Example #1
    def openAfterMaybeSaveCallback(self, selected):
        Receives file selection info from the dialog created by
        openAfterMaybeSave, following user input.

        Extracts the file name and passes it to the decode method, which
        returns a new document doc, which is then set as the open document
        by newDocument. Calls finalizeImport and disconnects dialog signaling.
        if isinstance(selected, QStringList) or isinstance(selected, list):
            fname = selected[0]
            fname = selected
        if not fname or os.path.isdir(fname):
            return False
        fname = str(fname)
        decode(self._document, file(fname).read())
        if hasattr(self, "filesavedialog"):  # user did save
            if self.fileopendialog != None:
            # manual garbage collection to prevent hang (in osx)
            del self.fileopendialog
            self.fileopendialog = None
    def openAfterMaybeSaveCallback(self, selected):
        Receives file selection info from the dialog created by
        openAfterMaybeSave, following user input.

        Extracts the file name and passes it to the decode method, which
        returns a new document doc, which is then set as the open document
        by newDocument. Calls finalizeImport and disconnects dialog signaling.
        if isinstance(selected, QStringList) or isinstance(selected, list):
            fname = selected[0]
            fname = selected
        if not fname or os.path.isdir(fname):
            return False
        fname = str(fname)
        with open(fname) as fd:
            decode(self._document, fd.read())
        if hasattr(self, "filesavedialog"): # user did save
            if self.fileopendialog != None:
            # manual garbage collection to prevent hang (in osx)
            del self.fileopendialog
            self.fileopendialog = None
    def openAfterMaybeSaveCallback(self, selected):
        Receives file selection info from the dialog created by
        openAfterMaybeSave, following user input.

        Extracts the file name and passes it to the decode method, which
        returns a new document doc, which is then set as the open document
        by newDocument. Calls finalizeImport and disconnects dialog signaling.
        if isinstance(selected, (list, tuple)):
            fname = selected[0]
            fname = selected
        if fname is None or fname == '' or os.path.isdir(fname):
            return False
        if not os.path.exists(fname):
            return False

        with io.open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
            decode(self._document, fd.read())

        if hasattr(self, "filesavedialog"):  # user did save
            if self.fileopendialog is not None:
            # manual garbage collection to prevent hang (in osx)
            del self.fileopendialog
            self.fileopendialog = None
Example #4
 def newDocument(self, isFirstNewDoc=False, fp=None):
     Creates a new document, ensuring that a document controller is also instantiated if required.
     If isFirstNewDoc is True, a new documentController is always instantiated.
     A new documentController will create a new document during __init__().
     This method is called by finishInit() to ensure a document is created on application init.
     from controllers.documentcontroller import DocumentController
     defaultFile = fp or os.environ.get('CADNANO_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT', None)
     if defaultFile and isFirstNewDoc:
         defaultFile = path.expanduser(defaultFile)
         defaultFile = path.expandvars(defaultFile)
         dc = DocumentController()
         doc = dc.document()
         from model.io.decoder import decode
         decode(doc, file(defaultFile).read())
         print "Loaded default document: %s" % doc
         dc = next(iter(self.documentControllers), None)
         # cadnano currently only supports ONE documentcontroller per app instance, controlling exactly ONE document.
         if dc:                  # if a documentcontroller already exists
             dc.newDocument()    # currently, this just empties the existing document object.
         else: # first dc
             # A DocumentController creates a new doc during init and adds itself to app.documentControllers:
             dc = DocumentController()
     return dc.document()
Example #5
 def application_openFile_(self, app, f):
     if f == "main.py":  # ignore
     extension = os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower()
     if extension not in ('.nno', '.json', '.cadnano'):
         print("Could not open file %s (bad extension %s)" % (f, extension))
     dc = list(sharedCadnanoObj().documentControllers)[0]
     decode(dc.document(), file(str(f)).read())
     return None
 def application_openFile_(self, app, f):
     if f == "main.py":  # ignore
     extension = os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower()
     if extension not in ('.nno', '.json', '.cadnano'):
         print "Could not open file %s (bad extension %s)"%(f, extension)
     dc = list(sharedCadnanoObj().documentControllers)[0]
     decode(dc.document(), file(str(f)).read())
     return None
Example #7
 def __init__(self, fileName):
Example #8
 def newDocument(self, isFirstNewDoc=False):
     from controllers.documentcontroller import DocumentController
     defaultFile = os.environ.get('CADNANO_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT', None)
     if defaultFile and isFirstNewDoc:
         defaultFile = path.expanduser(defaultFile)
         defaultFile = path.expandvars(defaultFile)
         dc = DocumentController()
         doc = dc.document()
         from model.io.decoder import decode
         decode(doc, file(defaultFile).read())
         print "Loaded default document: %s" % doc
         docCtrlrCount = len(self.documentControllers)
         if docCtrlrCount == 0:  # first dc
             # dc adds itself to app.documentControllers
             dc = DocumentController()
         elif docCtrlrCount == 1:  # dc already exists
             dc = list(self.documentControllers)[0]
             dc.newDocument()  # tell it to make a new doucment
     return dc.document()
Example #9
 def newDocument(self, isFirstNewDoc=False):
     from controllers.documentcontroller import DocumentController
     defaultFile = os.environ.get('CADNANO_DEFAULT_DOCUMENT', None)
     if defaultFile and isFirstNewDoc:
         defaultFile = path.expanduser(defaultFile)
         defaultFile = path.expandvars(defaultFile)
         dc = DocumentController()
         doc = dc.document()
         from model.io.decoder import decode
         decode(doc, file(defaultFile).read())
         print "Loaded default document: %s" % doc
         docCtrlrCount = len(self.documentControllers)
         if docCtrlrCount == 0:  # first dc
             # dc adds itself to app.documentControllers
             dc = DocumentController()
         elif docCtrlrCount == 1:  # dc already exists
             dc = list(self.documentControllers)[0]
             dc.newDocument()  # tell it to make a new doucment
     return dc.document()
Example #10
    def getTestSequences(self, designname, sequencesToApply):
        Called by a sequence-verification functional test to read in a file
        (designname), apply scaffold sequence(s) to that design, and return
        the set of staple sequences."""
        # set up the document
        from model.io.decoder import decode

        inputfile = "tests/functionaltestinputs/%s" % designname
        document = self.documentController.document()
        with file(inputfile) as f:
            decode(document, f.read())
        self.setWidget(self.documentController.win, False, None)
        part = document.selectedPart()
        # apply one or more sequences to the design
        for sequenceName, startVhNum, startIdx in sequencesToApply:
            sequence = sequences.get(sequenceName, None)
            for vh in part.getVirtualHelices():
                if vh.number() == startVhNum:
                    strand = vh.scaffoldStrandSet().getStrand(startIdx)
        generatedSequences = part.getStapleSequences()
        return set(generatedSequences.splitlines())
    def getTestSequences(self, designname, sequencesToApply):
        Called by a sequence-verification functional test to read in a file
        (designname), apply scaffold sequence(s) to that design, and return
        the set of staple sequences."""
        # set up the document
        from model.io.decoder import decode

        inputfile = "tests/functionaltestinputs/%s" % designname
        document = self.documentController.document()
        with file(inputfile) as f:
            decode(document, f.read())
        self.setWidget(self.documentController.win, False, None)
        part = document.selectedPart()
        # apply one or more sequences to the design
        for sequenceName, startVhNum, startIdx in sequencesToApply:
            sequence = sequences.get(sequenceName, None)
            for vh in part.getVirtualHelices():
                if vh.number() == startVhNum:
                    strand = vh.scaffoldStrandSet().getStrand(startIdx)
        generatedSequences = part.getStapleSequences()
        return set(generatedSequences.splitlines())