def test(self): """ DELETE THIS BEFORE RELEASE used for internal testing (not correct way but we need to use it like this for now) """ global test_count test_count += 1 model.api.showPopup("Creating test host %d" % test_count) from utils.error_report import exception_handler def raiser(): sys.excepthook = exception_handler time.sleep(3) raise Exception("Exception from a secondary thread...") from model.hosts import Host from model.hosts import Interface from model.hosts import Service from model.hosts import HostApplication self._main_app.getLogger().log("testing..") self._main_app.getLogger().log("creating test host %d" % test_count) host = Host("TestHost-%d" % test_count, "Windows 2003") service = Service( "TestService-%d" % test_count, "TCP", [80,8080], "running") interface = Interface("eth%d" % test_count, mac = "00:00:00:00:00:00", ipv4_address = "10.1.1.%d" % test_count, ipv4_mask = "", ipv4_gateway = "10.1.1.%d" % (test_count+1), hostname_resolution = "TestHost-%d" % test_count) app = HostApplication( "AppTest-%d" % test_count, "running", "1.0 beta") host.addInterface(interface) host.addService(service) host.addApplication(app) interface.addService(service) app.addService(service) service.addInterface(interface) self._model_controller.addHostASYNC(host)
def test(self): """ DELETE THIS BEFORE RELEASE used for internal testing (not correct way but we need to use it like this for now) """ global test_count test_count += 1 model.api.showPopup("Creating test host %d" % test_count) from utils.error_report import exception_handler def raiser(): sys.excepthook = exception_handler time.sleep(3) raise Exception("Exception from a secondary thread...") from model.hosts import Host from model.hosts import Interface from model.hosts import Service from model.hosts import HostApplication self._main_app.getLogger().log("testing..") self._main_app.getLogger().log("creating test host %d" % test_count) host = Host("TestHost-%d" % test_count, "Windows 2003") service = Service("TestService-%d" % test_count, "TCP", [80, 8080], "running") interface = Interface("eth%d" % test_count, mac="00:00:00:00:00:00", ipv4_address="10.1.1.%d" % test_count, ipv4_mask="", ipv4_gateway="10.1.1.%d" % (test_count + 1), hostname_resolution="TestHost-%d" % test_count) app = HostApplication("AppTest-%d" % test_count, "running", "1.0 beta") host.addInterface(interface) host.addService(service) host.addApplication(app) interface.addService(service) app.addService(service) service.addInterface(interface) self._model_controller.addHostASYNC(host)