca_components = 4 ica_read.n_pca_components = 4 ica.exclude = [] ica_read = read_ica(test_ica_fname) for attr in [ 'mixing_matrix_', 'unmixing_matrix_', 'pca_components_', 'pca_mean_', 'pca_explained_variance_', 'pre_whitener_' ]: assert_array_almost_equal(getattr(ica, attr), getattr(ica_read, attr)) assert (ica.ch_names == ica_read.ch_names) assert (isinstance(, Info)) sources = ica.get_sources(raw)[:, :][0] sources2 = ica_read.get_sources(raw)[:, :][0] assert_array_almost_equal(sources, sources2) _raw1 = ica.apply(raw, exclude=[1]) _raw2 = ica_read.apply(raw, exclude=[1]) assert_array_almost_equal(_raw1[:, :][0], _raw2[:, :][0]) os.remove(test_ica_fname) # check score funcs for name, func in get_score_funcs().items(): if name in score_funcs_unsuited: continue scores = ica.score_sources(raw, target='EOG 061', score_func=func, start=0, stop=10) assert (ica.n_components_ == len(scores)) # check univariate stats scores = ica.score_sources(raw, start=0, stop=50, score_func=stats.skew) # check exception handling pytest.raises(ValueError, ica.score_sources, raw, target=np.arange(1)) params = [] params += [(None, -1, slice(2), [0, 1])] # variance, kurtosis params params += [(None, 'MEG 1531')] # ECG / EOG channel params for idx, ch_name in product(*params): ica.detect_artifacts(raw, start_find=0, stop_find=50, ecg_ch=ch_name, eog_ch=ch_name, skew_criterion=idx, var_criterion=idx, kurt_criterion=idx) # Make sure detect_artifacts marks the right components. # For int criterion, the doc says "E.g. range(2) would return the two # sources with the highest score". Assert that's what it does. # Only test for skew, since it's always the same code. ica.exclude = [] ica.detect_artifacts(raw, start_find=0, stop_find=50, ecg_ch=None, eog_ch=None, skew_criterion=0, var_criterion=None, kurt_criterion=None) assert np.abs(scores[ica.exclude]) == np.max(np.abs(scores)) evoked = epochs.average() evoked_data = raw_data = raw[:][0].copy() epochs_data = epochs.get_data().copy() with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): idx, scores = ica.find_bads_ecg(raw, method='ctps') assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): idx, scores = ica.find_bads_ecg(raw, method='correlation') assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): idx, scores = ica.find_bads_eog(raw) assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) idx, scores = ica.find_bads_ecg(epochs, method='ctps') assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) pytest.raises(ValueError, ica.find_bads_ecg, epochs.average(), method='ctps') pytest.raises(ValueError, ica.find_bads_ecg, raw, method='crazy-coupling') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): idx, scores = ica.find_bads_eog(raw) assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_)['chs'][raw.ch_names.index('EOG 061') - 1]['kind'] = 202 with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): idx, scores = ica.find_bads_eog(raw) assert (isinstance(scores, list)) assert_equal(len(scores[0]), ica.n_components_) idx, scores = ica.find_bads_eog(evoked, ch_name='MEG 1441') assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) idx, scores = ica.find_bads_ecg(evoked, method='correlation') assert_equal(len(scores), ica.n_components_) assert_array_equal(raw_data, raw[:][0]) assert_array_equal(epochs_data, epochs.get_data()) assert_array_equal(evoked_data, # check score funcs for name, func in get_score_funcs().items(): if name in score_funcs_unsuited: continue scores = ica.score_sources(epochs_eog, target='EOG 061', score_func=func) assert (ica.n_components_ == len(scores)) # check univariate stats scores = ica.score_sources(epochs, score_func=stats.skew) # check exception handling pytest.raises(ValueError, ica.score_sources, epochs, target=np.arange(1)) # ecg functionality ecg_scores = ica.score_sources(raw, target='MEG 1531', score_func='pearsonr') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): ecg_events = ica_find_ecg_events(raw, sources[np.abs(ecg_scores).argmax()]) assert (ecg_events.ndim == 2) # eog functionality eog_scores = ica.score_sources(raw, target='EOG 061', score_func='pearsonr') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): eog_events = ica_find_eog_events(raw, sources[np.abs(eog_scores).argmax()]) assert (eog_events.ndim == 2) # Test ica fiff export ica_raw = ica.get_sources(raw, start=0, stop=100) assert (ica_raw.last_samp - ica_raw.first_samp == 100) assert_equal(len(ica_raw._filenames), 1) # API consistency ica_chans = [ch for ch in ica_raw.ch_names if 'ICA' in ch] assert (ica.n_components_ == len(ica_chans)) test_ica_fname = op.join(op.abspath(op.curdir), 'test-ica_raw.fif') ica.n_components = np.int32(ica.n_components), overwrite=True) ica_raw2 = read_raw_fif(test_ica_fname, preload=True) assert_allclose(ica_raw._data, ica_raw2._data, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-4) ica_raw2.close() os.remove(test_ica_fname) # Test ica epochs export ica_epochs = ica.get_sources(epochs) assert ( == ica_chans = [ch for ch in ica_epochs.ch_names if 'ICA' in ch] assert (ica.n_components_ == len(ica_chans)) assert (ica.n_components_ == ica_epochs.get_data().shape[1]) assert (ica_epochs._raw is None) assert (ica_epochs.preload is True) # test float n pca components ica.pca_explained_variance_ = np.array([0.2] * 5) ica.n_components_ = 0 for ncomps, expected in [[0.3, 1], [0.9, 4], [1, 1]]: ncomps_ = ica._check_n_pca_components(ncomps) assert (ncomps_ == expected) ica = ICA(method=method) with pytest.warns(None): # sometimes does not converge, picks=picks[:5]) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): ica.find_bads_ecg(raw) ica.find_bads_eog(epochs, ch_name='MEG 0121') assert_array_equal(raw_data, raw[:][0]) raw.drop_channels(['MEG 0122']) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ica.find_bads_eog, raw) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='longer'): pytest.raises(RuntimeError, ica.find_bads_ecg, raw)
def test_ica_core(): """Test ICA on raw and epochs""" raw = Raw(raw_fname).crop(1.5, stop, copy=False) raw.load_data() picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') # XXX. The None cases helped revealing bugs but are time consuming. test_cov = read_cov(test_cov_name) events = read_events(event_name) picks = pick_types(, meg=True, stim=False, ecg=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), preload=True) noise_cov = [None, test_cov] # removed None cases to speed up... n_components = [2, 1.0] # for future dbg add cases max_pca_components = [3] picks_ = [picks] methods = ['fastica'] iter_ica_params = product(noise_cov, n_components, max_pca_components, picks_, methods) # # test init catchers assert_raises(ValueError, ICA, n_components=3, max_pca_components=2) assert_raises(ValueError, ICA, n_components=2.3, max_pca_components=2) # test essential core functionality for n_cov, n_comp, max_n, pcks, method in iter_ica_params: # Test ICA raw ica = ICA(noise_cov=n_cov, n_components=n_comp, max_pca_components=max_n, n_pca_components=max_n, random_state=0, method=method, max_iter=1) assert_raises(ValueError, ica.__contains__, 'mag') print(ica) # to test repr # test fit checker assert_raises(RuntimeError, ica.get_sources, raw) assert_raises(RuntimeError, ica.get_sources, epochs) # test decomposition with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks=pcks, start=start, stop=stop) repr(ica) # to test repr assert_true('mag' in ica) # should now work without error # test re-fit unmixing1 = ica.unmixing_matrix_ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks=pcks, start=start, stop=stop) assert_array_almost_equal(unmixing1, ica.unmixing_matrix_) sources = ica.get_sources(raw)[:, :][0] assert_true(sources.shape[0] == ica.n_components_) # test preload filter raw3 = raw.copy() raw3.preload = False assert_raises(ValueError, ica.apply, raw3, include=[1, 2]) ####################################################################### # test epochs decomposition ica = ICA(noise_cov=n_cov, n_components=n_comp, max_pca_components=max_n, n_pca_components=max_n, random_state=0) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):, picks=picks) data = epochs.get_data()[:, 0, :] n_samples = assert_equal(ica.n_samples_, n_samples) print(ica) # to test repr sources = ica.get_sources(epochs).get_data() assert_true(sources.shape[1] == ica.n_components_) assert_raises(ValueError, ica.score_sources, epochs, target=np.arange(1)) # test preload filter epochs3 = epochs.copy() epochs3.preload = False assert_raises(ValueError, ica.apply, epochs3, include=[1, 2]) # test for bug with whitener updating _pre_whitener = ica._pre_whitener.copy() epochs._data[:, 0, 10:15] *= 1e12 ica.apply(epochs.copy()) assert_array_equal(_pre_whitener, ica._pre_whitener) # test expl. var threshold leading to empty sel ica.n_components = 0.1 assert_raises(RuntimeError,, epochs) offender = 1, 2, 3, assert_raises(ValueError, ica.get_sources, offender) assert_raises(ValueError,, offender) assert_raises(ValueError, ica.apply, offender)
def test_ica_eeg(): """Test ICA on EEG.""" method = 'fastica' raw_fif = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) raw_eeglab = read_raw_eeglab(input_fname=eeglab_fname, preload=True) for raw in [raw_fif, raw_eeglab]: events = make_fixed_length_events(raw, 99999, start=0, stop=0.3, duration=0.1) picks_meg = pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False)[:2] picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True)[:2] picks_all = [] picks_all.extend(picks_meg) picks_all.extend(picks_eeg) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, -0.1, 0.1, preload=True) evoked = epochs.average() for picks in [picks_meg, picks_eeg, picks_all]: if len(picks) == 0: continue # test fit for inst in [raw, epochs]: ica = ICA(n_components=2, random_state=0, max_iter=2, method=method) with pytest.warns(None):, picks=picks) # test apply and get_sources for inst in [raw, epochs, evoked]: ica.apply(inst) ica.get_sources(inst) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='MISC channel'): raw = read_raw_ctf(ctf_fname2, preload=True) events = make_fixed_length_events(raw, 99999, start=0, stop=0.2, duration=0.1) picks_meg = pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False)[:2] picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True)[:2] picks_all = picks_meg + picks_eeg for comp in [0, 1]: raw.apply_gradient_compensation(comp) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, None, -0.1, 0.1, preload=True) evoked = epochs.average() for picks in [picks_meg, picks_eeg, picks_all]: if len(picks) == 0: continue # test fit for inst in [raw, epochs]: ica = ICA(n_components=2, random_state=0, max_iter=2, method=method) with pytest.warns(None): # test apply and get_sources for inst in [raw, epochs, evoked]: ica.apply(inst) ica.get_sources(inst)
offline_events_file = './data/record-[2012.07.06-19.06.14]-eve.fif' # To epoching event_id = {'13 Hz': 2, '17 Hz': 4, '21 Hz': 3, 'resting-state': 1} # To bandpass filtering frequencies = [13., 17., 21.] frequency_range = 0.1 ## Loading EEG data for online prediction raw, events = openEEGFile(raw_file, events_file) # Filtering data for online training signal = _bandpass_filter(raw, frequencies, frequency_range) raw = createRaw(signal, raw, filtered=True) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin=2, tmax=5, baseline=None) labels =[:, -1] ## Loading EEG data for offilne ML model base offline_raw, offline_events = openEEGFile(offline_raw_file, offline_events_file) # Filtering data for offline training filtered_offline_signal = _bandpass_filter(offline_raw, frequencies, frequency_range) offline_raw = createRaw(filtered_offline_signal, offline_raw, filtered=True) offline_epochs = Epochs(offline_raw, offline_events, event_id, tmin=2,
def test_apply_reference(): """Test base function for rereferencing.""" raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) # Rereference raw data by creating a copy of original data reref, ref_data = _apply_reference(raw.copy(), ref_from=['EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) assert (['custom_ref_applied']) _test_reference(raw, reref, ref_data, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) # The CAR reference projection should have been removed by the function assert (not _has_eeg_average_ref_proj(['projs'])) # Test that data is modified in place when copy=False reref, ref_data = _apply_reference(raw, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) assert (raw is reref) # Test that disabling the reference does not change anything reref, ref_data = _apply_reference(raw.copy(), []) assert_array_equal(raw._data, reref._data) # Test re-referencing Epochs object raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=False) events = read_events(eve_fname) picks_eeg = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True) epochs = Epochs(raw, events=events, event_id=1, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.5, picks=picks_eeg, preload=True) reref, ref_data = _apply_reference(epochs.copy(), ref_from=['EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) assert (['custom_ref_applied']) _test_reference(epochs, reref, ref_data, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) # Test re-referencing Evoked object evoked = epochs.average() reref, ref_data = _apply_reference(evoked.copy(), ref_from=['EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) assert (['custom_ref_applied']) _test_reference(evoked, reref, ref_data, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) # Referencing needs data to be preloaded raw_np = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=False) pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _apply_reference, raw_np, ['EEG 001']) # Test having inactive SSP projections that deal with channels involved # during re-referencing raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) raw.add_proj( Projection( active=False, data=dict(col_names=['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'], row_names=None, data=np.array([[1, 1]]), ncol=2, nrow=1), desc='test', kind=1, )) # Projection concerns channels mentioned in projector with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Inactive signal space'): _apply_reference(raw, ['EEG 001']) # Projection does not concern channels mentioned in projector, no error _apply_reference(raw, ['EEG 003'], ['EEG 004']) # CSD cannot be rereferenced with['custom_ref_applied'] = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_CUSTOM_REF_CSD with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Cannot set.* type 'CSD'"): raw.set_eeg_reference()
def test_compute_proj_epochs(tmp_path): """Test SSP computation on epochs.""" tempdir = str(tmp_path) event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.3 raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True) events = read_events(event_fname) bad_ch = 'MEG 2443' picks = pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False, exclude=[]) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=None, proj=False) evoked = epochs.average() projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=1) write_proj(op.join(tempdir, 'test-proj.fif.gz'), projs) for p_fname in [ proj_fname, proj_gz_fname, op.join(tempdir, 'test-proj.fif.gz') ]: projs2 = read_proj(p_fname) assert len(projs) == len(projs2) for p1, p2 in zip(projs, projs2): assert p1['desc'] == p2['desc'] assert p1['data']['col_names'] == p2['data']['col_names'] assert p1['active'] == p2['active'] # compare with sign invariance p1_data = p1['data']['data'] * np.sign(p1['data']['data'][0, 0]) p2_data = p2['data']['data'] * np.sign(p2['data']['data'][0, 0]) if bad_ch in p1['data']['col_names']: bad = p1['data']['col_names'].index('MEG 2443') mask = np.ones(p1_data.size, dtype=bool) mask[bad] = False p1_data = p1_data[:, mask] p2_data = p2_data[:, mask] corr = np.corrcoef(p1_data, p2_data)[0, 1] assert_array_almost_equal(corr, 1.0, 5) if p2['explained_var']: assert_array_almost_equal(p1['explained_var'], p2['explained_var']) # test that you can compute the projection matrix projs = activate_proj(projs) proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[]) assert nproj == 2 assert U.shape[1] == 2 # test that you can save them with['projs'] += projs evoked = epochs.average(), 'foo-ave.fif')) projs = read_proj(proj_fname) projs_evoked = compute_proj_evoked(evoked, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0) assert len(projs_evoked) == 2 # XXX : test something # test parallelization projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=1, desc_prefix='foobar') assert all('foobar' in x['desc'] for x in projs) projs = activate_proj(projs) proj_par, _, _ = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[]) assert_allclose(proj, proj_par, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-16) # test warnings on bad filenames proj_badname = op.join(tempdir, 'test-bad-name.fif.gz') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='-proj.fif'): write_proj(proj_badname, projs) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='-proj.fif'): read_proj(proj_badname) # bad inputs fname = op.join(tempdir, 'out-proj.fif') with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='projs'): write_proj(fname, 'foo') with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'projs\[0\] must be .*'): write_proj(fname, ['foo'], overwrite=True)
def test_set_bipolar_reference(inst_type): """Test bipolar referencing.""" raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname, preload=True) raw.apply_proj() if inst_type == 'raw': inst = raw del raw elif inst_type in ['epochs', 'evoked']: events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014') epochs = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=-0.3, tmax=0.7, preload=True) inst = epochs if inst_type == 'evoked': inst = epochs.average() del epochs ch_info = {'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_EOG_CH, 'extra': 'some extra value'} with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='key errantly present'): set_bipolar_reference(inst, 'EEG 001', 'EEG 002', 'bipolar', ch_info) ch_info.pop('extra') reref = set_bipolar_reference(inst, 'EEG 001', 'EEG 002', 'bipolar', ch_info) assert (['custom_ref_applied']) # Compare result to a manual calculation a = inst.copy().pick_channels(['EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) a = a._data[..., 0, :] - a._data[..., 1, :] b = reref.copy().pick_channels(['bipolar'])._data[..., 0, :] assert_allclose(a, b) # Original channels should be replaced by a virtual one assert ('EEG 001' not in reref.ch_names) assert ('EEG 002' not in reref.ch_names) assert ('bipolar' in reref.ch_names) # Check channel information bp_info =['chs'][reref.ch_names.index('bipolar')] an_info =['chs'][inst.ch_names.index('EEG 001')] for key in bp_info: if key == 'coil_type': assert bp_info[key] == FIFF.FIFFV_COIL_EEG_BIPOLAR, key elif key == 'kind': assert bp_info[key] == FIFF.FIFFV_EOG_CH, key elif key != 'ch_name': assert_equal(bp_info[key], an_info[key], err_msg=key) # Minimalist call reref = set_bipolar_reference(inst, 'EEG 001', 'EEG 002') assert ('EEG 001-EEG 002' in reref.ch_names) # Minimalist call with twice the same anode reref = set_bipolar_reference(inst, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 001', 'EEG 002'], ['EEG 002', 'EEG 003', 'EEG 003']) assert ('EEG 001-EEG 002' in reref.ch_names) assert ('EEG 001-EEG 003' in reref.ch_names) # Set multiple references at once reref = set_bipolar_reference( inst, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 003'], ['EEG 002', 'EEG 004'], ['bipolar1', 'bipolar2'], [{ 'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_EOG_CH }, { 'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_EOG_CH }], ) a = inst.copy().pick_channels(['EEG 001', 'EEG 002', 'EEG 003', 'EEG 004']) a = np.concatenate([ a._data[..., :1, :] - a._data[..., 1:2, :], a._data[..., 2:3, :] - a._data[..., 3:4, :] ], axis=-2) b = reref.copy().pick_channels(['bipolar1', 'bipolar2'])._data assert_allclose(a, b) # Test creating a bipolar reference that doesn't involve EEG channels: # it should not set the custom_ref_applied flag reref = set_bipolar_reference(inst, 'MEG 0111', 'MEG 0112', ch_info={'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_MEG_CH}, verbose='error') assert (not['custom_ref_applied']) assert ('MEG 0111-MEG 0112' in reref.ch_names) # Test a battery of invalid inputs pytest.raises(ValueError, set_bipolar_reference, inst, 'EEG 001', ['EEG 002', 'EEG 003'], 'bipolar') pytest.raises(ValueError, set_bipolar_reference, inst, ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'], 'EEG 003', 'bipolar') pytest.raises(ValueError, set_bipolar_reference, inst, 'EEG 001', 'EEG 002', ['bipolar1', 'bipolar2']) pytest.raises(ValueError, set_bipolar_reference, inst, 'EEG 001', 'EEG 002', 'bipolar', ch_info=[{ 'foo': 'bar' }, { 'foo': 'bar' }]) pytest.raises(ValueError, set_bipolar_reference, inst, 'EEG 001', 'EEG 002', ch_name='EEG 003')
def test_render_report(renderer, tmpdir): """Test rendering -*.fif files for mne report.""" tempdir = str(tmpdir) raw_fname_new = op.join(tempdir, 'temp_raw.fif') raw_fname_new_bids = op.join(tempdir, 'temp_meg.fif') ms_fname_new = op.join(tempdir, 'temp_ms_raw.fif') event_fname_new = op.join(tempdir, 'temp_raw-eve.fif') cov_fname_new = op.join(tempdir, 'temp_raw-cov.fif') proj_fname_new = op.join(tempdir, 'temp_ecg-proj.fif') fwd_fname_new = op.join(tempdir, 'temp_raw-fwd.fif') inv_fname_new = op.join(tempdir, 'temp_raw-inv.fif') for a, b in [[raw_fname, raw_fname_new], [raw_fname, raw_fname_new_bids], [ms_fname, ms_fname_new], [event_fname, event_fname_new], [cov_fname, cov_fname_new], [proj_fname, proj_fname_new], [fwd_fname, fwd_fname_new], [inv_fname, inv_fname_new]]: shutil.copyfile(a, b) # create and add -epo.fif and -ave.fif files epochs_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-epo.fif') evoked_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-ave.fif') # Speed it up by picking channels raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname_new, preload=True) raw.pick_channels(['MEG 0111', 'MEG 0121', 'EEG 001', 'EEG 002']) raw.del_proj() raw.set_eeg_reference(projection=True) epochs = Epochs(raw, read_events(event_fname), 1, -0.2, 0.2), overwrite=True) # This can take forever (stall Travis), so let's make it fast # Also, make sure crop range is wide enough to avoid rendering bug evoked = epochs.average().crop(0.1, 0.2) report = Report(info_fname=raw_fname_new, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, projs=True) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Cannot render MRI'): report.parse_folder(data_path=tempdir, on_error='raise') assert repr(report) # Check correct paths and filenames fnames = glob.glob(op.join(tempdir, '*.fif')) for fname in fnames: assert (op.basename(fname) in [op.basename(x) for x in report.fnames]) assert (''.join(report.html).find(op.basename(fname)) != -1) assert_equal(len(report.fnames), len(fnames)) assert_equal(len(report.html), len(report.fnames)) assert_equal(len(report.fnames), len(report)) # Check saving functionality report.data_path = tempdir fname = op.join(tempdir, 'report.html'), open_browser=False) assert (op.isfile(fname)) with open(fname, 'rb') as fid: html ='utf-8') assert '(MaxShield on)' in html # Projectors in assert '<h4>SSP Projectors</h4>' in html # Projectors in `proj_fname_new` assert f'SSP Projectors: {op.basename(proj_fname_new)}' in html # Evoked in `evoked_fname` assert f'Evoked: {op.basename(evoked_fname)} ({evoked.comment})' in html assert 'Topomap (ch_type =' in html assert f'Evoked: {op.basename(evoked_fname)} (GFPs)' in html assert_equal(len(report.html), len(fnames)) assert_equal(len(report.html), len(report.fnames)) # Check saving same report to new filename, 'report2.html'), open_browser=False) assert (op.isfile(op.join(tempdir, 'report2.html'))) # Check overwriting file, 'report.html'), open_browser=False, overwrite=True) assert (op.isfile(op.join(tempdir, 'report.html'))) # Check pattern matching with multiple patterns pattern = ['*raw.fif', '*eve.fif'] with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Cannot render MRI'): report.parse_folder(data_path=tempdir, pattern=pattern) assert (repr(report)) fnames = glob.glob(op.join(tempdir, '*.raw')) + \ glob.glob(op.join(tempdir, '*.raw')) for fname in fnames: assert (op.basename(fname) in [op.basename(x) for x in report.fnames]) assert (''.join(report.html).find(op.basename(fname)) != -1) pytest.raises(ValueError, Report, image_format='foo') pytest.raises(ValueError, Report, image_format=None) # SVG rendering report = Report(info_fname=raw_fname_new, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, image_format='svg') tempdir = pathlib.Path(tempdir) # test using pathlib.Path with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Cannot render MRI'): report.parse_folder(data_path=tempdir, on_error='raise') # ndarray support smoke test report.add_figs_to_section(np.zeros((2, 3, 3)), 'caption', 'section') with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='figure must be a'): report.add_figs_to_section('foo', 'caption', 'section') with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='figure must be a'): report.add_figs_to_section(['foo'], 'caption', 'section')
def test_low_rank_cov(raw_epochs_events): """Test additional properties of low rank computations.""" raw, epochs, events = raw_epochs_events sss_proj_rank = 139 # 80 MEG + 60 EEG - 1 proj n_ch = 366 proj_rank = 365 # one EEG proj with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Too few samples'): emp_cov = compute_covariance(epochs) # Test equivalence with mne.cov.regularize subspace with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='are dependent.*must equal'): regularize(emp_cov,, rank=None, mag=0.1, grad=0.2) assert _cov_rank(emp_cov, == sss_proj_rank reg_cov = regularize(emp_cov,, proj=True, rank='full') assert _cov_rank(reg_cov, == proj_rank with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='exceeds the theoretical'): _compute_rank_int(reg_cov, del reg_cov with catch_logging() as log: reg_r_cov = regularize(emp_cov,, proj=True, rank=None, verbose=True) log = log.getvalue() assert 'jointly' in log assert _cov_rank(reg_r_cov, == sss_proj_rank reg_r_only_cov = regularize(emp_cov,, proj=False, rank=None) assert _cov_rank(reg_r_only_cov, == sss_proj_rank assert_allclose(reg_r_only_cov['data'], reg_r_cov['data']) del reg_r_only_cov, reg_r_cov # test that rank=306 is same as rank='full' epochs_meg = epochs.copy().pick_types(meg=True) assert len(epochs_meg.ch_names) == 306[], projs=[]) cov_full = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas', rank='full', verbose='error') assert _cov_rank(cov_full, == 306 with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='few samples'): cov_dict = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas', rank=dict(meg=306)) assert _cov_rank(cov_dict, == 306 assert_allclose(cov_full['data'], cov_dict['data']) cov_dict = compute_covariance(epochs_meg, method='oas', rank=dict(meg=306), verbose='error') assert _cov_rank(cov_dict, == 306 assert_allclose(cov_full['data'], cov_dict['data']) # Work with just EEG data to simplify projection / rank reduction raw = raw.copy().pick_types(meg=False, eeg=True) n_proj = 2 raw.add_proj(compute_proj_raw(raw, n_eeg=n_proj)) n_ch = len(raw.ch_names) rank = n_ch - n_proj - 1 # plus avg proj assert len(['projs']) == 3 epochs = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, preload=True) assert len(raw.ch_names) == n_ch emp_cov = compute_covariance(epochs, rank='full', verbose='error') assert _cov_rank(emp_cov, == rank reg_cov = regularize(emp_cov,, proj=True, rank='full') assert _cov_rank(reg_cov, == rank reg_r_cov = regularize(emp_cov,, proj=False, rank=None) assert _cov_rank(reg_r_cov, == rank dia_cov = compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='diagonal_fixed', verbose='error') assert _cov_rank(dia_cov, == rank assert_allclose(dia_cov['data'], reg_cov['data']) epochs.pick_channels(epochs.ch_names[:103]) # degenerate with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can.*only be used with rank="full"'): compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='pca') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='can.*only be used with rank="full"'): compute_covariance(epochs, rank=None, method='factor_analysis')
events, _ = events_from_annotations(raw, event_id=dict(T1=2, T2=3)) picks = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=True, stim=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') # Read epochs (train will be done only between 1 and 2s) # Testing will be done with a running classifier epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True) epochs_train = epochs.copy().crop(tmin=1., tmax=2.) labels =[:, -1] - 2 ############################################################################### # Classification with linear discrimant analysis # Define a monte-carlo cross-validation generator (reduce variance): scores = [] epochs_data = epochs.get_data() epochs_data_train = epochs_train.get_data() cv = ShuffleSplit(10, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
def test_cov_estimation_with_triggers(rank, tmpdir): """Test estimation from raw with triggers.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname) raw.set_eeg_reference(projection=True).load_data() events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014') event_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4] reject = dict(grad=10000e-13, mag=4e-12, eeg=80e-6, eog=150e-6) # cov with merged events and keep_sample_mean=True events_merged = merge_events(events, event_ids, 1234) epochs = Epochs(raw, events_merged, 1234, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=True, reject=reject, preload=True) cov = compute_covariance(epochs, keep_sample_mean=True) cov_km = read_cov(cov_km_fname) # adjust for nfree bug cov_km['nfree'] -= 1 _assert_cov(cov, cov_km) # Test with tmin and tmax (different but not too much) cov_tmin_tmax = compute_covariance(epochs, tmin=-0.19, tmax=-0.01) assert np.all( != err = (linalg.norm( -, ord='fro') / linalg.norm(, ord='fro')) assert err < 0.05 # cov using a list of epochs and keep_sample_mean=True epochs = [ Epochs(raw, events, ev_id, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=True, reject=reject) for ev_id in event_ids ] cov2 = compute_covariance(epochs, keep_sample_mean=True) assert_array_almost_equal(, assert cov.ch_names == cov2.ch_names # cov with keep_sample_mean=False using a list of epochs cov = compute_covariance(epochs, keep_sample_mean=False) assert cov_km.nfree == cov.nfree _assert_cov(cov, read_cov(cov_fname), nfree=False) method_params = {'empirical': {'assume_centered': False}} pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, keep_sample_mean=False, method_params=method_params) pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, keep_sample_mean=False, method='shrunk', rank=rank) # test IO when computation done in Python'test-cov.fif')) # test saving cov_read = read_cov(tmpdir.join('test-cov.fif')) _assert_cov(cov, cov_read, 1e-5) # cov with list of epochs with different projectors epochs = [ Epochs(raw, events[:1], None, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=True), Epochs(raw, events[:1], None, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=False) ] # these should fail pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs) pytest.raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, projs=None) # these should work, but won't be equal to above with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Too few samples'): cov = compute_covariance(epochs, projs=epochs[0].info['projs']) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Too few samples'): cov = compute_covariance(epochs, projs=[]) # test new dict support epochs = Epochs(raw, events, dict(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4), tmin=-0.01, tmax=0, proj=True, reject=reject, preload=True) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Too few samples'): compute_covariance(epochs) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Too few samples'): compute_covariance(epochs, projs=[]) pytest.raises(TypeError, compute_covariance, epochs, projs='foo') pytest.raises(TypeError, compute_covariance, epochs, projs=['foo'])
def test_compute_covariance_auto_reg(): """Test automated regularization.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True) raw.resample(100, npad='auto') # much faster estimation events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014') event_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4] reject = dict(mag=4e-12) # cov with merged events and keep_sample_mean=True events_merged = merge_events(events, event_ids, 1234) # we need a few channels for numerical reasons in PCA/FA picks = pick_types(, meg='mag', eeg=False)[:10] raw.pick_channels([raw.ch_names[pick] for pick in picks]) epochs = Epochs( raw, events_merged, 1234, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0, baseline=(-0.2, -0.1), proj=True, reject=reject, preload=True) epochs = epochs.crop(None, 0)[:10] method_params = dict(factor_analysis=dict(iter_n_components=[3]), pca=dict(iter_n_components=[3])) covs = compute_covariance(epochs, method='auto', method_params=method_params, return_estimators=True) # make sure regularization produces structured differencess diag_mask = np.eye(len(epochs.ch_names)).astype(bool) off_diag_mask = np.invert(diag_mask) for cov_a, cov_b in itt.combinations(covs, 2): if (cov_a['method'] == 'diagonal_fixed' and # here we have diagnoal or no regularization. cov_b['method'] == 'empirical'): assert_true(not np.any( cov_a['data'][diag_mask] == cov_b['data'][diag_mask])) # but the rest is the same assert_array_equal( cov_a['data'][off_diag_mask], cov_b['data'][off_diag_mask]) else: # and here we have shrinkage everywhere. assert_true(not np.any( cov_a['data'][diag_mask] == cov_b['data'][diag_mask])) assert_true(not np.any( cov_a['data'][diag_mask] == cov_b['data'][diag_mask])) logliks = [c['loglik'] for c in covs] assert_true(np.diff(logliks).max() <= 0) # descending order methods = ['empirical', 'factor_analysis', 'ledoit_wolf', 'oas', 'pca', 'shrunk', 'shrinkage'] cov3 = compute_covariance(epochs, method=methods, method_params=method_params, projs=None, return_estimators=True) method_names = [cov['method'] for cov in cov3] for method in ['factor_analysis', 'ledoit_wolf', 'oas', 'pca', 'shrinkage']: this_lik = cov3[method_names.index(method)]['loglik'] assert -55 < this_lik < -45 this_lik = cov3[method_names.index('empirical')]['loglik'] assert -110 < this_lik < -100 this_lik = cov3[method_names.index('shrunk')]['loglik'] assert -45 < this_lik < -35 assert_equal(set([c['method'] for c in cov3]), set(methods)) cov4 = compute_covariance(epochs, method=methods, method_params=method_params, projs=None, return_estimators=False) assert cov3[0]['method'] == cov4['method'] # ordering # invalid prespecified method assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, method='pizza') # invalid scalings assert_raises(ValueError, compute_covariance, epochs, method='shrunk', scalings=dict(misc=123))
def test_array_raw(): """Test creating raw from array """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # creating raw = read_raw_fif(fif_fname).crop(2, 5) data, times = raw[:, :] sfreq =['sfreq'] ch_names = [(ch[4:] if 'STI' not in ch else ch) for ch in['ch_names']] # change them, why not # del raw types = list() for ci in range(102): types.extend(('grad', 'grad', 'mag')) types.extend(['stim'] * 9) types.extend(['eeg'] * 60) # wrong length assert_raises(ValueError, create_info, ch_names, sfreq, types) # bad entry types.append('foo') assert_raises(KeyError, create_info, ch_names, sfreq, types) types[-1] = 'eog' # default type info = create_info(ch_names, sfreq) assert_equal(info['chs'][0]['kind'], _kind_dict['misc'][0]) # use real types info = create_info(ch_names, sfreq, types) raw2 = _test_raw_reader(RawArray, test_preloading=False, data=data, info=info, first_samp=2 * data.shape[1]) data2, times2 = raw2[:, :] assert_allclose(data, data2) assert_allclose(times, times2) assert_true('RawArray' in repr(raw2)) assert_raises(TypeError, RawArray, info, data) # filtering picks = pick_types(, misc=True, exclude='bads')[:4] assert_equal(len(picks), 4) raw_lp = raw2.copy() raw_lp.filter(None, 4.0, h_trans_bandwidth=4., filter_length='auto', picks=picks, n_jobs=2, phase='zero', fir_window='hamming') raw_hp = raw2.copy() raw_hp.filter(16.0, None, l_trans_bandwidth=4., filter_length='auto', picks=picks, n_jobs=2, phase='zero', fir_window='hamming') raw_bp = raw2.copy() raw_bp.filter(8.0, 12.0, l_trans_bandwidth=4., h_trans_bandwidth=4., filter_length='auto', picks=picks, phase='zero', fir_window='hamming') raw_bs = raw2.copy() raw_bs.filter(16.0, 4.0, l_trans_bandwidth=4., h_trans_bandwidth=4., filter_length='auto', picks=picks, n_jobs=2, phase='zero', fir_window='hamming') data, _ = raw2[picks, :] lp_data, _ = raw_lp[picks, :] hp_data, _ = raw_hp[picks, :] bp_data, _ = raw_bp[picks, :] bs_data, _ = raw_bs[picks, :] sig_dec = 15 assert_array_almost_equal(data, lp_data + bp_data + hp_data, sig_dec) assert_array_almost_equal(data, bp_data + bs_data, sig_dec) # plotting raw2.plot() raw2.plot_psd() plt.close('all') # epoching events = find_events(raw2, stim_channel='STI 014') events[:, 2] = 1 assert_true(len(events) > 2) epochs = Epochs(raw2, events, 1, -0.2, 0.4, preload=True) epochs.plot_drop_log() epochs.plot() evoked = epochs.average() evoked.plot() assert_equal(evoked.nave, len(events) - 1) plt.close('all') # complex data rng = np.random.RandomState(0) data = rng.randn(1, 100) + 1j * rng.randn(1, 100) raw = RawArray(data, create_info(1, 1000., 'eeg')) assert_allclose(raw._data, data)
# Filter muscular activity to only keep high frequencies emg = raw.copy().pick_channels(['EMGlft']).load_data() emg.filter(20., None, fir_design='firwin') # Filter MEG data to focus on beta band raw.pick_types(meg=True, ref_meg=True, eeg=False, eog=False).load_data() raw.filter(15., 30., fir_design='firwin') # Build epochs as sliding windows over the continuous raw file events = mne.make_fixed_length_events(raw, id=1, duration=.250) # Epoch length is 1.5 second meg_epochs = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=0., tmax=1.500, baseline=None, detrend=1, decim=8) emg_epochs = Epochs(emg, events, tmin=0., tmax=1.500, baseline=None) # Prepare classification X = meg_epochs.get_data() y = emg_epochs.get_data().var(axis=2)[:, 0] # target is EMG power # Classification pipeline with SPoC spatial filtering and Ridge Regression spoc = SPoC(n_components=2, log=True, reg='oas', rank='full') clf = make_pipeline(spoc, Ridge()) # Define a two fold cross-validation cv = KFold(n_splits=2, shuffle=False)
raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw.fif' event_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw-eve.fif' tmin, tmax = -0.1, 0.3 event_id = dict(vis_r=4) # Setup for reading the raw data raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True) raw.filter(1, 20, fir_design='firwin') # replace baselining with high-pass events = read_events(event_fname)['bads'] = ['MEG 2443'] # set bad channels picks = pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False, exclude='bads') # Epoching epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=False, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True, verbose=False) # Plot image epoch before xdawn plot_epochs_image(epochs['vis_r'], picks=[230], vmin=-500, vmax=500) ############################################################################### # Now, we estimate a set of xDAWN filters for the epochs (which contain only # the ``vis_r`` class). # Estimates signal covariance signal_cov = compute_raw_covariance(raw, picks=picks) # Xdawn instance xd = Xdawn(n_components=2, signal_cov=signal_cov)
def test_tfr_with_inverse_operator(): """Test time freq with MNE inverse computation""" tmin, tmax, event_id = -0.2, 0.5, 1 # Setup for reading the raw data raw = fiff.Raw(fname_data) events = find_events(raw, stim_channel='STI 014') inverse_operator = read_inverse_operator(fname_inv)['bads'] += ['MEG 2443', 'EEG 053'] # bads + 2 more # picks MEG gradiometers picks = fiff.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, eog=True, stim=False, exclude='bads') # Load condition 1 event_id = 1 events3 = events[:3] # take 3 events to keep the computation time low epochs = Epochs(raw, events3, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), reject=dict(grad=4000e-13, eog=150e-6), preload=True) # Compute a source estimate per frequency band bands = dict(alpha=[10, 10]) label = read_label(fname_label) stcs = source_band_induced_power(epochs, inverse_operator, bands, n_cycles=2, use_fft=False, pca=True, label=label) stc = stcs['alpha'] assert_true(len(stcs) == len(list(bands.keys()))) assert_true(np.all( > 0)) assert_array_almost_equal(stc.times, epochs.times) stcs_no_pca = source_band_induced_power(epochs, inverse_operator, bands, n_cycles=2, use_fft=False, pca=False, label=label) assert_array_almost_equal(stcs['alpha'].data, stcs_no_pca['alpha'].data) # Compute a source estimate per frequency band epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:10], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks, baseline=(None, 0), reject=dict(grad=4000e-13, eog=150e-6), preload=True) frequencies = np.arange(7, 30, 2) # define frequencies of interest power, phase_lock = source_induced_power(epochs, inverse_operator, frequencies, label, baseline=(-0.1, 0), baseline_mode='percent', n_cycles=2, n_jobs=1) assert_true(np.all(phase_lock > 0)) assert_true(np.all(phase_lock <= 1)) assert_true(np.max(power) > 10)