Example #1
def mobsfy(request, api=False):
    """Configure Instance for Dynamic Analysis."""
    logger.info('MobSFying Android instance')
    data = {}
    msg = 'Connection failed'
        identifier = request.POST['identifier']
        if cmd_injection_check(identifier):
            # Additional Check, not required
            data = {
                'status': 'failed',
                'message': 'Command Injection Detected',
            return send_response(data, api)
        create_env = Environment(identifier)
        if not create_env.connect_n_mount():
            data = {'status': 'failed', 'message': msg}
            return send_response(data, api)
        version = create_env.mobsfy_init()
        if not version:
            data = {'status': 'failed', 'message': msg}
            return send_response(data, api)
            data = {'status': 'ok', 'android_version': version}
    except Exception as exp:
        logger.exception('MobSFying Android instance failed')
        data = {'status': 'failed', 'message': str(exp)}
    return send_response(data, api)
def dynamic_analyzer(request, checksum, api=False):
    """Android Dynamic Analyzer Environment."""
    logger.info('Creating Dynamic Analysis Environment')
        no_device = False
        if not is_md5(checksum):
            # We need this check since checksum is not validated
            # in REST API
            return print_n_send_error_response(request, 'Invalid Parameters',
        package = get_package_name(checksum)
        if not package:
            return print_n_send_error_response(request, 'Invalid Parameters',
            identifier = get_device()
        except Exception:
            no_device = True
        if no_device or not identifier:
            msg = ('Is the android instance running? MobSF cannot'
                   ' find android instance identifier. '
                   'Please run an android instance and refresh'
                   ' this page. If this error persists,'
                   ' set ANALYZER_IDENTIFIER in '
            return print_n_send_error_response(request, msg, api)
        env = Environment(identifier)
        if not env.connect_n_mount():
            msg = 'Cannot Connect to ' + identifier
            return print_n_send_error_response(request, msg, api)
        version = env.get_android_version()
        logger.info('Android Version identified as %s', version)
        xposed_first_run = False
        if not env.is_mobsfyied(version):
            msg = ('This Android instance is not MobSfyed/Outdated.\n'
                   'MobSFying the android runtime environment')
            if not env.mobsfy_init():
                return print_n_send_error_response(
                    request, 'Failed to MobSFy the instance', api)
            if version < 5:
                xposed_first_run = True
        if xposed_first_run:
            msg = ('Have you MobSFyed the instance before'
                   ' attempting Dynamic Analysis?'
                   ' Install Framework for Xposed.'
                   ' Restart the device and enable'
                   ' all Xposed modules. And finally'
                   ' restart the device once again.')
            return print_n_send_error_response(request, msg, api)
        # Clean up previous analysis
        # Configure Web Proxy
        # Supported in Android 5+
        # Apply Global Proxy to device
        # Start Clipboard monitor
        # Get Screen Resolution
        screen_width, screen_height = env.get_screen_res()
        apk_path = Path(settings.UPLD_DIR) / checksum / f'{checksum}.apk'
        # Install APK
        status, output = env.install_apk(apk_path.as_posix(), package)
        if not status:
            # Unset Proxy
            msg = (f'This APK cannot be installed. Is this APK '
                   f'compatible the Android VM/Emulator?\n{output}')
            return print_n_send_error_response(request, msg, api)
        logger.info('Testing Environment is Ready!')
        context = {
            'screen_witdth': screen_width,
            'screen_height': screen_height,
            'package': package,
            'hash': checksum,
            'android_version': version,
            'version': settings.MOBSF_VER,
            'title': 'Dynamic Analyzer'
        template = 'dynamic_analysis/android/dynamic_analyzer.html'
        if api:
            return context
        return render(request, template, context)
    except Exception:
        logger.exception('Dynamic Analyzer')
        return print_n_send_error_response(request, 'Dynamic Analysis Failed.',