Example #1
def copyfile_kit(src, dest, subject_id, session_id,
                 task, run, _init_kwargs):
    """Copy and rename KIT files to a new location.

    src : str
        Path to the source raw .con or .sqd folder.
    dest : str
        Path to the destination of the new bids folder.
    subject_id : str | None
        The subject ID. Corresponds to "sub".
    session_id : str | None
        The session identifier. Corresponds to "ses".
    task : str | None
        The task identifier. Corresponds to "task".
    run : int | None
        The run number. Corresponds to "run".
    _init_kwargs : dict
        Extract information of marker and headpoints

    # create parent directories in case it does not exist yet

    # KIT data requires the marker file to be copied over too
    sh.copyfile(src, dest)
    data_path = op.split(dest)[0]
    datatype = 'meg'
    if 'mrk' in _init_kwargs:
        hpi = _init_kwargs['mrk']
        acq_map = dict()
        if isinstance(hpi, list):
            if _get_mrk_meas_date(hpi[0]) > _get_mrk_meas_date(hpi[1]):
                raise ValueError('Markers provided in incorrect order.')
            _, marker_ext = _parse_ext(hpi[0])
            acq_map = dict(zip(['pre', 'post'], hpi))
            _, marker_ext = _parse_ext(hpi)
            acq_map[None] = hpi
        for key, value in acq_map.items():
            marker_path = BIDSPath(
                subject=subject_id, session=session_id, task=task, run=run,
                acquisition=key, suffix='markers', extension=marker_ext,
            sh.copyfile(value, op.join(data_path, marker_path.basename))
    for acq in ['elp', 'hsp']:
        if acq in _init_kwargs:
            position_file = _init_kwargs[acq]
            task, run, acq = None, None, acq.upper()
            position_ext = '.pos'
            position_path = BIDSPath(
                subject=subject_id, session=session_id, task=task, run=run,
                acquisition=acq, suffix='headshape', extension=position_ext,
                        op.join(data_path, position_path.basename))
Example #2
def _get_sidecar_json_update_file(_get_bids_test_dir):
    """Return path to a sidecar JSON updating file."""
    bids_root = _get_bids_test_dir
    sample_scripts = op.join(bids_root, 'sourcedata')
    sidecar_fpath = op.join(sample_scripts, 'sidecarjson_update.json')

    update_json = {
        'InstitutionName': 'mne-bids',
        'InstitutionAddress': 'Internet',
        'MEGChannelCount': 300,
        'MEGREFChannelCount': 6,
        'SEEGChannelCount': 0,
    _write_json(sidecar_fpath, update_json, overwrite=True)

    return sidecar_fpath