your = utils.clearStringHard(auth._POST['your'])
if ('tasks' in auth._POST) and not (auth._POST['tasks'] is None):
    tasks = utils.clearGlobalIds(auth._POST['tasks'])

out_arr = []
your_arr = []
tasks_arr = []
tasks = getTotalIdsString(user_id=auth.user_id,
if len(tasks) < 1:
    headers.errorResponse('Please sync your device')
sql = "select group_concat(id,',') as int_tasks from tasks where globalid in ('" + "','".join(
    tasks.split(',')) + "')"
tasks_row = mydb.fetchone()
if tasks_row is None:
    headers.errorResponse('Permission denied')
tasks = str(tasks_row['int_tasks']).strip(',')
if len(out) > 0:
    out_arr = list(set((int(x)) for x in out.split(',')))
if len(your) > 0:
    your_arr = list(set((int(x)) for x in your.split(',')))
if len(tasks) > 0:
    tasks_arr = list(set(str(x) for x in tasks.split(',')))

all_devices = list(set().union(out_arr, your_arr))  # integers
def_id = db.getDefaultDevice(auth.user_id)

if (len(all_devices) < 1) or len(tasks) < 1:
if len(your_arr) < 1 and len(out_arr) < 1 and len(in_arr) < 1:
            "Nothing to do")

if str(auth.user_id) in your_arr:

if str(def_id) in your_arr:
if len(your_arr) < 1 and len(out_arr) < 1 and len(in_arr) < 1:
            "You can not remove current and default devices.\nBut you can erase your account from server")

if len(out_arr) > 0:
    req_filter = ",".join(list(out_arr))
            "delete from sync_devices where src=" + str(auth.user_some_state) + " and dst in (" + req_filter + ")")
    sql_request("""delete sync_tasks from sync_tasks 
             inner join tasks as t on and t.devid=""" + str(auth.user_some_state) + """
             where sync_tasks.dst in (""" + req_filter + ")")

if len(in_arr) > 0:
    req_filter = ",".join(list(in_arr))
            "delete from sync_devices where dst=" + str(auth.user_some_state) + " and src in (" + req_filter + ")")
    sql_request("""delete sync_tasks from sync_tasks 
             inner join tasks as t on and t.devid in (""" + req_filter + """) 
             where sync_tasks.dst in (""" + str(auth.user_some_state) + ")")

if len(your_arr) > 0:
    req_filter = ",".join(list(your_arr))
from _common.api import headers
from _common.api import utils
from mobile_service.apiv1._mobile import sql_request


jsonpost = auth._POST

if (jsonpost is None) or ('login' not in jsonpost) or ('device'
                                                       not in jsonpost):
    headers.errorResponse('Bad request')

login = utils.clearUserLogin(jsonpost['login'])
device = utils.clearUserLogin(jsonpost['device'])

sql_request('select id from users where login="******" and state>0')
uid = 0
rows = mydb.fetchall()
for row in rows:
    uid = int(row['id'])

sql_request('select id from devices where uid=' + str(uid) + ' and name="' +
            device + '"')
another_device = 0
rows = mydb.fetchall()
for row in rows:
    another_device = int(row['id'])

if (another_device < 1) or (uid < 1):
    headers.errorResponse('Not found')
currentdir = os.path.dirname(
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(currentdir)))
from _common.api._settings import mydb
from _common.api import auth
from _common.api import headers
from _common.api import utils
from _common.api import translation
from mobile_service.apiv1._mobile import sql_request


jsonpost = auth._POST
if (jsonpost is None) or ('invite' not in jsonpost):
    headers.errorResponse('Bad request')
invite = utils.clearStringHard(str(jsonpost['invite']))[:7].lower()
if len(invite) < 3:
    headers.errorResponse('Too short invite')
sql_request('select id from sync_devices where (dst=' +
            str(auth.user_some_state) + ') and invite="' + invite + '"')
row = mydb.fetchone()
id = 0
if row is None:
    headers.errorResponse('Not found')
id = int(row['id'])
if id < 1:
    headers.errorResponse('Not found')

sql_request('update sync_devices set invite="", state=1 where id=' + str(id))
headers.goodResponse({'state': True}, translation.getValue('confirm_invite'))