Example #1
    def parse_response(self, response):
        if len(response) < 3:
            raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                "Response length is invalid {0}".format(len(response)))

        # check for max length problem, the iCharger HID based Modbus protocol handles only
        # 64 byte packets.  If you want to read more, then send multiple read requests.
        (self.response_length, self.adu_constant,
         self.response_func_code) = struct.unpack(">BBB", response[0:3])

        if self.adu_constant != 0x30:
            raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                "Response doesn't containt constant 0x30 in ADU portion, constant value found is {0}"

        if self.response_func_code != self.func_code:
            raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                "Response func_code {0} isn't the same as the request func_code {1}"
                .format(self.response_func_code, self.func_code))

        # primitive byte swap the entire thing...
        header = response[2:4]
        # LOGGER.debug(get_log_buffer("header <- ", header))

        data = response[4:]
        # LOGGER.debug(get_log_buffer("data <- ", data))

        final = header + ''.join(
            [c for t in zip(data[1::2], data[::2]) for c in t])

        # LOGGER.debug(get_log_buffer("final <- ", final))

        return final
Example #2
    def parse_response(self, response):
        if len(response) < 3:
            raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                "Response length is invalid {0}".format(len(response)))

        (self.response_length, self.adu_constant, self.response_func_code, self.modbus_error) = \
            struct.unpack("=BBBB", response[0:4])

        if self.response_length > MAX_READWRITE_LEN:
            raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                "Response length is greater than {0}".format(

        if self.response_func_code == self.func_code:
            # primitive byte swap the entire thing... but only if this is the READ INPUT/HOLDING type
            if self.func_code == cst.READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS or self.func_code == cst.READ_INPUT_REGISTERS:
                header = response[2:4]
                data = response[4:]
                response = header + ''.join(
                    [c for t in zip(data[1::2], data[::2]) for c in t])
                # skip len/adu const - returning everything else
                response = response[2:]

            self.modbus_error = 0
            if self.response_func_code == self.func_code | 0x80:
                raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                    "Response contains error code {0}: {1}".format(
            # else:
            #     # skip len/adu const - returning everything else - this avoids bitching about invalid reads, but
            #     # of course does not solve the root problem.
            #     response = response[2:]

            self.modbus_error = 0

        return response
Example #3
    def parse_response(self, response):
        if len(response) < 3:
            raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                "Response length is invalid {0}".format(len(response)))

        (self.response_length, self.adu_constant, self.response_func_code, self.modbus_error) = \
            struct.unpack("=BBBB", response[0:4])

        if self.adu_constant != MODBUS_HID_FRAME_TYPE:
            raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                "Response does not contain the expected frame type constant (0x30) in ADU portion of the result, constant value found is {0}"

        if self.response_func_code != self.func_code:
            if self.response_func_code == self.func_code | 0x80:
                raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                    "Response contains error code {0}: {1}".format(

            raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                "Response func_code {0} isn't the same as the request func_code {1}"
                .format(self.response_func_code, self.func_code))
            self.modbus_error = 0

        # primitive byte swap the entire thing... but only if this is the READ INPUT/HOLDING type
        if self.func_code == cst.READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS or self.func_code == cst.READ_INPUT_REGISTERS:
            header = response[2:4]
            data = response[4:]
            response = header + ''.join(
                [c for t in zip(data[1::2], data[::2]) for c in t])
            response = response[2:]

        return response
Example #4
    def execute(
        self, slave, function_code, starting_address, quantity_of_x=0, output_value=0, data_format="", expected_length=-1):
        Execute a modbus query and returns the data part of the answer as a tuple
        The returned tuple depends on the query function code. see modbus protocol
        specification for details
        data_format makes possible to extract the data like defined in the
        struct python module documentation

        pdu = ""
        is_read_function = False
        nb_of_digits = 0

        # open the connection if it is not already done

        # Build the modbus pdu and the format of the expected data.
        # It depends of function code. see modbus specifications for details.
        if function_code == defines.READ_COILS or function_code == defines.READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS:
            is_read_function = True
            pdu = struct.pack(">BHH", function_code, starting_address, quantity_of_x)
            byte_count = quantity_of_x // 8
            if (quantity_of_x % 8) > 0:
                byte_count += 1
            nb_of_digits = quantity_of_x
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">" + (byte_count * "B")
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + bytcodeLen + bytecode + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = byte_count + 5

        elif function_code == defines.READ_INPUT_REGISTERS or function_code == defines.READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS:
            is_read_function = True
            pdu = struct.pack(">BHH", function_code, starting_address, quantity_of_x)
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">" + (quantity_of_x * "H")
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + bytcodeLen + bytecode x 2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 2 * quantity_of_x + 5

        elif (function_code == defines.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL) or (function_code == defines.WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER):
            if function_code == defines.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL:
                if output_value != 0:
                    output_value = 0xff00
            fmt = ">BH"+("H" if output_value >= 0 else "h")
            pdu = struct.pack(fmt, function_code, starting_address, output_value)
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">HH"
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + adress1 + adress2 + value1+value2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 8

        elif function_code == defines.WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS:
            byte_count = len(output_value) // 8
            if (len(output_value) % 8) > 0:
                byte_count += 1
            pdu = struct.pack(">BHHB", function_code, starting_address, len(output_value), byte_count)
            i, byte_value = 0, 0
            for j in output_value:
                if j > 0:
                    byte_value += pow(2, i)
                if i == 7:
                    pdu += struct.pack(">B", byte_value)
                    i, byte_value = 0, 0
                    i += 1
            if i > 0:
                pdu += struct.pack(">B", byte_value)
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">HH"
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + adress1 + adress2 + outputQuant1 + outputQuant2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 8

        elif function_code == defines.WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS:
            if output_value and data_format:
                byte_count =  struct.calcsize(data_format)
                byte_count = 2 * len(output_value)
            pdu = struct.pack(">BHHB", function_code, starting_address, byte_count / 2, byte_count)
            if output_value and data_format:
                pdu += struct.pack(data_format, *output_value)
                for j in output_value:
                    fmt = "H" if j >= 0 else "h"
                    pdu += struct.pack(">" + fmt, j)
            # data_format is now used to process response which is always 2 registers:
            #   1) data address of first register, 2) number of registers written
            data_format = ">HH"
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + adress1 + adress2 + outputQuant1 + outputQuant2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 8

        elif function_code == defines.READ_EXCEPTION_STATUS:
            pdu = struct.pack(">B", function_code)
            data_format = ">B"
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                expected_length = 5

        elif function_code == defines.DIAGNOSTIC:
            # SubFuncCode  are in starting_address
            pdu = struct.pack(">BH", function_code, starting_address)
            if len(output_value) > 0:
                for j in output_value:
                    # copy data in pdu
                    pdu += struct.pack(">B", j)
                if not data_format:
                    data_format = ">" + (len(output_value) * "B")
                if expected_length < 0:
                    # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                    # slave + func + SubFunc1 + SubFunc2 + Data + crc1 + crc2
                    expected_length = len(output_value) + 6

        elif function_code == defines.READ_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS:
            is_read_function = True
            byte_count = 2 * len(output_value)
            pdu = struct.pack(
                function_code, starting_address, quantity_of_x, defines.READ_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS,
                len(output_value), byte_count
            for j in output_value:
                fmt = "H" if j >= 0 else "h"
                # copy data in pdu
                pdu += struct.pack(">"+fmt, j)
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">" + (quantity_of_x * "H")
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No lenght was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + bytcodeLen + bytecode x 2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 2 * quantity_of_x + 5
            raise ModbusFunctionNotSupportedError("The {0} function code is not supported. ".format(function_code))

        # instantiate a query which implements the MAC (TCP or RTU) part of the protocol
        query = self._make_query()

        # add the mac part of the protocol to the request
        request = query.build_request(pdu, slave)

        # send the request to the slave
        retval = call_hooks("modbus.Master.before_send", (self, request))
        if retval is not None:
            request = retval
        if self._verbose:
            LOGGER.debug(get_log_buffer("-> ", request))

        call_hooks("modbus.Master.after_send", (self, ))

        if slave != 0:
            # receive the data from the slave
            response = self._recv(expected_length)
            retval = call_hooks("modbus.Master.after_recv", (self, response))
            if retval is not None:
                response = retval
            if self._verbose:
                LOGGER.debug(get_log_buffer("<- ", response))

            # extract the pdu part of the response
            response_pdu = query.parse_response(response)

            # analyze the received data
            (return_code, byte_2) = struct.unpack(">BB", response_pdu[0:2])

            if return_code > 0x80:
                # the slave has returned an error
                exception_code = byte_2
                raise ModbusError(exception_code)
                if is_read_function:
                    # get the values returned by the reading function
                    byte_count = byte_2
                    data = response_pdu[2:]
                    if byte_count != len(data):
                        # the byte count in the pdu is invalid
                        raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                            "Byte count is {0} while actual number of bytes is {1}. ".format(byte_count, len(data))
                    # returns what is returned by the slave after a writing function
                    data = response_pdu[1:]

                # returns the data as a tuple according to the data_format
                # (calculated based on the function or user-defined)
                result = struct.unpack(data_format, data)
                if nb_of_digits > 0:
                    digits = []
                    for byte_val in result:
                        for i in range(8):
                            if len(digits) >= nb_of_digits:
                            digits.append(byte_val % 2)
                            byte_val = byte_val >> 1
                    result = tuple(digits)
                return result
Example #5
    def execute(
        self, slave, function_code, starting_address, quantity_of_x=0, output_value=0, data_format="",
        expected_length=-1, write_starting_address_fc23=0, number_file=None, pdu=""
        Execute a modbus query and returns the data part of the answer as a tuple
        The returned tuple depends on the query function code. see modbus protocol
        specification for details
        data_format makes possible to extract the data like defined in the
        struct python module documentation
        For function Read_File_Record 
        starting_address, quantity_of_x, number_file must be tuple () 
        of one long (by the number of requested sub_seq)
        the result will be 
        ((sub _ seq_0 _ data), (sub_seq_1_data),... (sub_seq_N_data)).

        is_read_function = False
        nb_of_digits = 0
        if number_file is None:
            number_file = tuple()

        # open the connection if it is not already done

        # Build the modbus pdu and the format of the expected data.
        # It depends of function code. see modbus specifications for details.
        if function_code == defines.READ_COILS or function_code == defines.READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS:
            is_read_function = True
            pdu = struct.pack(">BHH", function_code, starting_address, quantity_of_x)
            byte_count = quantity_of_x // 8
            if (quantity_of_x % 8) > 0:
                byte_count += 1
            nb_of_digits = quantity_of_x
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">" + (byte_count * "B")
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + bytcodeLen + bytecode + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = byte_count + 5

        elif function_code == defines.READ_INPUT_REGISTERS or function_code == defines.READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS:
            is_read_function = True
            pdu = struct.pack(">BHH", function_code, starting_address, quantity_of_x)
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">" + (quantity_of_x * "H")
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + bytcodeLen + bytecode x 2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 2 * quantity_of_x + 5

        elif function_code == defines.READ_FILE_RECORD:
            is_read_function = True 
            if (
                isinstance(number_file, tuple)
                and isinstance(starting_address, tuple)
                and isinstance(quantity_of_x, tuple)
                and len(number_file) == len(starting_address) == len(quantity_of_x) > 0
                count_seq = len(number_file)
                raise ModbusInvalidRequestError(
                    'For function READ_FILE_RECORD param'
                    'starting_address, quantity_of_x, number_file must be tuple()'
                    'of one length > 0 (by the number of requested sub_seq)'
            pdu = struct.pack(">BB", function_code, count_seq * 7) + b''.join(map(lambda zip_param: struct.pack(">BHHH", *zip_param), zip(count_seq * (6, ), number_file, starting_address, quantity_of_x)))
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">BB" + 'BB'.join(map(lambda x: x*'H', quantity_of_x))
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + bytcodeLen + (byteLenSubReq+byteref+bytecode[] x 2)*countSubReq + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 2 * sum(quantity_of_x) + 2 * count_seq + 5

        elif (function_code == defines.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL) or (function_code == defines.WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER):
            if function_code == defines.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL:
                if output_value != 0:
                    output_value = 0xff00
                fmt = ">BHH"
                fmt = ">BH"+("H" if output_value >= 0 else "h")
            pdu = struct.pack(fmt, function_code, starting_address, output_value)
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">HH"
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + adress1 + adress2 + value1+value2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 8

        elif function_code == defines.WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS:
            byte_count = len(output_value) // 8
            if (len(output_value) % 8) > 0:
                byte_count += 1
            pdu = struct.pack(">BHHB", function_code, starting_address, len(output_value), byte_count)
            i, byte_value = 0, 0
            for j in output_value:
                if j > 0:
                    byte_value += pow(2, i)
                if i == 7:
                    pdu += struct.pack(">B", byte_value)
                    i, byte_value = 0, 0
                    i += 1
            if i > 0:
                pdu += struct.pack(">B", byte_value)
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">HH"
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + adress1 + adress2 + outputQuant1 + outputQuant2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 8

        elif function_code == defines.WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS:
            if output_value and data_format:
                byte_count =  struct.calcsize(data_format)
                byte_count = 2 * len(output_value)
            pdu = struct.pack(">BHHB", function_code, starting_address, byte_count // 2, byte_count)
            if output_value and data_format:
                pdu += struct.pack(data_format, *output_value)
                for j in output_value:
                    fmt = "H" if j >= 0 else "h"
                    pdu += struct.pack(">" + fmt, j)
            # data_format is now used to process response which is always 2 registers:
            #   1) data address of first register, 2) number of registers written
            data_format = ">HH"
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + adress1 + adress2 + outputQuant1 + outputQuant2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 8

        elif function_code == defines.READ_EXCEPTION_STATUS:
            pdu = struct.pack(">B", function_code)
            data_format = ">B"
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                expected_length = 5

        elif function_code == defines.DIAGNOSTIC:
            # SubFuncCode  are in starting_address
            pdu = struct.pack(">BH", function_code, starting_address)
            if len(output_value) > 0:
                for j in output_value:
                    # copy data in pdu
                    pdu += struct.pack(">B", j)
                if not data_format:
                    data_format = ">" + (len(output_value) * "B")
                if expected_length < 0:
                    # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                    # slave + func + SubFunc1 + SubFunc2 + Data + crc1 + crc2
                    expected_length = len(output_value) + 6

        elif function_code == defines.READ_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS:
            is_read_function = True
            byte_count = 2 * len(output_value)
            pdu = struct.pack(
                function_code, starting_address, quantity_of_x, write_starting_address_fc23,
                len(output_value), byte_count
            for j in output_value:
                fmt = "H" if j >= 0 else "h"
                # copy data in pdu
                pdu += struct.pack(">"+fmt, j)
            if not data_format:
                data_format = ">" + (quantity_of_x * "H")
            if expected_length < 0:
                # No length was specified and calculated length can be used:
                # slave + func + bytcodeLen + bytecode x 2 + crc1 + crc2
                expected_length = 2 * quantity_of_x + 5

        elif function_code == defines.RAW:
            # caller has to set arguments "pdu", "expected_length", and "data_format"

        elif function_code == defines.DEVICE_INFO:
            # is_read_function = True
            mei_type = 0x0E
            pdu = struct.pack(
                # function_code = 43 (0x2B)
                # MEI Type = 0x0E (Read Device Identification)
                # output_value[0] = Read Device ID code
                # output_value[1] = Object Id
                function_code, mei_type, output_value[0], output_value[1]

            raise ModbusFunctionNotSupportedError("The {0} function code is not supported. ".format(function_code))

        # instantiate a query which implements the MAC (TCP or RTU) part of the protocol
        query = self._make_query()

        # add the mac part of the protocol to the request
        request = query.build_request(pdu, slave)

        # send the request to the slave
        retval = call_hooks("modbus.Master.before_send", (self, request))
        if retval is not None:
            request = retval
        if self._verbose:
            LOGGER.debug(get_log_buffer("-> ", request))

        call_hooks("modbus.Master.after_send", (self, ))

        if slave != 0:
            # receive the data from the slave
            response = self._recv(expected_length)
            retval = call_hooks("modbus.Master.after_recv", (self, response))
            if retval is not None:
                response = retval
            if self._verbose:
                LOGGER.debug(get_log_buffer("<- ", response))

            # extract the pdu part of the response
            response_pdu = query.parse_response(response)

            # analyze the received data
            (return_code, byte_2) = struct.unpack(">BB", response_pdu[0:2])

            if return_code > 0x80:
                # the slave has returned an error
                exception_code = byte_2
                raise ModbusError(exception_code)
                if is_read_function:
                    # get the values returned by the reading function
                    byte_count = byte_2
                    data = response_pdu[2:]
                    if byte_count != len(data):
                        # the byte count in the pdu is invalid
                        raise ModbusInvalidResponseError(
                            "Byte count is {0} while actual number of bytes is {1}. ".format(byte_count, len(data))
                elif function_code == defines.DEVICE_INFO:
                    data = response_pdu[1:]
                    data_format = ">" + (len(data) * "B")
                    # returns what is returned by the slave after a writing function
                    data = response_pdu[1:]

                # returns the data as a tuple according to the data_format
                # (calculated based on the function or user-defined)
                if (re.match("[>]?[sp]?",data_format)):
                    result = data.decode()
                    result = struct.unpack(data_format, data)
                if nb_of_digits > 0:
                    digits = []
                    for byte_val in result:
                        for i in range(8):
                            if len(digits) >= nb_of_digits:
                            digits.append(byte_val % 2)
                            byte_val = byte_val >> 1
                    result = tuple(digits)
                if function_code == defines.READ_FILE_RECORD:
                    sub_seq = list()
                    ptr = 0
                    while ptr < len(result):
                        sub_seq += ((ptr + 2, ptr + 2 + result[ptr] // 2), )
                        ptr += result[ptr] // 2 + 2
                    result = tuple(map(lambda sub_seq_x: result[sub_seq_x[0]:sub_seq_x[1]], sub_seq))
                return result