Example #1
    def infer(node: Node):
        node_name = node.soft_get('name', node.id)
        connected_in_ports = [
            port for port in node.in_ports().values()
            if not port.disconnected()
        assert len(connected_in_ports) == 2, \
            "Incorrect number of inputs for {} node".format(node_name)

        logits_shape = node.in_port(0).data.get_shape()
        sequence_mask_shape = node.in_port(1).data.get_shape()

        # check shapes of input tensors
        assert len(logits_shape) == 3, \
            'Incorrect rank of logits for {} node'.format(node_name)
        assert len(sequence_mask_shape) == 2, \
            'Incorrect rank of sequence length tensor for {} node'.format(node_name)
        assert compatible_dims(logits_shape[1], sequence_mask_shape[1]), \
            'Batch dimensions of input tensors must be the same for {} node'.format(node_name)
        assert compatible_dims(logits_shape[0], sequence_mask_shape[0]), \
            'Time dimensions of input tensors must be the same for {} node'.format(node_name)

        batch_size = logits_shape[1]
        time_size = logits_shape[0]
        node.out_port(0).data.set_shape([batch_size, time_size, 1, 1])
Example #2
    def infer(node: Node):
        if node.has_and_set('extra_inputs'):
            assert len(node.in_nodes()) == 8
            assert len(node.in_nodes()) == 5
        assert len(node.out_nodes()) in [1, 2]

        hidden_shape = node.in_node(1).shape.copy()
        cell_shape = node.in_node(2).shape.copy()

        mark_input_bins(node, start_port=3)
        node.out_node(0).shape = hidden_shape
        if len(node.out_nodes()) == 2:
            node.out_node(1).shape = cell_shape

        hidden_size = hidden_shape[1]

        if node.has_valid('hidden_size'):
            if node.hidden_size != hidden_size:
                raise Error(
                    "Input shape {} for hidden size doesn't match pre-defined hidden_size in node {}"
                    .format(node.in_node(1).shape, node.soft_get('name')))
            node['hidden_size'] = hidden_size

        assert cell_shape[1] == hidden_size

        input_shape = node.in_node(0).shape
        assert input_shape is not None
        assert compatible_dims(hidden_shape[0], cell_shape[0]) and \
               compatible_dims(cell_shape[0], input_shape[0]), 'States are not broadcast-able by batch for node {}' \
                                                               ''.format(node.soft_get('name', node.id))
Example #3
def multi_box_detection_infer(node: Node):
    loc_shape = node.in_node(0).shape
    conf_shape = node.in_node(1).shape
    prior_boxes_shape = node.in_node(2).shape
    node_name = node.soft_get('name', node.id)

    if loc_shape is None or conf_shape is None or prior_boxes_shape is None:
        raise Error(
            'Shapes for the Detection Output node "{}" are not defined'.format(

    prior_size = 4
    if node.has('normalized') and not node.normalized:
        prior_size = 5

    if is_fully_defined(
            prior_boxes_shape[-1]) and prior_boxes_shape[-1] % prior_size != 0:
        raise Error(
            'Amount of confidences "{}" is not divisible by {} for node "{}"'
            ''.format(prior_boxes_shape[-1], prior_size, node_name))

    num_priors = prior_boxes_shape[-1] // prior_size
    if not node.has_valid('keep_top_k') or node.keep_top_k == -1:
        node['keep_top_k'] = num_priors

    # do not try to infer number of classes because it is not possible in case when input shapes are partially defined
    if not node.has_valid('num_classes'):
        node['num_classes'] = conf_shape[-1] // num_priors
        log.debug('Inferred amount of classes "{}"'.format(node.num_classes))

    num_loc_classes = node.num_classes
    if node.has_and_set('share_location') and node.share_location:
        num_loc_classes = 1

    if not compatible_dims(num_priors * num_loc_classes * 4, loc_shape[-1]):
        raise Error(
            'Locations and prior boxes shapes mismatch: "{}" vs "{}" for node "{}"'
            ''.format(loc_shape, prior_boxes_shape, node_name))

    if not node.variance_encoded_in_target and not compatible_dims(
            prior_boxes_shape[-2], 2):
        raise Error(
            'The "-2" dimension of the prior boxes must be 2 but it is "{}" for node "{}".'
            ''.format(prior_boxes_shape[-2], node_name))

    if is_fully_defined(conf_shape[-1]) and is_fully_defined(
            num_priors) and conf_shape[-1] % num_priors != 0:
        raise Error(
            'Amount of confidences "{}" is not divisible by amount of priors "{}" for node "{}".'
            ''.format(conf_shape[-1], num_priors, node_name))

    node.out_port(0).data.set_shape([1, 1, conf_shape[0] * node.keep_top_k, 7])

    # the line below is needed for the TF framework so the MO will not change the layout
    node.graph.node[node.out_node(0).id]['nchw_layout'] = True
Example #4
    def infer(node: Node):
        node_name = node.soft_get('name', node.id)
        connected_in_ports = [
            port for port in node.in_ports().values()
            if not port.disconnected()
        assert len(connected_in_ports) in [2, 3], \
            "Incorrect number of inputs for {} node".format(node_name)

        logits_shape = node.in_port(0).data.get_shape()
        sequence_len_shape = node.in_port(1).data.get_shape()
        if len(node.in_nodes()) == 3:
            blank_index_shape = node.in_port(2).data.get_shape()
            assert len(blank_index_shape) == 1, \
                'Incorrect rank of blank_index for {} node'.format(node_name)

        # check shapes of input tensors
        assert len(logits_shape) == 3, \
            'Incorrect rank of logits for {} node'.format(node_name)

        assert len(sequence_len_shape) == 1, \
            'Incorrect rank of sequence length tensor for {} node'.format(node_name)
        assert compatible_dims(logits_shape[0], sequence_len_shape[0]), \
            'Batch dimensions of input tensors must be the same for {} node'.format(node_name)

        batch_size = logits_shape[0]
        time_size = logits_shape[1]
        if node.is_out_port_connected(0):
            node.out_port(0).data.set_shape([batch_size, time_size])
        if node.is_out_port_connected(1):
Example #5
    def infer(node: Node):
        name = node.soft_get('name', node.id)

        connected_in_ports = {
            idx: port
            for idx, port in node.in_ports().items()
            if not port.disconnected()
        assert len(connected_in_ports) >= 2 and 0 in connected_in_ports and 1 in connected_in_ports, \
            'FullyConnected should have 2 connected input ports, but it doesn\'t for node: `{}`. Ports: {}' \
            ''.format(name, connected_in_ports)

        assert node.has_valid('out-size')
        input_shape = node.in_port(0).data.get_shape()
        weights_shape = node.in_port(1).data.get_shape()
        assert input_shape is not None and weights_shape is not None, \
            'Incorrect FullyConnected input shapes. Node: {}. Shapes: {}'.format(name, [input_shape, weights_shape])
        assert weights_shape.size == 2
        out_size = node.soft_get('out-size')
        assert compatible_dims(weights_shape[0], out_size), \
            'weights_shape={}, out-size={}'.format(weights_shape, out_size)

        if 2 in connected_in_ports:
            bias_value = node.in_port(2).data.get_value()
            bias_shape = node.in_port(2).data.get_shape()
            assert bias_shape is not None, 'Shape was not inferred for biases of FullyConnected {}'.format(
            assert bias_value is not None, 'Value was not inferred for biases of FullyConnected {}'.format(
            assert compatible_shapes(bias_shape, [out_size]) or compatible_shapes(bias_shape, [1, out_size]), \
                'Incorrect FullyConnected bias shape `{}` for node {}. `out-size`={}'.format(bias_shape, node, out_size)

        node.out_port(0).data.set_shape([*input_shape[:-1], out_size])
Example #6
    def infer(node: Node):
        Performs shape inference of MatMul node as operation doc-string says
        Raises on any shape inconsistency
        name = node.soft_get('name', str(node.id))
        connected_in_ports = {
            idx: port
            for idx, port in node.in_ports().items()
            if not port.disconnected()
        assert len(connected_in_ports) == 2 and 0 in connected_in_ports and 1 in connected_in_ports, \
            "MatMul should have 2 connected input ports, but it doesn't for node: `{}`. Ports: {}" \
            "".format(name, connected_in_ports)

        log.debug('MatMul `{}` input shapes: {}'.format(
            name, [node.in_port(i).data.get_shape() for i in range(2)]))
        A_shape, B_shape = MatMul.shape_alignment(node)
        log.debug('MatMul `{}` aligned input shapes: {}'.format(
            name, [A_shape, B_shape]))

        assert compatible_dims(A_shape[-1], B_shape[-2]), \
            "MatMul input shapes are incorrect. COL_INDEX_DIMs are not equal. Node: {}. Shapes: {}" \
            "".format(name, [A_shape, B_shape])

        output_shape = np.ma.concatenate((A_shape[:-1], B_shape[-1:]))

        if node.in_port(0).data.get_shape().size == 1:
            assert compatible_dims(output_shape[-2], 1)
            output_shape = shape_delete(output_shape, -2)
        if node.in_port(1).data.get_shape().size == 1:
            assert compatible_dims(output_shape[-1], 1)
            output_shape = shape_delete(output_shape, -1)


        in_ch = 0 if not node.transpose_b else 1
        out_ch = 1 if not node.transpose_b else 0
        assign_dims_to_weights(node.in_node(1), None, in_ch, out_ch,
Example #7
    def infer(node):
        layout = node.graph.graph['layout']
        node_name = node.soft_get('name', node.id)

        assert len([port for port in node.in_ports().values() if not port.disconnected()]) == 3, \
            'The node "{}" must 3 inputs'.format(node_name)

        assert node.has_valid(
        ), '"pooled_w" attribute is not set for node "{}"'.format(node_name)
        assert node.has_valid(
        ), '"pooled_h" attribute is not set for node "{}"'.format(node_name)
        assert node.has_valid(
            'mode'), '"mode" attribute is not set for node "{}"'.format(
        assert node.mode in ['avg', 'max'], \
            '"mode" attribute range of values is ["avg", "max"], got {} for node "{}"'.format(node.mode, node_name)

        input_shape = node.in_port(0).data.get_shape()
        rois_shape = node.in_port(1).data.get_shape()
        indices_shape = node.in_port(2).data.get_shape()
        assert input_shape is not None and rois_shape is not None and indices_shape is not None, \
            'The node "{}" input shape is None'.format(node_name)
        assert compatible_dims(rois_shape[0], indices_shape[0]), 'The number of batch indices does not correspond ' \
                                                                 'to number of ROIs for node "{}"'.format(node_name)
        assert compatible_dims(
            4), 'The size of ROI element must be 4 for node "{}"'.format(
        assert len(
        ) == 4, 'The rank of port 0 input tensor of node "{}" must be 4.'.format(

                             features=input_shape[get_features_dim(layout, 4)],
Example #8
    def insert_pre_processing(graph: Graph, input_node: Node,
                              node_mean_scale_values: np.array,
                              preprocessing_name: str):
        assert preprocessing_name in ['scale', 'mean']
        if node_mean_scale_values.get(preprocessing_name) is None:
        user_value = node_mean_scale_values[preprocessing_name]
        value = 1 / user_value if preprocessing_name == 'scale' else user_value * (
        optimize_value = int(preprocessing_name == 'scale')
        op = Mul if preprocessing_name == 'scale' else Add

        if all([x == optimize_value for x in value]):
        assert input_node.has_valid('shape')
        features_dim_idx = get_features_dim(graph.graph['layout'],
        assert compatible_dims(
            value.size, input_node.shape[features_dim_idx]) or value.size == 1

        shape = np.ones(len(input_node.shape), dtype=np.int64)
        shape[features_dim_idx] = value.size
        value = value.reshape(shape)

        name = input_node.soft_get('name',
                                   input_node.id) + '/' + preprocessing_name
        preprocessing = create_op_with_const_inputs(graph,
                                                    port_value_dict={1: value},
                                                    op_attrs={'name': name})

        for dst in input_node.out_port(0).get_destinations():
            if dst.node.soft_get('type') != 'ShapeOf':
                # After the insertion of additional operations model optimizer
                # should keep the link to the input layer. Parameter node in framework
                # should map to parameter node in IR.
                # For this reason 'fw_tensor_debug_info' should be kept in data node.

Example #9
    def replace_pattern(graph, match: dict):
        # Check for SS params
        # Sanity check that we iterate over axis of some tensor
        ss = match['Strided_slice']
        params = ss.in_nodes()
        assert np.all(params[1].in_node().value == 0)
        assert np.all(params[2].in_node().value == 1)
        assert np.all(params[3].in_node().value == 1)

        # Check for comparing SS and seq_length source (it should be one tensor)
        # SIMPLE CHECK
        assert match['Strided_slice_data'].value is not None
        if match['minimum_data'].value is None:
                'TF loop doesn\'t have a constant upper bound produced by node {}, or ModelOptimizer '
                'cannot detect a constant in this case. Loops with a dynamic number of iterations are not '
                'supported, so in the resulting IR, generated TensorIterator will have '
                'a maximum number of iterations determined by input tensor size: {}'
            assert compatible_dims(match['Strided_slice_data'].value, match['minimum_data'].value), \
                'Values do not match: {} and {}'.format(match['Strided_slice_data'].value, match['minimum_data'].value)

        # Check that bound for Condition and Inputs/Outputs sizes match
        condition_time = match['condition'].out_node(0)
        inputs_and_outputs = condition_time.out_nodes()
        type_list = ['TensorIteratorInput']

        for ta in inputs_and_outputs:
            if ta.has_valid(
                    'kind') and ta['kind'] == 'op' and ta['op'] in type_list:
                assert ta.in_node(0).id == ss.id

            '+++++++++++++++ Condition Check was successful ++++++++++++++++')
Example #10
    def infer(node: Node):
        node_name = node.soft_get('name', node.id)
        connected_in_ports = [port for port in node.in_ports().values() if not port.disconnected()]
        assert len(connected_in_ports) == 2, \
            "Incorrect number of inputs for {} node".format(node_name)

        data_shape = node.in_port(0).data.get_shape()
        data_value = node.in_port(0).data.get_value()
        indices_shape = node.in_port(1).data.get_shape()
        indices_value = node.in_port(1).data.get_value()

        assert node.has_valid('batch_dims'),  "Node {} must contain `batch_dims` attribute".format(node_name)
        batch_dims = node.batch_dims

        # check that a number of batch dimensions is less than both ranks of data and indices tensors
        assert batch_dims < len(data_shape), "Number of batch dimensions must be less than a rank of data"
        assert batch_dims < len(indices_shape), "Number of batch dimensions must be less than a rank of indices"

        # check that batch dimensions of data and indices are the same
        for batch_dim in range(batch_dims):
            assert compatible_dims(data_shape[batch_dim], indices_shape[batch_dim]), \
                "The dimension {} for data and indices tensors must be the same".format(batch_dim)

        # check ranks of input tensors
        assert len(data_shape) > 0, "Data must not be a scalar"
        assert len(indices_shape) > 0, "Indices must not be a scalar"
        assert (batch_dims + indices_shape[-1]) <= len(data_shape), \
            "Length of a tuple with indices must not exceed a rank of data tensor excluding batch dimensions"
        assert node['version'] in ['opset5', 'opset8'], 'Unsupported version of GatherND operation: {}, operation ' \
                                                        'name : {}'.format(node['version'], node.soft_get('name'))

        # compute output shape
        batch = []
        if batch_dims > 0:
            if node['version'] == 'opset5':  # Support old version of gatherND shape inference
                if is_fully_defined(data_shape[:batch_dims]):
                    batch = [np.prod(data_shape[:batch_dims]).tolist()]
                    batch = [dynamic_dimension_value]
            elif node['version'] == 'opset8':
                for dim in range(batch_dims):
                    assert compatible_dims(indices_shape[dim], data_shape[dim]),\
                        "Batch dimensions in data.shape and indices.shape must be compatible"
                if is_fully_defined(indices_shape[:batch_dims]):
                    batch = indices_shape[:batch_dims].tolist()
                elif is_fully_defined(data_shape[:batch_dims]):
                    batch = data_shape[:batch_dims].tolist()
                    for ind in range(batch_dims):
                        if indices_shape[ind] != dynamic_dimension_value:
                        elif data_shape[ind] != dynamic_dimension_value:

        slice_shape = list(data_shape[(batch_dims + indices_shape[-1]):])

        output_shape = batch + list(indices_shape)[batch_dims:-1] + slice_shape

        # compute output value if all input indices are defined
        if is_fully_defined(indices_value) and data_value is not None:
            batch_dims_size = 1

            for i in range(batch_dims):
                batch_dims_size *= indices_shape[i]

            output_data = []

            reshaped_indices = indices_value.reshape(batch_dims_size, -1, indices_shape[-1])

            reshaped_data = data_value.reshape((batch_dims_size,) + tuple((data_shape[batch_dims:])))

            for batch_dim in range(reshaped_indices.shape[0]):
                for outer_dim in range(reshaped_indices.shape[1]):
                    gather_index = tuple(reshaped_indices[batch_dim][outer_dim])
                    output_data.append(reshaped_data[(batch_dim,) + gather_index])
            output_value = np.asarray(output_data, dtype=data_value.dtype).reshape(output_shape)
Example #11
    def infer(node: Node):
        node_name = node.soft_get('name', node.id)
        connected_in_ports = [
            port for port in node.in_ports().values()
            if not port.disconnected()
        assert len(connected_in_ports) == 2, \
            "Incorrect number of inputs for {} node".format(node_name)

        data_shape = node.in_port(0).data.get_shape()
        data_value = node.in_port(0).data.get_value()
        indices_shape = node.in_port(1).data.get_shape()
        indices_value = node.in_port(1).data.get_value()

        assert node.has_valid(
        ), "Node {} must contain `batch_dims` attribute".format(node_name)
        batch_dims = node.batch_dims

        # check that a number of batch dimensions is less than both ranks of data and indices tensors
        assert batch_dims < len(
        ), "Number of batch dimensions must be less than a rank of data"
        assert batch_dims < len(
        ), "Number of batch dimensions must be less than a rank of indices"

        # check that batch dimensions of data and indices are the same
        for batch_dim in range(batch_dims):
            assert compatible_dims(data_shape[batch_dim], indices_shape[batch_dim]), \
                "The dimension {} for data and indices tensors must be the same".format(batch_dim)

        # check ranks of input tensors
        assert len(data_shape) > 0, "Data must not be a scalar"
        assert len(indices_shape) > 0, "Indices must not be a scalar"
        assert (batch_dims + indices_shape[-1]) <= len(data_shape), \
            "Length of a tuple with indices must not exceed a rank of data tensor excluding batch dimensions"

        # compute output shape
        if batch_dims > 0:
            if is_fully_defined(data_shape[:batch_dims]):
                batch = [np.prod(data_shape[:batch_dims]).tolist()]
                batch = [dynamic_dimension_value]
            batch = []
        slice_shape = list(data_shape[(batch_dims + indices_shape[-1]):])
        output_shape = batch + list(indices_shape[batch_dims:-1]) + slice_shape

        # compute output value if all input values are defined
        if is_fully_defined(indices_value) and is_fully_defined(data_value):
            output_value = np.zeros(output_shape, dtype=data_value.dtype)
            if batch_dims == 0:
                output_indices_range = int64_array(indices_shape[:-1])
                for output_index in np.ndindex(tuple(output_indices_range)):
                    indices_tuple = indices_value[output_index]
                    output_value[output_index] = data_value[tuple(
                batch_dims_range = int64_array(indices_shape[:batch_dims])
                for batch_indices in np.ndindex(tuple(batch_dims_range)):
                    # compute batch index in output tensor
                    batch_ind = 0
                    num_elements = 1
                    for ind in reversed(range(len(batch_dims_range))):
                        batch_ind += batch_indices[ind] * num_elements
                        num_elements *= batch_dims_range[ind]
                    output_indices_range = int64_array(
                    for output_index in np.ndindex(
                        tmp_ind = batch_indices + output_index
                        indices_tuple = tuple(indices_value[tmp_ind].T)
                        full_input_ind = batch_indices + indices_tuple
                        full_output_ind = tuple(np.array([batch_ind
                                                          ]).T) + output_index
                        output_value[full_output_ind] = data_value[
Example #12
    def repack_weights(graph: Graph, match: dict):
        Repack weights into general format (described above) and reorder gates.
        rnn_layer = match['rnn_layer']
        W = match['W'].value.copy()
        R = match['R'].value.copy()
        num_directions = 2 if rnn_layer.direction == 'bidirectional' else 1

        graph.remove_edge(match['W'].id, rnn_layer.id)
        graph.remove_edge(match['R'].id, rnn_layer.id)

        # find optional 'B' biases blob
        if 3 in rnn_layer.in_nodes():
            # TODO: check if 'bin': 'B' attribute is assigned to this edge
            B = rnn_layer.in_node(3).value.copy()
            graph.remove_edge(rnn_layer.in_node(3).id, rnn_layer.id)
            B_shape = [
                2 * rnn_layer.multiplier * rnn_layer.hidden_size
            ]  # from ONNX spec
            B = np.full(B_shape, 0, dtype=np.float32)

        # Add extra dimensions for W, R and B for easier repacking and reordering
        B = B.reshape([
            num_directions,  # 0: num of directions
            rnn_layer.num_layers,  # 1: num_layers
            2,  # 2: two input parts of the matrix: W, R
            multiplier,  # 3: four output parts of the matrix for all gates in order: i, o, f, c
            rnn_layer.hidden_size,  # 4: output size per direction and gate

        W, R = [
                num_directions,  # 0: num of directions
                rnn_layer.num_layers,  # 1: num_layers
                multiplier,  # 2: four output parts of the matrix for all gates in order: i, o, f, c
                rnn_layer.hidden_size,  # 3: output size per direction and gate
            ])  # 4: input size/hidden size in W/R correspondingly
            for x in (W, R)

        input_size = match['input'].shape[2]
        assert compatible_dims(input_size, W.shape[-1])

        # Reorder gates: iofc --> fico
        gate_reorder = rnn_layer.gate_order
        W, R = (np.take(x, gate_reorder, axis=2) for x in (W, R))
        B = np.take(B, gate_reorder, axis=3)

        for blob, port in [(W, 1), (R, 2), (B, 3)]:
                graph, rnn_layer, {
                    'value': blob,
                    'shape': np.array(blob.shape, dtype=np.int64)
                }, {
                    'in': port,
                    'permutation': None