Example #1
 def setUp(self):
     # dx1 (t)/dt = x1 (t), x1 (0) = 1
     # x1 (t) = e ^ t
     self.odes = ODES()
     self.odes.add_equation("x1", "x1")
     self.odes.define_initial_value("x1", 1.0)
     self.theta = RandomParameterList()
     sigma_dist = Gamma(1, 1)
     sigma = RandomParameter("sigma", sigma_dist)
     sigma.value = 1.0
Example #2
 def test_equation_parameters (self):
     """ Tests if the system can store equation parameters correctly.
     odes = ODES ()
     odes.add_equation ("x1", "k * x1")
     odes.define_initial_value ("x1", 1.0)
     odes.define_parameter ("k", 2)
     # Solution is x1 (t) = exp (2t)
     t = np.linspace (0, 2, 11)
     y = odes.evaluate_on (t)
     for i in range (len (t)):
         analytic = math.exp (2 * t[i])
         assert (abs (y["x1"][i] - analytic) / analytic < 1e-1)
Example #3
 def test_differentiation (self):
     odes = ODES ()
     odes.add_equation ("S", "- (p1 * S)")
     odes.add_equation ("R", "p2 * R * S")
     odes.define_parameter ("p1", 2)
     odes.define_parameter ("p2", 4)
     jac_f = odes.get_system_jacobian ()
     jac = jac_f ([0], [1, 1], args=(2, 4))
     self.assertEqual (jac[0][0], -2)
     self.assertEqual (jac[0][1], 0)
     self.assertEqual (jac[1][0], 4)
     self.assertEqual (jac[1][1], 4)
Example #4
 def test_initial_status (self):
     """ Tests if the system starts at the initial state. """
     odes = ODES ()
     # dx1(t)/dt = x1 (t)
     # dx2(t)/dt = x2 (t)
     odes.add_equation ("x1", "x1")
     odes.add_equation ("x2", "x2")
     odes.define_initial_value ("x1", 100.0)
     odes.define_initial_value ("x2", 250.5)
     y = odes.evaluate_on ([0])
     self.assertListEqual (y["x1"], [100])
     self.assertListEqual (y["x2"], [250.5])
Example #5
 def test_when_solution_times_doesnt_start_on_zero (self):
     """ Tests what happens when the times asked for an evaluation
         do not start on zero. """
     odes = ODES ()
     # dx1 (t)/dt = x1 (t)
     # Solution is x1 (t) = exp (t)
     odes.add_equation ("x1", "x1")
     odes.define_initial_value ("x1", 1.0)
     t = np.linspace (3, 5, 12)
     y = odes.evaluate_on (t)
     for i in range (len (t)):
         analytic = math.exp (t[i])
         assert (abs (y["x1"][i] - analytic) / analytic < 1e-1)
Example #6
 def test_solve_with_arbitrary_initial_state (self):
     """ Tests if one can solve an ODES with an arbitrary initial 
         state set as a parameter. """
     odes = ODES ()
     # dx1 (t)/dt = x1 (t)
     # Solution is x1 (t) = 10 * exp (t) when x1(0) = 10
     odes.add_equation ("x1", "x1")
     odes.define_initial_value ("x1", 1.0)
     t = np.linspace (0, 2, 11)
     initial_state = {"x1": 10.0}
     y = odes.evaluate_on (t, initial_state)
     for i in range (len (t)):
         analytic = 10 * math.exp (t[i])
         assert (abs (y["x1"][i] - analytic) / analytic < 1e-1)
Example #7
def sbml_to_odes(sbml):
    """ Creates an ODE model given an SBML object.
            sbml: a model.SBML object.

        Returns an ODES object that is a system of differential
        equations that rules the concentration changes of the chemical
        species specified on the sbml model.
    odes = ODES()
    variables = sbml.get_species_list()
    for var in variables:
        formula = sbml.get_species_kinetic_law(var)
        initial_val = sbml.get_initial_concentration(var)
        odes.add_equation(var, formula)
        odes.define_initial_value(var, initial_val)

    params = sbml.get_all_param()
    for param in params:
        odes.define_parameter(param, params[param])
    odes.name = sbml.name
    return odes
Example #8
class TestLikelihoodFunction(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # dx1 (t)/dt = x1 (t), x1 (0) = 1
        # x1 (t) = e ^ t
        self.odes = ODES()
        self.odes.add_equation("x1", "x1")
        self.odes.define_initial_value("x1", 1.0)
        self.theta = RandomParameterList()
        sigma_dist = Gamma(1, 1)
        sigma = RandomParameter("sigma", sigma_dist)
        sigma.value = 1.0

    def __gaussian(self, mu, sigma, x):
        """ Calculates a point of the gaussian function. """
        l = np.exp (-.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma) ** 2) * \
                (1 / (sigma * np.sqrt (2 * np.pi)))
        return l

    def test_get_likelihood_point(self):
        """ Tests if the likelihood can return the correct value when
            there's only one observation. """
        # x1(0) = 1.0
        # D ~ Gaussian (x1(0), 1) ~ Gaussian (1, 1)
        # f_D (1) = e ^ -{[(0) ^ 2] / [2 * 1]} * {1 * sqrt (2pi)} ^ -1
        f_D = self.__gaussian(1, 1, 1)
        analytic = np.log(f_D)

        t = [0]
        values = [1.0]
        var = "x1"
        experiments = [Experiment(t, values, var)]
        likelihood_f = LikelihoodFunction(self.odes)
        l = likelihood_f.get_log_likelihood(experiments, self.theta)
        assert (abs(analytic - l) < 1e-8)

    def test_get_likelihood_over_time(self):
        """ Tests if the likelihood can return the correct value when 
            the observation occurs in multiple time points. """
        t = [0, .25, .5, .75, 1]
        D = [np.exp(x) for x in t]
        experiments = [Experiment(t, D, "x1")]
        f_D = 1
        for y in D:
            f_D *= self.__gaussian(y, 1, y)
        analytic = np.log(f_D)

        likelihood_f = LikelihoodFunction(self.odes)
        l = likelihood_f.get_log_likelihood(experiments, self.theta)
        assert (abs(analytic - l) < 1e-2)

    def test_get_likelihood_experiment_set(self):
        """ Tests if can return the likelihood of data in respect to
            multiple experimnets. """
        t = [0, .25, .5, .75, 1]
        D = [np.exp(x) for x in t]
        experiment = Experiment(t, D, "x1")
        experiments = [experiment, experiment]
        f_D = 1
        for y in D:
            f_D *= self.__gaussian(y, 1, y)
        f_D **= 2
        analytic = np.log(f_D)

        likelihood_f = LikelihoodFunction(self.odes)
        l = likelihood_f.get_log_likelihood(experiments, self.theta)
        assert (abs(analytic - l) < 1e-2)
Example #9
    def test_get_system_jacobian (self):
        """ Tests if we can produce the jacobian of the system. """
        odes = ODES ()
        # dx1 (t)/dt = x1 (t)/2 + x2(t)/2
        # dx2 (t)/dt = x1 (t)/2 + x2(t)/2
        # Solution is x1 (t) = exp (t), x2 (t) = exp (t)
        odes.add_equation ("x1", "x1/2 + x2/2")
        odes.add_equation ("x2", "x1/2 + x2/2")
        jac_f = odes.get_system_jacobian ()
        jac = jac_f ([0], [0, 0], args=[])
        self.assertEqual (jac[0][0], .5)
        self.assertEqual (jac[0][1], .5)
        self.assertEqual (jac[1][0], .5)
        self.assertEqual (jac[1][1], .5)

        odes = ODES ()
        odes.add_equation ("x", "x/y")
        odes.add_equation ("y", "1")
        jac_f = odes.get_system_jacobian ()
        jac = jac_f ([0], [1, 1], args=[])
        self.assertEqual (jac[0][0], 1)
        assert (abs (jac[0][1] + 1) < 1e-8)
        self.assertEqual (jac[1][0], 0)
        self.assertEqual (jac[1][1], 0)
Example #10
 def test_get_parameters (self):
     """ Tests if the system can return all parameters. """
     odes = ODES ()
     odes.add_equation ("x1", "k * x1")
     odes.define_parameter ("k", 2)
     odes.add_equation ("x2", "k2 * x2")
     odes.define_parameter ("k2", 4)
     params = odes.get_all_parameters ()
     self.assertEqual (params["k"], 2)
     self.assertEqual (params["k2"], 4)
Example #11
    def test_integration (self):
        """ Tests if the system can be solved numerically. """
        odes = ODES ()
        # dx1 (t)/dt = x1 (t)
        # Solution is x1 (t) = exp (t)
        odes.add_equation ("x1", "x1")
        odes.define_initial_value ("x1", 1.0)
        t = np.linspace (0, 2, 11)
        y = odes.evaluate_on (t)
        for i in range (len (t)):
            analytic = math.exp (t[i])
            assert (abs (y["x1"][i] - analytic) / analytic < 1e-1)

        odes = ODES ()
        # dx1 (t)/dt = x1 (t)/2 + x2(t)/2
        # dx2 (t)/dt = x1 (t)/2 + x2(t)/2
        # Solution is x1 (t) = exp (t), x2 (t) = exp (t)
        odes.add_equation ("x1", "x1/2 + x2/2")
        odes.add_equation ("x2", "x1/2 + x2/2")
        odes.define_initial_value ("x1", 1.0)
        odes.define_initial_value ("x2", 1.0)
        y = odes.evaluate_on (t)
        for i in range (len (t)):
            analytic = math.exp (t[i])
            assert (abs (y["x1"][i] - analytic) / analytic < 1e-1)
            assert (abs (y["x2"][i] - analytic) / analytic < 1e-1)
Example #12
 def test_formulas_with_powers (self):
     """ Tests if the system can solve forula with powers of 
         variables. """
     odes = ODES ()
     # dx (t)/dt = pow (x (t), 2)
     # Solution is 1/ (1 - t)
     odes.add_equation ("x", "pow (x, 2)")
     odes.define_initial_value ("x", 1.0)
     t = np.linspace (0, .9, 10)
     y = odes.evaluate_on (t)
     for i in range (len (t)):
         analytic = 1 / (1 - t[i])
         assert (abs (y["x"][i] - analytic) / analytic < 5e-1)
     odes = ODES ()
     # dx (t)/dt = x (t) ** 2
     odes.add_equation ("x", "x ** 2")
     odes.define_initial_value ("x", 1.0)
     t = np.linspace (0, .9, 10)
     y = odes.evaluate_on (t)
     for i in range (len (t)):
         analytic = 1 / (1 - t[i])
         assert (abs (y["x"][i] - analytic) / analytic < 5e-1)